Conceptual Study Guide 1,2 M1-2 PDF

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Anthropology: Culture and Social Conscience

Module 1. Social Anthropology, Research and Application Areas

Student name: ___________________________________________________________________

Topic 1: Anthropology as a Science

1. According to M. Harris what is anthropology?

2. Why is anthropology different from other sciences that study human aspects?

3. Do a concept map to represent the 4 main areas of anthropology as proposed by

Harris. (Use the back of this page)

4. Use the table to write the branches of the 4 main areas of anthropology. (find this
information in the visual aid from Topic Resources 1 in CANVAS)

Areas Branches
social or




Teacher Marcia Arroyo Santillán

Anthropology: Culture and Social Conscience
Module 1. Social Anthropology, Research and Application Areas
Student name: ___________________________________________________________________

Topic 2. History, Theories and Precursors in Anthropology

1. Write about the three stages that can be recognized in the development of anthropology
according to Marzal (1998).
Stage Characteristics

2. Who was the author of the first textbook of general anthropology?

3. What is the definition of culture according to Tyler?

Teacher Marcia Arroyo Santillán

Anthropology: Culture and Social Conscience
Module 1. Social Anthropology, Research and Application Areas
Student name: ___________________________________________________________________

4. Write the characteristics of the stages of man´s history according to Lewis H. Morgan,
use the table.

Stages of man´s history

Stage Characteristics




stage of


Teacher Marcia Arroyo Santillán

Anthropology: Culture and Social Conscience
Module 1. Social Anthropology, Research and Application Areas
Student name: ___________________________________________________________________

5. Write the main characteristics and authors of the following schools or currents which
have given anthropology its main theoretical perspectives.

a) Evolutionist school

b) Historical particularism

c) Functionalism

d) Culture and personality, the influence of Freud in anthropology

e) Neoevolutionism

f) French structuralism

g) Cultural ecology

Teacher Marcia Arroyo Santillán

Anthropology: Culture and Social Conscience
Module 1. Social Anthropology, Research and Application Areas
Student name: ___________________________________________________________________

6. Write a brief definition the following key concepts

 State

 Otherness

 Acculturation

 Enculturation

 Polygyny

 Ethnocentrism

 Ego

 Empathy

Teacher Marcia Arroyo Santillán

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