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Taylor, a 6-year-old boy, comes to the clinic. He has never had any immunizations. Using the
CDC website answer the following questions...

1. What vaccines will he be given today?

DTaP, hepatitis B, MMR, varicella, IPV, and hepatitis A

2. When should he return for the next immunizations?

For children not immunized during infancy and younger than 7 years of age, the second
set of immunizations should include DTaP, hepatitis B, IPV, and MMR 1 month after the
initial visit, and then two more doses of DTaP, one of hepatitis B, one of IPV, one of
varicella, and one of hepatitis A, to complete the catch-up.

3. What information regarding vaccine administration must be documented?

Date of administration; manufacturer and lot number of vaccine; name, address, and
title of person administering vaccine; site; route; evidence that parent or guardian gave
informed consent

4. Describe the problems with the MMR study that began vaccine fears.
a. Small sample size: only 8 children included in the study
b. The study was not about the effect of the vaccine. It was about children with autism
and gastrointestinal problems
c. Methodology of the study was poor so the study had to be retracted
d. Over 5000 studies worldwide since then have demonstrated that the vaccine has no
effect on the incidence of autism in children. The incidence of Measles, Mumps and
Rubella has increased since the publication of the problematic study.

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