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A Sequential Integration Method for Inverse Dynamic

Analysis of Flexible Link Manipulators

F. Xi R. G. Fenton

I n thas paper a sequentaal zntegratzon method 2s proposed f o r t h e inverse dynamac analyszs of flexzhle lziik inanzpulators. Due t o link deflections, t h c Lliieinalic and dyiiairizc equatzons of flexible link inaiiipulalor 5 a r c coupled. Based o n the proposed nieihod, uihile solrz i i g the dynamzc equatzon for link defleciioiis erplically, j o i n t motzons can be zniplicatly ohtatired w i t h t h e help of t h e kzneinatzcs of flexable lznk nini,tpnlafors T h e n substitution of Ihe coinpuled j o i i i i i i i o ~ l o i i t~r i i d h k dejleclzoiis into the d y i i a i i i i c equal?oii f o r I l i t j o i n t torques lends t o the solutioii of t h e prohleirr of i h f I I I verse dynainzcs The proposed m e t h o d I S c o i i c e p l u a l l y a n d coniputatzoiially straightforward, c o i i i p a i c d io ! l i ~ other methods, and zts effecliveness 1s deinorrstrated by a n U in e rz cnl exa in ple

the acceleration equation is

D = D(0,

6, 0 , 11,




The clyiiamic equat,ioiis caii lie expressed as

T = T(O,

0 , 0 , U , ii, ii)


where T = [r,0IT; antl T rttpresciit,s t,lic joint. t,orqucs. It is worth noting t,lia.t. tluc, to (.lie l i i i l i dcflect.ious U and t.lieir derivatives ii, U, t.lre kinematic and dynainic eqiiat,ioiis of a flexible l i l i l i manipulator are coupled. Convent.ionally, tlie iiiverse dyiiiuiiics of a. flexible liiik iiianipulat.or is simplified by decoupling these two sets of equat.ioiis based on t,lie concept of nominal joint mot,ioiis. These joint motioiis are determined using t,he 1;iiiemat.ics for the rigid link counterpart of a flexible 1 Introduction link manipulator, neglecting the influence of the link tleflec t ions on the manipulator Itiiicnia t.ics. It is advantageous to use flexible link manipulat,ors in terms of higher opera.tion speed, great,er The inethods pulilishecl i i i the literature to solve this of payload-to-weight,, lower power requirement, iiioro prol)lem may lie categorized i i r t . 0 t.Iiiwf groups. 111 t.lre compact structure, etc. However, due to l i n l t flcxihilfirst gro~11). joiiit torques, T , a t r t l the link cleflectlir it.y, flexible link manipulat,ors might. untlergo \:il)rat i o i i s 1,ioiis. 1 1 . arc s i i n ~ r l t ~ i r t c ~ o uI i ~ l ~ ( ~ r i i i ihy ~ ( 1 i w l y ( ~ly i i ( it(>rat during operation. Est.eiisive researcli h a s h ~ i ~i ( J I I PIII w l v i i i g t l i e t l y r i a i i i i c q u a t ioiih c,ori,c,sl~oil(liiig t~ 1 I i r recent years on reducing t.liese viliratioiih, i i h s ~ i i i i i i i i i - iioiiii1i;iI joint iiiotioris ( H a y o P(. a l 1<)89)>( A s a t l a et rized in tlre paper by 13001; (1990). Oiir of t h e iiii1)oral 1 9 9 0 ) . 111 t.lie second group, thr dynaiiiic equations taiit probleiiis i n this research is the inverse dyiiarnics are siiiiplifiecl by neglecting tlie influelice of the deflecanalysis as it provides t lie comput,ed joint t.orqiies for Lioiis of the precediiig links OII tlic kineniat,ics of (lie i n ani pu la t.or control. succeediiig linlts (Chang a n d I-Ianiiltoii 1990). As il reThe inverse dyiiamics of a flexible l i n k ~i~aiiipulat,or s u l t , the tlynamic equations are linearized with respect t.o t.he linli deflections. 111 tlie t,liird group, tlie link may be stated as: for a given traject.ory of a. flexible cleflect~ioiisare split. i1it.o two c o m p o n e n t s : one clup to link manipulat.or, it is required t o tleterniiiie t.lie joint slow motion ancl the other clue to fast iiiot,ion (Siciltorques required to drive the manipula.t,or along it.s deiaiio ancl Book 1988). Tlie foriner is the tleformatioii sired trajectory. A complete iiiodel for t.he inverse cl),causetl Iiy t.he manipulator's payload a n t l tho iwigIit,s of iia.mic analysis consists of tlie kinematic and dyiiaiiiic lililis ant1 a.ct.uat,ors. Tlie latt,ei, is t,hc vil)rat,ion excitcd equations of a flexible link ma.iiipulator (Xi 1992). 1 3 hy t.lie t,iiiie-varying forces oii t h e linl;s during note by 0 the joint variables and by 11 t.he clastic l i i i l t inanipulator motioii. Pfeiffer i i i i c l C;c:l)lcr ( 1988) prodeflect,ions. T h e ltinema.t,ic equations can he syiiilmlipostd a nirt Iiotl t.o det,eriiiiiie t l i e corrwt,ioii values of cally expressed as follows. The displaceincnt fyuatioii tlit: joint, tlisplacemeiits for coinpensating for tlre mais nipulator's flexible deviation caused by tlie link tleforD = D(O, U) (1) mat,ions. This method is Inset1 011 t l ~ e dyiiamic equa.tioiis liy the iimtia.1 forces, iianic:ly considtlie velocity equation is ering quasi-sta.ttic ta.slts. L a t e r , Si and Feiitoii (I991a) showed t.liat, t.lie correct,ioii va.lues of t,he joiiit. displacenient,s for qiiasi-stat,ic t.axlts caii actually l i e


1050-4729/93 $3.00 0 1993 IEEE

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by the inverse kinematic analysis of flexible link nianipulators. In this paper, a sequent,ial integration method is proposed to analyze the inverse dynamics by considering the complete model of a flexible link manipulator. While solving explicitly the dynamic equation for the link deflections, the joint motions can be implicitly obtained with the help of the kinematics for a flexible link manipulator. Substitution of the computed joint motions and link deflections into the dynamic equation for the joint torques leads t o the solution for the inverse dynamics of the flexible link manipulator. This method is conceptually and computationally straightforward, compared t o the other methods.

variables only, i.e. J ( 0 ) .The detailed expressions for J and J are given i n (Xi 1992). Since linear i n terms of the joint. velocit.ies 6 and so is D in terms of the joint a.ccelera.tions, 6, if Jacobian J is invertible, the joint velocity and acceleration equations can be expressed as

0 = j - I ( D - j&)


6=j-I(ij If J is not square, ized inverse.

- j& - j & )


is repiacecl by J+, the general-

Kinematics of Flexible Link Manipulators

A flexible link is modeled here as cla.mped at, the

hub and free a t the tip. Based on a truncated modal approximation (Book 1984), the link deRect.ions ca.n he expressed as where matrices, and 9 , represent t,he modal eigetifunctions of the link deflections and t,he t,ime-varying amplitudes of the modes of the link deflect,ions, respectively. a ca.n be predetermined according t.o the l i n k geometry and shape by cla.ssic approximat.ioii iiietliotls. such as the Rayleigh-Ritz met.liod. Iiowevt~r. 1ia.s 1.0 be determined based on the dynamic equations ancl i t is used in the paper to indicate U , as U is virt,ually a function of 9 . Based on the kinema.tic forinulation (Xi and Fent.on 1992a), the displacement equat.ion of a flexible link inanipulator with respect t o the frame as shown i n Fig. 1 can be expressed as the conibinat,ion of that. of the rigid link counterpart of the flexible link manipulator, D,, and the manipulator's flexible devia.t,ion,D J , caused by the link deflections rehtive t,o the rigid l i d i counterpart,. T h a t is

Dynamics of Flexible Link Manipulators

A dynamic equat,ion simi1a.r to that developed hy Book (1984) is used here and it. is expressed as
Mil+ C i l + W = T

= *@


where q is t.he vector of t,he gcneralizcd coordinatcs; M is t,lie inert.ia matrix; C is thc, iiiatrix coiit,ainiiig (.'oriolis, cent,rifugal arid gyrobi'ic Torcr.s; i l l l ( l W is t , l i c I 1 la t r i x coli t.a i I I i I ig gra v i t a t. io 11 a I forces a I id t he for cc's d u e t.o the interaction of l i n k tlcflec(.iona. They are giveti as q = [O, a y

w = [WO. W J T
By taking the time deriva.tive of t,lie clisplacenient, equation twice, the nmnipuhtor's velocity and acceleration equa,tion ca.n be derived a.s


Eqn. (12) can he split into the following two p a r t s

0 0

+ MO+& 6

+ cO~O+ C O + &





Eqn. (17) is the dynamic equation for obt,ainitig t.lie joint, torques and eqn. (18) is t h e d y n a m i c equation (8) for solving t,liP linli deflections. where J is the Jacobian associa.ted with the joint, mo4 The Sequential Integration Method tions and J is the Ja.cobian associa.t.ed wit,li t h c linli d + flections. J is a. function of the joitit. variables a i i t l tlic A scciiitwtial iiit,egiatioii iiiet.lroc1 is proposed Iicr(: to link deflections, i.e. J ( 0 , a), and i t c a n Iw t . s p r c ~ s s ~ ~ lsolve [,lie prol)lem of' the inverse dynaiiiics of flexible as a combination of rigid and flexi1,le coiiipoiient,s as lirik niatiipulators by using the Iii~1et~la.ti~ dynamic aiid



J = 5,. + J,


Obviously, J, is a special of 5 when t.he IinIi deflections are negligiI>le. 3 is a function of the joint

oquat.ions presented i n t.lie previous sections. The procedure inay b e sta.ted as: first the joint inotions and li 11I; defect ioiis determined and the t i s U lis t i tu t ion of these results into the dynamic equation for the joint t,orques leads to the solut.ion for the iiiversp dyna.niics.


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Determination of the Link Deflections

K: = f(ak-' K i h . O k - ' ) +


Recall t h a t the joint a.ccelerations O a funct.ion of the second derivative of the link deflect.ioiis a!, a.s shown in eqn. (11). Substitution of eqn. (11) itito eqn. (18) yields a second order non1inea.r tlifferent.ial equation for the link deflections

It is worth noting from the last, four equat,iotis that the link deflections of the curreiit computation are functions of the link deflections and the joint mqtions obtained from the previous computa.t.ion, i.e. O k ( & k - l , O k - l1.

@ = [M,sJ-'J

- M,b]-'[M+eJ-'(D

- J6



Determination of the Joint Motions

+ c,e6 + c,& + W,]

which may be expressed in a compact forin as

i = H ( G ~ & G ~ + E) + O


be now determined using the kinematic relation between the joint motions and the link deflections described before. For determining the joint displacements O kat, the bth comput.ation, an infinitesimal relation can be given hy linearizing t.he inanipulator's displacement ecluat.ion as

O k= [ak, can OkIT




+ . j ( o . " - - ' ) ~ @(36) k

= ~k - ~

k - 1


AOk =

- ak-1


a k

Elk can lie determined by


= ok--'+J(ak-l

By virtue of the stat.e spa.ce, eqn. ( 2 0 ) can lw rrduced to a first order different.ial equat.ion a s

In view of eqn. ( 1 0 ) . ~3~ caii
ol>t.iiiiic~cI > y ~

& = G@& G o 0 + E +


0" = *l((-P,! k ) - ' [ D k a

- .;((-I.")@."] ( 4 0 )

& = [a!, i ] T
0 = [O, b]T
G, = [HG,, 0IT




I t is worth from t.lie foregoing t.wo equations that. the joint motions a t t,he current computation are funct.ions of the link deflections a t the current and previous coinputa.t.ion as well as of the joint inotions a t tlie previous coniput,ation, i.e. O k (6k, k - O k - l ). 6 11

and Obviously,

Determination of the Joint Torques

E = [HE, 0IT

& is a function


& a.nd 0 ; i.e.

h =f(6,

In eqn. ( 2 5 ) 6 t,he st.ate vect,ors to b e determined. 0 may be considered as t.he int.rinsic parameters which can be related to the st,at*evect,ors t81irough the displacement and velocity equat,ion of a flexible linli manipulator. For given init,ia.lconditions of t,lie l i n k tleflections &', eqn. ( 2 5 ) can be integra.tetl by a nuinl>er of methods. In this paper the R.unge-1l;utt.a met.liod is used. Denote by h. the integral time int,erva.l, the fourth order solution at the bt,h cotnput.a.tion can be presented as

T h e joint torques, r k ,a.t the Iith computation can he rea.dily determined by subst,it,ut.ing6 and G k into ' eqn. (17), i.e. t.he dynaniic equat.ion for the joiiit. torques. Since 6 kis 0111,r c ~ I a t . t 1.0t.Iic prvvioiis C O I I I ~I, it. is first drt.eriiiiiietl at. t.he ktlr computation, t,lien G kis oht.ained a n d finally T."is acquired. Apparent,ly the problem of t,he inverse dynaniics of a flexible link tna.nipulat,or is solved i n a sequent,ia.l fashion and t h i s t,he proposed inet,liotl is ca.lletl a sequential integration method.


Description of Algorithm

S k= & k - l + (K: + 2 K i + 2K: + K:i)h/(i



Kk - f ( 6 k - 1 , @ - ' ) 1 K2 k

0 k - l )


+ K:h/2,


K! = f ( Q k - '+ K $ h / 2 ,


Based 011 the foregoing analyses, tlie a.lgorithm of tlie sequential integration met.hod caii tie present.ed as fol lo\vs: ,\'ttp I : clefiniiig t.1ie nia.nipuIat.or t.ra.jectory. D , D , D a i i t ~ tie iriitial contlitions of t ~ i joint rriotioiis, 0 0 aiiti t c . t,Iiose of t . I r e I i t i I i tI(:flect,ioiis: &'.,; , S k p 2: select,irig the t,inie inkgral interval, h , according t,o t.he required accuracy a n d discretizing the manipulator's t.rajectory i n terms of time segments, t" = b h ! ( b = 1 , ..., n,),i n t,he duration of manipulat.or opelation, T = t n = n h ;


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Step 3: computigg the link deflections, eqn. (25) using and 0 ; '

6'.l l i

view of

TIE comI)iiiat.ion of J r
is derived as

a11t1 , , j


.J. ~ a c o ~ j i a 3 , n

Step 4 : computing the joint displaceinelits. 8'b y eqn. (39) and the joint velocities by eqn. (40) using 6 . 4' '

(44) T h e coefficient matrices of tlie dynamic equation can be obtained by using a symbo1ica.l computation package, such as Macsyina (Xi 1992). In view of the algoritlitn described in Sec. 4.4, a computational code was writtsen i n Fortran 77 incorporating a subroutine of the Runge-Iiutta method in the numerical computa.tion pa.cliage I M S L . The initial configurations of the manipulat~oris given as

T " ?

Step 5: computing the joint torques,


by eqn. (17)




Repeating-step 3 t o compute ( f k , repeating step 4 to , compute O k and repea.ting step 5 t o comput,e T ~unt,il L = n. As a result, the link deflections, the joint, 1110tions and finally the joint torques can be determined in sequence. One of the iinportaiit problems pertaining to the impleinent.ation of the proposed algorithm is sta.l>ilit,y.By the nature of the algorithm presented here, the stability inay be categorized as kinematic and the dynamic stability. T h e former is associated with t,lie singiilarities occurring i n the inversion of .Jacobian. J , a i t d i t was discussed previously (Xi antl Fenton 1992l>). Tlie latter is meant to be the st.abilit,y of a nonlinear tlynamic systern. Due to t,he liniit.ed space io t , l i e p a p e r , this problem will be discussed separa.t,ely

[O;'. O:] = [*15". !J(J"]


T h e initial joint velocit,ies, the initial liirk deflections and tlreir derivat,ives are all zero. The manipula.tor's clisplacement, is given as


[~.s(T), U]


= 1(7/$); = f / T ;aiid T

defined as


s ( t )=

-T I

~~ T "

+ (jr5


To illustrate the proposed method, a flexible manipulator wit,li t.wo pa.ralle1 revolute joint,s is sirnulat~etl for the inverse dynamic analysis. Tlie two lilllis of t . 1 1 ~ manipulator are of tlie same length. l ( m ) , and of t lie same uniform cross-section. Tlie elastic. const.atit.s iintl the moments of inertria of the two linlis arc ident.icol. E = 2 x 10'O(iVn1-~)),I = x I U - ~ ( ( ~ U " )'rilf! niotioii is constrained i n the yo-z, plane. as sliown i n Fig. 1. Accordingly, t,he manipula.tor motion a n d t,lie l i n k deflections are considered in this plane.
Jacobians J and J are first derived a n d Iiased on them the derivatives can be readily obtained. To sho\v the main theme of the proposed inet.hod, only the transverse bending deflections in the x,-yo plane are considered and they are a.ssumed to 1ia.i.e a mode of order one for each link, that is

where S ( T ) a n d S ( T ) can h e readily derived as

J l obt,aiiied by Xi and Fenton (19911~). present.ecl is here for completeness. Matrix 3,. is t.Iie conventional Jacobian for the rigid " u p u l a t o r antl i t is given a s (42)
where ci, si represent cosOi, s i n O i , respect,ivelF, c,], s , j indicate cos(8i Oj), sin(Oi O j ) , respectively; a n d I is the length of the linlis. Matrix, .J,, is t.Iw Jacohiaii associated with the link deflections ant1 i t is

T I Iina.xiniuiii vpIocit,y along (Iirc;c.tioii xo.(fir ) , , i d . r = ~ 156/S7' = 0 . 9 3 i 5 ( / , ? / A ) . occurring at. r = 1/2- is a.bout. I lie top s l e w ve1ocit.y of iiitlust,rial inaltipulat80rs (Lee a n d \\'ang 1088). I n other wortls, the nia.nipulator considered here is operat.ed a t a. fast speed a.nd the effect of t.he l i i i l i flexil>ilit,yon it.s dynamic be1ia.vior could be significant. I n comput,at.ion, h is selected as 0.033s and T is given as 2 s . Accordingly n = G O . In this particular case. tlie execution time of t.he computation is 0.2s, wliicli is rea.sona.bly eficient. Tlie simula.t.ion results are report,ed i n Figs. 2 t,o 5 . Tlre results of t.lie joint tlisl)la.c.eiiic-1lt.s are plott.ed i n Figs. 2 ( a ) a n d ( b ) for joii1t.s 1 a n d 2 , respectjvely. It, cat1 lie seen that. botli joint. tIisplacement.s oscillate aroiiiid t.liose of t.he rigid c.ortiitt,rl)art. This indicat,es the effect of, l i n k tleflc,ct,ions oii t.hp .joint motions. I'ig. 3 sliotvs t,lie restr1t.s of t,he l i n k tleflect.iotis. It can lw oliserved that. tlie l i n k tlefiect,ions vaIy and deviate wit,li t.ime. The variation is due to change in the dynamic forces during the manipulator's operation. The


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deviation is due to change of the effect, of t,lie g r a v i h tion force on the links. T h e simulat,ion rrsu1t.s of the joint torques are plot,ted in Fig. 4 . T h e position error of the manipula.t.or is clet.ermined by considering the difference between the tlesirable 110sition and the actual position. T h e a c t . t l i l l posit,ioii is calculated by using the computed joint displacements and link deflections. The result is given i n Vig. 5 and the error range is within [-0.03, 0.031 (nim). Moreover, it m a y be observed from Fig. 3 that tlir link defledions still exists even after the joiiit motmioils terminate. This is t,lie residual response, which however will event,ually va.nish due to damping effects. The duration of the residual response is the sett.ling time. which is one of the performance indices for flexible l i n k manipulators .


I t is sliown i n this p a p e r t.liat (,lie joiiil tiiolioiis of flexible link "iipulators are affect,ed by t lit, l i l l l i (I(>flections. This effect, 1ia.s t.o be t,alien ii1t.o co1isid(,riit.ioti for the inverse dynamics analysis of flc.sil)l~~k i i i c i lin nipulators. For t,Iiis purpose, a sequeiitial iiitegrat ioii method is presenbed in the paper wliicli is straiglit.forward and effective i n the sense that it.vrat.ioiis a r c iiot required. Based on this method, t.he problem of t h c inverse dynatnics can lie solved sequeiit.iallj., first. dc>termining the l i n k deflections. tlieii the join1 motions and finally the joint torques.

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ume (sec)

1 ume (sec)


120 ,



I -0


m e (Sec)

I 1.5

30 I I




ume (sec)

Fig. 2 T h e simulation results of the joint displacements Fig. 4 The simulation results of the joint torques

Fig. 3 T h e simulation results of the link deflections

Fig. 5 The tip errors for the example problem


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