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Failure in overcoming the fifth stage crisis of ‫ينتج عن فشل الطالب في تجاوز أزمة المرحلة‬

personality development, (from the age of 12 ‫ سنة لغاية‬12 ‫ (مِن عُمر‬،‫تطور شخصيته‬ ُّ ‫الخامسة مِن‬
to 18), according to Erikson's Theory of  
‫ سنة) َو ْفق نظريَّة (أريكسون) في النمو النفسي‬18
Psychosocial Development, makes a student
develop a feeling of: :‫ شعورـ الطالب بــ‬،‫االجتماعي‬

Identity disorder   ‫اضطراب الهويَّة‬

Inferiority   ‫النقص‬

Isolation and introversion   ‫العزلة واالنطوائية‬


Erikson's theory suggests that personality develops over a series of eight stages, each
characterized by a particular psychosocial conflict that must be successfully resolved
to move on to the next stage. These stages are as follows:

1. Trust vs. Mistrust (Infancy, Birth to 18 months): During this stage, infants learn to
trust or mistrust their environment and caregivers depending on whether their basic
needs are met consistently.
2. Autonomy vs. Shame and Doubt (Toddlerhood, 18 months to 3 years): Toddlers
begin to assert their independence and control over their environment, and must
learn to do so without feeling ashamed or doubtful.
3. Initiative vs. Guilt (Early Childhood, 3 to 6 years): Children develop a sense of purpose
and initiative through play and exploration, but can also feel guilty if their efforts are
met with disapproval.
4. Industry vs. Inferiority (Middle Childhood, 6 to 11 years): Children begin to develop a
sense of competence and industry through school and other activities, but can also
feel inferior if they perceive themselves as unsuccessful.
5. Identity vs. Role Confusion (Adolescence, 12 to 18 years): Adolescents struggle to
develop a sense of identity and may experiment with different roles and identities
before settling on a sense of self.
6. Intimacy vs. Isolation (Young Adulthood, 18 to 40 years): Young adults seek to form
close relationships with others, but may experience feelings of isolation if they are
unable to do so.
7. Generativity vs. Stagnation (Middle Adulthood, 40 to 65 years): Adults seek to make a
positive impact on the world through work, family, and other activities, and may
experience feelings of stagnation if they are unable to do so.
8. Ego Integrity vs. Despair (Late Adulthood, 65+ years): Older adults reflect on their
lives and seek to find a sense of integrity and fulfillment, but may experience despair
if they feel they have not lived a meaningful life.

Overall, Erikson's theory emphasizes the importance of successfully resolving the

psychosocial conflicts of each stage in order to develop a healthy and fulfilling sense
of self.
What is the recommended distance between ‫ما المسافة التي ينصح بتركهاـ بين الشخص وشاشة‬
a person and a computer screen according ‫لدليل معايير الصحة والسالمة‬ ‫جهاز الحاسوب وف ًقا‬
to the Occupational Health and Safety
  ‫في الحكومة االتحادية‬ ‫المهنية لبيئة العمل المكتبية‬
Standards Guide for the Office Work
Environment in the Federal Government of ‫لدولة اإلمارات العربية؟‬
the United Arab Emirates?

45cm-70cm   ‫ سم‬70 - ‫ سم‬45

20cm-40cm   ‫ سم‬40 - ‫ سم‬20

50cm-80cm   ‫ سم‬80 - ‫ سم‬50

30cm-40cm   ‫ سم‬40 - ‫ سم‬30

Ans 45-70 cm


Which of the following is correct according to ‫ َو ْفقـ نظرية معالجة‬ ‫صحيحة‬ ‫أيُّ العبارات اآلتية‬

the Information Processing Model?  

The amount of information that   ‫كمية المعلومات التي يمكن معالجتها‬

can be processed and ‫واستيعابهاـ في وقت معيَّن كبيرة ج ًّدا‬
absorbed in a given time is very
large despite the limited ‫رغم السعة المحدودة للذاكرة طويلة‬
capacity of long-term memory. .‫المدى‬

The amount of information that ‫كمية المعلومات التي يمكن معالجتها‬

can be processed and
‫واستيعابهاـ في وقت معيَّن محدودة ج ًّدا؛‬
absorbed in a given time is very   ّ ‫وذلك لصِ َغر حجم‬
limited due to the small capacity ‫الذاكرة طويلة‬
of the long-term memory. .‫المدى‬

The amount of information

that can be processed and ‫كمية المعلومات التي يمكن معالجتها‬
absorbed in a given time is
very limited due to the small
  ‫واستيعابهاـ في وقت معيَّن محدودة ج ًّدا؛‬
capacity of the working .‫وذلك لصِ َغر حجم الذاكرة العا ِملَة‬

The amount of information that can be processed and absorbed in a

given time is very large due to the substantial capacity of the working

The Information Processing Model suggests that the human mind is similar to a
computer, where information is processed and stored in different stages. The model
proposes that there are three main components of memory: sensory memory,
working memory, and long-term memory. Working memory has limited capacity, and
it can hold only a small amount of information for a short duration. Therefore, the
amount of information that can be processed and absorbed in a given time is very
limited due to the small capacity of the working memory.
The Information Processing Model is a theoretical framework that explains how
humans perceive, process, store, and retrieve information. This model compares the
human mind to a computer and suggests that information processing occurs in
several stages, which include sensory memory, working memory, and long-term

Sensory Memory:

Sensory memory is the initial stage of the Information Processing Model, where
sensory information from the environment is briefly stored in its original sensory
form. Sensory memory is a short-lived memory store that only lasts for a few
milliseconds. It has a large capacity, and it helps humans to perceive and interpret
information from the environment.
Working Memory:

Working memory is the second stage of the Information Processing Model, and it is
also referred to as short-term memory. Working memory is a temporary storage
system that holds information in an active and accessible state, where it can be
manipulated, rehearsed, or processed. It has limited capacity, and it can only hold a
few pieces of information for a short duration, typically for about 20-30 seconds.

Working memory consists of three main components, which include the

phonological loop, the visuospatial sketchpad, and the central executive. The
phonological loop is responsible for the temporary storage of auditory information,
while the visuospatial sketchpad is responsible for the temporary storage of visual
and spatial information. The central executive is responsible for controlling and
coordinating the information stored in the phonological loop and visuospatial
sketchpad and for retrieving information from long-term memory.

Long-Term Memory:

Long-term memory is the final stage of the Information Processing Model, and it is
the relatively permanent memory store that holds information over an extended
period. Long-term memory has unlimited capacity, and it stores information that has
been rehearsed or processed in working memory. Long-term memory is divided into
two main categories, which include declarative memory and non-declarative

Declarative memory includes semantic memory, which stores facts and general
knowledge, and episodic memory, which stores personal experiences and events.
Non-declarative memory includes procedural memory, which stores skills and habits,
and classical conditioning, which stores associations between stimuli and responses.

Overall, the Information Processing Model suggests that the amount of information
that can be processed and absorbed in a given time is very limited due to the small
capacity of the working memory. Therefore, effective learning strategies such as
chunking, rehearsal, and elaboration are essential to enhance the transfer of
information from working memory to long-term memory.

Which of the following statements best ّ ‫أي العبارات اآلتية‬

‫تمثل أفضل تعريف لمفهوم‬
describes the concept of "The Knowledge   ‫"اقتصاد المعرفة"؟‬

An economy based on creating ‫االقتصادـ الذي يُركز على إنتاج وإدارة‬

and managing knowledge.  .‫المعرفة‬

An economy based on the

‫االقتصادـ الذي يرتكز على معرفة العاملين‬
employees' knowledge about e-
commerce rules. .‫فيه بقواعد التجارة اإللكترونية‬

‫االقتصادـ الذي يُركز على التعلم‬

An economy based on e-learning.

An economy based on globalization


Which of the following is correct regarding ‫فيما يتعلق بالتطورـ‬ ‫صحيحة‬ ‫أي العبارات اآلتية‬

students’ personal development?  
‫الشخصي للطلبة؟‬

Students’ personal development

does not affect the teacher’s ‫ال يؤثر التطورـ الشخصيـ للطلبة على‬
lesson planning and   ‫تخطيط المعلم للدروس وتنفيذها وتقييم‬
implementation nor assessing .‫تعلمهم‬
students’ learning

When planning for lessons, the

teacher needs to know ‫يحتاج المعلم لمعرفة مراحل التطورـ‬
students’ cognitive development   ‫اإلدراكي وليس الشخصي عند التخطيط‬
stages, not their personal .‫للدروس‬
development stages

Differences in students’ ‫الفروقات في التطور الشخصي للطلبة‬

personal development are too
broad and cannot be accounted
  ‫كبيرة وال يمكن مراعاتها عند تخطيطـ‬
for when planning for lessons .‫المعلم للدروس‬

When planning for lessons, the teacher should take into account
the application of their knowledge of students’ personal
development stages

The Six Hats technique is a tool for group discussion and decision-making that
can be used when a group is faced with a complex problem or decision. Each
"hat" represents a different perspective or mode of thinking, and participants
are encouraged to wear each hat in turn to consider the problem or decision
from a variety of angles. The Six Hats can be used in a variety of settings,
including business, education, and personal decision-making. It is particularly
useful for fostering creative thinking, improving communication, and exploring
different perspectives.

A mind map is a visual tool that helps individuals to organize information

and ideas in a hierarchical and structured manner. It is a type of diagram
that is used to visually represent information, concepts, and ideas, and
their interconnections. Mind maps are often created around a central
topic or idea, with related ideas branching out from it. They can be used
for brainstorming, note-taking, problem-solving, and decision-making.

In a mind map, the central idea is usually represented in a box or circle in

the center of the page, with related subtopics branching out from it. Each
subtopic can then have its own subtopics branching out from it, creating
a hierarchy of information. The use of colors, images, and keywords can
make mind maps more visually appealing and memorable, helping
individuals to better understand and retain information.

Mind maps can be created using pen and paper, or with specialized
software programs. They are often used in education, business, and
personal development as a way to organize thoughts, plan projects, and
improve memory retention.

Concept map
The best tool to facilitate students' learning of complex relationships among
concepts after explaining the concepts would be a concept map. A concept
map is a visual tool that helps students organize and connect information in a
meaningful way. It allows students to see the relationships between different
concepts and how they are interconnected. Concept maps can be used as a
formative assessment tool to gauge students' understanding of the material
and can also be used as a way to facilitate classroom discussion and

If you are planning to teach a number of ‫تخطط لتدريس مجموعة مِن المفاهيم التي‬ ِّ ‫إذا كنت‬
concepts that have complex relationships ‫أداة يمكن‬ ‫أفضل‬ ‫ فإن‬،‫ترتبط ببعضها بعالقات مع َّقدة‬
amongst them, then the best tool that can be  
‫استخدامها لتسهيل تعلُّم الطلبة لهذه العالقات بعد شرح‬
used to facilitate students' learning of these
relationships after explaining the concepts is: :‫ هي‬،‫المفاهيم‬
The six hats   ‫القبَّعات الستة‬

Concept map   ‫خريطة مفاهيمية‬

Mind map   ‫خريطة ذهنية‬

The numbered heads


According to The Code of Ethics and َّ ‫ما القيمة التي‬

‫يتمثلها المعلم الذي يعتمد في قراراته‬
Professional Conduct Document in the UAE, ‫ وليس على آرائه الشخصية‬،‫وتوصياته على األدلة‬
what value does a teacher exemplify when
  ‫ وأخالقيات‬،‫لوثيقة مبادئ السلوك المهني‬ ‫وف ًقا‬
they make decisions and recommendations
based on evidence rather than personal ‫في دولة اإلمارات العربية المتحدة؟‬ ‫الوظيفة العامة‬

Equality    ‫المساواة‬

Objectivity   ‫الموضوعية‬

Transparency    ّ ‫ال‬


Students with high levels of self efficacy enjoy challenges and they tolerate even failures.

Students with low levels of self efficacy will avoid challenges and very difficult tasks.

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