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The task that is easiest for a concrete thinker is:

a. Understand cause and effect.

Concrete thinking refers to thinking that is focused on specific, observable, and tangible
information rather than abstract or theoretical concepts. Understanding cause and effect is a task
that involves identifying and analyzing the relationship between specific events or actions, which
is a concrete and observable phenomenon. Concrete thinkers tend to be more comfortable with
tasks that involve concrete and observable information rather than abstract or theoretical
concepts, which can be more difficult for them to understand.

Tasks such as understanding similarities and differences between events or generalizing learning
to new situations require more abstract thinking and may be more challenging for concrete
thinkers. Presenting an oral presentation may not necessarily be easier or more difficult for a
concrete thinker as it involves both concrete and abstract thinking skills.

Which type of study involves repeated observations of the same variables or participants over
short or long periods? a. Longitudinal study b. Historical study c. Experimental study d. Cross-
sectional study
The type of study that involves repeated observations of the same variables or participants over
short or long periods is:

a. Longitudinal study.

A longitudinal study is a type of research design in which data is collected from the same
individuals or variables over an extended period of time, ranging from months to years. The
purpose of a longitudinal study is to observe changes or stability in a particular phenomenon or
behavior over time. Longitudinal studies are particularly useful for studying developmental
changes, such as changes in cognitive, social, or emotional functioning over time.

Historical studies, on the other hand, involve the analysis of data from past events or situations.
Experimental studies involve the manipulation of variables to test causal relationships between
them. Cross-sectional studies involve the collection of data at a single point in time from a
sample of participants who represent a particular population.

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