FADML 06 PPC Graphs and Traversals PDF

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Partha P Chakrabarti
Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur
A Graph G = (V, E) consists of the
• A set of Vertices or Nodes V
– Nodes may have one or more labels
• A set of Edges E where each edge
connects vertices of V
– An edge usually defines a connection or
relationship between vertices or nodes
– The edges can be undirected or directed
– Each edge can have one or more labels
– Usually there is at most one edge between
vertices, there could be multiple edges
between the same nodes.
– Normally an edge connects two vertices, but
in general we could have hyper-edges
A Graph G = (V, E) consists of the
• A set of Vertices or Nodes V
– Nodes may have one or more labels
• A set of Edges E where each edge
connects vertices of V
– An edge usually defines a connection or
relationship between vertices or nodes
– The edges can be undirected or directed
– Each edge can have one or more labels
– Usually there is at most one edge between
vertices, there could be multiple edges
between the same nodes.
– Normally an edge connects two vertices, but
in general we could have hyper-edges
Some Applications of Graphs
• Maps, Routes
• Layouts
• Circuits and Networks
• Relationships
• Constraints
• Dependencies
• Flow Charts
• State Machines
Some Applications of Graphs
• Maps, Routes
• Layouts
• Circuits and Networks
• Relationships
• Constraints
• Dependencies
• Flow Charts
• State Machines
Some Applications of Graphs
• Maps, Routes
• Layouts
• Circuits and Networks
• Relationships
• Constraints
• Dependencies
• Flow Charts
• State Machines
Some Applications of Graphs
• Maps, Routes
• Layouts
• Circuits and Networks
• Relationships
• Constraints
• Dependencies
• Flow Charts
• State Machines
Some Applications of Graphs
• Maps, Routes
• Layouts
• Circuits and Networks
• Relationships
• Constraints
• Dependencies
• Flow Charts
• State Machines
Some Applications of Graphs
• Maps, Routes
• Layouts
• Circuits and Networks
• Relationships
• Constraints
• Dependencies
• Flow Charts
• State Machines
Some Applications of Graphs
• Maps, Routes
• Layouts
• Circuits and Networks
• Relationships
• Constraints
• Dependencies
• Flow Charts
• State Machines
Some Applications of Graphs
• Maps, Routes
• Layouts
• Circuits and Networks
• Relationships
• Constraints
• Dependencies
• Flow Charts
• State Machines
Some Applications of Graphs
• Maps, Routes
• Layouts
• Circuits and Networks
• Relationships
• Constraints
• Dependencies
• Flow Charts
• State Machines
Graph Representation
Adjacency List

Adjacency Matrix
Graph Representation
Adjacency List

Adjacency Matrix
Some Algorithms on Graphs
• Paths
• Reachability
• Connected
• Trees, Cycles,
• Costs & Distances
• Spanning Trees
• Shortest Paths
• Flows
Some Algorithms on Graphs
• Paths
• Reachability
• Trees, Cycles,
• Connected
• Costs & Distances
• Spanning Trees
• Shortest Paths
• Flows
Some Algorithms on Graphs
• Paths
• Reachability
• Cycles, ordering
• Connected
• Costs & Distances
• Spanning Trees
• Shortest Paths
• Flows
Some Algorithms on Graphs
• Paths
• Reachability
• Cycles, ordering
• Connected
• Costs & Distances
• Spanning Trees
• Shortest Paths
• Flows
Some Algorithms on Graphs
• Paths
• Reachability
• Cycles, ordering
• Connected
• Costs & Distances
• Spanning Trees
• Shortest Paths
• Flows
Thank you

Partha P Chakrabarti
Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur
Undirected Graph
An Undirected Graph G = (V, E) consists of
the following:
• A set of Vertices or Nodes V
• A set of Edges E where each edge
connects two vertices of V
Example: Figure 1
V = {0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8} Figure 1
E = {(0,1), (0,8), (0,3),(1,7), (2,3), (2,5), (2,7),
(3,4), (4,8), (5,6)}
Successor Function: succ(i) = {set of nodes
to which node i is connected}
Example: Succ(2) = {3,5,7}
Weighted Undirected Graphs: Such Graphs
may have weights on edges (Figure 2)
Figure 2
Problems on Undirected Graphs
Reachability, Path, Cycle / Tree Detection,
Connected Components, Bi-Connected
Components, Spanning Tree, Shortest
Path, Maximum Flow, Vertex Cover, Edge
Cover, Travelling Salesperson,

Figure 1

Figure 2
Basic Traversal Algorithm (Depth First Search) I
Global Data: G = (V,E)
visited [i] indicates if node i is visited. For
all nodes j visited [j] is initialized to 0
succ(i) = {set of nodes to which node i is
Dfs(node) {
visited[node] = 1;
for each j in succ(node) do {
if (visited [j] ==0) Dfs(j)
Basic Traversal Algorithm (Depth First Search) II
Global Data: G = (V,E)
visited [i] indicates if node i is visited. For
all nodes j visited [j] is initialized to 0
succ(i) = {set of nodes to which node i is
Dfs(node) {
visited[node] = 1;
for each j in succ(node) do {
if (visited [j] ==0) Dfs(j)
Basic Traversal Algorithm (Depth First Search) III
Global Data: G = (V,E)
visited [i] indicates if node i is visited. For
all nodes j visited [j] is initialized to 0
succ(i) = {set of nodes to which node i is
Dfs(node) {
visited[node] = 1;
for each j in succ(node) do {
if (visited [j] ==0) Dfs(j)
Cycle Detection
Global Data: G = (V,E)
visited [i] indicates if node i is visited. For all
nodes j visited [j] is initialized to 0
succ(i) = {set of nodes to which node i is
Dfs(node) {
visited[node] = 1;
for each j in succ(node) do {

if (visited [j] ==0) Dfs(j)

// Cycle Detection //
Path Finding
Global Data: G = (V,E)
visited [i] indicates if node i is visited. For all nodes
j visited [j] is initialized to 0

succ(i) = {set of nodes to which node i is

Dfs(node) {
visited[node] = 1;
for each j in succ(node) do {
if (visited [j] ==0) {

Dfs(j) }
// Tree Edge, Back Edge, Parent Links, Tracing
Paths //
Connected Components
Global Data: G = (V,E)
Visited[i], comp[i] all initialized to 0
count = 0;

Algorithm components() {
for each node k do {
if visited [k] == 0 { count = count + 1;
DfComp_S(k) }

DfComp(node) {
visited[node] = 1; comp[node] = count;
for each j in succ(node) do {
if (visited [j] ==0) DfComp(j)
Depth-First Numbering & Time Stamping
Global Data: G = (V,E)
Visited[i], comp[i] all initialized to 0
count = 0;

Algorithm components() {
for each node k do {
if visited [k] == 0 { count = count + 1;
DfComp_S(k) }

DfComp(node) {
visited[node] = 1; comp[node] = count;
for each j in succ(node) do {
if (visited [j] ==0) {


Breadth-First Search
Global Data: G = (V,E)
Visited[i] all initialized to 0
Queue Q initially {}
BFS(k) {
visited [k] = 1; Q = {k};
While Q != {} {
j = DeQueue (Q);
if visited[j] == 0 {
visited [j] = 1;
For each k in succ (j) EnQueue(Q,k);
/Parent links, Shortest Length Path Finding in
unweighted graphs/
Pathfinding in Weighted Undirected Graphs I
Global Data: G = (V,E)
Visited[i] all initialized to 0,
Cost[j] all initialized to INFINITY
Ordered Queue Q initially {}
BFSW(k) {
visited [k] = 1; cost [k] = 0; Q = {k};
While Q != {} {
j = DeQueue (Q);
if visited[j] == 0 {
visited [j] = 1;
For each k in succ (j) {
if cost[k] > cost[j] + c[j,k]
cost[k] = cost[j] + c[j,k];
Pathfinding in Weighted Undirected Graphs II
Global Data: G = (V,E)
Visited[i] all initialized to 0,
Cost[j] all initialized to INFINITY
Ordered Queue Q initially {}
BFSW(k) {
visited [k] = 1; cost [k] = 0; Q = {k};
While Q != {} {
j = DeQueue (Q);
if visited[j] == 0 {
visited [j] = 1;
For each k in succ (j) {
if cost[k] > cost[j] + c[j,k]
cost[k] = cost[j] + c[j,k];
Thank you

Partha P Chakrabarti
Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur
Directed Graphs
An Undirected Graph G = (V, E) consists of
the following:
• A set of Vertices or Nodes V
• A set of DIRECTED Edges E where each
edge connects two vertices of V. The
edge is an ORDERED pair of vertices
Successor Function: succ(i) = {set of nodes Figure 1
to which node i is connected}
Directed Acyclic Graphs (DAGs): Such
Graphs have no cycles (Figure 2)
Weighted Undirected Graphs: Such Graphs
may have weights on edges (Figure 3). We
can also have Weighted DAGs
Figure 2 Figure 3
Basic Traversal Algorithm (Depth First Search)
Global Data: G = (V,E)
visited [i] indicates if node i is visited. / initially 0 /
Parent[i] = parent of a node in the Search / initially
succ(i) = {set of nodes to which node i is
Dfs(node) {
visited[node] = 1;
for each j in succ(node) do {
if (visited [j] ==0) { Parent[j] = node;
Dfs(j) }
Traversing the Complete Graph by DFS
Global Data: G = (V,E)
visited [i] indicates if node i is visited. / initially 0 /
Parent[i] = parent of a node in the Search / initially
succ(i) = {set of nodes to which node i is
Dfs(node) {
visited[node] = 1;
for each j in succ(node) do {
if (visited [j] ==0) { Parent[j] = node;
Dfs(j) }
Entry-Exit Numbering
Global Data: G = (V,E)
visited [i] indicates if node i is visited. / initially 0 /
Parent[i] = parent of a node in the Search / initially
Entry[i] = node entry sequence / initially 0 /
Exit[i] = node exit sequence / initially 0 /
succ(i) = {set of nodes to which node i is connected}
numb = 0;
Dfs(node) {
visited[node] = 1; numb = numb+1;
Entry[node] = numb;
for each j in succ(node) do
if (visited [j] ==0) { Parent[j] = node;
Dfs(j) }
numb = numb + 1;
Exit[node] = numb;
Tree Edge, Back Edge, Forward Edge, Cross Edge
Global Data: G = (V,E)
visited [i] indicates if node i is visited. / initially 0 /
Parent[i] = parent of a node in the Search / initially NULL
Entry[i] = node entry sequence / initially 0 /
Exit[i] = node exit sequence / initially 0 /
succ(i) = {set of nodes to which node i is connected}
numb = 0;
Dfs(node) {
visited[node] = 1; numb = numb+1; Edge (u,v) is
Entry[node] = numb; Tree Edge or Forward Edge: if & only if
for each j in succ(node) do Entry[u] < Entry[v] < Exit[v] < Exit[u]
if (visited [j] ==0) { Parent[j] = node; Back Edge: if & only if
Dfs(j) } Entry[v] < Entry [u] < Exit [u] < Exit [v]
numb = numb + 1; Cross Edge: if & only if
Exit[node] = numb; Entry [v] < Exit [v] < Entry [u] < Exit [u]
Reachability, Paths, Cycles, Components
Global Data: G = (V,E)
visited [i] indicates if node i is visited. / initially 0 /
Parent[i] = parent of a node in the Search / initially
Entry[i] = node entry sequence / initially 0 /
Exit[i] = node exit sequence / initially 0 /
succ(i) = {set of nodes to which node i is connected}
numb = 0;
Dfs(node) {
visited[node] = 1; numb = numb+1;
Edge (u,v) is
Entry[node] = numb; Tree Edge or Forward Edge: if & only if
for each j in succ(node) do Entry[u] < Entry[v] < Exit[v] < Exit[u]
if (visited [j] ==0) { Parent[j] = node; Back Edge: if & only if
Dfs(j) } Entry[v] < Entry [u] < Exit [u] < Exit [v]
numb = numb + 1; Cross Edge: if & only if
Exit[node] = numb; Entry [v] < Exit [v] < Entry [u] < Exit [u]
Directed Acyclic Graphs
Global Data: G = (V,E)
visited [i] indicates if node i is visited. / initially 0 /
Parent[i] = parent of a node in the Search / initially
Entry[i] = node entry sequence / initially 0 /
Exit[i] = node exit sequence / initially 0 /
succ(i) = {set of nodes to which node i is connected}
numb = 0;
Dfs(node) {
visited[node] = 1; numb = numb+1;
Entry[node] = numb;
for each j in succ(node) do
if (visited [j] ==0) { Parent[j] = node;
Dfs(j) }
numb = numb + 1;
Exit[node] = numb;
Topological Ordering, Level Values
Global Data: G = (V,E)
visited [i] indicates if node i is visited. / initially 0 /
Parent[i] = parent of a node in the Search / initially
Entry[i] = node entry sequence / initially 0 /
Exit[i] = node exit sequence / initially 0 /
succ(i) = {set of nodes to which node i is connected}
numb = 0; numb1 = 0;
Dfs(node) {
visited[node] = 1; numb = numb+1;
Entry[node] = numb;
for each j in succ(node) do
if (visited [j] ==0) { Parent[j] = node;
Dfs(j) }
numb1 = numb1 + 1;
Exit[node] = numb1;
Shortest Cost Path in Weighted DAGs
Breadth-First Search
Global Data: G = (V,E)
Visited[i] all initialized to 0
Queue Q initially {}
BFS(k) {
visited [k] = 0; Q = {k};
While Q != {} {
j = DeQueue (Q);
if visited[j] == 0 {
visited [j] = 1;
For each k in succ (j) {
if (visited[k]==0) EnQueue(Q,k); }
/Parent links, Shortest Length Path Finding in
unweighted directed graphs/
Pathfinding in Weighted Directed Graphs
Global Data: G = (V,E)
Visited[i] all initialized to 0,
Cost[j] all initialized to INFINITY
Ordered Queue Q initially {}
BFSW(k) {
visited [k] = 0; cost [k] = 0; Q = {k};
While Q != {} {
j = DeQueue (Q);
if visited[j] == 0 {
visited [j] = 1;
For each k in succ (j) {
if cost[k] > cost[j] + c[j,k]
cost[k] = cost[j] + c[j,k];
Thank you

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