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Unit 3 Grammar Worksheet 1


1 Read and complete the sentences.

turn left go down don’t go turn right go past

1. To get to my house, turn left on Poplar Avenue.

2. the supermarket and the bank.
3. When you get to McLean Road, left.
4. But past the chemist’s! It’s too far!
5. When you get to Harbert Street, turn .
6. Then the street and you will be at my house.

2 Look and complete the sentences.

1. Don’t ride bikes here. 2. left. 3. here.

4. over 25 km/hr. 5. . 6. .

3 Read the instructions and draw

a line to mark the path. Supermarket

Start on the corner of Tulip Road First Avenue

and Ninth Street. School Hospital
Go straight on Tulip Road and turn Salon Sboe Store
Shoe shop
Maple Street

Ninth Street
Main Street
Rose Lane

right on Maple Street.

Pacific Street
Go down Maple Street and turn left
Chemist’s Computer
Computer Hotel Apartment
on Elm Street. store
shop Building
Go to Rose Lane and turn right.
Go past Pacific Street and turn right Elm Street
Doctor’s Apartment
on First Street. Park
Dentist’s Building
Your destination is on your left.
What is your destination? Tulip Road

1 Stopwatch 1 © Ediciones Santillana S.A. / Richmond 2018 Photocopiable 1.3.G1

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