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By Manoli Montinola : )

Appreciation of One's Name Reveals one s identity Represents one s mission and vocation in life God calls by name

Profile of an AHS Graduate is CHRIST CENTERED is intellectually and academically COMPETENT has a well-formed CONSCIENCE, with a courage to defend what s right and what s wrong has COMPASSION for others, especially the poor and disadvantaged; leads him to live a life of service and work for justice and peace will live out his COMMITMENT in life, his commitment to God and society

Mass of the Holy Spirit - we Ateneans celebrate the Mass of the Holy Spirit every JUNE 24

The Bible (Inspiration, Inerrancy, Formation and Authorship, and Parts)

 Books 73 books  Inspired About God Scriptures; Sacred Writings God s Word in human language  Believing Community Consists of narratives about real men and women By and for the Church  Life Experience About Salvation history  Error Free Inerrant in matters of faith

Inspiration Biblical Inspiration means that the authors were inspired by God Himself for our salvation. God inspired and guided all those who selected and compiled the Sacred Scriptures We must NOT imagine that the Holy Spirit or an angel dictated the stories and teachings in the Bible word for word. We should NOT imagine that the Holy Spirit acted only as a spiritual watchdog . The Holy Spirit just served as a guide throughout the process of writing. Inerrancy The Church s teaching on biblical inerrancy covers only the religious messages and truths about salvation Inerrancy does not imply that the Bible is free of error, for there inaccuracies that can be found within the Bible from time to time Authorship and Formation of the Bible The Bible was formed over time (in this order) 1. ORAL TRADITION - much of the content of the Old Testament came from oral traditions that were handed down through the generations - examples of which are songs, narratives, poems, and prayers. 2. WRITTEN RECORDS - with the oral traditions were written materials such as the speeches and writings of prophets, works of sages, and poets, codes, and laws - the oral and written materials were then edited and compiled into a collection of books 3. THE CANON - the Israelites had to decide which books were to become part of the final collection of books known as the Canon of Scriptures - The Torah was the earliest collection of books, followed by the The Prophets, and the Writings.

Parts of the Bible - the Christian Bible has two major parts: The Old Testament and The New Testament Part 1: The Old Testament - the Old Testament centers on the covenant God made with the Israelites, his Chosen People, and the many consequences they suffered - God s promise of a saviour -reflect upon the core theme of the Bible; the Covenant The Old Testament contains 39 books, and was divided into 3 groups: 1. The Law or the Torah - contains the Pentateuch, the five books of Moses, which are Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, and Deuteronomy 2. The Prophets - contains the writings of the prophets who reminded the Israelites to be faithful with God - examples of books are Judges, Joshua, Isaiah, Jeremiah, Obadiah, and Habakkuk 3. The Writings - contain the Historical and Wisdom books -examples of books are Psalms, Song of Songs, Nehemiah, Wisdom, and Tobit Part 2: The New Testament - the New Testament deals with the New Covenant of God s people with Jesus Christ - fulfillment of God s promise in Jesus Christ The New Testament contains 27 books, and was divided into 4 smaller groups: 1. The Gospels - Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John 2. The Acts of The Apostles - sequel to the Gospel of Luke 3. The Apostolic Letters or Epistles - letters of Paul and three other Apostles to the early Christian communities

4. The Book of Revelation - final book of the Bible - contains the Apocalypse; John s vision of Christ s Second Coming Interpretation and Meaningful Use of the Bible Reading the Bible with Faith > it is only when we read the Bible with faith can we experience God s Word in a life-giving way > the Scriptures were not written to give historical information, but to deepen and strengthen our faith in God Studying the Bible > when studying the Bible, we must always make a constant effort to focus on its faith message Living the Bible > to live by the Word of God is the ultimate goal of our reading, praying, and studying the Bible > the more we apply the Bible s message in our daily lives, the more we understand it, and the more we see the true meaning and value in our lives First Creation Story - the first book of the Bible is called Genesis, which literally means origin or beginning , Genesis tells us about the origin of the world and of human beings in particular - Genesis begins by telling us that God is the Creator, who willed the world into existence and continues to sustain it -God is the origin and source of all reality and life of all time Here are significant symbols, lines, and quotes from the First Creation Story Formless wasteland = nothingness Mighty wind = The Spirit of God/Holy Spirit Let there be light = God s act of creation Let US make.. = Triune God Dominion, subdue = Stewardship Let there be.. = Deliberate Darkness / Formless wasteland = Chaos Rest of God = Sabbath Rest - God created us and the world we live in to share in His life and glory, therefore, everything on earth reflects God s goodness and beauty in some way

- God created, and still continues to create, the world out of His free, deliberate, and loving decision - Everything in the universe is completely dependent on God; he sustains his creations and provides for their needs - God also sustains us through His guidance for he is with us every moment of our lives Humanity, the Crown of God s Creation and Human Dignity Why are we different from other creatures? > we were made in God s image and likeness > we are superior compared to other creatures > we, more than any other creature, reflect our Creator most fully > being able to love As Human Persons We Have 1. INTELLECT - capacity to think - makes us capable of planning, inventing, etc. 2. FREE WILL (FREEDOM) - capacity to freely-choose - authentic exercise is choosing to LOVE Which make up our Self-worth:

Human Dignity means self-worth not measured by earthly values, reputations, or belongings endowed gift from God reason why every human being should be respected

Stewardship - God trusts humanity in having dominion over earth and all it s resources - no group of people should use the goods of the earth to the detriment of others; all the things of this world must be used according to God s will

Sabbath Rest (SUNDAY) - God rested on the seventh day - even if we are busy with our work, we must find time to celebrate, rest, and play - the Lord s Day is meant to give us time and space to reorder and recreate our relationships with one another, with God, and with nature - ultimately, the act of resting is directed to the worship and adoration of God Second Creation Story It is not good for the man to be alone. I will make a suitable partner for him Gn 2:18 -depicts God as a potter and a gardener, and as a personal and intimate God - focuses on the creation of man - emphasizes the dignity of women and the equality of men and women - God created humans social and free beings; we are meant to live harmoniously with each other Sin in General refers to the Fall of Man NOT temptation, but GIVING IN to temptation NOT mistake is a free act a failure or refusal to do good against our loving relationship with God

Original Sin > sin committed by Adam and Eve Originating Sin s Consequences >Sin of the world (Universal effect) - continuing cycle of sin in the world > Concupiscence (Personal effect) - the inner disorder or tendency in every human person to sin

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