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Someone showed me this in grammar school. It has been my impromptu favorite for
nearly 70 years. Over time this simple bit of supposed mindreading is the first thing I
perform if asked to do something magical.

At first glance it may seem too simple, that it is too obvious. As time has gone by I have
refined the patter and instructions so that in the mind of the spectator it becomes a
miracle. You’ll just have to take my word for it.

It is best done for one person. The dialogue must be exact in order to get the spectator to
follow your instructions until the conclusion. This is how it goes:

On one corner of a piece of paper, without the spectator seeing what you write, put the
number 5, fold over the paper twice. This is your prediction.

Begin by saying, "Listen to my instructions. Do exactly as I say. Call out numbers from 0
to 9 in any order. Go quickly, don’t think about it." As they do, write four numbers like

Now draw a line under these numbers as seen. Let them continue calling out numbers
until you have what looks like this:

The next dialogue is critical. Say to them, "I ask you to follow my instructions, clear your
mind, and do exactly as I tell you."

This is the most important part. Say, "PICK ONE. TOP OR BOTTOM?"

Whatever they say, cross out the bottom row of numbers. Say, "PICK TWO."

Whatever they say, cross out the numbers that leave the five unmarked.

Say, "PICK ONE." Whatever they say cross out the other number, leaving the five

"You chose five. I didn't influence your decision in any way. It was your free choice?"
They will agree. Circle the five. Ask them to open the paper and read your prediction. It
matches the number left as they eliminated the numbers previously.

You have exercised the age old "Hobson's Choice." No choice at all. You have managed
to steer them to a single number without seeming to do so.

Should they not call out the five in their initial eight selections. Simply say, "Keep
going," put the next called number on the top row, the next on the bottom. Proceed as
above until they have arrived at the five.

This may seem too simple, that they would see through the thing immediately, but that
is not the case. If done in an assured manner you will find them agreeing, they freely
chose that number, you had no influence over their decision.

You are utilizing a prehistoric version of the magician’s choice. Done with an air of
conviction, in a totally (apparent) manner this dodge will go by the sharpest of

Don’t do this for more than one person at a time. Don’t repeat the effect. Don’t do it a
second time for another person. It is a completely one-on-one situation. Try to gather
the piece of paper without attracting any undue attention to your actions, not letting
them analyze the paper later and get a glimmer into the actual working of the thing.

In over a half century of doing this gem I have found the number five to be the most
popular spectator selection. After that, number three is the next popular choice.

The wording is critical, along with your manner. You give no explanation of how you are
able to produce this phenomenon. Allow the mind of the spectator to do all the work for

Say as little as possible about what has happened, the silence will go far in reinforcing
the belief that you were able to somehow read their thoughts and predict the outcome of
their random selections.

It is a good idea to make this the only thing you perform at the time. Other tricks tend to
pale by comparison to reading their mind, causing them to give you a sidelong glance
from time to time as they replay the event in their minds. What has happened will
remain in their memory long after some pedestrian card effect. Done well, this simple
bit of steering will cement your reputation.

Don’t overlook this because it seems so simple. It is this apparent transparency that lies
at the heart of this jewel. It has been very good to me and I hope it will do the same for

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