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FH&R Front Desk Training

Our training module consists of eight easy to follow chapters. Please note that you may
track your progress at the top of the page using the progress bar. Each chapter concludes with a
brief quiz to assess your program knowledge. Please ensure you complete the training in its
entirety to ensure your participation is recorded. Let’s get started! In this training you will learn
about the importance of Program Recognition, the Benefits of FINE HOTELS & RESORTS, the
Card Member Check-In Process, the Survey Card, Acceptable Forms of Payment, the Property
Welcome Letter, and Mystery Shopping. At the end, we will review a few additional items to
ensure a smooth experience for you and our Card Members.

Chapter 1. Program Recognition

The communication of the FINE HOTELS & RESORTS benefits to our Card Members is
critical to the success of the program. Reiterating the program amenities at check-in makes the
Card Member feel special. Take Tyler Jones, one of our Platinum Card Members. When Tyler
called Platinum Travel Services, he asked the Travel Counselor to book him at the Tranquil
Resort and Spa, an FH&R property in Colorado. While placing the reservation, the Travel
Counselor explained the FH&R amenities available to him at this property. When Tyler arrived
at the resort, he was thrilled when the front staff explained each of the benefits and how to
redeem them during his stay. After his trip, Tyler told all of his friends about his experience and
the great benefits he received at this property, thanks to the FINE HOTELS & RESORTS Program.
When it was time for Tyler to book his winter ski trip, the FINE HOTELS & RESORTS Program was
top of mind, so was the Tranquil Resort and Spa, and this time he booked a suite. This story
repeats itself time and again in our Card Member feedback. When a Card Member experiences
our programs, they come back to us, and to you. Benefits truly do create loyalty!
Your assistance in communicating the program benefits helps us gain and retain loyal
customers. Our Card Members first encounter the FH&R Program through marketing initiatives
such as the annual FINE HOTELS & RESORTS directory, online banners, and advertising spreads
in Departures magazine (and Benefit awareness direct mail). With these campaigns, we inspire
them to call and book our incredible Member properties, and take advantage of the attractive
program amenities. As shown in the example with Tyler, our agents take the time to explain the
specific benefits the customer will receive at your property. Our online channel also allows
customers to clearly view these amenities throughout the booking process. From that point on,
the delivery of the program is placed in your capable hands. At check-in, your staff will advise
the guest of where, when, and how to redeem the benefits during their stay. Afterwards, the
Card Member completes the Survey Card or online survey to share their experiences with us
both. Highlighting the program benefits, and successfully delivering them, reminds the
customer that they made the right choice in choosing to book your property through American
Express FINE HOTELS & RESORTS. Twice a year the FINE HOTELS & RESORTS Program issues a
scorecard report that includes all of the feedback that we receive from our Card Members
about your property. Failure to correctly communicate and deliver the benefits to our Card
Members puts your property’s FH&R participation in jeopardy. Here at American Express we
take compliance very seriously, and we need your help to ensure our FH&R guests are receiving
their benefits 100% of the time.

Quiz: Program Recognition

1. Through which channels are Card Members advised of their FH&R benefits (select all
that apply):
o Annual FINE HOTELS & RESORTS Directory
o When they book with our Travel Counselors
o When they book online at
o When they book through their local travel agency

Answer: Card Members are informed that they will receive program benefits through all of our
programs (such as the Directory) and again when they call our travel counselors to make a
reservation, or when they book online at

2. Delivering the benefits of the FH&R Program to the Card Member 98% of the time is
acceptable, as long as you tried your best.
o True
o False

Answer: 100% compliance with the delivery of each of the program benefits of the FH&R
Program is essential to your FH&R membership. Hotels that are not in compliance are at high
risk for being removed from the program.

Chapter 2: Benefits

The FINE HOTELS & RESORTS Program is an exclusive hotel benefit package offered
exclusively to American Express Platinum Card and Centurion Members. With every FH&R
reservation, eligible Platinum Card and Centurion Members receive six program benefits. Early
Noon Check-In if Available, Daily Breakfast for Two, a Room Upgrade if Available, 4pm
Guaranteed Late Check-Out, Complimentary In-Room Wi-Fi, and an Additional Special Amenity,
which varies by property. Please note that these contracted benefits are not optional and must
be provided with every FH&R reservation. All FH&R amenities must be offered for two people.
If a single traveler books a double occupancy room rate, they may invite a guest to share their
amenities. This applies to the complimentary daily breakfast, and special amenities designated
for two people. These include: a complimentary lunch or dinner (for two), a complimentary
dinner (for two), a 50-minute complimentary massage (for two), a complimentary one way
private sedan transfer from hotel to airport (for two), and a complimentary round of golf (for
two people per room), including greens fees and cart rental (once per stay.) Single FH&R
members who invite a guest to use their additional amenity, must use the amenity at the same
time as their guest. If a single traveler books a single occupancy rate, the amenities listed above
should be provided for a single person.

Quiz: FH&R Benefits

1. The FINE HOTELS & RESORTS (FH&R) Program can be booked through American
Express Travel by the Card Member only if he or she has the following card. (Please
select all that apply)
o Platinum Card
o Centurion Card
o Delta Co-Brand Card
o Gold Preferred Rewards Plus Card

Answer: FH&R is eligible to be booked by Platinum Card and Centurion Members only.

2. Please select each of the standard benefits the Card Member is entitled to receive
when booking with FH&R. (Please select all that apply)
o Noon Check-In, If Available
o Room Upgrade At Check-in, If Available
o 4pm Late Check-Out, If Available
o Daily Breakfast For Two
o Special Additional Amenity, Varies By Property
o Daily Complimentary Newspaper Of Choice
o Guaranteed 4pm Late Check-Out
o Complimentary In-Room Wifi

Answer: The FH&R Program benefits are:

• Noon Check-In, If Available

• Room Upgrade At Check-in, If Available
• Guaranteed 4pm Late Check-Out
• Daily Breakfast For Two
• Complimentary In-Room wifi
• Additional Special Amenity, Which Varies By Property

Chapter 3: Check-In Process

In this chapter we will review each of the program benefits in detail, and offer best
practices on how to deliver and communicate the benefits to the Card Member at check-in.
Key Component No.1, Verbal Recognition of the Program. When the Card Member
arrives, check-in staff must verbally mention the FINE HOTELS & RESORTS Program by name.
Note, it is not sufficient to acknowledge that the booking was made through American Express,
or with their Platinum or Centurion Card. A sample script of appropriate program recognition
follows: “Hello Mr. Jones and welcome to the Tranquil Resort and Spa. I see that you have
booked through the American Express FINE HOTELS & RESORTS Program. As part of this
program, you are eligible to receive a package of valuable benefits. Please allow me to review
them with you.”
Key Component No. 2 is Noon Check-In, if Available. One of our program benefits is
early noon check-in if available. Now we realize that there may be times when this is not
possible, especially if your hotel is on the smaller size, or you are running at full occupancy, and
that’s ok. However, we do ask that you verbally explain the benefit to the Card Member. Again,
this is what they were advised during the booking process, so explaining this benefit is key, so
that the Card Member does not feel like this benefit was forgotten. If the benefit is not
available, offering to store luggage and recommending amenities within the hotel are great
ways to provide alternative options until their room is available.
One our most popular amenities and our 3rd Component, is the Room Upgrade at
Check-In, if Available. Please communicate to the Card Member at check-in, whether or not an
upgrade can be provided, and what type of room category they have been upgraded to. For
example, Tyler may not realize that a deluxe mountain view is an upgraded room category, so
telling him the name of the upgrade is really important. It will help eliminate any confusion or
calls down to the front desk when he arrives in his room. We do realize that the room upgrade
may not always be available, however, similar to the noon check-in, you must explain that this
is part of program amenities. Please note that you may be asked to track upgrades for FHR
guests. Your FHR primary contact will provide more information when this becomes a
The Daily Breakfast for Two is a true favorite for FH&R guests. For each day of their stay,
Card Members should receive a breakfast for two people. This breakfast should be at minimum,
worth 30 dollars per person. Many hotels choose to offer a sit-down or buffet breakfast. If
you’re not sure what your hotel is offering, please ask the primary contact at your hotel. Please
explain to the Card Member at check-in what type of breakfast your hotel offers, and where the
breakfast location is. Is there a certain restaurant they must dine in for breakfast? Please
communicate all of this. Additionally, if your breakfast is not available for room service, please
disclose this upfront. Card Members may assume that they may apply the breakfast towards in-
room dining so being transparent means that everybody is happy at check-out.
Another favorite amenity for FH&R guests is the Guaranteed 4pm Late Check-Out. Who
wouldn’t want to lounge by the pool or get a few more runs in on the slopes before heading to
the airport? Please note, all Card Members should receive a 4pm late check-out. This is not
based on availability, rather it is a guaranteed benefit and should be honored for FH&R booked
rooms at your hotel. The Card Member may not need to utilize the late check-out. As a best
practice and program courtesy, after you inform the guest of the benefit, ask if the late check-
out is needed. Many times a Card Member has an early flight to catch, or will check-out early
for another reason.
Our 6th Component is Complimentary In-Room Wi-Fi. During check-in please be sure to
advise the Card Member about how to access Wi-Fi at your property. At a minimum, this
service must be available in-room to guests for the duration of their stay. If there is a certain
level or tier of web access for the FH&R guest, please communicate which level of access they
have. For example, some hotels offer high-speed versus regular speed, or allow unlimited
device connections versus a limited number. Please communicate this upfront, so there is no
misunderstanding at check-out. You should also inform the guest if there is a special passcode,
or instructions to access the internet.
Last but not least is the Additional Special Amenity, which is unique to your property.
For example, your hotel may offer a complimentary dinner for two, or a round of golf. If you’re
not sure what your hotel is offering, please ask the primary FH&R contact at your hotel. Just like
the other benefits, verbal communication and full disclosure on using this amenity is essential.
Explain to the Card Member what the additional amenity is, where it can be used, and how. For
example if you are offering dinner, please explain to the Card Member which dining outlet, or
outlets are applicable.

Quiz: Check-in Process

1. The daily breakfast offered should be at minimum US $15 per person, per day
o True
o False

Answer: The daily breakfast offered should be worth a minimum of $30 per person, per day.

Chapter 4: Survey Card

Once you review all of the benefits with the guest, pleases distribute the American
Express FINE HOTELS & RESORTS branded Survey Card. The Survey Card explains all of the FH&R
standard benefits, and it also allows us to gather valuable feedback from our Card Members
regarding their level of satisfaction with their stay. Based on partner feedback, starting in 2017,
FHR properties will be allowed to provide the survey card on a nightstand during turndown on
the last night of the FHR guest’s stay OR upon check-out. Please note that properties should
NOT start doing this until 2017 and until then, should continue to deliver the FHR survey card to
guests at check-in. As a best practice, some hotels choose to attach the Survey Card to the
Registration Form, to ensure it gets delivered. Please ask the guest to complete the survey at
the end of their stay. They can use the paper form, or they can also go online to submit their
feedback to These results of the Survey Cards are compiled and sent
via the scorecard to our main contacts at your hotel. If we see that your hotel has a lot of FH&R
bookings but no Survey Card feedback, your hotel could fail that area of the scorecard. Guests’
Survey Card feedback and the number of completed cards the FH&R team receives for your
property are compiled. Distribution of these cards is essential to passing the scorecard. Survey
Cards are customized with your hotel name and can be ordered on by the
FH&R relationship manager at your hotel. This is typically your Director of Sales and Marketing,
or Director of Revenue. Please note that it may take up to eight weeks for a new order to reach
your property, so we recommend reordering when you have a two month’s supply remaining.

Quiz: The Survey Card

1. When should the Survey Card be distributed to the guest?
o At check-in, OR starting in 2017 only, on the nightstand of the last night of an
FHR guest’s stay or at check-out
o Leave it under the guest’s door
o Survey Cards are optional and may be given at any time

Answer: The Survey Card should be handed to guests at check-in. Starting in 2017 only, it will
also be acceptable to leave the FHR survey card on a nightstand during turndown on the last
night of the FHR guest’s stay OR upon check-out.

Chapter 5: Forms of Payment

Did you know that Tyler can use any American Express card in his name to pay for his
stay? At American Express Travel, we verify upfront during the booking process if the Card
Member is eligible to receive the benefits, namely all Platinum Card and Centurion Members.
When the Card Member arrives at the hotel, they can actually choose any American Express
product to pay for their stay. We allow this because we realize that Card Members may not
have their Platinum or Centurion Card with them on the trip or they may simply choose to pay
with another card, and this is acceptable as long as it is an American Express Card in their name.
This includes Traveler’s Cheques and even Gift Cards from American Express. Any card that has
an American Express logo on it is acceptable. Card Members cannot use cash or checks to pay
for their stay, and they are not able to use another issuer’s card such as Visa or MasterCard. If
they insist on using these payment methods, you should refuse the FH&R benefits, and add any
otherwise complimentary benefits back onto their bill. FINE HOTELS & RESORTS benefits are for
American Express Card Members only and payment on the card is mandatory. Card Members
must charge the full folio amount to their American Express Card product. They may not pay for
incidentals in cash, checks, or non-Amex payment vehicles.

Quiz: Acceptable Form of Payment

1. The program benefits should only be administered when the eligible Card Member
pays for his or her stay with any American Express product.
o True
o False

Answer: Eligible Card Members do not need to pay for their stay with their Platinum or
Centurion Card and can pay with any American Express product, including American Express
Gift Cards and Traveler’s Cheques from American Express.
Reminder! They cannot use cash, checks, or other competitor cards for payment. If they insist
on using these payment methods you should add the complimentary FH&R benefits you can (ie:
breakfast and special additional amenity) back to the bill.

Chapter 6: Property Welcome Letter

The Property Welcome Letter is a tool to assist the front desk with the check-in, as well
as to remind the Card Member of their benefits, and to instruct them where to go to take
advantage of them. New for 2016, this Property Welcome Letter is mandatory for all FH&R
properties. This letter is standardized by American Express, with certain details that should be
updated to apply to your property, such as where to use the breakfast amenity or how to
connect to the complimentary in-room Wi-Fi, which is done using the Welcome Letter Builder
Tool. Some hotels’ reservation staff will each day, review all FH&R reservations coming in for
the following day, and will attach the Survey Card to the Property Welcome Letter and then
everything is all in place for a seamless check-in. Your FH&R Primary Contact at the property
should fill out the benefit details in the FH&R Welcome Letter Builder Tool and your property
can either print multiple, generic copies without the guest name or can choose to customize
the letter by including the guest name and date. When the guest arrives at the hotel, after you
have verbally acknowledged they booked with the program, please open up the letter and
review all of the benefits verbally with the guest. Please do not simply hand them the letter as
they may not read it.

Quiz: Property Welcome Letter:

1. At check-in, as long as you hand the Card Member the Property Welcome Letter
you have successfully delivered the FH&R benefits.
o True
o False

Answer: You should verbally explain each of the benefits and inform the Card Member of where
and how they can take advantage of them. It is not sufficient to just hand the Card Member the
Property Welcome Letter as they may not read it. It should be used as a helpful tool to ensure a
seamless check- in.

Chapter 7: Mystery Shop

Now you have verbally acknowledged the program, successfully reviewed all of the
FH&R benefits, handed the guest the Survey Card, and accepted only American Express as
payment. You have executed the FH&R program perfectly, but how do we at American Express
ensure that the program benefits are being administered correctly? We do this evaluation
through what we call, the Mystery Shop. Mystery shopping allows the leadership team of
American Express to ensure your team is communicating and delivering the FH&R benefits as
well as confirming the service levels, room product, and onsite amenities are meeting or
exceeding Card Member expectations. As previously mentioned, we take compliance very
seriously, and we need to ensure that we’re delivering on our promises to the Card Member.
The mystery shop reservation will be registered as a standard FH&R guest. Upon check- out, the
mystery shopper will reveal herself and the room charge, taxes, breakfast, and the additional
amenity should be credited back to the card. Any previously charged deposits should also be
credited back to the shopper’s card. Following the Mystery Shop, the primary FH&R contacts at
the hotel will receive a report of the results within 15 business days. Your Mystery Shop results,
will also be calculated into your scorecard. Along with the Survey Card feedback, mystery
shopping is a way for us to ensure that the key components are being administered. If we find
the hotel is not in compliance with the program, it could affect the hotel’s continued
participation in the FH&R Program. So what does the mystery shopper look for, when at the
hotel? The mystery shopper is looking to ensure that you’ve touched on all key components
that we’ve previously reviewed. In summary, they’re looking to make sure that you verbally
acknowledge that the reservation was made through American Express FINE HOTELS &
RESORTS, verbally communicated each of the six standard benefits and informed the Card
Member of how the benefit can be utilized. Remember to explain the type of breakfast and
which restaurant it is located in, and always mention the upgrade and early check-in even if it’s
not available. They are also looking to see if you delivered the Survey Card AND the Property
Welcome Letter. During their stay, they will evaluate the overall experience, and rate the
quality of the room product, service levels, and general facilities. And finally, took only
American Express products as form of payment, and not cash or a competitor card.

Quiz: Mystery Shop

1. Please select the areas the American Express Mystery Shopper will look for to
ensure the hotel staff is 100% compliant with the program’s Key Components.
(Please select all that apply)
o Verbally explaining each of the FINE HOTELS & RESORTS (or CENTURION FINE
HOTELS & RESORTS benefits, depending on booking type) and how they can
be utilized.
o Delivery of the Survey Card AND Property Welcome Letter
o Any credit card form of payment accepted
o Accepted only an American Express Card as form of payment
o Making sure the room décor is to their liking
o Verbal recognition of booking through American Express FINE HOTELS &

Answer: The Mystery Shopper will look to ensure you have verbally recognized that the booking
was made through American Express FINE HOTELS & RESORTS, that you verbally explained each
of the program benefits and how they can be utilized, that you delivered the Survey Card and
Property Welcome Letter, and that you accepted only an American Express Card as payment. In
addition to the communication of the program benefits, Mystery shoppers will also evaluate
the quality of the overall experience, room product and service levels.

Chapter 8: Additional Information

FHR Online Booking Experience (United States)

Eligible American Express Card Members in the United States can book FINE HOTELS &
RESORTS in two ways. The first way is through the dedicated FHR Online website, where they
can only book FHR properties at FHR rates.
The second way Card Members in the United States can book FHR is through the Amex
Travel website, in which they can choose between a prepaid rate or an FHR rate. The prepaid
rate on the left does not include FHR benefits and the prepaid rate bookings appear through
American Express’ online partner, Orbitz-Expedia. The FHR rate on the right includes all FHR
benefits and would appear with the correct FHR rate code to your property.
If a Card Member is checking-in and does not have the correct FHR rate code with the
booking, he or she may have booked a prepaid hotel rate instead and would not be eligible for
FHR benefits with that booking. Please note that your property is under NO obligation to
provide FHR benefits in that instance as the Card Member did not book an FHR rate. The Card
Member can call the following phone numbers to speak with Amex Travel who can confirm the
prepaid rate does not qualify for FHR benefits. The phone numbers are also provided in the
transcript of this training after final completion.

1-800-297-2977 toll-free within the United States

1-312-980-7807 if traveling outside the United States

Limited-Time Marketing Offers

During certain times, your marketing department may run a limited-time marketing
offer for our Card Members, such as a complimentary 3rd night, or $250 property credit. These
limited-time offers are combinable with the FH&R Program benefits. It’s important to note that
if the reservation reflects a limited-time marketing offer was booked, this offer should be
communicated to the guest at check-in. At check-out it should be reflected on the bill. For
instance, if your hotel was offering a complimentary 3rd night, the bill should reflect you
removed the charge for the 3rd night. If your hotel was offering a $250 hotel credit, you should
reflect the total amount minus the $250 so that the Card Member can see the credit was
deducted from the bill. If your hotel is running a limited-time offer, in addition to the program
benefits, your marketing contact at the hotel will inform you of all of the details, and will share
with you what offer code to look out for on the reservations.

Direct Reservation Requests

Almost all FH&R reservations will go through the Global Distribution System, and
through your hotel’s reservation system. Your hotel should NOT accept FH&R direct bookings
from Card Members or other sources other than American Express Travel. Sometimes Card
Members will show up at the hotel or call your Reservation desk directly and ask you to book an
FH&R reservation on their behalf. If you want to help with the booking, please direct the Card
Member to call the number on the back of the card, have the Card Member present to verify
identity and eligibility to the Travel Counselor. Please note there are different phone numbers
for each card type eligible for FH&R, so we encourage you to call the number on the back of the
card for the fastest resolution. If you are contacted directly by an American Express
Representative Travel Agency, please refer the request to the Agency Services Desk at 800-428-
0250 (Option 1). Direct bookings are not acceptable. These reservations are not trackable and
Card Members should be advised of the correct booking process for the future. Please do not
accept these types of requests and always direct them to American Express Travel.

Quiz: Additional Information

1. If your hotel is offering a complimentary 3rd night, how should this be reflected on
the final bill?
o Only the true total amount owed by the Card Member should be shown on
the bill.
o The complimentary 3rd night charge should be shown as “deducted” from
the bill so the Card Member can see the offer was applied.

Answer: The complimentary 3rd night should be shown as “deducted” from the bill so that the
Card Member can see the offer was applied and there are no questions or issues at check-out.

2. If a Travel Agency from American Express calls the hotel you should direct the
representative to either book in the GDS directly or to call the Agency Services
o True
o False

Answer: Travel Agencies owned or affiliated with American Express Travel should use the GDS
for direct bookings. If the agency does not have standard GDS access they should book the
program using the Agency Services Desk.

3. What do you do if a Platinum Card or Centurion Member arrives at your hotel and
asks about the benefits? (Choose all correct answers)
o Inform the Card Member that the proper way to book FH&R is through
American Express Travel and to call the phone number on the back of the
eligible card.
o Tell them you can assist with the booking and then call American Express to
help facilitate.
o Tell the Card Member they cannot get program benefits if they show up at
the hotel, they can only get it by booking ahead of time.

Answer: If a Card Member shows up at the hotel and wants the FH&R benefits applied, please
ask the guest to either call the number on the back of their eligible card, or you can also help by
calling American Express Travel on their behalf - ensure the Card Member is present so he/she
can verify identity to the Travel Counselor.

You have successfully completed the FH&R Front Desk Program Delivery Training! Thank you
for your participation.

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