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Inhumanity is, to an extreme extent, a common practice in the slave trade.

And this book

portrays many of the instances of the cruelty prevalent in this business. Starting with the
poisoning and subsequent kidnapping, the protagonist of this story, former free man
Solomon Nortrup finds himself trapped in the cycle of slavery. In this story, disobedience or
any form of disagreement with white supremacy leads to certain corporal punishment, either
in the form of whipping or beating. Slaves, chained up and stripped half-naked, and
observed by potential buyers is one of the most degrading scenes this book describes.
Equally heartbreaking is the separation of families, being sold one by one to different buyers
for various purposes. In this case, a mother loses her children, not knowing if she will ever
see them again. The slave trade disregards human beings to the fullest extent and considers
one just an object, an item for sale. It is one of the biggest embarrassments to all of
humanity, and also one that can’t be repaid.

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