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Emotional Intelligence Essay

PHIL 250

Vicky Chau

June 24, 2017

Emotional intelligence is the ability to identify and manage your

emotions and other people’s emotions as well. There are different skills that

make up this ability, which includes self-awareness, good intuition, self-

management, empathy, and being able to combine these skills in a

relationship. Everyone has different personalities and their own ways of

showing emotions, but sometimes those emotions cannot be managed well

and it affects our behavior and actions in a negative manner. Emotional

intelligence is an important factor in life because it involves how you look at

others, understanding how others feel, and positively managing your

relationships with people. Self-awareness is considered the most important

skill when it comes to emotional intelligence. People with a high level of

emotional intelligence are very self-aware, meaning they understand and

manage their emotions well so that it doesn’t ever get out of control.

Learning self-awareness is learning to understand your own needs, desires,

failings, habits, and everything that upsets you. When you learn to

acknowledge certain things about yourself, you will realize that you can

change what makes you unhappy and adapt to life changes to suit your

needs. When you understand why you feel the way you do or why you do the

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things you do, then essentially you will learn to improve these habits and

perform better. Once people have self-awareness it will become easier to

control their emotions and impulses, not letting themselves get too angry or

jealous which leads to impulsive actions. Empathy is a skill used by those

with emotional intelligence, which is the second most important ability of

emotional intelligence. Empathy is the ability to understand and share the

feelings of others, empathy is what connects us to people and creates bonds

that makes our relationships stronger. When we have empathy, we recognize

what others are feeling to understand what they want, need, and their

perspectives because we can relate to them. Empathy makes us better

listeners and to develop a stronger understanding of other people’s

situations. Emotional intelligence is important not only in personal life but it

can affect your workplace, depending on your level of skills. In any type of

job or career there will always be people you see who are insensitive,

inconsiderate, arrogant, and cannot get work well with others. Those type of

people have very poor people skills and that usually creates conflicts in the

workplace, you can have the best working skills and talents but if you don’t

have empathy then you will not be able to get anywhere. Lack of empathy

can cause others not wanting to work with you or be around you because

you are uncaring, your arrogance makes you think you know everything, and

unwilling to open up to different ideas other than your own. This can even

make you a less likely candidate for promotion, which requires

characteristics of a good leader and being volatile and upsetting people do

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not make people look up to you. Putting yourself in someone else’s shoes will

help you to understand from their perspective and understand how they’re

feeling. When you do this, others will appreciate your consideration and put

their trust in you. Remember that there is always more than one solutions to

everything, so being open-minded and accepting opinions other than your

own will help you to accept others and build relationships.

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