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W04 Reflection: Lessons Learnd.

Gutierrez Saltos, Aaron Fernando.

BA 211

It is very interesting to me those things I learned when I went back to review and read over the
key words, because for me each of these terms will be of great help not only throughout the
semester but throughout the career, and I take them of great value for future assignments and
my performance during this course.

Likewise, in how with my classmates we are striving to try to do better and better simulations,
and that each of us can participate in each part of the simulation without leaving any of us
behind, so that each of us can continue to learn and improve the way we use capsim. I learned
that many times depending on the decisions that are taken in capsim as normally in life there
will be times when the consequences or results can be of great benefit to those who are
around that decision and I know that I have many things to improve in my assignments as in
capsim but I strive every day to try to do better because I know that although it is difficult I can
reach even better performance and level in my collaborations and work in capsim.

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