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Naturalism comes from the word Nature. The word Nature comes from English. The
word has a natural meaning.
Understanding naturalism is one type of art flow. This naturalism prioritizes the
suitability and resemblance of the objects it paints. It aims so that what is described
looks natural.
The ontological understanding of naturalism is the equivalent of a form of
materialism. It refers to visible or visible material and material things. While the
notion of methodological naturalism refers more to the search for an explanation.
An explanation of how or what in the world around us functions. As well as based on
what can be observed, tested, replicated and verified.
One example is when Indonesia was still the Dutch East Indies, namely mooi indie.
In addition, the flow of naturalism is also one example of how an art school can also
be defined over the centuries. Especially after an initial move had appeared.
Therefore, in naturalism there are also some variations. The variation is caused by a
combination of things. Like the combination of elements of painting and the artist's
personal aspects. As mentioned above.
For example, a nature painting that is beautifully painted but looks more romantic,
more erotic, more passionate and so on. In addition, paintings that also carry the flow
of naturalism will also tend to choose beautiful objects. That's because it will be more
concerned with the form of the physical.
Naturalism also overcomes this limitation by imitating nature. The artists will imitate
the painting with nature exactly. It will make naturalistic painting connoisseurs when
they see their paintings, in their imaginations they will see reality so as to create food
from a real mountain.
Characteristics of Naturalism
Based on the previous understanding of naturalism, there are several characteristics of
the flow of naturalism. This characteristic can be a differentiator between naturalism
and other art schools. The characteristics of the flow of naturalism are as follows:

1. Naturalism emphasizes the resemblance of the painting to that of the

original object.
2. Naturalism will raise the theme of real scenery, such as natural beauty.
3. Naturalism will not only display beautiful paintings, but will show their
4. Naturalism will describe beauty in accordance with reality, without
exaggerating or reducing it.
5. In the flow of naturalism, the techniques and skills of the artist are very
6. Naturalism is a genre that is an appreciation and form of admiration of
artists for nature

style of writing derived from the presentation of the features and peculiarities of a
particular locality and its inhabitants. Although the term local colour can be applied
to any type of writing, it is used almost exclusively to describe a kind of American
literature that in its most-characteristic form made its appearance in the late 1860s,
just after the end of the Civil War. For nearly three decades local colour was the
single most-popular form of American literature, fulfilling a newly awakened public
interest in distant parts of the United States and, for some, providing a nostalgic
memory of times gone by. It concerned itself mainly with depicting the character of a
particular region, concentrating especially upon the peculiarities of dialect, manners,
folklore, and landscape that distinguish the area.
The frontier novels of James Fenimore Cooper have been cited as precursors of the
local colour story, as have the New York Dutch tales of Washington Irving. The
California Gold Rush provided a vivid and exciting background for the stories of Bret
Harte, whose The Luck of Roaring Camp (1868), with its use of miners’ dialect,
colourful characters, and California setting, is among the early local colour stories.

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