Sci.-1 Second Term 2019-20 PDF

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Exam. No. Second Term Exam - 2019-20 Time – 2 Hrs.

Std. 9th Div. Sub: - Science & Tech. - I Marks – 40

Q.1 (A) Select the correct option and rewrite the complete statements. (5)
(1) Which of the following is used for drawing ray diagrams for image formation in a mirror.
(a) Laws of refraction (b) Laws of reflection (c) Law of scattering (d) Both (a) & (b)
(2) Bats can produce …………………. Sound .
(a) infrasonic (b) loud (c) ultrasonic (d) low quality
(3) The ……………… aqueous solution of salt is called saturated brine.
(a) 20 ٪ (b) 25 ٪ (c) 30 ٪ (d) 35 ٪
(4) Electronic configuration of element carbon is………… .
(a) 2,6 (b) 2,4 (c) 6,2 (d) 4,2
(5) There should be ………….. Materials to reduce reverberation in a room.
(a) precious (b) glass (c) sound-absorbing (d) reflecting

(B) Solve the following questions. (5)

(1) Define the term. – Principal axis
(2) Find the odd one out and give the reason:
Charcoal, Anthracite, Lignite, Peat
(3) Write the chemical formula of:
i) Baking soda
ii) Common salt
(4) Match the following.

column -A Column - B
1) Pinna a) Connects inner ear to the brain
2) Auditory nerve b) Middle ear
c) Collects sound
(5) What is the strip shown below? What is it used for?

Q.2 (A) Give the Scientific Reasons. (Any-2) (04)

(1) Why are the concave mirrors used in the solar devices?
(2) Limewater turns milky when Co2 is passed through it.
(3) The roofs of a movie theater and a conference hall are curved.
(B) Answer the following questions.(Any-3) (06)

(1) A vase is kept in front of two plane mirrors inclined at angle A with each other’s. If four images of vase are
Formed, then what is the angle A between mirrors?
(2) A ray of light AM is incident on spherical mirror in the diagram. Redraw the diagram and show the path of
the reflected ray. Also indicate and mark the normal and the angle of reflection in the diagram.

(3) What is an echo? What factors are important to get a distinct echo?
(4) Write two physical properties each.
(i) Diamond (ii) Fullerene
(5) Explain what you see in the following picture.

Q.3 Answer the following questions. (Any 5) (15)

(1) Fill in the blanks in the given figure.

(2) A 10 cm. long stick is kept in front of a concave mirror having focal length of 10 cm. in such a way that the end of the
Stick closest to the pole is at a distance of 20 cm. what will be the length of the image?

(3) Describe the human ear with the help of a diagram.

(4) Write balanced chemical equations for the following:
(i) Reaction of a bleaching powder with carbon dioxide.
(ii) Write down the reaction of sodium carbonate with dilute sulphuric acid.

(5) Distinguish between – concave mirror and convex mirror.

(6) Explain the mechanism of SONAR.

(7) Draw neat labeled diagram of Biogas plant.

(8) Complete the following table.

Substances Commonly Known Molecular formulae
(i) (a) ………………….. Alum K2SO4 . Al2(SO4)3 . 24H2O
(ii) Borax Borax (b) ……………..
(iii) Magnesium salt (c) ………………. MgSO4 . 7H2O
(iv) Barium Chloride Barium Chloride (d) ……….........
(v) (e) ………………… Glauber’s salt (f) ………………

Q.4) Answer the following questions.(Any-1) (05)

(1) Do the diagram given below , follow the laws of reflection of sound? Justify your answer. If needed make the
Required changes in the diagram .

(2) Help your friend to prepare a presentation on Co2 gas with respect to following points.
(i) Molecular formula (ii) molecular mass (iii) melting point
(iv) Occurrence in nature (v) Chemical equation showing the preparation of carbon dioxide.

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