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58 O & » csoePa8o0g Hetgesangtnnse 6.141 Hybridshapesweencincle ‘This class represents sep surface using crear profile Se Section 6.6), An objeto the ass ‘rented with the AddNewSveepCiele mtd ofthe HybridShapeFactory css (Seton 885). (yee Path: AnyOdjet Hybridshape HybridShapesweep HybrishopeSeepCirle CcancnicalDetection As Long, “Ths propenty returns or sets wheter enon surfaces ae detected in the wept ete Ihe vale {6°0,"the option ede, Ifthe vale 2 the option eb, hoiceNo As Long “Ths property returns or ets the chsce mumiber (solution) image slations exis Context As Long ‘This property returns or sts whether the sweeps surface (alu equal to “0% or volume sale equal to" FiestAngleLaw As Reference “This propor returns or sets the fst angle lav. This property isnot needed the tandard CATIA laws se we (onstant ner, S-shaped), FirstAngleLawinversion As Long, ‘This property returns sets whether the st angle vis invertd. “1 indatesan inversion, "0" no FirstGuideCrv As Reference “This property returns or ses the fist ge curve sate rin DL une GetAngle (Hndex] As Long) As Angle “This method sets the angle vasa specifi Inde positon, Inde be etd wit the Vale method, ‘27 Th ne can ‘Sab GetAngleLawIypes [Angley pet, Anglelypea] As Long, “This mod setreves the angela types. The valu range sna tothe GetFiestAngleLaw toaad Sul GetFirstAngleLaw (Angles, Angle2] As Angle, [LawTypel As Long, “Ths mod etree the ist angle ay Te values can be died with the Wale method. The value range ofthe“LawType" parameter iY (constant) "2" (inear.“"S-curve),and"4"(odvaned) Sul GetLongitudinalRetimiters (Element, Flement2] As Reference ‘This method vetoes theremin ements ofthe spine euve (Rainier and"Retiniter 2° Sel). ‘Sub GetNbAngle [Quantity] As Long, “Ths method etree the uber of angles, Sob GetNDGuide [Quantity] As Long ‘Tha methodsetrees the mero ules. Sub GetNbRadias [Quantity] As Long “The method retrieves the number ofa Fane Gettadius([index] As Long) As Langit “This method retrieves the radius at a specified “Index” poston. “Index” is" oF”2 The value canbe itd wth the Value mth. Sul GetRetimiters[Relimitert] As Reference, [Orientations] As Long, [Relimiter2] As [Refarence, [Orientation2] As Long ‘This method strewes theremin clement ofthe spine euve ane orientation Relinite 1° 1nd “Retimiter "fils. The value range ofthe “Orientaton” parameter is"o"(bepnning of sine) nd ond of pie), Sulb GetSecondngleLaw (Angler, Anglea] As Angle, [LawTypel As Long, “This method seteees the Second angle la (ce GetFestAngleL ave method). Sul GetTangeneyChoieeNo [Number, SurfaccOrientation, GuideOrientation] As Long, “The method etree a sequence tat Mente a soltion foal poses of cca profile seep tangent toa surface The ale range the Orientation” parameters" (ginal oeatation, “1 lnvertedoretaton, and"2" (no arientation, ‘GuldeDeviation As Length (Read Only) ‘This property returns the deviation vale rom guide curves owed during a sweeping operation (ales the GuldeDeviationActivity property is “True GuideDeviation Activity As Boolean, ‘This property returns or sets the stato the “Deviation fom Gude) option Mode As ong, “This property returns or sets the cru sweep mode Subtype fel) Value ong = 0: Undefined de = 2 Thnce guides = 2: Two guides and radius 5: Cantor and too anges 6:Centerand rads 7 Two ides and tngeney sce 8: Limit ure and angen ute RadiusLaw As Reference ‘Ths property or ete rad la feature, RadiusLaveinversion As Long ‘This property returns or sets whether thea aes inverted. notnversion. indlats an iaveson, “onde RadiusLawType As Long, “Thc prporty tums or sets the rains Intype. The al ange it carve, and“ vanced). eonstant). “2 near, 2° Reference As Reference “This property returns or sets the reference element Sub RemoveAngle “Tle metbod eves an angle, Sub RemoveGuide “This method removes a guide curve. Sub RemoveRadins “This mod removes a alas. SecondAngloLaw As Reference “Tis property returns or ets the second angle aw. This propety is ot needed ifthe standard CATIA laws are sed (constant nen, S-shaped) SecondAngleLawlaversion As Long, ‘This property returns or sets whether the second angle wis inverted“ dieates an aversion, “o" Indicates noaversion, SecondGiuideCrv As Reference “This propertyretums or sets the second guide cave Sul SetAngle [Index] As Long, [Angle] As Double “This method sets theanalevaluesa specified “Indes poston “nea"is"or"2"Theangleis rneasued in ders ‘Sub SetAngleLawTypes [AngleTypet, AngleTypea] As Long, “This metho sets the angle aw ofthe it an scone angle. The ale rage issn othe (GetFirstAngleLaw metod's Sub SetFirtAngletaw [Anglet, Angles] As Double, [LawType] As Long “This method sets the fst angle aw. The angles ane measured in degree. “Law Type" corresponds he" Law parame ofthe GetFirstAngletaw metas. The angle a element an beset as lnwtype4" with he FistAngleL awe proper Sub SetGuideDeviation [Length] As Double “This method sets the “Destin frm Guides" vale. Sul SetLongitudinalRetimiters [Elements, Element] As Reference “This metho sets theremin clement ofthe spine eve Rtiniter 1° and Relies 2” ek. Sub SetRadius Index} As Long, [Radius] As Double “Thin metho sete the rds valent specified Indes" poston. ‘Sub Settelimiters[Relimitert] As Reference, [Orientations] As Long, [Orientations] As Reference, [Orientiensnga] As Long, “This method sets the relimiting clement ofthe spine eve and thee venation Relimite Vand "line 2° lds) The valu range ofthe “Oreo” paranterie“o" begin of pine) ae“ (end otspine, ‘Sub SetSecondAngleTaw [Angle, Angles] As Double, [LawTypel As Long, “This method sets the second ange lw (see FrstAngleL a neo, Sub SetSmoothAngleThreshotd [Angle] As Double “This method sets the “Angular Coretion.” Sub SetTangeneyChoiceNo [Number, SurfaceOrientation, GuideOrientation] As Long, “Thin metho sete sequence hat identifes a tion fom all possibilities a eile profile sep tangent toa secs. Tho vale range of the “Orientation” poster °Y (origin orientation), averted orientation, and”2" (no orientation. SmoothAeivty As Boolean “This property returns or sets the stato the Angular Correction” option. ‘Smoothnglethreshold As Angle (Read Only) “This property returns or ets the angular theshold Angular Coren” Be), Spine As Reference “Ths property returns or sets the spine hcecteeen Seine = Rterencecurve “ThirdGuideCrv As Reference “This peoperty returns or ses the tied gulde cue, ‘TrimOption As Long “This property returns or sts tho trim state. The value ranges “O° (note) and" (rim enabled), 8.142 HybridshapeswoepConic ‘This css represents conie sep, An object ofthe cas iscreaed with the AddNewSweepConic sete othe HybeldShapeFactory dass (Seton 8:85). (jee Path: AnyOdjet HybridShape HybridShapesweep HybridShapeSueepConie CancnicalDetection As Long “This property returns or sets whether noni surfaces ae detected in the swept surface, I the vale {6°o,"the option ie dsbla, the ale "the option is eal, FithGuideCre As Reference “This property remus sets thefith guide ure (reer to iestGudeCew), FirstGuideCrv As Reference “This property retunsor ets the fist guide curve Ghide Cue fel) ycontesep retusa = Carvel FourthtGuideCrv Ax Reference “This property returnsor sets the fourth guide cue (refer to FiestGuideCre). Sul GetLongitudinalRetimiters[Elementt, Element2] As Reference “This metho retrieves the relmiing elements ofthe spine curve (Reinier and Rite 2° fais. Sub GetNbGuides [Quantity] As Long “Tae method setrees the mnber of gules. Sub [StartValue, EndValue] As Double, [LavType] As Long “This method gets the parameter aw, The al ange ofthe aw type is similar tothe ParameterLawlypes, Sub Gettetimiters [Element] As Reference, [Orientations] As Long, [Eementa] As Reference, Orientaiona] As Long “This med setelees the reining ements ofthe spine eure and the vention. The entation ‘a have a vahieof"o" fora standaed orientation and foran immertd orientation ‘Sub GetTangency [Element] As Reference, [StartAngle, EndAngle] As Angle, [LawType, Index] As Long “The method gets the tangeneysufte or uve adits age ta speed “Index” poston, The valve ange ofthe aw tye si to that of ParameterLawType Sub GetTangeney AngleLawinversion (Index, Invert] As Long “Ths method gets wheter the tanger angle a isnverte ta specified “Indes” pin. fave” |5°0, the awa not verte, ‘Sub GetTangencyLaw [Element, Law] As Reference, ladex} As Long “This method geste tangency surface or euve and its angle ta pei “Index” poston. “Element” Isa reference tothe contents ofthe “Tangeney” eld. ‘GuideDevition As Length (Read Only) “This property returns the deviation vale from the guide curves allowed during sweeping operation (Deviation fom Guides ek, GuideDeviationSetvity As Boolean, ‘This property returns or sets the state of the ‘Deviation fom Oude)” opion, the values “True the option enabled Parameter Ax Double “Ths propery returns or sets the parameter fos cole sweep operation (Parameter fe). ParnmeterLaw As Reference “This property returns or ses the parameter ParameterLawhnversion As Boolean “This property returns or sets whether the parameter nw is inverted ("True") or ot als) Parametertawiype As Long, “This proporty returns or sets the parameter wpe Tho vale ranges (S-yp2) and" (advanced). Sub RemoveGuide [Index] As Long ‘Ths method moves guidecarveat spied “ade” positon. ‘Sub RemoveParameter “This method emoves conical sop parameter Sulp RemoveTangoncy [index] As Long. “This method moves atangencysufies or curv (Tangent) ants angle at» specifi “Index” postion, SecondGuideCev As Reference “This property retuns or ets the second guide curve fer to Fest Guide) Sub SetGuideDeviation [Value] As Double “Ths method sets the value ofthe “Deviation rom Guides). Sub SetLongitudinalRetimiters (Elements, lement2] As Reference “This method sets the relmiting elements of he spine curve (lint 1” and “Reliniter 2” el) Sul SetParameterLaw [StartValue, EndValuc] As Double, [Lawypel As Long. “This method sets the parmeterlaw The vale range ofthe type sila to hs ParameterLaw ype" ‘Sub SetRelimiters[Flements] As Reference, [Orientations] As Long, [Elementa] As Reference, (Orientation2] As Long “This metodsetrees the relniing elements ofthe spine curve and ther orientation. The orientation ts the value“o" fora standard oventation andthe vale for an iverted orientation, Sul SetSmoothAngleThreshotd [Value] As Double “Ths method sets the vl ofthe “Angule Comrstion” ed ‘Sub SetTangeney [Element] As Reference, [StartAngle, EndAngle] As Angle, [Law Type, Index] As Long “This metho sts tho tangency surface or curve an its angle at specif “nex” poston Th value range is" constant), "2" Gnar), "3° (Sure) and“ (advanced). iconebecpsetTongeney RrcwtcSecp, 10.2. Sub SetTangeney Angle awinversion [Index, Invert] As Long “This method sets whether the tngeney angle aw is averted at a speied “Inde” poston. I-Ie” |5°0, the awe not verte, Sub SetTangencyLaw [Element, Law] As Reference, [Index] As Long, “This method sets the tngency sure or eave an its angle at specie “ies” poston. “Hem fea reference tothe ontents of he “Tangeny” fds. ionteSmepSetTangeneyaw MSHraGe, ML 1 SmootAeivty As Boolean “This property returns or sets the stato the Angular Correction” option. ‘SmoothAngleThreshold As Angle (Read Only) “Ths property returns or ets the angular thneshold Angular Corectin” Be), Spine As Reference ‘This property returns or sets the spine ycoteseepSptne = Curved “ThirdGuideCrv As Reference “This property returns or sts the ti guide cure (refer o FirstGudeCry), 8.149 HybriashapeSwoepEspicit “Taha represents a sweep ulag an expt pole one ecto 6.6). An chert f the as created Wi the AddNewSweepExpliit metodo the HybridShapeFactory clas Section 8.85). (yee Path: AnjObjetHybridshape ydridShapesweepHybrishopeSweepieplat AngleLav As Reference “This property returnsor sets the ange law etre associated to the reference surfae AngleLavelnversion As Long “This property returns or sets whether the st angle vis inverted. “indicates an inversion, "0" no AngleLawType As Long “This property returns or sets the angle law type assoiated tothe reference sree. he value ranges “1 eoustan 2" Cine, "3" (Seve), and“ (adanend Context As Long “This property returns whether the sep isereated asa surface (alue“o") oe volume ale FirstGuideCrv As Reference “This property returns or sets the ist guide curve, Fane GetAngleRef ([ladex} As Long) As Angle ‘This method gets the angle value at specie “Tne” postion. The index “2 forthe end ange. The value canbe edited wit the Value method. sete gbtgnc men seaman Sub GetFittingPoints [FitingPoint,FittingPointa] As Reference “This method gets the Siting points loated in the propane (Fiting Poin 1 and “Fiting Paint 2 els). Sub GetLongitudinalRelimiters [Elements Hlement2] As Reference Refer fo HybridShapesweepCirele, ‘Sub GetNDAngle [Quantity] As Long, “This method reteees the number of angles Sub GetNDGuide [Quantity] As Long “Thin method setreves the uber of ies. une GetNbPosAngle As Long, “This method gets the numberof numeri postonng parameters corresponding to anges om the bul psions ofthe x-axis. ane GetNbPosCoord As Long “This method ges the number of numa postoning parameters corresponding to coordinates of te rad syste org, Fane GetPosAngle {Index} As Long) As Angle ‘This metod gets both the profile and theft seep plane aston rom deft postions ex "1 refers tothe nti as system and ines "2" refers to the target an system. The ale ean be edt wth the Value mod. Te Maat property mst qual tose his method ane GetPosCoord([Index] Ax Long) As Length “This method geste trnsatin coordinates for both the profess stem andthe fs seep plane xs ste fom dealt postions. Indices" and 2" refer tothe parameters ofthe x-and y= coordinate ofthe intl axis systom Indies "and" efr tothe parameters ofthe x-andy- ‘coordinates ofthe target ais system The ves ea be edited wih the Value netlod. The Mode property must equal "tose this method, une GetPosDireetion (fIndex] As Long) As HybridshapeDirection “This metod gets the positioning directions. Index" indicates the nil xis system, and index 2" Indicates the target as stem, The Mode property mst aqua to we this method. Te detion i ermine bythe SetPosDiceetion method ane GetPosPoint ([lndex] As Long) As Reference “This method neta the pots designed as the orig ofthe profile plane and ist seep plane, Toe“ intcats the ntl as syters and index" Incest tage ane ye The Mode property must equal" to use this method. The org determined by the SetPosPoint neha. une GetPosSwap Axes ([Index] As Long) As Long, “This method gets the axes inversion fom the previous defn fo both the profile plane andthe fist seep plane. The return values the “Mode” parameter of te SetPosSwapAxes metod Index" {indicates theta pte, and ndex “2” nets the tage ans pte, Th method works any yon have previously made an invert withthe SetPoaSwapsAtesnsthod. The Mede property rest ual tse this etd Sul GetKeimiters[Relimiter1] As Reference, [Orientations] As Long, [Relimiter2] As [Refarence, [Orentationa} As Long Refer to HybridShapeSweepCirete. ‘GuldeDeviation As Length (Read Only) Refer to HybeidShapeSweepCirele GuideDeviation Activity As Boolean Refer to HybeldShapesweepCirele GuideProjeetion As Boolean ‘This property rtunsor sets the state of the “Projection of the Guide Cuve as Spine option. the ‘alueis “rue the option enabled. Sub lSketeh AnisUsedAsDefnlt [Value] As Boolean “Ths mend quvies whether a shetch xis use a a deta Mode As Long, “This property returns or sets the posloning mode wed forthe profile (Position Prof” chek bos) IF the vi eth chek bo enabled. the vali the ec boi sed. PostionedProfile As Reference “This proprtrtums or sts the transformation asociatd tothe explicit wept rc. The tansformaton canbe edited wih the metals ofthe HybridShapePositionTransfo clas (Section 8:20 Postion Mode As Long “This property returns or sets the postoning mode. The value ange s"o" (one or pstioned) andy" (wit positioning operation), Profile As Reference “This property returns or sets the praetor swept ProfileXAxisComputation ode As Long. “This property returnsor sets the computation mode of hex ass ofthe ntl ais system, The vale (20 ass specified), °F (eis is tangent the prole)and2" (c-axis specified by a PullingDirection As HybridshapeDireetion “This property returns or ets the pling distin, Reference As Reference ‘This property returns or sts the reference sure, Sub RemoveAngle ‘The method removes an ange Sub RemoveGuide “This method removes a ie cure SecondGiideCrv As Reference “This propertyreturnsor sets the second guide curve, SulpSetAngleRef [index] As Long, LAngle] As Double “This method sets teanglevluesat specified “Inde poston. The inex i “a forthe end ana forthe sat mle and Sub SetFittingPoints [FittingPoints, FitingPointa] As Reference ‘This method sets the iting points loadin the profile plane (tng Pont x" and“Fting Pont 2° fat. Sub SetGuideDeviation Length] As Double “Thiam sete the “Deviation from Gulf)” va ‘vSuh SetLongitudinalRetimiters[Elementt, Hlement2] As Reference “Ths mtd sets the reliniting clement ofthe spine curve (Reinier 1” and Reliiter 2” el). Sub SetPosAngle [Index] As Long, [Valuel As Double “Ths mod sets the angles ofboth the prafleand the fst sep plane al stems fom eal ston The vale range of the indexs "Gita axis system) an“ Carget axis stem). The ‘Moe property mst equal“ tos this method. Sub SetPosCoord [Index] As Long, [Value] As Double “This method sets the translation coordinates for both the prea stem andthe fist sweep plane ‘is stem fo teed postions. Indies "and "2" refer tothe parameters ofthe and ‘worse fhe inl assem. adie "and refer tothe parameters ofthe xe aed ye ordinates ofthe target ais system. The Mode propery ust qual tose his method Sub SetPosDirection [Index] As Long, [Direction] As HybridshapeDirection ‘This method sets the positioning directions ofthe profi plane or fist sweep plane x-axis rst, I “Indes” equals "the diction element read fromthe int xs syst. W"Tndex” equals"2"the lveton clement is read fom the age aus system. The Mode property must equa" tows this toate Sub SetPosPoint [Index] As Long, [Point] As Reference ‘This method sets the pots designate he orig of the prof plane and st sweep plane. The ‘ale range ofthe nde "1a ten) and 2" (arget as sytem. The Mode propesty rt al tose histo Sub SetPosSwap Aves [Index, Mode] As Long ‘This method sets teas inversion rom the previous detiition fr both the profile plane and the fast, seep plane. Index" indicates th ni aus system, and index 2" indicates the tage aus sstern. stequlY"touse tis method The value range othe Mode” parameter i an invertd), "2" (yas inverted) ana" axes inverted, Sub SetRelimiters[Relimitert] As Reference, [Orientations] As Long, [Relimitera} As efarence, [Orieatationa} As Long Refer to ybridShapeSweepCirele. Sub SetSmoothAngleThreshold [Angle] As Double ‘This method ses tho “Angular correction” SmootlsAetisity As Boolean “This proprtyretursor ts the stato the “Angular Correton’” option Smooth AngletMireshold As Angle (Read Only) “This property retunsor sets the angular threshold Angular Comection” fe, SolutionNo As Long, “This property returns or sets the solution number: If there ae sever solutions, the slution ean be selected with hs prope Spine As Reference ‘This property returns or ses the spine Sabtype As Long ‘This property returns or sts the subsype (Subtype fl), Tho value range sr (reference surface), “FC guide curves) and“ (pling dieton). Sub UseSketchaxisAsDetault [Value] As Boolean “This method sete whether the sketch assis used asthe defen equa “Ts 4.144 HybridshapeSweepLine “This class representa sweep usnga line (oe Section 6.6). An oe of the das sere with the AdaNewSeepLine mt of the HybridShiapeFatory cliss (Seton 885). ‘lyet Path: AnyObjet Hybriashape HybridShapeSveep Hybri’hapetveepLine Sulb AddDratAngleDefinitionLocation [LocationElement] As Reference, Angle] AS Double “The method ads a draft ange oeaton. AngleLaw As Reference ‘This property returns or sets the ange law used to define the ange profile along the sweep AngleLastaversion As Lang “This property rtursor sets whether the st angle vis inverted. "1indates an inversion, "0" no AngleLawType As Long. “Ths property returns or sets the angle law typ assole tothe ference sree. Theale ranges “1 Constant), 2" Cine), "a" (Sure), an“ (aed CCanoniealDetection As Long, “This property returns or sets whether enonial surfaces are detected in the swept surface Ihe valve the option is isable, the valu is"2th option is enabled, Context As Long ‘This property returns or sets whether the sweeps surface (alu equa to°0" ora volume value equalto"1). DraftComputationNode As Long, ‘Ths property returns or sets the computation mode ofthe dif anges The value ranges "0" quae) and“2" (cone) DraftDirection As HybridShapeDirection “This propery retumsor sets the daft aretion (‘raf Dinston” fil). FirstGuideCre As Reference “Ths propery remus or sets the ist ge curve Guide Cure fel iestGudeSuef As Reference “This property returns or sets the fist guide surface. iestLengtihtaw As Reference “This property returns or sets the fist length iestLengthtawinversion As Long “This property retunsor sets whether the st engi aw inverted"”indzates an inversion, "0" no lowers. Func GetAngle (Hndex] As Long) As Angle “Ths mtd sets the age ales at spec Indes poston, “adele or"a."The valuecan beste with the Value cto Sub GetAngularLaw [StartAngle, EndAngle] As Angle, [AngleLaw] As Long “This method reteees the angus law. The ae range ofthese aw seo the AnleLawType popery’s Sub GetChoiceNbSurfaces [SurfaceOrientations, SurfaceOrientations, SurfaceCouplingt, SurfaceCoupling2, SolutionNumber] As Long “Ths method gota ssqunce that etfs solution fom al possiblities, The valu range fhe fst four parameters 1 ad“a"Thesalution umber isthe index of the soaton inthe ist of | possible oltions. Sub GetChoiceNo [Indext, Indexa, Index] As Long “This method retrieves the shoice mmr asecited ih each soliton ofa ge nen sep “Td retums the munber ofthe slain (so). "Indes returns the sell oxetation 11,00 forth dietions), and Index returns the wie orientation (-, 1, oF fer eth etons). Sub GetDraftAngleDefinitionLoeation [Index] As Long, [LocalionElement] AS Rofarenee, Angle] As Angle “Ths method setreves the df angle location element ta speciied“Inde” poston. Sul GetDrattAngleDefinitionLocationsNb [Quantity] As Long, “This method setreves the df angle loetion i se. Sub GettirstLengthDefinitionype [Type] As Long, [Element] As Reference ‘This method strewes the ist leugth dinition type. The value range of Type" 0" (undfine,| sagt of the sept ine, 2” no meri vale equird), “(po fom a geome reference), "(nl fo rat surfaces, the length is eomputed inthe dra ietion), and “5m for eat surfaces, pra curve dstanee onthe swept sures) Sul GetFiestLengthLaw [StartLength, EndLength] As Length, [LawTypel As Long “Ths mtd seteeesthe stat eth, elem, and lent wf the fst length. The values can be ated wth the Value med The vale rangeof the "Law" parameters "1" (eons), "2° (Ginea) 3" (S-cure) and“ (ade aed une GetLength ({index] As Long) As Length “This metnod ges the length values at specie “Index poston (Length "and "Length 2" ld), ‘The index ofr theft length and “2 for the ec lng, The vale be died wi the Vale metho Sub GetLongthawTypes [LengthLawTypet, LengthLawType2] As Long “Themed gets the eng aw types cf the fs an second lengths, The vale range ofthe a typ is Snir othe GetPlstLengthLave mato, Sul GetLongitudinalRetimiters (Elements, Flement2] As Reference “This method retrieves the relimiing ements ofthe spine curve Reinier and RA 2° fe. Sul GetNbAngle [Quantity] As Long, “This method etree the ub of angles Sul GetNbGuideCrv [Quantity] As Long. “This method strove the muinber of ie ures Sub GetNbOuidesur [Quantity] As Long “This method strove the uber of ie surfaces Sub GetNbLength [Quantity] As Long “The method retrieves the numberof nts, Sub GetKetimiters[Relimitert] As Reference, [Orientations] As Long, [Relimiter2] As efarence, [Orientationa} As Long Refer to HybeidShapeSweepCirele Sub GetSecondLangthDefinition Type [Type] As Long, [Element] As Reference “This method setrees the socond Teng detion type. Refer to GetFlestLengthDefinition Type ‘Sul GetSecondLengthLaw [StartLength, EndLength] As Length, [LawTypel As Long, “This med setroves the stat ent, end lengt, and length lw of the second length. Refer to GetFirstLengthtaw. ‘GuideDeviation As Longth (Read Only) ‘This property returns the deviston vale rom guide curve wed during sweeping operation (oss the GuideDeviationsetvity property is "Tre" ‘GuideDeviaionAetvity As Boolean, “This propery retms or ets the sata the Deviation from Gude) option, Sub InsertDratAngleDefinitionLocation [LocationElement}, [Angle] As Angle, Index} AsLong “This method inserts a gomtriealelement an ava necessary fr draangle detniton aftr a specified Indes" poston, Mode As Long, “This property returns or sets the lnear sweep mode. The value range so" (undefined), "(two guide cnrves),"2" (guide curve and an ange," (guide curve ana mile cure)" (guide cuveand an sng fom a reference surface), and" (guide eure and a tangeney surface, Sob RemoveAllDraftAngleDetinitionToeations “This method moves all geometrical elementsand values eessy fr draft ange dfition Sub Removeangle “This method removes an angle, ‘Sub RemoveDraftAngleDefinitionLocationPosition [index] As Long “This method emoves a angeloction at specified “Inde” position ‘Sub RemoveGuideCrr “This method removes a gue cure Sub RemoveGuideSar “This method removes de sure. Sub RemoveLength “This method removes alent SecondGuideCv As Reference “This proprty returns or sts the second guide curve (Guide Curse 2 Fk), SecondGuideSurf As Reference “This property retumsor ets the second referee sutace SecondlengthLaw As Reference “This propery returns or ets the soon eat Iv: Refer to FirstLangthLaw: SecondLengthLawinversion As Long “This property returmsor ets whethe the second lng nw isnverte,yinetes a inversion," Sub SetAngle [Index] As Long, [Angle] As Double “Tis method sets tho angle values at aspect “Indes” poston “nda is“ or“2"The angles sence in deres ‘Sub SetAngulaeLaw [StartAngle, EndAngle] As Angle, [AngleLaw] As Long “This method sets the angus av. The vale ange ofthe ange aw snr tothe AngleLawType propery. Sub SetchoiceNbSurfaces [SurfaceOrientation, SuefaceOrientation2, ‘SurfaceCouplings, SurfaceCoupling2, SolutionNumber] As Long “Thin method sete sequence that identifies soon fom ll posites. The vale range af the fst four parametersis ‘nd “2"Thesoltion number isthe index ofthe soltionin the it of possible soltions. Sub SetChoiceNo [Index Indexa, Indexs] As Long “The method sete he choice mimber associated wth each sotion of gen nea ep. “Indes” returns the number ofthe slutin (so n)."Indexa” returns te shel orientation 130 fr bath lvetons) an “Indexg” returns the wt entation (1,100 for both dictions). ‘Sub SetFirstLengthDefinitionType [Type] As Long, [Element] As Reference “This metho sets the ist lent dition type. Refer to GetFlrstLengthDefinition Type. ‘Sul SetFirstLengthLaw [StartLength, EndLength] As Length [LawType] As Long, “This metho sets the start enh en ength, and ent wf the fst length. The vale range ofthe “LaviT9pe" parameter orrespons othe GetFiestLengthLaw rethod. Law Type ie" the length fhe law elements set wit the First engthLaw pope Sub SetGuideDeviation [Length] As Double “Ths method sets the “Deviation rom Guid)" vale ‘Sub SetLength [Index] As Long, [Length] As Double “This method sets the value ofthe length parameter ata specified “Index” position Length and teat"). The inden "1" forthe ist length std "2" forthe seu eth ‘Sub SetLengthLaw Types [LengthLavType, LengthLawTypea] As Long, “Ths method sete the lena aw types oftheir and seoond legs. The value range of the law pe simile othe GetFirstLengthLawe method's. ‘Sub SetLongitudinalRelimiters (Elements, lementa] As Reference ‘This metho sets theremin clement ofthe spine eve Refine 1” and “Relies 2° ek. Sub SetRelimiters[Relimitert) As Reference, [Orientations] As Long, [Relimiter2] As Reference, [Orientations] As Long [Refer to HybridShapeSweepCirele. Sub SetSeeondl engthDefinitionType [Type] As Long, [Element] As Reference “This method sets the second length definition type. Refer to GetFiestLength-DefinitionType Sub Setseeondl engthLaw [StartLength, EndLength] As Length, [LawType] As Long Ths mtd sets the start Tegth, ead length, and length aw af the second length, Ree to GetFirstLengthtaw. Sul SetSmoothAngleThreshotd [Angle] As Double “This method sets the “Angular Corrtion” SmootAcivty As Boolean ‘SmoothAngleThreshold As Angle (Read Only) “This property returns or vets the angular threshold Angular Correction” Fe). SolutionNo As Long, “This property returmsorsets the soliton number: If thee ae sever sotions, the slion can be selected wth his propery Spine As Reference “This property returns or tse spine (Spiele “TeimOption As Long “This property returns or sets the tim state. The value anges “o" note) and" (um enabled), 6.145 Hybeidshapesymmetey ‘This css represents synmetia uansfrmatin (Se Setion 67). An objet ofthe lassi created Wit the AdaNewSymmetey mthod othe HybeidShapeFactory ds (Seton 885). (byet Path: AnyObjet HybriaShape HybridShapeSymetry CCrestionMode As Boolean “This property returnsor sets the creation mode “Tre isa creation ena; "al" isa mifaton fens, lemoSymmetey As Reference “This proprty returns or sets theclment to transform "Element Fl Sot “iyrartrcatteterencerembsect nylon Reference As Reference “This property returns or sets the reference element (Reference). ‘VolumeResult As Boolean “Ths property returns ets the resulting element a. volume (Thue) or suc ("ale") 6.146 HybridshapeThickness st om “Tis lass represents hikes, Anabjeet of the as ierete with the AdANew Thickness nto ofthe HybridStapeFactory dass (Seton 885) Object Path: AnyObjet HybridShape HybridShapeTHikness Orientation As Long ‘This property returns or sets the thickness orientation. be values", thethieness sin the ction ofthe surface orientation, Kf the vais," the thesis inverted “Thicknosst As Double “This propery returmsor sets the fist hikes alten the firs irsetion ‘ThicknessiValue As Length (Read Only) “This property returs the frst thiknese vale Thicknes el) ‘Thicknessa As Double ‘This property returns sets the second thickness vale in the second dzetion (ee Thickness). “Thlekness2Value As Length (Read Only) “This property returns te ist thickess value "Thickness 2 Feld. Refer to Thlekness' 8.147 HybridshapeTranslate “This class represents a translation of geometry (Se Section 67). An jet ofthe class is created with the AddNewEmply Translate or AddNewTranslate eho ofthe HybridShaper ntory cass (Section 885 bye Path: AnyObjee HybridShape HybridShape Translate (CoordXValue As Double ‘This property returns or sets the translate xcoodnate vale Nfld). This property is vale only whan the VeetorType property is "2." (Coord¥Value Ax Double “This property returns or sets the translate coordinate valu (refer to CoordXVallue). CoordZVsve As Double “Ths propery remus or sets the trate comin ale (fe lo CoordXVal) Direction As HybridShapeDirection “This property returns or ets the retion of translation Direction field) This property isaaiable onl when the VeetorType property 60." Distance As Length (Read Only) ‘This property returns or ets the dlstance(Ditance” eld). This property vale only when the DistanceValue As Double “This property returns or vets the stance value (Distance feld)-This property is avaliabeonty when the VeetorType property so." HlemTaTeanslate As Reference ‘This property returns or sets the element to ransate Element” eld). FirstPoint As Reference “Tis property returns or sets the start pint Start Pint” fel. This property is aalale only when lhe VeetorType propety is" une GetCreationMode As Lang “This metho gots th eration mod The vale range is“ (fly (mosifeaton mode). [etAxisSystem As Reference “This property returns or sets the reference ais system "Aus Systm”) when the VeetorType propa is"2." Ife property i ot ile, the astute axis stem sued. SecondPoint As Reference “This property retums or sets the end polt (fe to FistPodnt) Fone SetCreationMode As Long “This method sets the creation mode Theale anges "Tue" (eeation mods) and False” (wodiiation mote). ‘VectorType As Long “This property retuns or sets the eto type "Yet Dfiton” eld). The values the property ae “a for"Distion, Distance," for Point to Poi md 2" for “Cordiates” ‘VolumeResult As Boolean ‘This property returns or sets teresting element as volume (Tus ore surface ("Fils") 5.148 Hybridshapetein “This class represents rim (ste Section 6.8). An abject the eas sree with the AddNewHybridvim method ofthe HybridShapeFactory css (Seetion 8.85). ‘byet Path: Ansobjet ybrashape HybridShapeTram Sul AddFlementToKecp [Element] As Reference “This method eas an element to hes a elements tobe hep Elements Ke” ea Sul AddFlementToRemove [Element] As Reference “This method removes an element rom thelist of elements toe kept Cements to Remo" el. _AutomaticExtrapolationfode As Boolean “This property sets or sts the state ofthe “Automate Extrapolation” option. Ifthe ales “Tr” the options enabled Connex As Bootean “This property gts rst the tat of tho “Check Connex” opin te Mode property "2" the ‘alueis “True the option is enabled. Firsttem As Reference ‘This property returns or sets the fist element ("Element fk), set tet = nyartcrentetetorencerembjectnyElemat) FirstOrientation As Long, “This property returs or ets theft clement tobe trimmed. Ifthe orientation sales", kept arts respite’ by the diveton veto of th ating element rte erss prot ftw vectors. Wien two cuvesare used, the fst portion ofthe eure remains. Ihe value is"-1"the othe side will Fane Gettem ({index] As Long) As Reference ‘Themed eur an lent at specie “Inder potion froma the “Tine Element Fane GetKeptElem (Hndex] As Long) As Reference “This method seta an element aa specfied “Inde” potion rom the Elements to Keep Is Fane GetNblem As Long “This method geste number of lent in the “Timed ements Fane GetNbElementsToKeep As Long, “This method gets the number of lerents to kein the “Elements fo Reps Fane GetNbElementsToRemove As Long “This method geste number of eeents to remove the “Elements to Remove” ist une GetNewtOrientation ({Index] As Long) As Long, “This method geste orientation used to compute the tri, fering tothe net rimmed element ata ‘pected Index" poston (Other Side/Next Element” button. une GetNestOrientation [index] As Long) As Long. ‘nd "2" (roar prt), This property i available only when the Mode propesty "=" Fune GetPreviousOrlentation [Index] As Long) As Long “This method ges the orientation used to compute the trim, eeting to the previous trimmed element, sta speeited “Index” poston (Other Side/Neat Element” butto)-The value range satura ietation) and "1 (inverted orientation). une GetRemovedElem ([Index] As Long) As Reference “The mtd geste cena ta speed “Index” pon fom the “Elements to Rete” it IntersectionComputation As Boolean “Tha property gets rst the stat ofthe “Tneretions Computation” option. I the values “Troe options enable, ‘Sub InvertFirstOrientation “This method inverts the irt orientation ofthe tr. ‘Sub InvertSscondOrientation “This method inverts the second orientation. Manifold As Bootean “This property gets rst the stat ofthe “Check Manifold” option whe the Mode prop is"2."If ‘he eis “Tue the options enabled. Mode As Long. “This property gts rst the im modo Mode” Hed), The value ange" (Standard) and"2" ewes Sulp RemoveE:lementoKeep [Index] As Long ‘Ths method emoves an erent aa specified “ads” position fom the “ements to Kept, Sub RemoveElementToRemove [Index] As Long “Tha mthod sete an clot ala pec “nda” potion fom the Elements to Retnove” at ‘SecondElem As Reference “Ths propery retumsor sets the soon element (Element 2 fed), FirstOrientation As Long, “This proprtyretums or sts the send sent tobe trimmed the orientation vale "kept ts are specie bythe dietion vector ofthe cing elemento the eros product of two veto. ‘When two cuves are used, the st portion ofthe eure remains. Ith valve fs", the other side wi Sul SetElem [Index] As Long, [Element] As Reference “This method modifies the trimmed feature at spel “Index postion fom the “Trimmed lent Ht Sub SetNewtOrientation [Index, Orientation] As Long Refer to GetNext Orientation, Sub SetPortionToKeep [Index, Side} As Long, Refer to GetPortionoKeep. ‘Sub SetPreviousOrlentation Index, Oventation] As Long Refer to GetPreviousOrientation, Simplify As Boolean ‘This property returns or sets whether the simplification ofthe resulting topology sr should be setvated (plied: Te," not implied: "Fase Support As Reference “This property returns or sets the support Support fe), 8.149 Typerbotaad iid ‘This clas represents 2D hyperbola (te Chapter 5). An oj of ths las serene with the CCeenteHiyperbota nsthod ofthe Factory class (Seton 85) (Objet Path: Any Objet GeometriElement GeonetreaD.CurveaD HyperbolaaD Sul GetAxis [Unit Veetor] As CATSafeArrayVariant “This method seta the ais veto ston ofthe hyperbola in aD space Sub GetCenter [Point] As CATSafeArrayVariant “This method seta the asmptomati center coordinates of the hyperblain 2 space. ImaginaryRadis As Double (Read Only) “The property stu the nor dof the hyperta a a space ‘Radius As Double (Read Only) ‘This property returns the major adios ofthe hyperbola in 2D space Sul SetData [X,Y, DX, DY, A,B] As Double “This method modifies the characterises of the hyperila. The asymptomatic center (X,Y, an the opening direction i (DX, DY). The major ana minor rei aro“ and “B “This clas epresents a oid rested by the “Tutersection” olen operation ee Sexton 9.3.9. An ject ths an dived with the AdANewintersectnthod ofthe ShapeFactory ies (Section 8.19). ‘bye Path: AnyObjet Shape BooleaShape Intersect “Thc ls doesnot have an properties or methods. The properties and methods of the pre cases sewed, IntParam, ry ‘This chs represents an “nego” parameter type (se Seton 5.4.2, An chest of ths as sree wit he Createlnteger method ofthe Parameters las (Section 8167). ‘byet Path: AnyObjet Parameter tmParam Sul GetEnumerateValues [Values] As CATSafeArrayVariant “This metho seas an ray containing theif ales tht he InP ate in he ese of spe vales Fane GetEnumerateValuesSize As Long, ‘Tha method setur the musber of enumerate vale, RangeMax As Double ‘This property returns or vets the value of the upper ound thal the parameter objet vale cam ke RangeMaxValiity As Long “This propertyretrnsor sets the typeof the upper bout the parame. The value ranges 0" (oppor bounds meeninges), "(upper bound can be eaced), an“ (upper bound cannot bo reached) angeMfin As Double “Tle property retusa the value ofthe aera that the paaneter object vale ca ta, Sub SetEnumerateValues [Values] As CATSafeArrayVariant ‘Ths mtd sets an azeay contig the diferent ales that he integer parameter can take a the «ase of tiga, Sub SuppressEinumerateValues “This method resetsthe satus ofthe parameters toa ingle ae parameter. Value As Long, “This property returns or sets the value ofthe integer parameter. 152 KnowledgeObject “Tis cls proves the mstods to assign al owesge sed elements for group oil eases. ranjr abject ofthis clas the Relation lass (Seton 8383). (lyet Path: AnyObjontKnowledgeObjst Hidden As Boolean “This propery returns or ets whether a lation i vle Tre" or hidden Fase") nthe specication tee Const As Boolean “This property stuns or sets wheter the elation is constant. Fr example this propety is normally "False" in desig able. Ifthe property is True the configuration a the able cannot be changed 5.153 KnowledgeAetivateobject “This cls provides the methods to assign ll nwedge-ased elements for group of hil cases. A sngjor objet ofthis eid as ste Relation das (Seton 838). ‘jee Path: AnyObjot KnowiedgeOtject Know lgetchatObert, Sub Activate “The method activates seation, Activated As Hootean (Read Only) “This propery returasor sets whether a tion ete (Tre) or not Fase) Sub Desetivate “Thin method dotiatesa relation, M sassLength “This class represents length parameter (se Seton 3.4.1), An eject of ths das is ereted with the CCeesteDimension method of the Parameters class (Seton 8167). ‘bjece Path: AnyObjot Parameter RealPara Dimension Length “This clas dons not hae an proptos or mathods. The propetos and mathods of the parent clases renee, “This clus represents il definition, Ani not geometric lent (yet Pah: AnyObjet. Lome Dimension As Length (Read Only) “Ths propery retums or este nit einension fhe LimitMode property “street. The ‘aluccan be ited th the Wale metho, “LimstingFlement As Reference “This property returns or sets the Tinting element ifthe LimltMode property is“catUpToPlaeLinit™ or "etUp ascent” LimitMode As €ATLimitMode “The propenty retro ets the Hn ode, The vale range e“o" (tO) 1 (at}pToNestimi,"2"(ettpToLasLinit), “(cap ToPlaneLini, "(eat pToSutaceLimi), “5 (otpTheaNest i “This class represents a gD line se Section 6.)-This as isthe parent elas ofall 3D ines whose jects are eae with the “AddNevLine,.” mors HybrédShapeFactory las (Section 885). Clyee Path: AnyObjet HybridShape Line FirstUpto#lem As Reference “This property gets the int upto clement ofthe Sul GetDirection [Unit Vector] As CATSafeArrayVariant “This method returns the unit vector pointing inthe detonate ine, Sub GetOrigin [Coordinates] As CATSafeArrayVariant “This method seta the cotdinates ofthe vig fhe ine. Sub PutDireetion [Unit Vector] As CATSafeArrayVariant “This method sets the uit vector pointing inthe dreton of the ine. SeconatptoFlem As Reference “Ths propery gets the second up-to cement fhe line, Z “This class represents 2 line ina seth or drawing (se Chapter). An oct ofthe las is erent ‘sith the Create ine or CreateLineFromVeetor methods ofthe Factory class (Section 899) bee Path: Any Obj. Geonetriklenent GeometryeD.CurveaD LineeD Sub GetDireetion [Unit Vector] As CATSafeArrayVariant “This method zeta the mat vector plating inthe detonate ine. Sul GetOrigin [Point] As CATSafeArrayVariant ‘Ths method retusa point hing on the ie aie valle, Ths eld eontsins the xan ‘eordinates fhe pt Ilieteettrioin wsoint “This method modifies the characterises ofthe fiat line, The position described by a point (X,Y) sd «veto (DX, DY). The length of he ine sot changed when changing theoreti, 1 LincarReparttion “Thi cls represents the replication parameters of ines pater. An obs ofthe lass sa property ofthe ReetPatern Section 8:80) or CirePattern (Section 8.5) classes (byee Path: AnyObjetRepartionLinearReparition Spacing As Length (Read Only) “This property returns the distance etween the instances ofthe Hina pattern St Velued = pirectin2 Spacing iteg in the Bed ettction (ems "A Yale atue) “This class eprsens a solid thats did by sulple sles (ee Seton 7.2, An object the ass iscreted with the AddNewLoft or AddNewRemovedLoft methods ofthe ShapeF actory class (Section 8199). (bee Path: AnyOtjct Shape La HybridShape As HybridShapeL.of (Read Only) ‘This property returns the undasingsurtaceof he solid bed 5.160 Mirror “This class represents oid esting fom mitzor (ee Seton 7.4). An objet af the ass ereated Wi the AddNewMieror method of the ShapeFaetory class (Section 8109) (yet Path: AnyObjet Shape TransformationShape Miror Sub AddobjectToaievor [Object] As AnyObject “This method ads an element tobe icone MirroringObject As AnyObjeet (Read Only) “This property returns the miroring objet "Object fo Miro” fe), MirroringPlane As Reference “This property returns or sts the mtroring referee plano (Mirroring Element” fed), which am bea ne ora face of solid Ia faces used itis referred to as a" Removed Surfice"(RSur). Section 2. “This class represents an ordered geometrical st, An objet ofthe aside by wing the Add or em propestis othe OrderedGeometrealSets class (se Section 8162). (yee Path: AnyObjet OrderedGeometialt Bodies As Bodies (Read Only) “This property returns the ordered geometrical st’ “Boies eleton. Orderedshketehes As Sketches (Read Only) ‘This property returns the dered goometcl sts "Sketches" eolection The elements ofthe fist and hid hierarchy eel of set are taken into acount St Rptetees © nyse Orcreatatces Sab InsertiybridShape [Object] As HybridShape “This method inserts a yb shap inthe onder goomtrcl st (6 Section 63). geometry is creat the method may not be executed a scond time, 62 OrderedGeometricalSets “This clas sprsents a olston of OrderedGeometricaSet objects An jot of he lass ix derived by sing the OrderedGeometrealSets properties oft Body (Section 8.9), OrderedGeometricaSet (Seton 8:16), 0: Part (Section 8.168) lasses (byee Pat: Collecion OreredGometrialets Fune Add As OrderedGeometricalsot ‘This metod crates new ordered gometrial stand ads ito the OrderedGeometrealsets calleton. une Item ({index] As CATVariant) As OrderedGeometricaSet ‘This method setams an ordered geomet stata specifi “des” psition or its nme fom the dered geometric set celleton. Ae myset As Ordeedecmattea et Se set *otSeesteee=ny eset) 8.163 Origintements 2 plone 2 ple “This cls represents the org elementsofa CATPart (Seton 3.2). An object of the das dived wi the OriginElements property of te Pat las Section 8.168). (nyee Path: Any tj OriginElements PlaneXY As AnyObject (Read Only) “This property retumsthe XY plane ofthe pa. SE Roane nyortglttenat Pane PlaneVZ.As AnyOhject (Read Only) “This property returns the YZ plane of the pat. Set nyPlane = norton lenentPanerZ PlaneZX As AnyOhject (Read Only) “This property returns the XZ plane othe pr. “This clas represents pd (see Scion 7.2). An objet ofthe elas created with the AdNewPad ot AddNewPadFromRef methods ofthe ShapeFactory clas Seti 8199). (yet Path: AnjObjet Shape Sketch eselShape Priam Pad “This class does not have any properties or methods. The properties and methods of the parent lass renee, 8.165 Parabolazd [vl “Tels representa 2 pars (ae Chapter). Ano the as een with the CCreateParabota metho of the FaetoryaD cls (Seton 8.39) (yet Path: AnyObjt Geomeritlement GeometreaD.CurweaD FarnboleaD FocalDistance As Double (Read Only) “This property returns the fea stance of the parabola in 2 space. Sub GetAvis [Unit Veetor] As CATSafeArrayVariant “The method etre the ais eto retin ofthe paso in 2D spe Sul SetData LX, Y, DX, DY, F1As Double “This method modifies the caracterisies ofthe parbola, The vertex s(%, Ys the opening ireton is (DX DY}, and the fewsis“F” "This class represents a CATIA parameter (ce Seton 3.43). This as isthe parent elas and provides ‘he sl methods forall CATIA parameters. Ast of paraeers epreseted hy the Parameter dass [shown in Seton 8.67. 166 Parameter ‘byet Path: AnyObjct Parameter Comment As CATBSTR, “Ths propery returns or ets the parameter bjt eomment ‘Context As AnyObject (Read Only) “This property returns the context fhe parameter (Pat, Prout.) Hidden As Boolean “This property returns or sets whether a paramtoris isle (False) orhdden (Tre inthe specication te. IstrucParameter As Boolean (Read Only) ‘This property returns whether a paramter is an orga parameter (eg el stig, length) ora tonic parameter the paramere an orginal parameter, the ale of the property "Tt OptionatRlation As Relation (Read Only) “This property returns the elation (orl) that canbe set compute the parameter. there iso relation the val" isetured. ‘ReadOnly As Boolean (Read Only) ‘This property returns whether the parameter canbe medi (readonly: “Toe” Sub Rename [Name] As CATBSTR. “This method renames the parameter Renamed As Boolean (Read Only) “This propery returns whether the parameter sheen renamed the parameter ae rece the ‘slic ie-Trie™ UserAccessMode As Long (Read Only) “This property returns the user access mode ofthe parameter. tbe vale "0," the prance i read only and enot be deleted, Ifthe valu“, the parameter canbe ead and written, but not deleted. If ‘he aes“ the user us ul ces tothe paaetr Sub ValuatoFromstring [Value] As CATRSTR. “This method see the vale of parameter Fane Value AsString As CATESTR “This method eta the vl ofthe parameter ae rng ene tana taectstrio ‘This css reprsents the parameters ellotion (ee Scion 3.4.2). An objet ote cassis derived with ‘he Parameters propery ofthe Part css Seton 8168) (lyee Path: Calecion Parameters Fane CreateBootean ([Name] As CATBSTR, [Value] As Boolean) As BoolParam “This mend crates a Boalen parameter and ads ito the part’ parameter alin, une CreateDimension ([Name, Type] As CATBSTR, [Value] As Double) As Dimension “This method erates user dimension and ait othe part's parameters colton, Type" ean represent a length Length) or an angle Angle") ane CreateInteger(IName] As CATBSTR, [Value] As Lang) As IntParam, “This method crates an integer parameter anda to the pa’ parameters collection, Fane CreatoList({Name] As CATBSTR) As ListParametor “This method erates st parameter and ast to hepa’ parameters colletion une CreatoReal ([Name] As CATRSTR, [Value] As Double) As RealParam “This method erentesa real parameter and adit othe pats parameters calleton Sub CreateSetO*Parameters [Parent Objeet] As AnyObject ‘This method erate set of prsmetrs and assigns it to parent objet, Thest of parameters souped logy. Fane Createstring (Name, Value] As CATBSIR) As SteParams ‘This method crates sting peramter and adit tothe par’ parameters colton, une GetNameToUsetnRelation ({Object] As AnyOhject) As CATBSTR “The method eum a core ame of fextre toute tin aveation, une Item ({Index] As CATVariant) As Parameter “This method seta a parame ata speci “Index” position. “Index” canbe desea bya number ortho mame ofa parameter. ‘Fane Item ([lndex] As CATVariant) As Parameter “The method remove parameter ta specified “odes” postion fom th pruners cllecton “Ide” ca be eared ya nber othe mate of paraetr. RootParameterSet As ParameterSot (Rexd Only) “This property returns the oot parameter et ofa document une SubList Object] As AnyObject, [Recursive] As Boolean) As Parameters “This method setams a sub-colection of parameters aggregates toan "Objet." “Recursive contra heer the parameters ofthe cil ets are ined (child objects included: Tre") Set Aine = Raconoonen’Matnbouy Shops. tem (“Oraft.1") Unite Ax CATIAUnits “This property returns the colton of its. The CATIAUnits clas uss the methods of the Collection cess (Seton 8.7). oboe tbs ite Ame) 9) “This cls represents the contents ofa CATPatt (Se Section 110). The Bodies and geomet sts of CcaTPars canbe awssed throug the properties and methods of this elas. An objet the cassis sive wth the Part propety ofthe PartDocument ls (Saton 8.65). dyer Path: Anyobjot Part Sul Activate [Object] As AnyObjeet “This method enables an abet for te update process. Aer am execution ofthis method, eee ‘he CATPart withthe Update meta, ppatteat iva ayetoet AnnotationSets As Collection (Read Only) ‘This property returns the collection objet containing the annotation sets of te CATPar AvisSystems As Avisystems (Read Only) ‘This property returns the collection je onaning the axis systems ofthe CATPat Bodies As Bodles (Read Only) “This property returns the coetion objet containing the bods 1 wil search al rary vl. No body somite. Constraints As Constraints (Read Only) “This property returns the collection je containing the pact constraints ane CreateReferencefromBRepName ([BRepName] As CATRSTR, [Object] As AnyObject) As Reference “Ths method erates reference fam "Boundary Representation” abel (Section 3.5) Fane CreateReferencetromGeometry [Geometry] As AnyObjeet) As Reference ‘Ths method creates reference toa geome objet (Section 3.5.3) Se osama = Was tite ny ne) Fune CreateReferenceFromName ([IDName] As CATBSTR) As Reference “This metnod erates reference toa objet by its name Section 3.5.9. ane CreateReferencetromObjeet ([Ohject] As AnyObjeet) As Reference “Thiam ereate a reference toa jet (Seton 3.5.2). et nynject = nypartincjectyhane Cay pla”) Density As Double (Read Only) “Ths propery returns the part ersty-Thi 0 he density that pear inthe Part Properties” Ang bt the measured density ofall bodies in the CATPat. 1 the mtr is appli tothe CATPar, th materi ofthe india bodies io onde, Fane CreateReferenceFromName ({IDName] As CATBSTR) As Reference ie nyeometry As saabiect. SU Rpenarry © bors FiamoSctOrtane ony otane” GoometricElements As GeometricHlements (Reed Only) ‘This property returns the collection objet containing the geometrical elements ofthe CATPar (se Section 2.4.2, Fue GetCustomerFactory([Name] As CATBSTR) As Factory “This method sets customer factory from acd sting defined by the customer. HybriaBodies As HybridRodies (Read Only) “This property returns the colton objet containing all geometrical es athe fist herarcal eval of the CAT ybridShapeFactory As Factory (Read Only) “This propery returns the tolbox for wirtrame nd surface geometry othe CATPat Seton 61). ‘Sub Inactivate [Object] As AnyObjeet ‘This method deactivates objects ina CATPart InWorkObject As AnsOhject “This propenty retro este wrk oj the CATPat, syraestmbortogect = monsect une Isinactive [Object] As AnyOhject) As Boolean “This method cheeks whether an objects deactivated (dentate True," ativate "Fas" 1 mparettmactive ogee) Th Func IsUpToDate (Object As AnyOhject) As Boolean “This method chooks whether an object needs tobe ups (apa nate “Fase"). MainBlody As Body “This property returns or sts the main bey ofthe CATPar. Ordered\ieometricalSets As OnderedCieometricaSets (Read Only) “This property returns the calletion jet outing the nde geomet ss ofthe CATPart Chil-ordered geomet sets are not ineude ‘OviginElements As OriginElements (Read Only) ‘This property returns the collection objec containing the origin elemento the CATPart (Section 3.2). igen orion Pare tae) Parameters As Parameters (Read Only) “This property returns the collection objet conta the parameters ofthe CATPat (Section 3-43) Relations As Relations (Read Only) ‘This property returns the collection objet containing the relations (Formas, DsigaTable, Laws an (Cec of the CATPart Section 8.) ShapeFactory As Faetory (Read Only) “Tis property returns the too for si of the CAT Seton 7. ‘ShoetMetalFactory As Factory (Read Only) ‘This property returns the otbox for shoe metal parts. The eet Metal Design iense must be present {node to use this propa. ‘ShoetMetalParameters As AnyOhjet (Rend Only) ‘Tis property returns the parameters for sheet metal parts. The Shet Metal Desig ces must bo reset node ows this prope Sub Update “This method updates the CATPart result wth espe ois specifontions sopae. pate Sub Updateobect [Onjet] As AnyObject ‘Ths mod update an bjt sul wih respect to specatons eonsectmoosect, UserSurfaces As Collection (Read Ons) “This property reams the calletion je eontaining the use clement ofthe CATPart ®) ‘This class represents the CATPart (se Section 1.10.2) The bodies and geomet sls of CATPat eat lo aces through the properties and metodo his as, Aneto ths as fered as aon ssa Document objec (Section 8.25) is decane asa CATPat Section 22). (yee Patt: AnyObjet Document PartDocament Part As Part (Read Only) ‘This property returns the oot“Pat” object fom the erent ptt document. Proxluct As Product (Read Only) “This property returns the oot “Prout” bec from the current part document “This class represents oid esling fom eplcaton (retangua patter, cea patter, or user tern), Se Section 74. This clas sa parent class an provkes base methods an properties forthe CivePattern Seton 815), ReetPatern Seton 8180) an UserPattern (Section 8229) ses, ‘nyee Path: Any Oj Shape-TransformationShape Pattern Sub ActivatePosition [U,V] As Long “This method allows auser to atvate en instance ofthe pattern. “U"eorespondst the numerator in the fst direction, "Win the scond eto. Sulp DesactivatePosition [U, V] As Long “Ths method allows a user to deetvate an nstanoe ofthe pate. “1 eotesponds tothe numerator the fist ireton, “Win the ssond Aetion emiToCopy As AnyObject “This property returns or sets the shape tobe copied otationAngle As Angle (Read Only) ‘This property returns the ange by which the entire pater s rotated, The rotation cus about the orga of the pater objet, The ale of the ange can be etd with the Vale mtd, “This cls represents pane (se Section 6.4) This ls the parent elas and provides the bse retool planes (bye Path: AnyObjet HybridStape lane ‘Sub GetFlestAxis [Vector] As CATSafeArrayVariant “This metnod etars the cowdinats ofthe rs plan ais The veto is output asa unit vetr. Sub GetOrigin [Point] Ax CATSafeArrapVariant “The method eur the x, and coordinates of the origin ofthe plane Sub GetPosition X,Y, Z1 As Double Refer toSetPostion Sul GetSecond.Axis [Vector] As CATSafeArrayVariant ‘This method setars the cortinats of the second plane ax. The vectors opt asa unit vector Fane lARe(Plane As Long “This method queries whether the plan isa reference plane, The value ranges "o" reference plane) nd“ (ot reference plane) Sul PutFirstAxis [Vector] As CATSafeArrayVariant ‘This method sets the coordinates ofthe st plane axis Tho veto defined equals"), Notevery pane definition allows this action. Sul PutOvigin [Point] As CATSafeArrapVariant “Thin method see the x9 and s-cortinates of the rg ofthe pane Not every plane dfinition slows thisaetion. Sub PutSecondAxis [Vector] As CATSafeArrayVariant “This med sets the coordinates ofthe svond plane ais. Te method works iar tthe PutFirstanis method, ‘Sub RemovePosition ‘This method semoves the reference poston o where a plane is spayed ‘Sub SetPosition [X, ¥,Z] As Double ‘This method ses the pasion where the planes displayed the coordinates do nt Hieon the plan, the plane is displayed onthe plane projected point. Wi s.a72 Pocket “This las representa pet Gee Section 7.2) An bet ofthe cass rete wth the _AddNewPocket of AddNewPocketFromRef methods ofthe ShapeFactory css (Seton 8.199). ‘This hss so properties or methods (yee Path: AnyObjet Shape Sketch Basedhpe Prism Pocket 8.173 Point “This class eprsens aa point (se Seton 62. isa parent lass ana provides the base methods forall ab pints. yee Path: Anj Objet Hb rAShape Point Sub GetCoordinates [Point] As CATSafeArray Variant “This method eta the xy and -oordinates ofthe point. Sub SetCoordinates [Point] As CATSafeArrayVariant “The method sete the and 2enornates of the pot. 5.174 PointaD : ‘This class represents point in sketch or dawing (ee Chapters). An objeto the das scree Wit the CreatePolnt method of te FactoryaD clas (Setion 85) (yee Path: AnyObjet GeomeriFlement-GeometryeD Point2d Sul GetCoordinates [Coordinates] As CATSafeArrayVariant “The method seturs the cotinats ofthe oi. Sub SetData [X,Y] As Double “Thin metho sets the cordate ofthe pin. “This cls represents prismatic sai (te Seton 72). 1 provides methods forthe Pad (Section 8.164) and Pocket (Section 8.172) hil elses ‘byect Path: AnyObjet Shape Sketch BasetShape Prism DircctionOrientation As CATPrismOrientation “This propery returns the prism dteston orientation. The vale ranges “et ReguleOrienttion™ (oral riestaton) and "ettnverseOrcntation” (inverted orientation DireetionType As CATPsigmE'trasionDirection “This property retums whether the pram drection s normal tthe sketeh oe allows given diveton. “The vale ranges "eaNormal Tashiro (ection nora tothe shel) and “eaNotNormalfoSttehDirtion” rection along a given areton. [iestLimit As Limit Read Only) “This property returns the st pris init. The int defntion can Be modified wth the meted ofthe Limit das (Seton 8.155. Sub GetDireetion [Direction] As CATSafeArrayVariant “Ths metod zeta the prism dietion with absolute coedinaten Issymmetric As Boolean ‘This property returns whether the prism is sym (ymmetie: "Tre. Pa. teSmetrte = True IsThin As Hootean “Ths propery returns whether the pe thin tins “Tre"). Mergetnd As Boolean “This property returns the sate of the “Merge Ends" option enabled: “True”. The property ison aable ifthe IsThin property is“ [Neutralfiber As Boolean, “This property returns te sate ofthe “Neural Fe” option enabled: “Due the option i enable, ‘te thn prism is ymmetriesbou the prof. The property sony aval the Isa property tee ‘Sub ReversetnnerSide “This mtho everesthe piss ine side when the profiles open ‘Second imit As Limit (Read Only) “This property returns the secon pis init The mit tno can b odie with he methods of ‘ho Limits (Section 8.55) Sub SetDirection [Linie] As Reference “Ths mod ses the pam drction Set aot “hyrarttrcateterarenctronbsect Myine) 8.176 Product “This clas eprsents the mtadata ofa CATPat or CATProdut. An jet ofthe clases rested with ‘he Product property athe PartDacument Section 8.69) or ProduetDocument clases (Seton 8177. Noe: This weton covers oly seleted commands ofthe Protet elas. ‘tyee Pat: AnyObjt Product Sub Apply WorkMode [Mode] As CatWorkModeType “This method sets tho visualization mode ofa produc. The vale range is DEFAULT _MODE” (Geta), "VISUALIZATION_MODE” (visualization ol), nd"DESIGN_MODE” (design). Fane Connections ((Typel As String) As Collection “This method retars the products constrains. 1Type"is*CATIAConstants the product’ constraints shouldbe espected as positioned in pace (fied, conte, oft. See Sion 44. une CreateReferenceFromName ([Label] As String) As Reference “This method erates referee fom name Definition As String, “This proprty returns or sts the prod’ dition (Definition fel), Soe Seton. Deseriptonltef As String ‘This property returns or vets the produ’ description for reference produ ‘Deserption’ eld) See sethon 33, Subp ExtraetBOM [File Typel As CatFiletype [ile Name] As String ‘This method extract the prods contents 8 bil of mates (BOM) The ae range of Fle Type” \s"ealeTypeeat et le) eat FeTypeMoi" (Moi le), ana “cat FleTypeHTTOML” (HTML Me). une GetTechnologiealOnject (CType] As String) As CATRaseDispatch “This method retusa technoloical bjt from the “Applications” data ofa product. Move As Move (Read Only) “This proprty provides oes to an objet ofthe Move las. The transformation matrix ofa product, canbe changed withthe Apply method of the Move cass. The parameters specify the delta of Aibrofuc.frotcts tea) Moet Wtraatoretion [Nomenclature As String “The property returs ores the prs nonendatre (Nonenlaue” fd), Se Section 3. Parameters As Parameters (Read Only) ‘This proprty returns the coetion of parameters contained in tho caren prove (se Seton 4:2) PartNumber As String “This proprtyrtursor sets the prod’ prt umber Pat Number” fed). Se Section 93. Position As Position (Read Only) “This proprty returns the transformation matrix ofa product, The position con be written and read ‘i the SetComponents and GetComponents methods. Products As Products (Read Only) “This property returns the caletion of produet contained inthe caren produc (se Seton 4). ReferenceProduct As Product (Read Only) “Tle property stu the eee prt of the produ. Relations As Relations (Read Only) “This property returns the eoletion of rations contained in theeurent proc (ae Seton 4.2). Revision As String, “This property returns or ves the produc’ revision (Revision ed). Se Seton 3. Source As CatProduetSource “This proprtyrtursor sets the product's source ("Sure Fld)-The vale ranges “eatProdvtSoureUnknown” (Unknown), “catProdetade" (Made), and“eatProdetBought™ ouznn, Sub Update “Ths method update the current document UserRetPropertios As Parameters (Read Only) E “This method eum thes ofcustom parameters Othe Properties" button), Se Section 2 6.177 ProductDocument “This css eprsens a CATProdut (ee Seton 110.2. An objet ofthis class is erated as soon a5. & Document cect (Section 825 is declared sa CATPredut (Section 2.2 (lyee Path: AnyObjet Document ProduerDocument Product As Product (Read Only) “Ths method zeta the root prod, metadata si produ structures af CATPredu 5.178 Products ‘This css represents a collection of product objects (CATProducs,CATPar, and/or components) under given CATPraduct (ee Scton 43). An object of the las crete with the Products opty of he Prout las (Section 876). (byt Path Collection Products une AdaComponent ([NewComponent] As Product) As Product “This method ereatesa component ad as tothe pre’ colletion,Thenew component must len belonied asa douent Sub AddComponentsFromFiles [List] As CATSafeArrayVariant, [Type] As String ‘Tle mthod creates component froma le and ade tothe rode’ collection, The docunent of ‘he new component wl be oaed during the proces. “Type defines the tye of documents tobe ded (eg. “CATPat” or CATPrdut). ‘This method creates component ro the rot peodet of anater produ The ew component must sea be loaded ta document une AddNewComponent ({DocumentType, PartNumber] As String) As Product ‘This method creates new document and dd coresponding component othe produ’ colton, "Document Type" fel has the following value range: "CATPart” or CATProuet.”Tocrestea components the AddNewPreduet med. Fane AddNewProduet ([PartNumber] As String) As Product = ‘This method erates produet erence object. Fane Item ([lndex] As CATVariant) As Product “Ths method seturas a prods specie “Index” postion om the product's callin, Sulb Remove [Index] As CATVariant “Ths method emve a product a specie “ade” postion fom the preduc’s olletion. une ReplaceComponent ([OldComponent] As Produet, [NewComponentFile name] As String [All Instances] As Boolean) As Produet “This method zeplaces an esiting component wih ane component. The documenta the new component il be loaded during the proces. IA Instances eT, alla the nds fhe sine pt number anal levels of CATProducts willbe replaced Fane ReplaceProduct([OldComponent, NewComponent} As Product, [All Instances] As Boolean) As Product “This method replaces an elting component wih naw cmmponeat-The new component mst ead blonde as a dcunent 7A Instances" True" allf the nodes ofthe same part number onl levels of TProdts willbe eplaced. 8.179 ReatParam “This hss represents a“Rel” parameter ype (60 Section 4). An objet ofthe asi cece by ‘sing the CreateReal method ofthe Parameters cass (Section 8167) (yee Path: AnyObjet Parameter RealParam Sub GettinumerateValues [Values] As CATSafeArrayVariant “Ths mtd returns an aetay catalan the dierent ales tha the RealParam ca tkeln the ase of ipl vas. Fane GetEnumerateValuesSize As Long, “The method sets the numberof enumerate vals, Fane IsEqualTo ([ComparisonValue] As Double) As Boolean ‘This method compares the vale ofthe parameter wit the value"ComparsonValue."Ifboth aes ae qu. the turn yale of the method is “De MaximumTolerance As Double “This property returns or es the maxi tolerance of he parameter MinimuniToterance Ax Double “This property returnsor sets the minimum tolerance of the parameter. Rangedfax As Double ‘This property returns or ets the value of the upper bound hat the parameter objet vale an te RangeMaxValldity As Long ‘This property returns or ets the type ofthe upper Bound of the parameter. The vale ranges "0" (upper bounds meaningless), (upper bound ean be reached) an" (upper bound cannot be reached) angeMin As Double “This property returmsor ets the ale ofthe wer bond tht the parameter abject wale cn ke ‘angedinValidity As Long “Tis property returnsor sets the type ofthe lower bon of he parameter (fer to angeMaxValiity) Sub SetFnumerateValues [Value] As CATSafeArrayVariant “The method sete the numberof ntmerate sales, Sub SuppressEnumerateValues “The method sete the numberof enumerate sales, ‘Value As Double “Ths method eta the val ofthe poner, “This cls represents soi, resling from a “Rectangular Patera” replication Soe Section 7.0. object ofthe das scented with the AdNewReetPattern or AddNewSuracicReetPattern method ofthe Shape atory cas (Section 89) ‘byet Path: AnyObjet Shape Transformationshape Patten Ret Pater FirstDirectionRepartition As LinearRepartition (Read Only) “This property returns the tines repartition alongthe fist arto, The eplton parameters are “seria tho LinearRepartition das (Seton 8.158). St Siractlont ¢'yestoreieeatrcttonapaeseion FiestDireetionRow As IntParam (Read Only) “Ths property returns the poston of the shape tobe copied long the fit nea ection ("Ror in the Dieetion 1 ld, FirstOrientation As Boolean, “This property retursor sets whether the rectangle pte fellows the direton of the fist refeence ‘ement ovis inserted "Revers" baton. The property is “Troe” ifthe dretion of the reference ‘Semen isnsed,| FirstRectangularPatternParameters As CatRectangulasPatternParameters “This property returns or ets the pate fype nthe ist ection ofthe rectangular pattern The ale range s‘atastaneesandspacins" and “clUnequalspacing” Sub GetFlestDireetion [Vector] As CATSafeArruWVarlant “This method seta the st repatitin diction, Sul GetSecondDirection [Vector] As CATSafeArrayVariant “This method returns the second repartition retin, SeconaDirectionRepartition As LinearRepastition (Read Only) “This property returns the lnc repatiton along the second direction. The repiation parameters are Assert by th LinearRepartition das (Seton 8.158). FirstDireetionRow As IntParam (Read Only) ‘This property returns the poston ofthe shape tobe copied long the second linear dnetion (Rove in the Ditton 2" eld. ‘SecondOvientation As Boolean “This property returns or sets the cretion of the second reference element Refer to iestOrlentation, SecondRectangularPatternParameters As CatRectangulasPatternParameters “This property retumsor sets the pate type inthe second tion ofthe rectangular pattern The ‘ale range s"entfastancesndpacing and "cat Unequlsing” Sub SetFirstDinection [Direction] As CATSafeArrayVariant “Ths mtd sets the fst repartition dri, Sub SetinstanceSpacing [astantNumber] As Long, [Distance] As Double, [Direction] As Long “Thieme sets the instance pacing Sub SetSecondDireetion [Dieeetion] As CATSafeArrayVariant “This method sets the soon eparttion diction. Refer to SetFirstDirection. ‘Sub SetUnequallnstanceNumber [lastantNamber] As Long, [Direction] As Long “This method sets the instance mabe, Reference “This ls representa CATIA referee (ae Seton 35). An ijt of ths las erent with the “CreateReferenceF rom." mets the Part las (Seton 8.368), (byet Path: CATBaseDipatch Referee Fune ComposeWith([Reference] As Reference) As Reference “This metho omnes to sfernees ad rete composite reference DisplayName As CATRSIR (Read Only) “This property returns the mane ofthe referenced jet 8.182 References “This cls represents reference elleton. (yee Pat Collection Refrences Fane Item ([Index] As CATVariant) As Reference “Ths method setams reference a specified “Indes” postin. 5.189 Relation “This class represents eatin sce Section 9.4) I peovides hse methods fo the Forma (Seton 8.4), Design Table (Seton 8.29), Re ad Check id ass, (lyet Path: AnyObjert KnowiedgeOet Know eyeAtvatyet Relation Comment As CATBSTR, “This property returns or ets the comment associate wih the elation Context As AnyObject (Read Only) “This property returns the context fe parameter (Pat, Prout) une GetinParameter({Index} As Long) As AnyOhject “This method sear an np prater ofthe relation a spesified Indes poston, Indes" ‘umber between" and NbdnParemeters. te pare As anyonect Fane GetOutParameter([index] As Lang) As AnyOhject “This method retusa output parameter ofthe ation at aspects “Ine poston “dex” isa rmber between" and NBOatParameters. bie Fare as ysect ‘Sub Modify [Content] As CATRSTR “Ths method modifies the relation, [NbtnParameters As Long (Read Only) ‘This property returns the namie fap parameters ofthe elation (eg “C= A+B" equals "2" [NbtnParameters As Long (Read Only) ‘This property returns the namie of ouput parameters ofthe ation (eg. "C= A+ BT equals"), ‘Sulb Rename [Name] As CATBSTR. “Tamed renames the elation. Value As CATBSTR (Read Only) “This property returns the definition ofthe relation (og, °C A Tie“ B. 184 Relations “This class representa collection of relation (se Sections 24:2 and 9.44). relation canbe forma, Assign able contra ora check. An objec ofthe das is created with the Relations propety ofthe Part as (Scion 8168). Note: this section describes ona selection of properties and methods of the Relations class that ar avsilibe with utente, (yee Pat: CollecionReatons Fane CreateDesignTable (Name, Comment] AS CATBSTR, [Copy] As Boolean, [File] As CATRSTR) As DesignTable “Ths moderates a design able and ad ito the part's colton of estions (se Seton 3.4.2. une CreatoFormuta([Name, Comment] As CATBSTR, [Output] As Parameter, [Formula] As CATBSTR) As Formala “Tis med eratsa formula and adit the pat’ colleton of lations ee Section 4. une CreateHorizontalDesignTable (IName, Comment] As CATBSTR, [Copy As Boolean, [Fle] As CATBSIR) As Design Table section 3.4.2, ane CreateLaw (IName, Comment, Code] As CATRSTR) As Law “This medod crates aw and adit to the pats alton ovations (se Seton 3-42). Ths ‘method is nly valle with the Geneeative Shape Design and Generative Shape Optimize lenses ane Createsetofequations ([Name, Comment, Code] As CATBSTR) As SetOfEquation “Tle mthod create st of equations “Name” decries the natn ofthe st f equations, ad “Code” eset the equations Two equations ar separated within the "Code" by a semieoon St cayrten © netecrentetarEquttons (lane, Ccomont, 6680) Sub CreateSetOmRelations [ParentObject] As AnyObject “This metnod creates set of relations and appends ito a parent object Fue Item ({Index] As CATVariant) As Relation “This method retusa relation at aspects “Ines poston om the relatos alton. Sub Remove [Index] As CATVariant “This method removes relation a specie “Index poston rom the relations olection Fane Sublist [Object] As AnyObject, [Recursion] As Boolean) As Relations ‘This method setae sub-oletion of reltions aggregate oan objet. "Reeuson” controls wheter the ject searched cursive eeursve sere: “True Set niasee site sacise manjeee fl [i “Thess represents sod reted by the “Rettone” Boolean operation (ee Section 3.4). Aa object ofthe ls caved wit the AddNewRemove metho ofthe Shape atory as (Sction 8.295). “This class has no properties or methods. The properties and methods othe pret dass ate used, Objece Path: AnyObjet Shape BooleenShape Remove 1H &.186 Remover ace A “Ths class representa removefce. An bjt ofthe las i crested With the AddNewRemoveFace netod o the ShapeFaetory las (Seton 8.190). ‘byet Path: AnyOdjert Shape DresstipShape RemoweF ace KeepFace As Reference (Write Only) ‘This propertyadds facet keep (Faces to Keep field) KeepFaces As References (Read Only) ‘This property gts the specif faes tobe Kept (Faces to Keep" ed), Set MILIst = Wafeoveoce epee Propagation As References (Read Only) “Ths property gets the faces hat wll be removed Sub remove_KeepFace [Face] As Reference “Ths med emoves face tobe hep (Faces to Keefe). Sub remove_RemoveFace [Face] As Reference “This metnod removes fe tobe removed ("aces to Remove” ld). RemoveF ae As References (Write Only) “This propertyadds a ae to remove (Faces to Remove fl), RemoveF acess References (Read Only) “Tis property gts the specifi faces tobe removed (Faces to Remove fe). 187 Reparttion “This clas epresents oid eplintion definition and provides the base methods forthe AngularRepartition (Sation 83) and LinearReparttion (Section 8.8) eid ease, (yee Path: AnyObjectRepartiion InstancesCount As IntParam (Read Only) ‘This property returns the tla umber of ope shapes. The ale eanbe ited wit the Value roe, E “This css represents remove fice. An objet ofthe cas is created wth the AdaNewReplaceFace neti of the ShapeFactory lass (Section 8199), 188 ReplaceFuce Sub AddemoveFace [Face] As Reference “This method asa fc to rmove (Faces to Remo field). Sub AddSpitPlane [NewSurface] As Reference “This method ses tho replacing element Replacing Surface fl). itt aceace aa sehlae Moura Subp DeleteRemoveF ace [Face] As Reference “Ths mod deletes face to remove (Facet Remo fe) RemoveF aces References (Read Only) “This property gets he specifi fae tobe removed. SplitingSide As Caspitside ‘This property returns or sets the spliting side. The vue ranges eatPosiveSi" (natural vietation) and “atNegativeSie” (averted eietation), 8.1 Revolt BIE “This css represents a revwution se Section 7.2) The dasa pent das ofthe Sha (Section 8297] and Groove Seton 8.47) classes. ‘byet Path: Ansobjet Shaye steehBasedshape Revolution FirstAngle As Angle (Read Only) “This property returns the evolution fst ange The value can be de with the Vale metho IsThin As Hootean “This property returns or ves the state the “Tek option. the property "Tre" the option i able. Mergetnd As Boolean “This property retumsor sets the state the"Miroed Extent” option. the propa is“Tre” the tions enabled [Neutralfiber As Boolean, “Thc prpertyrtums or sts the sate the"Nentrl He” option, Mth propery is “ae the options enabled RevoluteAnis As Reference ‘This property returns or sets the rotation as Axis eld). SecondAngle As Angle (Read Only) “The property returns the evolution second ange Referto FlestAngle MH &.90 Rid [al ‘This chs represents i (6 Seton 72) An oj ofthis las eet wih the AdANewRD ot AddNewRIDFromRetmthod ofthe ShapeFaetory cas (Seton 8.19) “This class as no properties or methods. The properties and methods of the parent clases are used. yecePath:AmpObjee Shape SkerBasedShape Seep RID “Thin las xprsensa ott. An obj ofthe las iscrented withthe AddNewRotatea metho of tho ShapoFactory class (Seton 8109), Objet Path: AnyObjot Shape Rotate aoe 2) set Angle As Angle (Read Only) “This property returns or sts the rtation angle (“Angle feld,-The value ean bo ete wi the Value roethod, AngleValue As Double ‘This property returns or ets the rlation angle vie, The ang ease in degres Axis As Reference: “Ths property returns or ets the rotation aus (Axis eld) hotation bets = mteteencets HlemToRotate As Reference ‘Ths property returns or ets the clement ob oad HybridShape As HybriaShape (Read Only) ‘This property returns the ation ofthe undesying sur of the HybridShapeotate cet clas (Section 8:19. 6.192 Seating ‘This class represents oid esting fm Sean” transformation (se Seton 7.4) An abject of {his das eee wih the AddNewSiaingmthod othe ShapeFactory clas (Seton 8.109). ‘objet Path: Anjobjet Shape Dresstipshape Sealing Factor As RealParam (Read Only) “This property returns or vets the sang ator (Factor el) The valve ean be aie with the Vale roto, Scallngleforence As Reference “This property returmsor sets the cement oe cl rom Referee” fil). The reference maybe nt a plane ora surface I the reference ia pin the objet ssa inal thre coordinate Actions. the ferences plane, the objets seal nly perpendicular tothe plane, 8.193 Sealing “This class eprsensa sod eeling fom Sean transformation (se Seton 74). An object of| this class ected wih the AddNewsSealing2 mo ofthe hapeFactory lass (Section 8.399) ile wit the Scaling las, the algorithms inthe Salina lass ate ase on surface design slgpitns-for example the HybeidShapeSealing clas. Cbyet Path: Anpodjet Shape Sealing? Center As Reference “This property retumnsor sets the reference plat or reference plane ("fered fet tet = nyartcresaterarenctrombject Mtotat) HlemToScaleAs Reference “This property returns or sts te clment to sae, ati As RealParams (Read Only) “This property returns the sealing rato parameter (Ratio feld)Tho vale can bo edited wit the ‘Value method. RatioValue As Double “This property returns or ets the sang tio ale Ratio fd. 6.194 Selectedement “This class represents an element selection se Section 8.29). An object af the das created wit the ‘Wem iho of th Selection las (Section 8198) (lye Path: Any Selectedement AtiveDocument As Document (Read Only) “Tle property returns the dacuent that the selcted element elo to, Set mybecanent = Nelecteihjet.Coareat Sul GetCoordinates [Coordinates] As CATSafeArrayVariant “This method sear the corinats of th seeton. ‘LeatProduet As AnyOhject (Read Only) “This property returns the node of «CTP that eorresponsto the selection in the speciation Reference As Reference (Read Only) “This property returns the eerence element ‘Type As CATISTR (Read Only) “This property returns the CATIA enter (Pa inca") he sleted element Value As CATBaseDispateh (Read Only) ‘This property returns the acta cletd automation objet Se Rbtoce “wy celecesigec. 8.195 Selection ‘This class represents section (se Seton 2.9) An objet ofthe cass is erated ith the Selection ‘nao of the Document is (Seton 825). (yee Path AnyObje Selection Sulb Ada [Object] As AnyObject ‘This med anit fo the selection Sub Clear “This method lens th sleton, Th tod sould nyse wed if subeequent se ssletion it sade, Sub Copy “This method copies the contents ofthe selection in cathe for paste operation. (Count As Long (Read Only) “This propertyas been deprecated snc V5Ru6:5ce Count {Counts As Long (Read Only) “This property retums the nme fected elements contained bythe erent sletion. Sob cut “Thin metho oats the contents of he selection in ease for past operation Sub Delete “Thin method deletes al objects ofthe slo, Waring the ems are delete from the CATIA toca Fane FilterCorrespondence [Filter] As CATSafeArrayVariant) As Boolean “This method test whether al elected elements match the lenent “Fle Warning: a py selection et las passes tough tes! Func FindOhject({What] As CATBSTR) As AnyObject “This method finds an objet within he election. A macro wilrtur an errrif no objet found, Fane IndicateOrsSelectElementaD ([Message] As Sting, [Filter] As CCATSafeArrayVariant, [SclctionBlefore, Tooltip, TriggerOnMouse, ObjectSelected] As Boolean, [XY] As CATSafeArrayVariant) As String “This method equtesa user tslet an cement or incate side within # 2D document (ATDrasing). Message specifics string tt instrets th usorin the statusbar, “Fier” species ‘which tems are allowed tobe selected, “Selections” determines wheter elements that were seleted before the stat ofthe command are considete, I-SeletionBefoe”is~True and tas selected before ald clement, the method immediatly igual that twas sucess “Tooltip” setae tol tp that deplaysthe nae ofa selectable element when the mouse moves veri “TianeOnMonse" determines whether the coms is detected when the wer mowesthe mouse ober tho clment, “ObjectSelete” reds wheter the user select an clment ("Tus") or nda ase (Fase “XY ead the coordinates ofthe ation nthe 2D dociment Theres of te mtd has the following values: “Normal” (secs selection o indication), “Mouse-Move (sucess igger lypmouse movemeat, "Undo" Undo” bution pressed), "Redo" (Redo” button pressed) and "Cancel” (aborted selection). Function IndicateOrSclectElementgD ({PlanarEtement] As AnyOhject, [Message] AS String [Filter] As CATSafeArrayVariant, [Selectionfiefore, Tooltip, THigerOnMouse, Objectselected] As Boolean, [XY] As CATSafeArrayVariant) As String ‘This method requires user to slat a planar objeto indicate aside within egD document. "PanarElement defines the planar object. "Messagespeiis string tha instructs th ser inthe statusbar. “Plt specifies which items te allowed tobe selected “SelectionBefore” determines \whather elements that were seleted before the stat ofthe comand are considered 1f “Selon” ie-Tre” anit ns seleted before val ements the method mediates signals ‘hat itwns sucess. “Tot” atvates tool tip that splays the name ofa sletable lempent when the mouse moves overt. “TriggetOmMouse" determines wheter the command is detected when the ser moves the mouse ovr the element. “ObjectSleted” reads weber te user selects an element (True) or indicates side alse"). “XY" rads the coordinates ofthe location inthe gD document. “The vest ofthe mtd has the same range he IndeateOrSeleetElement2D mod. Fume Item ({Counter] As Long) As SelectedEloment “This method hasbeen deprecated since VR: se Nema. une Items ({Counter] As Long) As SelectedElement “This method sear the element umber ofthe “Counter the sleton it “Counts” starts at “and ends withthe value of the Count propery. To obtain the objet from the clement, the Value ropa ofthe SelectedEement clas Section 819) must be use, Sub Paste “This method pats the contents ofthe clipboard which was file ith Cut o Copy nthe document at the inated ation, Sab Pastetinke “This methods simiar tothe Paste method but with inks, Sub PasteSpecal [Mode] As CATBSTR. “This method ts the contents of the ipa which wns filled th Cut Copy inthe dosent at the inated oaton, Value range ofthe paramiter Mode" in "Pat: scaTPACont sith history, without ink scaTPrAResukWWihOutLink thou istry, without ink scarPanesut tht story, think “caTMoteiaCont ‘ss material + AdlaterialLink ssmatei ink CaTAIeehPredCont ss specifi in “Assembly” “caTProdcont ss speci in "Produ Structure” CATIA SPEC carta srec “CATIA. RESULT ccaTIA_RESULT ‘Value range ofthe parameter "Mose". Prode’>

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