Iomee-Rio 04232022

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Zenon - A lovely afternoon to our guests. Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to the wedding
reception of RIO AND MAY IOMEE.__________________. I am __________________,
and _________________, and we are tasked to be the emcee for today’s celebration.
Felipe - So please find a seat and make yourselves comfortable as we are about to start the

Opening Spiel:
Zenon - "No relationship is all sunshine but two people can share one umbrella and survive
the storm together."

Felipe - Indeed, today we have witnessed two people who never gave up on each other and
remained strong amid the storm. Now, they have chosen to seal their love with the sacred
sacrament of marriage.
Zenon - A wedding brings two people and their families together. It refreshes the family ties
and friendship that have gone stale and almost forgotten against the toll of time and distance.
For this allow me to give a very special welcome to all who have traveled far to be here with
us today, we would like to acknowledge the presence of families and friends who took their
time out to be here with us. So again, I would like to request the people concerned to please
make a stand or just give us a wave to be recognized as you are called.


Felipe - At this point I assume that everyone has settled down and we are all ready to
welcome the newlyweds

Since today is momentous for the couple, it is just right to give them a grand entrance and
our warmest welcome. 
Ladies and gentlemen let us welcome the couple of the year Mr. & Mrs. William Sloan.
Ad lib like "They are the proof that love stands still even with the test of time. Love really
makes us blush, look at them they are just absolutely stunning!"

Zenon - Once again, let us give our loudest applause to the sponsors, the wedding entourage,
and of course, the couple, Mr. & Mrs RIVERA

Zenon - Prayer before Meals

We have not reached half way of the program yet but pretty sure that some of us are already
famished. Since there are still a lot of exciting activities which include games, dancing and
surprises in stored for us, we need the energy to carry out all these tasks later. Let us all stand
as we offer thanksgiving to our Lord for the bountiful banquet we are about to share.
Felipe - Acknowledgment of Guests 
At this point, we would like to request the couple to join the guests in their respective tables
for this rare chance to strike a pose with the newlyweds. 
Zenon - Photo Opp/Table Hopping
A wedding does not only bring two people together but it often reunites families and friends
who might have not seen each other for months or even years. Weddings are indeed a high
time for meet-and-greet. So let us acknowledge the presence of our most important
guests. (Acknowledge guests from each table)

Felipe - Cake Cutting & Wine Toast

In every wedding reception, there is always the cutting of the wedding cake which actually
symbolizes the couple’s shared future and their life as one and maybe sprinkled with love
and sweetness just like the cake. So may I request the couple to cut the wedding cake. 

Zenon - Now that the cake has been served, let us join the COUPLE in the symbolic wine
The spiritual significance of the couple’s wine toasting is the blood of Christ where the
couple becomes one with God. It is also the symbol of the couple’s union.

This symbolic drinking from the cup of life reflects their sharing of all BITTER and SWEET
experience together as their journey in this realm that we call “married life”. Just like the
wine, love should also brew over the years, and that we do hope and pray that they go
sweeter as the years go by. As a Filipino advert goes, “Habang tumatagal, lalong,

Let's seal it with a sweet kiss. Couple if you could just give our guests' request. Kiss!

Felipe - Bouquet and Garter Toss

For some real excitement and fun, the lovely and single, feeling single, almost single, it's-
complicated single, and all the kinds of single maidens get hyped up now as we are going to
proceed to the traditional throwing of the bouquet. Get your pump heels ready for jumping
and do some stretching. Anyone who gets the bouquet will be the next bride. Let's count
altogether. (with a twist)
Congratulations ______________ you are definitely the next bride so we have to find the
perfect groom-to-be! It's the gentlemen's turn now for the garter toss. Get ready to wrestle as
the gorgeous groom is going to retrieve the garter.


Before we go on with the Garter Toss, the groom is to retrieve the garter from his bride. So,
may we request William & Ma. Linda to please come center stage and do the garter retrieval

(A chair is brought onstage for the bride to sit. while groom kneels down at the bride's feet
ready to retrieve the garter)
Ladies and gentleman the groom will now retrieve the garter from the bride.

(Groom retrieves the garter from the bride.)

There you have it ladies and gentlemen; the groom was finally able to retrieve the garter. Let
us give him a big hand.

Ok it is now the gentlemen's turn and we will now do the garter toss. May I now request all
single men to please come forward for the Garter Toss.

(INSTRUCTIONS: Emcee motions and waits for all single men to come forward)
Gentlemen please take you place behind the groom and be ready to catch the garter. So is
everyone ready? At the count of three the groom will throw the garter and again we request
the audience to participate in the countdown

Felipe - First Dance

As a wedding tradition, let us welcome Mrs. MAY IOMEE PITLONGAY RIVERA and his
father Mr. PEDRO PITLONGAY on the dance floor for their first dance
I would like to us the father of the bride to escort his daughter to the dance floor for the
father daughter dance.
After which,
And now I’d like to us the father Mr. PEDRO PITLONGAY to give the hand of the bride
to her groom as a sign that he is finally letting her go and putting the full responsibility to her
husband. Once again ladies and gentlemen let us witness the first dance of the newly wed.
Let's give them a round of applause.

Life may get a little offbeat for the couple, they may miss a step or two but their hearts will
always beat harmoniously for each other. Let's give another round of applause for the

(option) - For this noon marks the beginning of their new life together. From this day
forward they shall be one, and on this joyful beginning what could be more fitting
than to celebrate it with their First Dance. The First Dance is symbolic of the
consummation of their wedding vows. This Dance is the wedding couples' first
cooperative engagement and joint endeavor. As the saying goes, “It takes two to
tango.” Ladies and gentlemen, it is once again my privilege to present to you Mr.
and Mrs. William Sloan with their First Dance.

Zenon - It is said that our parents are our first teachers having raised us patiently from
childhood to adulthood. They have been our source of comfort, support and inspiration.
Maria Linda and William are truly blessed with such wonderful parents and I’m quite sure
when it comes to knowing what marriage is all about, they always have a word or two to
share to their children. We would like to call on the Mr. RIVERA to say a few words of
wisdom and Best Wished to our newlyweds
Thank you so much uncle for that inspiring message. And now we would like to call on
the relatives and friends to say a few words of wisdom to our newlyweds.

Felipe – At this juncture.. Let us be entertained by a dance to be given us by the ever
supportive cousins of the bride. May we give them a big hand, please!

Message from couple

Zenon - The celebration is about to end but the couple’s joyous moment will surely last a
lifetime. And even as we go home tonight, may we still keep the memories we made today
with our lovely couple. To personally express their gratitude for the entire wedding
celebration and the people who made it possible, let us give the floor to our newlyweds for
their message.

Felipe - It has truly been a wonderful evening. Thank you everyone for taking part in the
celebration of love and life with our newlyweds, Mr. and Mrs. RIO RIVERA

Z and F - Well, we guess that’s about everything ladies and gentlemen we have finally come
to the end of our program. It has been a great day and a wonderful night with you all. Again,
thank you all for your presence. God bless and good evening to each and every one. Once
again, this is Zenon Lacondazo, Felipe Lacondazo. Officially, signing off.

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