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Data Dictionary- MLB Draft



Year The year in which the player N/A
was drafted
GM The general manager who N/A
drafted the specific player
Rnd The round the player was N/A
OvPck In the totality of the draft, N/A
the overall pick that the
player was selected
RdPck In each round, the pick N/A
number where a certain
player was drafted
Tm The team who drafted the N/A
certain player
Played for “Team X”? Whether or not the drafted Given that the player
player played for the team accumulated a WAR > 0 and
who drafted him played for Team X, the value
is true. If not, false.
Signed Whether or not the player N/A
signed with the team he was
drafted by
Name The player’s full name N/A
MLB Seasons The number of seasons the N/A
player played in MLB
dPos The position the player was N/A
drafted to play

Pos The most common position N/A

they played throughout their
S/D Pos? Whether or not the player If the player’s drafted
played the same or different position (dPos) and playing
position as the one they were position (Pos) are the same,
drafted as value is True. If not, false.
WAR Wins Above Replacement- N/A
measures a player's value in
all facets of the game by
deciphering how many more
wins he's worth than a
replacement-level player at
his same position
Avg. WAR How much WAR was N/A
accumulated, on average,
each season
WAR w/ “Team X” How much WAR was N/A
accumulated while playing
for “Team X”
MLB Did the player make an If a player has a value for the
appearance in the MLB? “WAR” column, it is true
(yes). If not, false (no)
Type The type of school the player N/A
was drafted out of (4-Year
University, Junior College, or
High School)
College The school the player was N/A
drafted out of
City The city that the school N/A
resides in
State The state that the schools N/A
resides in
“Position X”-4YR How many players (by If the player went to a 4-Year
position) were drafted by a University, was drafted as
specific 4-Year University “Position X,” there are x
number of players who
“Position X”-JC How many players (by If the player went to a Junior
position) were drafted by a College, was drafted as
specific Junior College “Position X,” there are x
number of players who
“Position X”-HS How many players (by If the player went to a High
position) were drafted from a School, was drafted as
a specific state (using HS “Position X,” there are x
location) number of players from state
x who qualify.
School2 The list of schools a player N/A
was drafted from. No
Total Drafted How many players were If a player was drafted from a
drafted from a specific school specific school, what is the
sum for each school?
Total MLB How many players were If a player was drafted from a
drafted from a specific school specific school and made it to
who reached the MLB? the MLB, what is the sum for
each school?
Success Rate How successful schools are at Total MLB/Total Drafted
producing MLB talent
State2 The list of states where a N/A
player was drafted from
Drafted How many players were If a player was drafted from a
drafted from a specific state specific state, what is the
sum for each state?
MLB How many players were If a player was drafted from a
drafted from a specific state specific state and made it to
who reached the MLB? the MLB, what is the sum for
each state?
Success Rate How successful each state Total MLB/Total Drafted
has been at producing MLB
Round The number of rounds a N/A
team has made picks from in
its history. No duplicates
MLTP-“Position X” In a team’s history, how If a player was drafted at
many of a certain position position x, drafted in round 1,
has been taken in a specific how many total players are
round accounted for
“Position X2” In a team’s history, how If a player was drafted at
many of a certain position position x, drafted in round 1,
has been taken in a specific how many total players are
round (as a percentage) accounted for (as a



Team The team that is undergoing N/A
an analysis
Total Players Drafted The number of players Count how many players
drafted to a specific team were drafted to a given team
“Position X” How many of a specific If a player was drafted, how
position was drafted to a many were drafted as
certain team position x.
% of Position The percentage of a position The number of players
drafted by a certain team drafted at position x divided
by the total number of
players drafted
MLB The number of players If a player was drafted at a
drafted at a certain position certain position, how many
that made it to the MLB made the MLB?
MLB Rate The percentage of players at The number of players that
a certain position drafted to made it to the MLB at a
the MLB certain position divided by
the total number of players
drafted at that position
Failure Rate The percentage of players Take the percentage of
drafted at a certain players who made it to the
percentage who didn’t make MLB at a specific position
it to the MLB from 100%
Early Rounds (MLB) The number of players at a If a player was drafted
certain position drafted in between rounds 1-10, how
the early rounds who made it many of a certain position
to the MLB made it to the MLB
Total The number of players at a How many players at a
certain position drafted in specific position were drafted
the early rounds between RDs 1-10
Success Rate How successful teams were The number of players at a
in identifying early round specific position drafted in
talent the early rounds who made it
to the MLB divided by the
total numbers of players
drafted in the early rounds at
a specific position
Early Rounds (MLB) w/ Above The number of players at a If a player was drafted
Average WAR certain position drafted in between rounds 1-10 and
the early rounds who made it had a WAR of at least 1, how
to the MLB who had an many of a certain position
above average WAR made it to the MLB?
Success Rate How successful teams were Of the players who made it
at identifying early round to the MLB, take the number
talent who wound up having of players drafted a specific
an above average career position in the early rounds
with an above average WAR
divided by the total number
of players drafted at a
specific position in the early
Middle Rounds (MLB) The number of players at a If a player was drafted
certain position drafted in between rounds 11-30, how
the middle rounds who made many of a certain position
it to the MLB made it to the MLB
Total The number of players at a How many players at a
certain position drafted in specific position were drafted
the middle rounds between RDs 11-30
Success Rate How successful teams were The number of players at a
in identifying middle round specific position drafted in
talent the middle rounds who made
it to the MLB divided by the
total numbers of players
drafted in the middle rounds
at a specific position
Middle Rounds (MLB) w/ The number of players at a If a player was drafted
Above Average WAR certain position drafted in between rounds 11-30 and
the middle rounds who made had a WAR of at least 1, how
it to the MLB who had an many of a certain position
above average WAR made it to the MLB?
Success Rate How successful teams were Of the players who made it
at identifying middle round to the MLB, take the number
talent who wound up having of players drafted a specific
an above average career position in the middle rounds
with an above average WAR
divided by the total number
of players drafted at a
specific position in the
middle rounds
Late Rounds (MLB) The number of players at a If a player was drafted
certain position drafted in between rounds 31-100, how
the late rounds who made it many of a certain position
to the MLB made it to the MLB
Total The number of players at a How many players at a
certain position drafted in specific position were drafted
the late rounds between RDs 31-100
Success Rate How successful teams were The number of players at a
in identifying late round specific position drafted in
talent the late rounds who made it
to the MLB divided by the
total numbers of players
drafted in the late rounds at
a specific position
Late Rounds (MLB) w/ Above The number of players at a If a player was drafted
Average WAR certain position drafted in between rounds 31-100 and
the late rounds who made it had a WAR of at least 1, how
to the MLB who had an many of a certain position
above average WAR made it to the MLB?
Success Rate How successful teams were Of the players who made it
at identifying late round to the MLB, take the number
talent who wound up having of players drafted a specific
an above average career position in the late rounds
with an above average WAR
divided by the total number
of players drafted at a
specific position in the late
Total WAR The amount of WAR Of all the players who
accumulated at a specific accumulated WAR
position drafted throughout their career at a
specific position, total it up
Average WAR The amount of WAR per Of all the players who
player accumulated WAR, divide the
total by the number of
players who made the MLB
Elite MLB Players Players that were drafted at a If a player was drafted at a
specific position that were specific position and
“elite” throughout their accumulated an average of
career WAR of at least 6
Success Rate The number of elite players Divide the number of “elite”
as a proportion of all the players by the total number
players who made it to the of players at a specific
MLB at a specific position position who made it to the
Above Average MLB Players Players that were drafted at a If a player was drafted at a
specific position that were specific position and
above average throughout accumulated an average of
their career WAR of at least 2
Success Rate The number of above Divide the number of “above
average players as a average” players by the total
proportion of all the players number of players at a
who made it to the MLB at a specific position who made it
specific position to the MLB
Below Average Players that were drafted at a If a player was drafted at a
specific position that were specific position and
below average throughout accumulated an average of
their career WAR less than 2
Success Rate The number of below Divide the number of below
average players as a average players by the total
proportion of all the players number of players at a
who made it to the MLB at a specific position who made it
specific position to the MLB
4YR-School The 4YR University that has *Pulled from TEAM SHEETS*
the most drafted
representation at a specific
Total The number of players at a *Pulled from TEAM SHEETS*
specific position that has
been drafted from that 4Yr
MLB The number of players at a *Pulled from TEAM SHEETS*
specific position that has
been drafted from that 4Yr
that made it to the MLB
Success Rate How successful a MLB team The number of players that
is at identifying players from made it to the MLB at a
a certain 4Yr specific position from a
specific 4Yr divided by the
total number of players
drafted at a specific position
by a specific 4Yr
JC The Junior College (JC) that *Pulled from TEAM SHEETS*
has the most drafted
representation at a specific
Total The number of players at a *Pulled from TEAM SHEETS*
specific position that has
been drafted from that JC
MLB The number of players at a *Pulled from TEAM SHEETS*
specific position that has
been drafted from that JC
that made it to the MLB
Success Rate How successful a MLB team The number of players that
is at identifying players from made it to the MLB at a
a certain JC specific position from a
specific JC divided by the
total number of players
drafted at a specific position
by a specific JC
HS (State) The state (HS) that has the *Pulled from TEAM SHEETS*
most drafted representation
at a specific position
Total The number of players at a *Pulled from TEAM SHEETS*
specific position that has
been drafted from a HS in a
specific state
MLB The number of players at a *Pulled from TEAM SHEETS*
specific position that has
been drafted from a high
school from a specific state
that made it to the MLB
Success Rate How successful a MLB team The number of players that
is at identifying players frommade it to the MLB at a
a certain high school from a specific position from a
specific state specific HS from a state
divided by the total number
of players drafted at a
specific position by a specific
HS in a specific state
“GM X” The number of players that a If a player was drafted by a
certain GM has drafted that certain GM, how many made
made it to the MLB it to the MLB
Total The total number of players a If a player was drafted by a
GM drafted in its tenure certain GM, how many did
that GM draft in total
Success Rate How successful certain GMs Using the number of players
were at drafting that were drafted by a
certain GM who made it to
the MLB divided by the total
number of players drafted by
that GM



Team The MLB team that is under N/A
Year The year that the MLB draft If a group of players were
took place drafted by a specific team in
a given year, how many of
those players made it to the
MLB divided by the total
number of players drafted



Team The MLB team that is under N/A
Round “X” The round in the MLB draft In a given round in the
that is under observation average draft for a specific
MLB team, which position is
most likely to be drafted (SEE
TEAM SHEETS for more

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