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Republic of the Philippines


University Town, Northern Samar
Web: http://uep.edu.ph Email: uepnsofficial@gmail.com

Module in Scouting
(Boy Scout of the Philippines)

History of Scouting in the Philippines

Remar M. Vicario
Practice Teacher
Module Title:

History of Scouting in the Philippines


This module will give you understanding on how the Scouting was developed in
the Philippines and who are the persons behind this program.

Learning Outcomes:

After going through this module, you are expected to:

• Describe the historical development of Scouting in the Philippines.

• Identify the Founder of Boy Scout and the Fathers of Boy Scout of the
• Appreciate the essence of being a Scout through historical background of


Multiple Choice

Direction: Choose the letter of the correct answer. Write your answer in a 1 whole
sheet of paper.

1. Scouting Program is anchored on the philosophy of the Scout Method

a. ‘doing by learning’
b. ‘learning by learning'
c. ‘learning by doing'
d. ‘doing by doing'

2. The following are Principles of Scout Movement, EXCEPT

a. “Duty to God”
b. “Duty to Family”
c. “Adherence to a Promise and Law”
d. “Duty to Self”
3. These are the Aims of Scouting:

a. Character Development
b. Citizenship Training
c. Personal Fitness
d. All of the Above

4. He is the founder of Boy Scout

a. Robert Baden-Powell
b. Jobert Baden-Powell
c. Carlos P. Romulo
d. General Vicente Lim

5. What year did the earliest documented formation of a Scout troop Lorillard
Spencer Troop of Zamboanga?

a. 1916
b. 1915
c. 1914
d. 1913

6. Where did the 10th World Scout Jamboree was held?

a. Mt. Everest
b. Mt. Pinatubo
c. Mt. Makiling
d. Mt. Mayon

7. There are a total of how many scouts attended on the 10 th World Scout

a. 12,200
b. 12,201
c. 12,202
d. 12,203

8. There are how many Charter Members or Co-founder of Boy Scout in the

a. 9
b. 7
c. 4
d. 5

History of Scouting in the Philippines

What do we mean by “Scouting”?

The Scouting Program is anchored on the philosophy of the Scout Method,

‘learning by doing’; it is a form of experiential learning where young boys and girls are
encouraged to teach themselves rather than being taught or instructed.

 The Scout Movement is:
A voluntary non-political education movement for young people, open to all
without distinction of origin, race, or creed, in accordance with the purpose, principles
and method conceived by the Founder. - (World Organization of the Scout Movement)
 Principles of the Scout Movement:

o “Duty to God”
o “Duty to Others”
o “Duty to Self”
o “Adherence to a Promise and Law”

 Purpose of the Scout Movement:

To contribute to the development of young people in achieving their full physical,
intellectual, social and spiritual potentials as individuals, as responsible citizens and as
members of their local, national and international communities. -(World Organization of
the Scout Movement)


 Character Development
 Citizenship Training
 Personal Fitness


Robert Baden-Powell was the man who founded the Scout movement more than 100
years ago. A soldier, national hero, educator and prolific writer, Scouting is based on the ideas
laid out in his best-selling book Scouting for Boys. To test his ideas, Baden-Powell brought
together 22 boys to camp at Brown sea Island, off the coast of England. This historic campout
was a success and resulted in the advent of Scouting. Thus, the imagination and inspiration of
Baden-Powell, later proclaimed Chief Scout of the World, brought Scouting to youth the world


The history of Scouting in the Philippines can be traced back to the American Occupation.
Scouting in the Philippines is among the oldest in the world, with an all-Filipino Boy Scout troop
organized in Mindanao as early as 1914, 4 years after the Boy Scouts of America was founded.
The earliest documented formation of a Scout troop in the islands was that of the Lorillard
Spencer Troop of Zamboanga formed in 1914 by a United States Navy Lieutenant named
Sherman Kiser.
In 1972, the Boy Scout of the Philippines membership surpassed the million mark, ranking
it has the largest Scout Organization in Asia and largest in the World. At present the Boy Scouts
of the Philippines with its membership of 2.5 million Scouts ranks second in the Asia-Pacific
Region, and is third to the Boy Scouts of America in World membership is 28 million with 75% of
the membership coming from the Asia-Pacific Region.


The 10th World Scout Jamboree was held 17–26
July 1959 and was hosted by the Philippines at Mount
Makiling, Los Baños, Laguna. Dubbed “The Bamboo
Jamboree” due to the prevalence of bamboo and nipa
palm. There were a total 12,203 Scouts from 44
countries. The theme was “Building Tomorrow Today”.
It was the first World Scout Jamboree to be held
outside Europe and Canada.


Fathers of the Boy Scouts of the Philippines are Joseph Emile H. Stevenot, Arsenio N. Luz,
Carlos P. Romulo, General Vicente Lim, Judge Manuel R. Camus, Jorge B. Vargas and
Gabriel A. Daza. J.E.H. Stevenot served as the first President of the BSP, with Jorge B. Vargas
as First Vice President, Carlos P. Romulo as Second Vice President, General Vicente Lim as
Treasurer, Judge Manuel R. Camus as National Scout Commissioner, Exequiel Villacorta as
Chief Scout Executive, and Severino V. Araos as Deputy Chief Scout Executive. Several years
after Commonwealth Act. No. 111, with its subsequent amendments under Presidential Decree
No. 460 and Republic Act No. 7278, the Boy Scouts of the Philippines continues to strive in
pursuing its mission – to inculcate in our Scouts love of God, country and fellowmen; to prepare
the youth for responsible leadership; and to contribute to nation-building according to the ideals,
principles and programs of Scouting.


Learning Task 1. True or False

Direction: Write True if the statement is correct. Write False if the statement is incorrect.

1. The History of Scouting can be traced back in the Spanish Colonization.

2. Sherman Kiser is the founder of Boy Scout.
3. At present the Boy Scouts of the Philippines has 2.5 million Scouts.
4. The 10th World Scout Jamboree was the first World Scout Jamboree to be held outside
Europe and Canada.
5. Joseph Emile H. Stevenot was the first President of Boy Scout of the Philippines.
Learning Task 2.
In your own words, discuss or explain the Three Aims of Scouting and how will you relate
it yourself as a Scout. Write your answer in a 1 whole sheet of paper.

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