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Intro: Today, I would like to talk to you about the benefits of taking up extreme sports. Extreme
sports are activities that involve a high degree of risk
Luận điểm 1: entertainment and relax

One of the main benefits of extreme sports is that they provide entertainment and relaxation.
Extreme sports can be thrilling and exciting, offering a sense of adventure and excitement that
can be hard to find in everyday life. Participating in extreme sports can also provide a sense of
escape and relaxation, allowing individuals to disconnect from the stress and pressures of their
daily lives. Activities such as snowboarding, surfing, and mountain biking can provide a sense of
freedom and excitement, while also allowing individuals to unwind and relax.One of the primary
benefits of extreme sports is the physical benefits they provide. Extreme sports require a high
level of physical fitness and can help improve overall health and well-being. Activities such as
rock climbing, skiing, and snowboarding can help build strength, endurance, and flexibility.
Extreme sports also require a high level of cardiovascular fitness, which can help reduce the risk
of heart disease, stroke, and other health problems.

In addition to the physical benefits, extreme sports also provide many mental benefits. Extreme
sports require a high level of mental focus and concentration, which can help improve cognitive
function and mental agility. Activities such as skydiving, bungee jumping, and surfing can also
help reduce stress and anxiety, providing a sense of calm and relaxation. Extreme sports can also
help build confidence and self-esteem, as individuals overcome challenges and push themselves
to their limits.

Another benefit of extreme sports is the social benefits they provide. Extreme sports often
require teamwork and cooperation, which can help build social connections and foster a sense of
community. Activities such as mountain biking, kayaking, and rock climbing often require
individuals to work together to achieve a common goal, which can help build trust and
camaraderie. Extreme sports can also provide opportunities for individuals to meet like-minded
people and form lasting friendships.

Cách phản biện + luận điểm của negative:

While extreme sports may provide an adrenaline rush and a sense of accomplishment, they also
come with significant risks and potential downsides. The risks and dangers associated with
extreme sports can be severe and have long-lasting consequences, including injury or even death.
For example, activities such as rock climbing, base jumping, and extreme skiing can be
particularly dangerous and require significant skill and experience to perform safely.
Additionally, injuries sustained during extreme sports can be severe and have long-lasting
consequences. These risks and dangers can not only affect the participants themselves, but also
their loved ones and families. Even when all the safety precautions are taken, plenty of things
can go horribly wrong. Many suffer from severe injuries while performing these feats, and
unfortunately, they can even lead to fatal incidents. For instance, over 30 people die every year
during rock climbing alone. Additionally, injuries sustained during extreme sports can be severe
and have long-lasting consequences. Also, sometimes a person may not realize the fragility of
one's health and may get into trouble. He or she might think they are fit but such adventure sports
increase heart rate, give an adrenaline boost, etc. which can cause even heart attacks. So there is
no way to determine accurately whether a person is fit for these sports or not.  Also family,
relatives and friends worry about us and our safety. So choosing such a sport takes a toll on them
too. They live in fear of our safety.

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