Persona Protective Equipment

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President Carlos P.

Garcia Memorial
High School
Semi – Detailed Lesson Plan
In SMAW Exploratory 8

I. Objectives
a. Identify the different Personal Protective Equipment
b. Demonstrate some of the Personal Protective Equipment
c. Stress the importance of Personal Protective Equipment in every

II. Subject Matter

a. Topic: Personal Protective Equipment
b. Reference: K-12 basic Education Curriculum T.L.E Learning Module (S.M.A.W) pages: 91-95
c. Materials: TV Screen, laptop, IM’s, and Chalkboard (Numerous materials used in order to cater learners
with learning problems)

III. Preparatory Activity

A. Routine Activity
a. Prayer
b. Greetings
c. Checking of Attendance ( Clap 2 times if your name is called ) (this type of attendance is to address
learners inattentiveness )
d. Classroom Management
“What was our topic last meeting”?
The students answered, Last meeting our topic is all about Classification of Tools.

B. Awareness
Pictures that will lead the students to their new topic. (Pictures are presented in order to catch student’s
C. Activity
The teacher groups the students by column. (4 GROUPS)
(Groupings will serve as an aid in order for the students with Audible Voice = 30%
Learning disabilities, giftedness and talents)
Teamwork = 20
(The students may use the vernacular language in answering).
TOTAL 100%
The students we’re given a chance to answer in vernacular in
order to express their selves accordingly.
1. What have you noticed on the picture provided?
2. What is safety for you?
The teacher gives a positive response every time they finished reporting their group answers. (Please give a
hand to __________?)
D. Analysis
What do you think is our topic this morning?
Very Good, so our topic this morning is all about Personal Protective Equipment.

To see if you have a prior knowledge about this topic, please get ¼ sheet of paper and answer the questions
Directions: Write Hephep if the statement is TRUE otherwise right Hurray if the statement is False.
( Hephep Hurray as a replacement of True or False is good to students with learning disabilities for it will boost
their interest to learn)

1. Hand Held Shield allows both hands to move freely. (Hurray)

2. Leggings are made to protect the feet and arms. (Hurray)
3. Welding gloves are made of chrome leather that protects our hands from heat and spatter.(Hephep)
4. Protective cover all are made from light asbestos that used with aluminum used to protect our eyes?
(The teacher gathers the Frequency of Error.)
E. Abstraction
The teacher discussed each and every P.P.E through Power Point Presentation. (Below are the PPT slides)
(The teacher used an actual P.P.E o Realia in order to catch student’s attention and interest) The teacher also let
the students with learning disabilities, giftedness and talent to hold and wear the said P.P.E’s.
After discussing the hand held shield and Helmet type shield the, the teacher talked about the parts of an eye.
 As an additional information the teacher discussed how expensive is the complete P.P.E, furthermore he
also talk about the skilled worker not using the proper P.P.E.

F. Application ( This questions will be answered by Group)

(The application is by group in order for the students with learning disabilities interact with their classmates
and ask for help whenever needed)
1. When you are grinding what P.P.E is used in protecting your eyes?
2. While having a welding, what P.P.E is used in protecting your nose from inhaling the smoke?
3. While having a welding job, what P.P.E is used in protecting your eyes from arc rays?
4. While drilling a metal, what P.P.E is used in protecting your ears from excessive noise?

G. Generalization
As a whole, what do you think is the importance of having the knowledge about the Personal Protective
IV. Evaluation
Paper and Pencil Test
Directions: Write the letter that corresponds to the correct answer.
1. It is a welding shield that is more convenient to use because it allows both hands to work freely.
A. Face Shield
B. Hand Held Shield
C. Helmet Type Shield
2. It is personal protective equipment that is made from light asbestos coated with aluminum to protect the whole body
during welding?
A. Protective Cover All
B. Leather Jacket
C. Welding Apron
3. An apparatus worn over the mouth and nose to prevent the inhalation of dust and smoke.
A. Earmuffs
B. Earplugs
C. Respirators
4. A Personal protective Equipment that is made of chrome leather and prevents the entry of sparks between our
clothes and body.
A. Face Shield
B. Leather Apron
C. Leather Jacket
5. A Personal Protective Equipment that is used to protect our legs and feet from welding sparks.
A. Leggings
B. Protective Cover
C. All Welding Gloves
6. What Personal Protective Equipment is used to protect your chest ‘til to mid-calf from sparks?
A. Leggings
B. Leather Apron
C. Protective Sleeves
7. What Personal Protective Equipment that is used in protecting our Arms form welding heat and sparks?
A. Leggings
B. Leather Apron
C. Protective Sleeves
8. What P.P.E is used in protecting your foot from heat and impact of falling objects?
A. Safety Shoes B. Goggles C. Earmuffs

F. Agreement
Bring drawing materials next meeting
(The agreement is to bring drawing materials in order for the student to be excited with the next meeting)

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