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Name: Erika Faye V. Baranda Year & Section: 3-A Date: 07/02/2023

Instruction: Read and understand the following questions. Write your answer (type- or handwritten)
in the space provided.

1. What is the key mandate of the Department of Trade and Industry? (1pt)
_The DTI is responsible for realizing the country’s goal of globally competitive and innovative
industry and services sector that contribute to inclusive growth and employment generation.

2. Enumerate the six (6) functional groups of DTI and briefly discuss the roles of each (12 pts)
a. Policy Group
The Policy Group is responsible for formulating and implementing policies that support the
DTI’s objectives. This includes developing trade and industry-related laws, regulations,
and other measures that promote fair competition and protect the rights of consumers.
This group also engages in research and advocacy activities that help to further the DTI’s

b. Business Development Group

The Business Development Group is responsible for promoting the growth and
development of businesses in the Philippines. This includes providing support to
businesses in the form of technical assistance, access to capital, and other resources. This
group also works to ensure that businesses comply with relevant laws and regulations.

c. Trade and Investment Group

The Trade and Investment Group is responsible for promoting the country’s exports and
attracting foreign investments. This includes engaging in activities such as market
research, trade promotions, and investment promotions. This group also coordinates with
relevant government agencies to ensure that the country’s trade and investment policies
are properly implemented.

d. Consumer Welfare Group

The Consumer Welfare Group is responsible for protecting consumers’ rights and interests.
This includes regulating the prices of goods and services, ensuring that products and
services meet the quality standards set by the government, and investigating complaints
against businesses. This group also provides information to consumers about their rights
and how to protect them.

e. Regional Operations Group

The Regional Operations Group is responsible for overseeing the operations of the DTI’s
regional offices. This includes ensuring that the regional offices are properly staffed and
equipped, and that they are carrying out their functions in accordance with the DTI’s
policies and guidelines. This group also coordinates with other government agencies to
ensure that the DTI’s regional offices are properly supported.

f. Corporate Services Group

The Corporate Services Group is responsible for providing administrative and logistical
support to the other functional groups. This includes providing administrative services
such as accounting, personnel, and procurement, as well as providing logistical support
such as office space, equipment, and supplies. This group also ensures that the DTI’s
operations are in compliance with relevant laws and regulations.
3. What is the key mandate of Food and Drug Administration (FDA)? (1pt)
The Food and Drug Administration is responsible for protecting the public health by ensuring
the safety, efficacy, and security of human and veterinary drugs, biological products, and
medical devices; and by ensuring the safety of our nation's food supply, cosmetics, and
products that emit radiation.

4. State the food-related functions of FDA (3pts)

a. FDA is responsible for advancing the public health by helping to speed innovations that
make medical products more effective, safer, and more affordable and by helping the
public get the accurate, science-based information they need to use medical products and
foods to maintain and improve their health.
b. FDA fulfills this responsibility by ensuring the security of the food supply and by fostering
development of medical products to respond to deliberate and naturally emerging public
health threats.
c. The Food and Drug Administration is responsible for protecting the public health by
ensuring the safety, efficacy, and security of human and veterinary drugs, biological
products, and medical devices; and by ensuring the safety of our nation's food supply,
cosmetics, and products that emit radiation.

5. What is the key mandate of the Department of Agriculture (DA)? (1 pt)

A basic mandate of the DA, as stipulated in the AFMA of 1997, is the formulation and
implementation of an agricultural and fisheries modernization plan, in consultation with
various stakeholders. The Department of Agriculture is a government agency responsible for
the promotion of agricultural development by providing framework, public investments, and
support services needed for domestic and export-oriented business enterprises.

6. Trace and discuss the legal bases for the establishment of DA.

a. The Philippine Organic Act of 1902/ the Cooper Act (3 pts)

_Provided the legal basis for the establishment of the Department of Agriculture. This act
established the Department of Agriculture and Natural Resources, which was tasked with
the management of the natural resources of the Philippine Islands. It also provided for the
organization of the Bureau of Agriculture, which was responsible for the development of
the agricultural sector in the country.

b. Organic Act of 1916 (3 pts)

This act provided for the reorganization of the Department of Agriculture and Natural
Resources and the creation of the Bureau of Agriculture. This act also provided for the
appointment of the first Secretary of Agriculture, who was tasked with the overall
management and supervision of the agricultural sector.

c. Commonwealth Act No. 141 (3 pts)

Which was passed in 1936. This act provided for the reorganization of the Department of
Agriculture and Natural Resources and the establishment of the Bureau of Agriculture and
Fisheries. This act also provided for the appointment of the Secretary of Agriculture and
Fisheries, who was tasked with the overall management and supervision of the agricultural
and fisheries sectors in the country.

d. Agriculture and Fisheries Modernization Act of 1997 (3 pts)

Which was passed by the Philippine Congress. This act provided for the reorganization of
the Department of Agriculture and Natural Resources and the establishment of the
Department of Agriculture. This act also provided for the appointment of the Secretary of
Agriculture, who was tasked with the overall management and supervision of the
agricultural sector in the country

7. Fill in the following with the correct information (20 points)

Department of Agriculture

Bureaus Agencies Corporations

Agricultural Training Institute Agricultural Credit Policy Council

National Dairy Authority (NDA)

Bureau of Agricultural Fertilizer and Pesticide Authority National Food Authority (NFA)
Research (BAR) (FPA)

National Fisheries Research and National Irrigation Administration

Bureau of Animal Industry (BAI) Development Institute (NFRADI) (NIA)

Fig.1. DA Bureaus, Attached Agencies and Corporations (10 points)

Table 1. Key mandates of various DA bureaus, attached agencies and corporations

(10 points)

DA Bureau/Agency/Corporation Key mandates/responsibilities

I. DA Bureaus
1. Agricultural Training Institute (ATI) By virtue of Executive Order No. 116, series 1987, the ATI was created
to be responsible for the training of all agricultural extension workers
and other AF clients; ensure that trainings address the real needs of the
agricultural sector, and that research results are then communicated to
the farmers through the appropriate training and extension activities.
2. Bureau of Agricultural Research (BAR) Bureau of Agricultural Research (DA-BAR) was created by virtue of
Executive Order 116, series of 1987. Executive Order 292, otherwise
known as the Administrative Code of 1987, mandates DA-BAR to
"ensure that all agricultural research is coordinated and undertaken for
maximum utility to agriculture (Section 22)."
3. Bureau of Animal Industry (BAI) The BAI was created on January 1, 1930 pursuant to Act 3639 to
investigate, study and report the cause of dangerous communicable
diseases and the means of prevention, and in general, promote the
development of the livestock industries.

II. Attached agencies

1. Agricultural Credit Policy Council was created in 1986 by virtue of Executive Order 113 to assist the
Department of Agriculture (DA) in synchronizing all credit policies and
programs in support of the latter’s priority programs. It was also tasked
to review and evaluate the economic soundness of all on-going and
proposed agricultural credit programs, whether for domestic or foreign
funding, prior to approval. Also, ACPC was tasked to undertake
measures to increase its funds base and adopt other liquidity interest
stabilization and risk cover mechanisms for its various financing
2. Fertilizer and Pesticide Authority Assuring the agricultural sector of adequate supplies of fertilizer and
pesticide at reasonable prices, rationalizing the manufacture and
marketing of fertilizer, protecting the public from the risks inherent in
the use of pesticides, and educating the agricultural sector in the use of
these inputs.
3. National Fisheries Research and As the lead agency for fisheries research and development in the
country, we are mandated to provide the much-needed leadership in
Development Institute (NFRADI)
fisheries research. Under Section 85 of RA 8550 as amended by RA
10654, they are tasked to:

- establish a national infrastructure unit complete with

technologically-advanced features and modern scientific
equipment, which shall facilitate, monitor, and implement
various research needs and activities of the fisheries sector;
- provide a venue for intensive training and development of
human resources in the field of fisheries, a repository of all
fisheries researches and scientific information;
- provide intensive training and development of human resources
in the field of fisheries for the maximum utilization of available
technology; etc.
III. Attached corporations
1. National Dairy Authority (NDA) Created through Republic Act 7884 or the National Dairy Development
Act of 1995, the National Dairy Authority shall be the central policy
determining and directing body tasked to ensure the accelerated
development of the Philippine dairy industry through policy direction and
program coordination and implementation.
2. National Food Authority (NFA) The NFA shall maintain sufficient rice buffer stocks to be sourced solely
from local farmers.
3. National Irrigation Administration By 2022, NIA is a professional and efficient irrigation agency
contributing to the inclusive growth of the country and in the
improvement of the farmers' quality of life. To plan, construct, operate
and maintain irrigation systems consistent with integrated water
resource management principles to improve agricultural productivity and
increase farmers' income.


BOI approves investments in renewable energy | GOVPH. (2016, March 11). Official Gazette of the

Republic of the Philippines.


Mandate, Mission, and Vision | DA-Regional Field Office III. (n.d.).


Department of Agriculture. (2023, January 10). Organizational Chart. Official Portal of the Department of


Office of the Commissioner. (2018, March 28). What We Do. U.S. Food And Drug Administration.

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