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FT 20 Food Quality Assurance

Activity No. 1
Evaluation of size, shape, wholeness and pattern
Group No.: ___

Group Members: Year and Section: ___________________

Date Conducted: ___________________ Date Accomplished: ___________________

I. Introduction:

(Come up with your own 4-5 sentences introduction about the product and activity)

In this activity, the student must be able to evaluate size, shape, wholeness and pattern
of various food products.

II. Materials and Methods:

The following are the materials/supplies needed in the conduct of this activity:

Materials &supplies:
Quantity Specifications Items
1 Pack Biscuits
1 Pack Cookies
1 Small can Pineapple tidbits
1 Small can Mushroom
½ Kilo Mongo seeds
1 Slice Chiffon cake
1 Pc Pan de sal
2 Fresh eggs Chicken and Quail eggs
1 Box Raisins
2 Pc Orange
1 Pc Cupcake
1 Pc Pizza crust
1 250mL Graduated cylinder
2 500ml Beaker/ Measuring Cup
1 Pc Kitchen knife
2 Sheets Bond paper
1 pc Makeshift Box

Tools and equipment (Enumerate the actual tools and/or equipment used)

Procedure: (Enumerate the actual step-by-step procedure followed and present in a flow chart)
I. Method of measurement by the use of instruments
A. Measurement of volume and weight
1. Volume by absolute displacement method
a) Fill the measuring cup with 50 ml water. Add 50g mongo seeds.
Record increase in volume (water displacement method). Repeat the
same procedure but use fresh chicken egg and quail egg separately.

b) Fill mongo seeds in to an improvised box which could hold the

samples (chiffon cake or cupcake). Level off at the rim of the box.
Measure volume of seeds contained on the box using a graduated
cylinder. Repeat the procedure but this time, place the sample in the
box and then fill with seeds up to the rim and level off again. Measure

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again the volume of the seeds contained in the box. (seed
displacement method)
2. Volume by apparent displacement method
This utilizes counts per box, container or counts per kilo of food. Count
the number of raisins contained in the box or pack.

3. Measurement of weight
Record the weight of the food samples (tidbits and mushrooms) using the
weighing scale. Tabulate results obtained by noting down gross weight and
drained weight.

B. Measurement of Area
Trace the edge of the regularly shaped objects (cookies and biscuits) in a clear
bond paper. Record the length and width of the said objects. Compute the area of these
samples. Tabulate results.

C. Measurement of Wholeness or Pattern

 Symmetry
Use tidbits as well as orange. Peel orange and count the number of slices
contained in each fruit. For tidbits, count the number of pieces contained in the

II. Measurement of Grain and cell characteristics (baked products): Use ink imprint
1. Slice a thin portion of the food under test.
2. Place the sample into the stamp pad tightly. Lift immediately and lightly press on
a clear paper. Label.
3. Describe and record your evaluations on the size of cells and grain
characteristics of the baked products.


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III. Results and Discussion

Table 2.
Volume of Cupcake and Chiffon Cake Obtained Using Seed Displacement Method
Sample Volume Volume of sample

Mongo 403 mL 403 mL

Mongo with cupcake 322 mL 81 mL

Mongo with chiffon cake 249 mL 154 mL

Utilizing the displacement method, one may determine the volume of solid food. The
findings of component B of the activity measuring volume and weight are displayed here in
Table 2. We used materials including mongo, cupcake, and chiffon cake for this portion of the
lab activity. First, the volume of the makeshift box in which the mongo sample was stored was
measured with a graduated cylinder, yielding a measurement of 403 mL. Second, the cupcake
sample was placed inside the box and filled with the mongo sample all the way to the top, at
which point the volume of the mongo was calculated to be 322 mL. The same process was used
when measuring the volume of the chiffon cake sample, which came out to be 249 mL.
To calculate the volume of the sample, we merely deducted the volume of the mongo
from the volume of the mongo with cupcake and chiffon cake. Hence, 81 mL and 154 mL were
obtained. Table 2 reveals that compared to cupcake, chiffon cake have larger volume. The
volume of the cupcake is 81 ml, compared to the 149 ml of the chiffon cake. One of a baked
good's most crucial properties is its volume. It serves as both a baked productsquality control
program and a crucial component of consumer appeal. It provides details about the bread
crumbs' density and the strength of the gluten in the flour. Lack of volume usually means
thatweak flour or flour with low enzyme activity was used (Food Tech Solutions, 2012)

Mendez, J. R. (n.d.). Obeservation. Scribd.

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