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Cheat sheet for InterSpace – Basic Rules

Player Setup Exploration Step

• seven hexes per player – 1 home world (center), 1  draw a hex for every unknown hex entered
planet, 1 asteroids and 4 empty  Another region (or Home World) – return tile back,
• 2 Ind. + 2 Tech counters (Home World at 8 Ind. + search for Empty space, put it down and connect to
3 Tech, Colony planet at 2 Ind. + 2 Tech) another Player’s region:
• 3 scouts + 2 transports + o roll d6 – 1,2,3 is left Player, 4,5,6 right Player
1 system station o if already connected to one of them, connect to
• set aside Aleph-Null, Bet-Null and Vet-Null the other automatically
o roll again – at 1,2,3 your scout faces the left
side of its hex directly from your homeworld, at
Gameplay 4,5,6 it faces the right side
 Players take turns to perform all steps (one player at o roll again – die result determines the side of the
a time) – draw a unit from a bowl or decide other player’s board (as per his Home World)
otherwise. o if boards would overlap, do not connect; only
 1 Game turn = sum of Player turns empty space was discovered
 A player executes all, some or none steps, but  Wormhole – place the Prime- wormhole under Scout
always in order. and determine the Null- partner location:
 2 Victory Points (VP) are earned for every o roll d6
Industrial level controlled (total Ind. levels on your o 4 players – 1,2 left, 3,4 center, 5,6 right
planets * 2). o 3 players – 1,2,3 left, 4,5,6 right
 First player with 50 VPs wins (VPs are totalled at o roll again – determines hex side of that
the end of a game turn – possible multiple Player’s Home World
winners). o place Null- partner Wormhole to the first blank
hex in that direction
Economic Step
 Either: Colonization Step
o increase Ind. level (planet)  If your colony ship is on an uninhabited planet (max
must be equal or lower than Tech level, one per planet), return Colony ship to stock and take
max 8 the Planet Card
o increase Tech level (planet)
must be equal or lower than Ind. level, max
Combat Step
o build a unit  player on turn is Attacker, opposing is Defender
adhere to Tech level and IOU cost (Home  in each round both roll for every ship
World can have Transport bonus)  rolls must be below or equal to ship’s combat
rating to hit
 if succesful, opposing side takes the rolled number of
Movement Step hits to a ship
 stopping at asteroids, black hole, nebula, null space  shields begin combat at full, but do not regenerate
(evaporation) or unknown hex. during combat
 Black Hole – roll on exit, if less or equal to unit’s  first the Attacker removes shields and/or units from
V, you can move to adjacent hex; if higher, unit Defender
remains in the Hole  then the Defender removes shields and/or units from
 Dust Cloud – 2 upon entering (scout is allowed Attacker
when discovering unknown hexes, as are units with  first the Attacker, then the Defender may opt to flee
a total V of 1)  if fleeing, the player must leave 1 warship per each
 Wormhole – 1 upon entering, movement to partner opponent’s warship behind; otherwise he can’t flee
wormhole is optional and also costs 1  if one side is gone, the other wins
 Unknown hex – only scouts and their stacked units;  if after 3 rounds no side is a winner, it is a mate;
if no more hexes, unknown cannot be entered; attacker must retreat (without leaving units behind)
civilization level = max. unknown hexes in  if Attacker runs out of warships, he must retreat
Movement Step (without leaving ships behind)
 Pulsar – roll for an entering or leaving unshielded  if Attacker wins on a Planet hex, he can conquer it
unit: even number means destruction (2,4,6) with Assault boats and take it from the opponent –
 Patrol boat must return to a friendly planet or required number is ½ of Planet’s Ind. level
station every other turn (otherwise is removed).
 opposing warships block movement, also opposing
stations in wormholes
 exit hex with blocking units only if you have 1
warship per every blocking unit
 no stacking limit

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