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Introduction Pag. 3

What is customer satisfaction? Pag. 4

Importance of measuring consumer satisfaction Pag. 4

Methods to measure customer satisfaction Pag. 5

How to do a consumer satisfaction survey? Pag. 6

Pillars of consumer satisfaction Pag. 7

However, it is essential that the channels chosen by the Pag. 8

company speak the same language, to create synchrony in
actions and avoid differences in speeches

Conclusion Pag. 9

Image Gallery Pag. 10

Bibliography Pag. 12


If there is one indicator that every company should worry about, it is customer
satisfaction. This is because consumer expectations are higher than ever and the
forms of interaction are faster and faster. By measuring satisfaction, the company
can understand the points to improve the business and identify new opportunities
for growth.

To give you an idea, 63% of people expect brands to have a consistent experience
across all interactions. The data, published by Think With Google, shows that
brands must observe and measure customer satisfaction with the products or
services offered.

The levels of satisfaction must also evolve over time, since at different times the
interests of consumers are not the same, and the demand is always varied and
diversified, but never unique and constant, which makes the owners of brands and
of companies, are always finding out the levels of satisfaction of their clients in
relation to the proposals they have in the market.

Next, the level of satisfaction and its importance in companies and brands will be
presented in full.

What is customer satisfaction?

It is an indicator that measures the good relationship of customers with a brand,
company or service. It is through a satisfaction survey that the company can obtain
quantitative and representative feedback on what the public thinks. In this way, it is
possible to minimize the negative impacts of activities and improve solutions in an
efficient, innovative, creative and personalized way.
The concept of consumer satisfaction is quite broad. According to Philip Kotler and
Kevin Lane Keller, authors of the book "Marketing Management", satisfaction
Feeling of pleasure or disappointment resulting from comparing the expected
performance of the product (or result) in relation to the person's expectations.
In other words: satisfaction is a feeling that the customer generates as soon as he
purchases a product or service. If this action does not meet his expectations, he
will be dissatisfied with the company or the brand.

Importance of measuring consumer satisfaction

Knowing the customer and building relationships are tasks that must be part of a
company's day-to-day. After all, every consumer generates a wealth of data and
intent signals that help extract insights for business growth.
Combining measurement surveys with content marketing strategies has helped
companies like Bayer get to know their audience. More than that, the
pharmaceutical company connected analytics data and used an insights platform
to analyze the wide variety of customer behaviors, in individual and personalized
The result of the actions brought a 30% reduction in unnecessary expenses and a
50% increase in participation in social networks.
These numbers demonstrate the importance of knowing the public and their level
of satisfaction. A satisfied customer has loyalty in their purchases and indicates the
brand to those around them.
Therefore, monitoring the satisfaction indicator is important to retain customers
and, eventually, brand ambassadors.

Methods to measure customer satisfaction
Launching satisfaction surveys is a good way to understand the level of content
and the expectations of the target audience. By raising the positive and negative
points of the brand, it is possible to have a direction for the decisions to be made.
There are several methods of satisfaction surveys to implement in your business
strategies. Get to know some of them:

Net Promoter Score (NPS)

Created by the American Fred Reichheld, the NPS survey aims to measure the
degree of consumer satisfaction of any company or brand, regardless of its size.
The Net Promoter Score database includes a series of basic questions, usually on
a scale of 0 to 10, that allow for various important analysis and developments.
For example: by asking “on a scale of 0 to 10, how much would you recommend
this company to a friend or colleague?”, it is possible to clearly see the customer's
level of satisfaction (or displeasure) with the company.
When putting together the questionnaire, there is also the possibility of opening a
space for justifications. In this way, the interviewee is able to clarify what satisfies
or not, and the manager collects qualitative data.
The analysis of the survey makes it possible to classify consumers according to
their level of satisfaction. The collection of results helps the manager to be aware
of the effectiveness of his brand, acting to correct the failures and take advantage
of the opportunities.

Forms are among the most traditional methods of customer satisfaction surveys
and can be easily applied: by email, phone, in person or on social media.

When preparing the survey form, it is necessary to pay attention to the issues
raised: they should provide an overview of the client's vision. Questions should be
very objective, after all, you wouldn't want your research to be misleading, would

you? In addition, opening a space for comments and suggestions can help to raise
specific points of like or dislike.
The secret of the forms is to focus on the critical points that you think are best
studied. So think carefully about the survey format and avoid being too long.

Likert scale
Likert scale questionnaires are very interesting when evaluating customer
satisfaction. This is because the method consists of asking the interviewee for
affirmative or negative phrases. For example:
Are you satisfied with the services of company X?
a) Strongly disagree
b) Partially disagree
c) I neither agree nor disagree
d) Partially agree
e) Totally agree
Thus, it is easier to identify the consumer who has a preference for the company or
who has not had such a pleasant experience. On the other hand, research using
the Likert scale can frustrate those who need hard business data, this is because
the terms "fully" and "partly" can create data analysis based on subjectivity.

How to do a consumer satisfaction survey?

Now that you know the concepts behind customer satisfaction, it's time to put a
survey into practice. This makes it easier to see if your business is on the right
track and where it can improve.
First of all, it is necessary to choose the methodology that will be applied; You can
choose the NPS survey or another format that matches your business strategies.
The second step is to create an interesting questionnaire for the purpose of your
research. At this stage, it is also important to raise the criteria, such as:
What will I look for?
Who will answer the survey?
What product/service/brand are we going to review?

Where will the data be collected?
After structuring the investigation, it is time to collect the responses. There are
many ways to reach the interviewees: by email, SMS , WhatsApp or social
networks. A tip to optimize the launch of surveys is to use a chatbot, so it is
possible to create a dynamic and humanized dialogue.
Finally, you need to analyze the data and gain insight from the overall results. In
this part, it is important to look at the data that attracts the most attention: the best
and the worst responses. When something turns out very different from what you
imagined, try to find answers that justify the result or improvement practices.

Pillars of consumer satisfaction

It's not news that consumer behavior has changed forever. Today, the customer is
involved in different media, and brands need to offer a good experience in all
interactions and activities.
In this context, Think With Google raised three pillars that can influence customer
satisfaction with a brand, these are:

Satisfying the consumer is a challenge, especially when we are in the midst of new
technologies. That's because, as digital provides an immediate experience, the
consumer becomes more impatient. Still in the Google survey, 53% of users
abandon pages that take more than three seconds to load.
This means that the speed of a website can be a tipping point when it comes to
pleasing the target audience or not. Much more than that, companies must be
concerned with offering a fast and smooth experience in all media, both online and

Connecting with the public through personalized experiences has a positive impact
on the results of a company. Maybelline, for example, created a different strategy
when launching its facial contouring line: Just before sales opened, the brand put

up demographically and intent-tailored makeup tutorials on YouTube. The result of
the action brought more than 9 million views.
Proximity is the key for brands to have a positive impact on their audiences. You
need to embrace personalization not just as a feature, but as a strategy. For this, it
is important to observe signals about the consumer, see their browsing habits and
shape experiences.

If you want to make your customer happy, there's no point impacting them on just
one medium, channel, or device. The company needs to be present in all
communication channels, offering coherent and conversational experiences.
To cover this need, there are concepts such as omnichannel. The strategy links
different communication channels , online and offline, to strengthen the relationship
with the consumer and guarantee an integrated experience. The customer can, for
example, discover the product on the web and complete the purchase in the
physical store.

However, it is essential that the channels chosen by the company

speak the same language, to create synchrony in actions and
avoid differences in speeches
Tips for Maintaining Customer Satisfaction
Put yourself in the customer's shoes;
Extend your performance in self-service channels;
Map your consumer's buying journey;
Perform personalized service before and after the sale;
As you can see, understanding the level of customer satisfaction helps identify a
number of improvements and new opportunities for growth. Creating good
experiences is not just a marketing challenge, it's a business opportunity. You want
to know more, read the article: EVERYTHING about customer service: what it is,
the importance and the principles .


Knowing the level of satisfaction of customers who consume a certain product is

very important to maintain the existence of the brand and to stay in a privileged
position in case of a lot of competition.

As the years go by, customers always evolve in their demands before a product or
brand, since the needs are not constant but rather variations, which causes new
demands and innovations in brands and products.

Really being satisfied with a product brings many advantages, which can bring
immediate benefits to a company such as recommending it to other people, which
brings as an immediate consequence an increase in demand and therefore can
increase the supply.

A renewal of a brand, to satisfy its consumers, can always mean an increase in

operating costs; it is for this reason that the invested costs must always be
evaluated against the benefits acquired.

You should not change a brand for the simple fact of doing it, since it can bring
negative results, if the satisfaction is bad, then it is evaluated and changed, but if
not, no.

Picture Gallery

Bibliography/ Resources


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