The Honorable Charter of The Diverse Table

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The Honorable

Charter of the Diverse Table

Civil Code
Section I: Appropriate Behavior & Trials
Article I: The Diverse Table and its members reserve the right to bar, remove, ban, or
temporarily suspend any of its members for behavior it deems reckless, irresponsible, or
in violation of the society’s collective honor.

Article II: Any member of the Diverse Table who has been evidently caught in violation
of the guidelines of general dignity must be trialed as such.

Article III: In order for an accusation to be brought against a member, at least one
member must be willing to testify against the accused, and offer sufficient evidence. A
panel of 3 popularly elected judges (elections will be administered by the election
commissioner), with no conflict of interest, will review the evidence and make two
highly important decisions. For one, they have to classify the offense as either a “felony”
or a “misdemeanor”. There are no set rules for both, and they vary on a case by case
status, but generally felonies are extreme violations that constitute a threat to the society
or any member of the general public, seriously violate the society or collective society’s
ideals, or are impeding on others and the person's reputation. On the other hand,
misdemeanors are more ‘simple’ or less serious offenses. Misdemeanors usually
constitute offenses that only harm the accused, slightly blemish the accused or the
society, or are a brief threat to the society. The second decision the panel must make is
to either “throw out” or disbar the case due to lack of evidence or other reasons, or
“resume” the trial. If the case is thrown out, a general document must be published by
the panel outlining the proper reasons. If the accuser wants to challenge the rejection,
he/she may go through this process 3 times or call for a re-election of judges. There is a
maximum of 3 times for this process. However, if the case is continued, then the accused
has 72 hours to present counterevidence to the jury with proper reason. After the
counterevidence is presented, within 24 hours, one cross-examination must occur
between the prosecution (accuser) and the defense (accused), with the panel as
administrators. The process may not exceed 3 hours. After the cross-examination is
successfully administered, the panel has a period of 48 hours to present their verdict.
The verdict must be known to the accuser, accused, and the general public. Any
challenges to the verdict will go through the entire legal process through a maximum of
3 re-bars.

Section II: Governmental Affairs and Positions

Article I: The following positions are hereby and henceforth established: Benevolent
Dictator (Dictator), the 1st Consul of the Diverse Table (1st Consul, President), the 2nd
Consul of the Diverse Table (2nd Consul, Councilman), and the Election Commissioner
of the Diverse Table.
Article II: The Benevolent Dictator is the de-facto organizer of the society. The Dictator
has no political or authoritarian powers whatsoever. The only powers vested in the office
of the Dictator are the ceremonial approval of laws, ordinances, and amendments
(which is unnecessary and only ceremonial). The Dictator also takes ceremonial charge
of any civil unrest or upheavals, or any other civil duties not vested in the office of the
President. Lastly and similarly, the Dictator has the vested powers to interrogate any
member accused of misdemeanors, and to silence (harmful) dissent. Likewise, the
Dictator is the only person that holds the dissent-silencing powers of the “anyways”,
“anyhow”, or “anyhoo” buttons. The only governmental power the Dictator has is to
represent the society abroads as a head of state. The Dictator is usually charismatic,
confident, strong, but neutral and fair. The office of the Dictator is elected once and for
one lifelong term, unless a popular vote of impeachment is held with a ⅔ majority vote.

Article III: The 1st Consul, otherwise known as the President of the Diverse Table, is
the leader of the society. The President has many roles. For example, they represent the
table abroads as the head of government. The President also has the major power in
passing laws, ordinances, or amendments (further detailed in latter sections). The
President is the acknowledged leader of the society and must address the society with a
speech every two weeks addressing the changes, advancements, and declines of the
society, this speech is dubbed the “State of the Society”. The President is also the head of
government, the head of the executive branch, and the commander in chief of the
Diverse Table Societal Front (DTSF). Only the President may order attacks or
advancements by the DTSF, however any military actions of the President must first be
authorized by a simple majority (51%) public referendum of the general public. The
President is usually strong willed, well spoken but critical, independent, a team worker,
and a good deal maker. The office of the President is elected by popular vote every
month at the date designated by the Dictator and Election Commissioner. There is a
term-limit of two consecutive terms for the office of the President, at which time the
President can either wait one more term before re-announcing their candidacy, or run
for a separate office directly after, or stay out of political life.

Article V: The Election Commissioner is the chief administrator of the electoral

process in the society. The Election Commissioner has few roles. The Election
Commissioner’s signature is required to certify election results, and the Election
Commissioner coordinates with the Dictator to declare election dates. Election
Commissioner’s tend to be trustworthy, neutral, and fair. The office of the Election
Commissioner is elected by popular vote every two weeks at the date designated by
themselves and the Dictator. There are no term-limits for the office of the Election
Section III: Requirements and Conditions of Membership
Article I: Each admitted member of the Diverse Table must have a minimum
cumulative 3.0 GPA. Any member found or suspicioned to be in violation of this article
shall be investigated by the accused’s choice of the Election Commissioner or a panel of
a neutral member elected by the populace. The grades of all members shall be held
confidential in all manners, and any violation of this shall result in an immediate
investigation of the violation.

Article II: Every new member of the Diverse Table faces two requirements. First,
having passed (with a minimum score of 85%) the designated General Accreditation
Test. The test is edited every month by all members of the society with the
Councilman, the President, and the Dictator by a majority vote adding or rejecting
revisions. The second requirement is a vote of approval from ⅔ of all admitted

Article III: All new admissions of members to the Diverse Table are considered null
and void if the admittee does not receive the “Oath of Adherence” from the President
and only the President of the society. The Oath of Adherence is as follows:

Oath of Adherence
“I [First, Last Name] do most solemnly swear.
To uphold the integrity, values, and ideals of this august society.
To serve this society to the best of my abilities whenever called or not called upon to do so.
To not wrong my brothers and sisters, to not align with tyranny, and to promote the good,
just, values of Diversity.
Thank you.”

Article IV: Any member who wishes to resign from the Diverse Table must hand their
letter of resignation to the President’s Office. A resignation is considered active
immediately after issuing. No resigned member may ever return to apply or re-assert
their role in the society.

Article V: The President of the Diverse Table is the only member who may accredit
digital or in-person events as official group events. Any member who does not attend
group meetings may be rightfully bullied for such yet not to a great extent.

Article VI: Any member of the society who wishes to remain “active” must access the
society Portal and Forums at least once a month. Being active ensures your
membership, while being “inactive” for a maximum of a month and two weeks will most
likely result in temporary expulsion until an explanation is offered to the Councilman,
and violations are fixed by proper attendance. Any member who wishes to get an
exception to this rule must admit his/her proper reasoning to all members, and a vote
will occur to determine whether they may be exempt. If any person lies or prolongs their
absence for an exemption, they must be tried immediately.

Section IV: Other Articles

Article I: The official animal of the Diverse Table is the Eagle, symbolizing the group’s
constant will to soar high above all common taboos of mainstream culture.

Article II: The official seal of the Diverse Table (at top) is the only official symbol of the
entire group, and may not be used for personal use without permission from the
Councilman. The seal includes 6 peoples in different colors, the 6 secondary founding
members of the group in their seating arrangement (red: Malek Kamal, black: Braylen
Waltz, orange: Navindu Piyadasa, blue: Samuel Hoch, green: Mohammed Khan, grey:
Ethan Stephenson). The seal also features the name of the group, and the engraved year
of “2022”, when the group was officially established with a name, and the official motto
(next article).

Article III: The official motto of the Diverse Table is “Ex Libertate, Cognitio”. The
motto is Latin for “From Freedom, Came Knowledge”, which signifies both the group’s
constant strive for separation from polarized mainstream society, and the group’s
constant and never-ending ambition for knowledge and improvement for all its

Article IV: Only proper secret-ballot voting sheets issued by the Offices of the Election
Commissioner and Dictator may be used for proper electoral voting.

Article V: The society considers all religious and cultural holidays celebrated by
members official holidays, and all must honor them as such. The following holidays are
non-mainstream holidays also celebrated as societal-wide holidays:
- November 3rd (Diverse Table Day, when the group first assembled with its
current composition).
- September 15th (Diverse Table Independence Day, when the group first unified
under the leaderships of Mohammed Khan and Malek Kamal).
- Every Friday (Femboy Friday, a celebration of the society’s heritage).
- November 28th (1st Jubilee Day, a celebration of a combination of Malek
Kamal and Navindu Piyadasa’s birthdays, two of the first “originale” members).
- March 8th (2nd Jubilee Day, a celebration of Mohammed Khan’s birthday, one
of the four first “originale” members).
- August 8th (Magic 8 Day, a celebration of Double 8-Day, in honor of the
group’s 8 members).
Article VI: Any added laws, ordinances, or amendments must be approved by either
both the Consuls, the President and a simple majority of the populace, or the
Councilman and a simple majority of the populace. An alternative is for a ⅔ majority
of the populace.

Article VII: Every official government office of the Diverse Table has an official seal.
Every seal has its symbols. The Office of the President’s seal features the Eagle, the
societal animal of the Diverse Table. The seal of the Office of the Councilman features
the traditional societal seal with a Eagle’s collar attached to symbolize the society’s
national animal, and liberty, the year 2023, the founding date of the office, the Latin
motto “Homo Populi” meaning man of the people, symbolizing the office’s intended
popularity, and five stars, symbolizing the five powers of the office of the Councilman
(voting, leadership, representation, judicial oversight, and popularity). The seal of the
Office of the Dictator features a Latin motto: “Ferum Pungus” meaning “With an Iron
Fist”, symbolizing the office’s original authoritarianism (the office is now a stripped
down version of the power it once was, a red star (the traditional symbol of Stalinist
dictatorships), and banana leafs, symbolizing how Banana republics have dictatorships.
Lastly, the Office of the Election Commissioner features the year 2023, when the office
was created, a Roman scribe, the symbol of intelligence and neutrality, and a Latin
motto: “Probitas Et Neutralitas” meaning “Honesty and Neutrality”, designating the
desired qualities of any election commissioner, and any public servant in general.

Article VIII: The Diverse Table Societal Front (DTSF), is the official defense force of
the Diverse Table. Membership in the Diverse Table is not required to serve for the
DTSF, and any person may conduct an operation under the banner of the DTSF if they
believe in the Diverse Table’s true values. The DTSF is prioritizing operations on the
cybersphere and strongly conducts cyberwarfare, but real-life movements are also
allowed. There are no ranks of the DTSF. The DTSF has no current seal, therefore any
operations will be served under the civil banner of the Diverse Table (official seal on a
white background).

Article IX: Racism, bigotry, or bias of any sort will not be tolerated under any
circumstances, and there will be no defense of these values unless there is a conflict of
interest in the group’s favor against a common enemy, at which point a governmental
declaration must be made. Any person found to be guilty of racism or bigotry will be
tried in the court of public opinion, a simple majority vote of the populace is enough to
permanently bar the member of current and future membership. In order to avoid this,
when properly warned of being involved in this activity, cease immediately. Henceforth,
a warning must have been given and trampled on by the accused in order for the
accused to be found guilty.

Article X: The official “Mission Statement” of the Diverse Table is as follows:

- “We are the Diverse Table. We are dedicated to the promotion of diversity,
public knowledge, and freedom and liberty for all. We are centralized towards
the fight for freedom in cyberspace, but we prioritize any fight for the common
welfare. We may come from different backgrounds, from humble roots, but we
are the face of change, we are the frontier.”

The official “About Us” of the Diverse Table is as follows:

- “The Diverse Table is a lunch table in Summit Middle School, (the most
ethnically and racially diverse one at that), and is also an underground hub for
programming hackers. We were founded namelessly in 2021, but were officially
named, and adopted the Great Seal in the year of 2022. Since the table took a
change of administration in 2023, we have been dedicated to promoting change
and social welfare on all sides of our community. The table features the largest
collection of ethnicities ranging from, a Sri Lankan, an Egyptian, a
African/Jamaican, a Pakistani, and two Americans, one of which is from
Scandinavian roots.

The official “History” of the Diverse Table is as follows:

- “The mighty, diverse, organization that is now known as the Diverse Table, had
very humble beginnings. You see, this organization traces its roots back to 2021,
when all the founding members (Hassan, Sam, Malek, Navindu) were split into
two groups. One table consisted of Sam and Hassan, the other composed of
Malek and Navindu. Both tables were very weak alone. Until one day Malek
and Hassan decided to combine both camps into a united organization, it was
still relatively weak, but a great improvement. And so the year of 2021 went by
with great fun with the likes of hotdogs being thrown at emos, and spaghetti
being thrown at fat white girls. Ah, yes…
Later, the year of 2022 came with great fear, but with great eagerness for
another year of brilliant success. However, not late into the year, two members
were accepted into what was then a nameless organization. Ethan and Braylen.
It was then realized that all of a sudden, the nameless group was the most
diverse table in the entire school, comprising a Pakistani, a Sri Lankan, an
Egyptian, a Jamaican-African-American, and two Americans, one of which is a
self-proclaimed Nazi. Somehow, they all went together with the harmony of
cracking racist and homophobic jokes, this earned the group its now famous
namesake, the mighty powers of inclusion and diversity, the Diverse Table.
Late in 2022, the group finally got itself a Discord server, and a chatroom
which you are currently in, but they are still not strong in externally unifying
the union, because as you can see, a certain Sri Lankan member has zero
technology levels and has to talk on his censored school iPad until he gets a
century-old iPhone 6.

In early 2023, the group finally got itself a new administration, a change in
power, a glorious change in perspectives. The group now tore off its rather
amateur, cringy roots, and readied itself to rise to the challenges of the modern
world, to rize over the horizon, to conquer the glorious new challenges of the
decade in its community, to become a force of true change.”

“The more I awaken. The less I desire to fit in. Knowledge is free. We are
Anonymous. We are legion. We do not forgive. We do not forget. Expect us.”
- Anonymous

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