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March 08, 2023

I. Objectives
At the end of the lesson, the students should be able to:
a. Define what pronoun is;
b. Enumerate the kinds of pronoun; and
c. Give examples of pronoun according to its kind.
II. Subject Matter
Topic: Pronoun and its kind
References: Books and Internet sources
Materials: Manila Paper, Marker
Skills: Reading, Writing, Speaking
Methodology: Inductive Method, 4A’s

III. Procedure
A. Preliminary Activities
1. Prayer
2. Greetings
3. Checking of Cleanliness
4. Checking of Attendance
5. Recap
B. Motivation
Okay class, before we start our lesson, we will be having a short
activity. Describe your friends or best friend into 2-3 sentences on how
you know them completely. Give at least a short message to your
friend. In doing this, use the word “I, You, He, She, It, We, and they” in
your sentences.

For Example, “May is my friend. She loves writing a poem”. She

always makes a poem every time I saw her in our class. She always
inspire me with her poem. My short message to my best friend is
continue writing a poem and her talent will be recognized someday.

Do you have an idea, to our lesson for today? So, our for today is all about pronouns
and its kinds.

C. Lesson Proper
(Presentation of the objectives)
Before we proceed to our discussion, allow me first to present to you
our lesson objectives for today. Teacher call a name to read the
D. Activity

So, in order for us to attain our lesson objectives, we will be having a

group activity.
The teacher, will divide the class into 5 groups.
The students will going to give an example sentences using the
different kinds of Pronouns.
Each group will pick the assigned task, and present their work in class.

You’ll be guided by the following objectives


1 2 3

Sentence Sentences are incomplete Sentences are complete, Sentences are complete
structure or ineffective but may not be effective. and show a high level of

Content Only 2-3 sentences Only 4 sentences All sentences presented

presented relevant and presented relevant and relevant and factual
factual information about factual information about information about the
the topic. the topic. topic.

Presentation Explanation is unclear. Good solid response with A complete response

clear explanation with a detailed

Teamwork/ The group mates never The group mates worked The group mates always
Collaboration worked from other ideas. from others ideas. worked and share ideas
from others. Contributed
equally to the

E. Analysis
1. Based on the activity that we had earlier how do you find the

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