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2008 TO 2020


(Chief Civil Services Mentor)

Indian History........................................................................1-4
AP History...............................................................................5-6
Indian Geography................................................................... 10
AP Geography.........................................................................11
Public Administration........................................................... 12
Ethics....................................................................................... 13
Indian Economy................................................................. 15-18
Andhra Pradesh Economy............................................... 19-23
Science & Technology................................................... 24-25
Environment.................................................................... 26
Under personal supervision of Dr.Bhavani Shankar Sir
Note: Students need to bear only residence, library and other amenities.


Salient features in the free mentorship program:

1. 24/ 7 study hall support in which the aspirant 5. Weekly twice 'one on one' interaction with the
has 3-4 slots each day for preparation targets. mentor to assess consistency, SAR and
improvement in answer writing.
2. Each slot consists of 2-3 hours based on the Note: Time slots for this interactive session each
student's ability to comprehend. student will be based on their ID/receipt number

3. Each day has an exclusive exam slot. 6. Every day (from MONDAY to FRIDAY) you should
Note: Exam paper should be written on time write 5 questions. On Saturday you need to revise all
and uploaded in the app to get the evaluation the concepts held for the week so far and on
done and to check their rank. SUNDAY you'll have a grand test.

4. Systematic Assessment Report (SAR)- 7. Aspirant has to rank himself regarding his
The SAR of a student is monitored by the target completion in each slot through Self
mentor to make the student accountable and
honest in his preparation.
Note: Consistency and honest introspection
are essential aspects in preparation

CONDITIONS: Registrations starts

on 28th January


HEALTHY Ph: 9866671573
Venue: 21st century IAS academy, Shamshabad Integrated Campus, 9866671573
1. Critically explain the salient features of urban planning of Harappan Civilization. (2020)
2. Explain in what respects the Harappan civilization differed from that of the later Vedic civilization
3. Bring out the salient features of the Indus and Vedic Civilizations in a comparative perspective.
4. Compare and contrast the salient features of Early Vedic and Later Vedic civilisations in political,
social, economic and religious fields. (2008)


1. Critically explain the causes of the emergence of Buddhism in ancient India. (2020)
2. Compare Hinayana and Mahayana Buddhism. Why did Buddhism become popular and decline
subsequently. (2016)
3. Examine the factors responsible for the rise and growth of Jainism and Buddhism (2011)


1. Vividly examine the impact of Bhakti Movement during medieval India. (2020)
2. Explain Sufism and discuss its main principles, important orders and their influence on the Indian
society. (2017)
3. Discuss the impact of Islam on Indian culture, with special reference to the Bhakti movements
4. Bring out the nature and significance of Bhakti movements in Medieval India. (2008)

1. Draw an outline of society under the Eastern Chalukyas. (2020)
2. Explain the political significance of Vengi Chalukyas and describe their role in moulding the culture
of the Andhras. (2017)
3. Describe the contribution of Eastern Chalukyas to literature, art and architecture. (2016)
4. Explain the contributions of Eastern Chalukyas of Vengi in the fields of education, culture and
Telugu language and literature. (2008)

1. Critically evaluate the central administration under Akbar. (2020)
2. Describe major contributions of Great Mughals to Indian Architecture. (2016)
3. Assess the contribution of Mughals to Indian Art and Architecture with examples. (2011)

1. Draw an outline of the rise of Maratha Empire with special reference to Shivaji’s contribution.
2. State the reasons for the rise of Chhatrapati Shivaji and also describe the administrative, military
and land revenue systems of his empire. (2017)


1. Delineate the contribution of Dr. B.R. Ambedkar with special reference to the conditions of
untouchables and labourers in colonial India? (2020)
2. Describe the impact of the teachings of Swami Vivekananda in arousing nationalistic feeling and
the spirit of service in Indians. (2017)
3. Describe the contribution of Narayana Guru in social awakening and the result of his teachings on
society. (2017)
4. Describe the rise and growth of socio-religious reform movements in modern India with special
reference to Raja Ram Mohan Ray, Jyotiba Phule and Narayana Guru. (2011)
5. Compare and contrast the views of Mahatma Gandhi and Ambedkar with regard to the abolition
of untouchability and Harijan upliftment. (2011)
6. What was the contribution of the Socio-religious Reform Movements of the 19th century for the
upliftment of women in Modern India? (2008)
7. Bring out the nature and characteristic features of the anti-Brahmin movements in Modern India.


1. Critically explain the role of Subsidiary Alliance system in the rise and expansion of British Raj in
India. (2020)
2. Describe the impact of the Revolt of 1857 on British Rule in India. What were the major changes
in the British policies and rule after the revolt? (2017)
3. Describe the nature and significance of revolt of 1857? Explain whether it can be termed as “First
war of Independence”? (2016)
4. Critically examine the economic, political, and administrative reforms introduced by the British in
Modern India. (2011)

1. Examine the recommendations of the Cabinet Mission plan. (2020)
2. Critically evaluate the impact of Quit India Movement of 1942. (2020)
3. “Gandhi was a politician among saints and a saint among politicians.” Discuss (2017)
4. Comment on the effectiveness of the methods employed by Mahatma Gandhi to mobilize masses.


1. Discuss the contribution of the Revolutionary Nationalists to the Freedom Movement and their
impact on the British Rule. (2017)
2. The period between 1885-1905 is the period of moderates in Indian freedom struggle. In light of
the above statement, describe the contribution of early nationalists (moderates) in organizing the
national movement? (2016)
3. Trace the evolution of Indian Nationalism with reference to the three phases of the Freedom
Struggle between the years 1885-1947. (2011)
4. Examine the objectives, methods and the impact of the Moderates vis-à-vis the Extremists during
the course of the Indian Freedom Struggle from 1885 to 1920. (2008)


1. Comment on the contribution of peasant movements in freedom struggle. (2016)
2. Account for the rise and growth of peasant and working-class movements and their contribution
in anti-feudal and anti-colonial struggles. (2011)
3. Trace the important Peasant Movements in Modern India and their characteristics features.


1. Analyse the role of communalism in the partition of the country. (2016)

2. Trace the course of events leading to the Partition of Indian in 1947 (2011)

1. Trace the origin and expansion of the Satavahana power and describe their contribution to religion
and literature. (2017)
2. Discuss salient features of the Agrarian system under the Satavahanas. (2020)
3. Discuss the socio-economic and religious conditions during the period of Satavahanas in Ancient
Andhra Desha (2011)
4. Discuss the socio-religious conditions and the development of Telugu language and literature
during the Satavahana period. (2008)

1. Analyse the cultural contribution of Cholas and explain their contribution for the cultural
expansion in Southeast Asia. (2017)

1. What do you know about Sangam age? How does Sangam age literature help us in knowing the
political and cultural life of that age? (2017)

1. Write a brief note on the architecture during the period of Vijayanagar Empire. (2020)
2. "The foundation of Vijayanagara Empire coincided in point of time with the outburst of a
momentous literary movement in South India." Discuss it. (2020)
3. Describe the characteristics of Vijayanagara architecture. (2017)
4. What is cultural contribution of Vijayanagar empire? (2016)
5. Discuss the social and economic conditions under Vijayanagar rulers. (2008)


1. What are the important features of major schools of art that flourished during post Mauryan
period? (2016)
2. Write a note on art and architecture under the Pallavas (2020)

1. “We must hold fast to constitutional methods for achieving our social and economic objectives.”
Briefly explain the significance of this statement of Dr. B.R Ambedkar with reference to his
achievements. Also explain its relevance in the present to protect democracy. (2016)
2. Examine the salient features of the Indian Foreign Policy during the post-Independence period
upto 1989. (2008)
3. Critically examine the impact of British colonial rule on the Indian economy. (2008)
4. Analyse the factors that contributed for the growth of Magadan imperialism. (2008)

1. Critically explain the circumstances which led to the formation of Andhra Pradesh in 1950s. (2020)
2. Describe the reasons and state the important events that led to the formation of Andhra Pradesh
State in 1956 (2017)
3. Trace the course of events leading to the formation of Andhra Pradesh. (2011)
4. Assess the circumstances that led to the formation of Andhra Pradesh. (2008)

1. Discuss the revenue and infrastructural challenges for new Andhra Pradesh after bifurcation in
2014. (2020)
2. Discuss the impact of bifurcation of Andhra Pradesh (2014) on trade and commerce. (2020)
3. Explain the problems encountered till now in bifurcation of assets of institutions mentioned in
Schedule IX and Schedule X of the Andhra Pradesh Reorganisation Act, 2014. (2017)
4. Evaluate the seriousness of the problems in reorganisation of Andhra Pradesh with reference to
the financial position of the State of Andhra Pradesh immediately after reorganisation. (2017)


1. Critically evaluate the contribution of Kandukari Veeresalingam in the light of social reform
movement in Andhra Pradesh. (2020)
2. State the influence of Brahma Samaj Movement on the social reformers of Andhra and highlight
how that ideology is reflected in their writings. (2017)
3. Assess the role of Western education and contribution of Christian Missionaries in the socio-
cultural awakening in Andhra (2017)
4. Critically examine the objectives and results of the movement of Tripuraneni Ramaswamy
Chowdary. (2017)
5. Describe the contribution of Andhra Mahasabha in socio cultural development. (2016)
6. What are the factors that led to the rise and growth of socio-cultural awakening in Andhra during
the 20th century? (2008)
7. Trace the origin and growth of Adi-Andhra movement in Modern Andhra Desha and examine the
role of Gurram Jashuva and Boyi Bhimmana in the growth of Dalit consciousness (2011)


1. Critically analyse the growth of Telugu language and literature between 1000 AD and 1500 AD.
2. Comment on the contribution of Qutubshahis to Telugu language and literature. (2016)
3. Write about poet Molla, her work and style. (2016)

4. Comment on the contribution of literary works of Gurram Jashuva in social reform. (2016)
5. Illustrate the salient features of literary works of Dr. Boyi Bhimmana (2016)
6. Estimate the contribution of the poet Nannaya for the development of Telugu language and
literature. (2008)
7. Evaluate the contribution of Qutub Shahis to the Telugu language and literature. (2011)

1. Describe Vandemataram movement and its impact on freedom struggle in Andhra Pradesh?
2. Describe the causes and results of the Vandemataram Movement in Andhra. (2008)

1. Briefly describe political fortunes and cultural contribution of Ikshvakus? (2016)
2. Discuss the socio-economic conditions in Medieval Andhra Desha with special reference to the
Kakatiya’s. (2011)
3. Write a brief account of library movement in Andhra Pradesh (2020)
4. Critically explain the circumstances which led to the formation of Justice Party. (2020)
5. Write an essay on the growth of Buddhism in Ancient Andhra Desha and the salient features of
Buddhist Art and Architecture with examples. (2011)


1. Trace the reasons for success and subsequent failure of Telangana people’s armed struggle.
2. Who are Razakars and what was their role in resisting integration of Hyderabad State in the Indian
union? (2016)
3. Critically examine the role of socialists and communists in the freedom movement in Andhra
Desha between the years 1935-1947 (2011)
4. Bring out the significance of socio-cultural awakening in Telangana with reference to the role of
Adi-Hindu and Andhra Mahasabha movements. (2011)
5. Critically examine the role of Hyderabad State Congress in the Freedom movement of the Nizam
state. (2011)
6. Assess the role of communists in the Telangana People Armed Struggle. (2011)
7. Give an account of the socio-religious and cultural conditions in Andhra Desha during the years
1000-1535 A.D. (2008)
8. Briefly explain what are the circumstances that led to the establishment of Asafjahi dynasty, and
the role played by Nizam-ul-Mulk. (2008)
9. Estimate the significance of Library Movement in Telangana. (2008)
10. Critically examine the role played by Ittehadul Muslimeen, during the rule of the VIIth Nizam of
Hyderabad. (2008)

1. Describe the main features of the 73rd and 74th amendment of the Indian Constitution. (2020)
2. Describe the salient features of the Rural and Urban Local Governance under the 73rd and 74th
Constitutional Amendment Act. (2020)
3. Briefly describe the recommendations of 14th Finance Commission with regard to devolution of
funds to rural local bodies (Panchayati Raj Institutions). What measures have been implemented
by the Government of India for monitoring and audit of the finances of Panchayati Raj Institutions?
4. Panchayati Raj is a “God that failed”- Evaluate. (2008)


1. Define Judicial Review with special reference to the classification given by Justice Syed Shah
Mohamed Quadri. Describe the importance and scope of Judicial Review. (2020)
2. Define judicial activism with special reference to PIL and SAL. Judicial activism has had manifold
impact on the political system. Justify the statement adding suitable arguments. (2020)
3. Distinguish between Judicial Review and Judicial Activism and also cite the important decisions of
the Supreme Court on the two subjects. (2017)
4. What is meant by “judicial activism”? What is its impact on Indian polity? (2016)
5. What are the novel trends in Judicial Review? (2008)

1. How was the Constituent Assembly formed that framed the Indian constitution? Critically evaluate
the Constitution of India as framed by the Constituent Assembly. (2020)
2. Explain any five salient features of the Indian Constitution (2020)

1. Why did we adopt federalism with a strong central government? Explain the important provisions
that create a strong central government. (2020)
2. “In spite of unitary features of the Constitution, federalism survived in India.” Comment. (2017)
3. The Indian constitution is federal in form but unitary in spirit. Discuss (2016)
4. What is concept of cooperative federalism? Does it exist in Indian polity? (2016)
5. Comment briefly on the financial relations between the Union and the States in India. What are
irritants generally encountered? (2016)
6. Is India a federation? (2008)
7. Do you agree with the view that functions are given to the states while resources are with the
Centre? (2008)

1. Explain the role of Governor in states by focusing on its powers and functions (2020)


1. What are the functions of the National Commission for Women? (2017)
2. Describe the formation and functions of Inter-State Council. State some of the important decisions
taken by the Inter-State Council in the last 3 years. (2017)
3. The Comptroller and Auditor-General of India is a friend, philosopher and guide of Public Accounts
Committee.- Discuss (2008)
4. Analyse the functions and functioning of National Commission for Scheduled Castes. (2008)

1. Analyse the effectiveness of implementation of the Directive Principles of State Policy and suggest
ways to improve it. (2016)

1. Differentiate between the powers of the Lok Sabha and the Rajya Sabha on the basis of the
following parameters: functions and control over election. Explain, with reasons, the powers that
are exercised only by the Lok Sabha. (2020)
2. What is the relative position of the Rajya Sabha as compared to the Lok Sabha in our political
system? (2016)

1. The Indian Constitution provides for a democratic system in India. In this backdrop, briefly analyse
the constitutional provisions with regard to tyranny of majority and appeasement of minority.
2. What is the difference between a National party and a Regional party, in case of parties recognised
by the Election Commission of India? Explain the features of the Indian party system. (2017)
3. Mention the important events in usage of Electronic Voting Machines (EVMs) in elections in India.
Analyse the recent allegations on tampering of EVMs and suggest solutions. (2017)

1. What according to the Supreme Court constitutes “the basic structure” of our constitution? Please
name a couple of important judgements of the Supreme Court on this issue? (2016)
2. Describe the procedure for amending the constitution? What is the criticism against it? (2016)

1. “Preamble is a part of the Indian Constitution.” – Comment (2008)

1. Article 356 is more misused than used- Comment (2008)

1. “The Right to Information Act is meant only for providing information but not grievance redressal.”
Comment. (2017)

1. Define Privileges of state legislature and classify it into two broad categories. (2020)
2. What is office of profit? Critically analyse the developments in India on this issue. (2017)
3. Describe the various special provisions in the constitution relating to scheduled castes, scheduled
tribes, backward classes and Anglo-Indians. (2016)
4. Explain the concept of minorities with reference to the Indian constitution and the safeguards
available for protection of their rights. (2016)
5. Comment of the declining trend of legislative debates. (2008)
6. Bring out the politics of Women’s Reservation Bill. (2008)

1. Critically analyse the components and impacts of the Green Revolution in India. (2020)
2. Give a concise description of fisheries management and development in India? (2020)
3. In the light of the All-India Tiger Estimation Report 2018, critically evaluate the Project Tiger.
4. Give a brief account of factors responsible for environmental pollution. (2020)
5. Give a brief account of the concept and importance of Sustainable Development. (2020)

10 | P a g e
6. Give a brief account of geographical features of Andhra Pradesh. (2020)
7. Give a brief account of the drainage system of Andhra Pradesh. (2020)
8. Write a brief note on the rural and urban population of Andhra Pradesh in the light of the census
of India 2011. (2020)
9. Write a brief note on tribal population of Andhra Pradesh in the context of census report of 2011.
10. Briefly describe the flora and fauna of National Parks in Andhra Pradesh. (2020)

11 | P a g e
1. Define public administration and explain its evolution in India. (2020)
2. Differentiate between the administrative ideas in Kautilya’s Arthashashtra and the Mughal
administration. (2020)
3. Define ‘development’ as explained by Prof. Amartya Sen. Explain the characteristics of the new
development thinking, and also mention the four areas where the government has to play a
crucial role. (2020)
4. Describe the role of NGOs and Civil Services in Democracy. (2020)
5. Give the reason for the UN to partner with the civil society. Explain the importance of civil
societies. Under which Acts are the NGOs in India legally registered? (2020)
6. What is RTI? What rights are available under RTI Act 2005? If RTI is a Fundamental Right, then
why do we need an Act to give us this Right? (2020)
7. Describe the work of the statutory bodies with example and mention in which countries they are
set up. Explain quasi-judicial bodies, providing two examples from India. (2020)
8. What is social audit? What are its objectives and advantages? (2020)
9. Why does the Indian Government make use of the e-governance strategy? Mention the several
initiatives in the journey from e-governance vision to implementation. How can we say that the
Indian government is accountable, responsive and legitimate government? (2020)
10. Explain the major governmental interventions in the social sector with special reference to
Health and education (2020)

12 | P a g e
1. Define ethics, with reference to ethics in Indian tradition. Mention five principles to manage
ethics in public service. (2020)
2. What do you understand by the values of an entity? What is the need for value education?
3. Discuss how gender inequality came to be recognised as inequality in the Indian context and
the kind of responses that this recognition produced (2020)
4. Define moral attitude and explain the four qualities of moral attitude. What are the factors
that shape political attitude? (2020)
5. Explain the concept of emotional intelligence with special reference to the three main models
of emotional intelligence. How are emotional intelligence applied in administration and
governance? (2020)
6. Define public service broadly. How do the virtues of trustworthiness and fortitude get
manifested in public service? Explain with examples. Suggest three preventive measures of
corruption. (2020)
7. What is the role of family, society and educational institutions in inculcating values? (2020)
8. How does time and space effect ethics in private and public relationships? Illustrate. (2020)

13 | P a g e
1. What are the necessity and importance of labour laws? Are India’s labour law reforms only a gift
for factories or do workers benefit too? (2020)
2. Explain the different types of cybercrimes and the importance of cyber laws in India. (2020)
3. Explain the Lokpal and Lokyukta Act (2020)

14 | P a g e
1. Discuss the nature of sectoral contribution of income to national income of India since
independence. Also examine whether the changes in sectoral contribution to national income
of India followed Kuznets-Clark hypothesis. (2017)
2. Discuss briefly the major changes involved in the recent revision in the base year and method
of national income accounting. (2016)
3. Explain various approaches to measure national income. (2008)
4. Explain the problems in measuring national income. (2008)
5. Discuss the difficulties faced in measuring the developmental level of economy and justify
whether the current method of measurement in India overcomes the difficulties. (2016)
6. What is human development? Discuss the importance and measurement of Gross National
Happiness Index. (2017)
7. Do you consider Human Development Index as an alternative to National Income? Justify your
answer. (2011)

1. What are the factors responsible for the narrow tax base in India? Explain in brief (2020)
2. Define public debt and give its components with reference to Indian government? Explain
trends in public debt since 2010 onwards (2020)
3. Differentiate between revenue deficit, fiscal deficit and primary deficit? How does deficit
financing impact the economy. (2020)
4. Critically analyse the causes and consequences of India’s public debt relating to the period
from 1991 till date. (2017)
5. Discuss about some of the major initiatives highlighted in Vision 2020 for the development of
agriculture sector in India. (2020)
6. Discuss the concept of revenue deficit and effective revenue deficit and justify the reasons for
introducing effective revenue deficit. Give the details of the expected revenue deficit & the
effective revenue deficit by the fiscal 2016-17, as per the Union Budget 2013-14 (2016)
7. Describe the highlights of Fiscal reforms and budget management act 2003 (2016)
8. According to the Economic Survey 2016 – 17, Universal Basic Income (UBI) aims at achieving
Mahatma Gandhi’s objective of ‘‘wiping every tear from every eye’’. In this backdrop, explain
the concept of UBI and discuss how it is expected to achieve the stated objective. (2017)
9. Explain the pattern of revenue collection after economic reforms in India. (2008)
10. Explain the principles of public expenditure. (2008)
11. What are the recommendations of the Fourteenth Finance Commission with respect to the
grant to local governments, fiscal deficit and FRBM Act? (2020)
12. Highlight the areas of central assistance to Andhra Pradesh under the provision of Andhra
Pradesh Reorganization Act and Fourteenth Finance Commission? (2020)

15 | P a g e
1. Discuss briefly the recommendations of the expert committee constituted “To revise and
strengthen the monetary policy framework.” (2016)
2. Explain the need for emergence of Regional rural banks, and discuss the problems faced by
them and the corresponding revisions made. (2016)
3. Explain the objectives of monetary policy. (2008)
4. Explain the impact of economic reforms in the Banking sector. (2008)
5. Explain the structure of Indian Banking. (2011)
6. Critically examine the role of RBI in credit control. (2011)

1. Highlight some of the major factors leading to low agricultural productivity in India (2020)
2. What do you mean by rainbow revolution? What are its objectives? Discuss (2020)
3. Discuss the recent initiatives taken to help farmers to increase productivity levels in
agriculture. (2016)
4. Discuss the performance of agriculture sector during the 11th plan period and reasons for
such performance. (2016)
5. Write short notes on: (2008)
Kisan Credit Card Scheme
6. Briefly explain the need for administering agricultural commodity prices and mention the
administering machinery. (2008)

1. State some of the notable initiatives taken by the government recently to boost the growth
of manufacturing sector in India. (2020)
2. Describe the salient features of National Manufacturing Policy and also the critical role of
manufacturing sector in employment generation. (2017)
3. Contrast the Industrial Policy of 1980 with that of 1991 with respect to small enterprises in
India (2020)
4. Critically examine the performance of public sector in Indian economy. (2020)
5. What are the critical issues that must be addressed before implementing disinvestment
policy? (2020)

1. In the light of the problems faced by public-private partnerships in India, give
recommendations on the future plan of action. (2020)
2. Discuss the nature and importance of Public-Private Partnership (PPP) in health care and basic
education in India. (2017)
3. What is the scope for public-private partnership in post-economic reform period in India?
Elaborate (2011)

16 | P a g e
1. Give an account of the objectives of Prime Minister Employment Generation Programme
(PMEGP) and the benefits received under this scheme (2020)
2. Discuss the possible consequences of rural unemployment on the society and suggest two
effective remedial measures. (2016)
3. Explain the methods of measuring unemployment in India. (2008)
4. What are important concepts of employment/unemployment used by National Sample Survey
Organisation (NSSO)? (2011)
5. Eleventh Five-year plan identified the weakness on the employment front during the period
of reforms. Describe them. (2016)
6. Explain the important sectoral changes in post-independence Indian economy with respect to
income and workforce. (2011)

1. What is relative poverty ? What are the reasons for its presence in India ? Explain the Gini-
coefficient and Lorenz curve methods of measuring relative poverty. (2017)
2. Explain the possible limitations in the strategy for poverty alleviation adopted by the
Government of India. (2016)
3. Explain the methods of measuring poverty in India. (2008)
4. Discuss the important anti-poverty programmes implemented by Government of India. (2011)

1. Discuss the initiatives taken by the Government of India to build smart cities, and highlight the
challenges in doing so (2020)
2. Write short notes on: (2008)
Providing Urban Facilities in Rural Areas (PURA)

1. Explain the causes for backwardness of certain regions and suggest measures for
development. (2008)

1. Analyse the possible reasons for placing ceilings on agricultural holdings. Give two possible
disadvantages to the economy due to such ceilings. (2016)

17 | P a g e
1. Explain the Marginal Cost Pricing Rule for Public Utilities. What are the problems associated
with this rule? (2020)
2. What are the objectives of the demonetization policy announced by the Central Government
on 8th November, 2016 ? Discuss its impact on various sectors and various categories of
people in the society. Analyse its scope for cashless economy in the near future. (2017)
3. ‘‘The aim of economic reforms in India is to improve the competitiveness and efficiency of
domestic industry and pave the way for achieving high rate of economic growth.’’ Discuss.
4. Explain the important objectives of the 10th Five Year Plan. (2008)
5. Explain the role of private sector after economic reforms. (2008)
6. Critically examine the performance of X Five-year plan (2011)
7. Discuss briefly the guiding principles in setting up the NITI Aayog. (2016)
8. List all the flagship programmes of Central Government implemented by the State during the
11th plan period and state the objective of the programs in one sentence. (2016)

18 | P a g e
1. Discuss the structural composition of Andhra Pradesh’s economy in terms of Gross Value
Added (GVA) at current and constant basic prices (2011 – 12 base) from 2014 – 15 to 2016 –
17. (2017)
2. How is Andhra Pradesh economy popularly classified? What are the relative shares of the three
regions in the GSDP of Andhra Pradesh in the recent years. (2008)
3. Do you consider that Andhra Pradesh economy is still dominated by agricultural sector? Justify
your answer. (2011)

1. Briefly give an account of revenue and fiscal deficits and the debt positions of Andhra Pradesh
for the last five years (since 2014-15). (2020)
2. Examine some of the major features of Andhra Pradesh budget for the FY 2020-21 with special
reference to fiscal deficit situation of the state. (2020)
3. Explain the distinct aspect of Annual Budget for 2016-17 of Andhra Pradesh. Discuss the
reasons for revenue deficit and fiscal deficit in residuary AP. (2016)
4. The proportion of revenue receipts and total budgetary receipts as percentage of GSPDP
increased during the period 2002-2007 and declined during 2008-2014. Explain the factors
contributed for such trend. (2016)
5. Discuss the sources and trends in revenue of the Andhra Pradesh Government before and after
reorganization for the period 2011 – 12 to 2016 – 17. (2017)
6. In the context of the financial situation of Andhra Pradesh after reorganization, discuss the
nature and extent of Central assistance provided to Andhra Pradesh. (2017)
7. What are the direct and indirect taxes levied by the government of Andhra Pradesh? (2008)
8. Explain the pattern of resource mobilisation for the public sector in the 5-year plans of Andhra
Pradesh in the recent decade. (2008)
9. What are the important sources of revenue of the Government of Andhra Pradesh? (2011)
10. Critically examine the role of World Bank Loans in the development of Andhra Pradesh
economy. (2011)
11. What are the important tax reforms in India since 1991. (2011)
12. Explain the role of Finance Commission in a federal country like India. (2011)
13. Write notes on : (2008)
a. Debt composition of Andhra Pradesh government
b. Tax revenue and other resource inflows into Andhra Pradesh government form the
Central government.

19 | P a g e
1. What is e-NAM? State the challenges in its implementation (2020)
2. How has the growth in Andhra Pradesh’s agriculture and allied sectors impacted the income
levels of the farmers? (2020)
3. Give an account of the different schemes implemented by the Andhra Pradesh government
to promote agriculture in the state? (2020)
4. Describe some of the key initiatives taken and incentives provided by the government of
Andhra Pradesh to promote agro and food processing industry. (2020)
5. Describe the strategies being adopted by Andhra Pradesh to achieve the mission on
agriculture extension program. (2016)
6. Discuss the highlights of farmers’ debt redemption scheme implemented in Andhra Pradesh
and its benefits. (2016)
7. Evaluate the trends in output and productivity of food and non-food crops in Andhra Pradesh
(in the present 13 districts) since the year 2000 – 01. Also bring out the reasons for regional
variations in productivity levels. (2017)
8. What is Green Revolution? What is its impact on the agricultural economy of Andhra Pradesh?

1. Discuss the Industrial Policy statement 2015-20 of Andhra Pradesh. (2020)
2. What are the challenges faced by the industrial sector of Andhra Pradesh? Throw light on the
strategies created to face these challenges. (2020)
3. Discuss the salient features of Andhra Pradesh Industrial Investment Promotion Policy 2015-
2020 (2016)
4. Discuss the growth and structure of small and tiny sector establishments in Andhra Pradesh
on the basis of data of the 6th Economic Census. (2017)
5. ‘‘The main aim of Andhra Pradesh State Mineral Policy is to serve as a guiding force to
translate the State’s mineral potential into reality with eco-friendly and sustainable mining.’’
Discuss. (2017)
6. Discuss the measures taken by the Government of Andhra Pradesh to promote small scale
industries. Have they yielded expected results? (2011)
7. Evaluate the performance of Industrial sector in Andhra Pradesh. (2011)
8. Examine the growth and structure of industries in Andhra Pradesh. (2008)


1. Explain briefly the four pillars for developing a strong IT in Andhra Pradesh? (2020)
2. What are the challenges faced by energy sector in Andhra Pradesh? Briefly give the vision
targets for energy sector set by the AP Government. (2020)
3. Describe the long-term agenda of the Andhra Pradesh government with respect to
development of infrastructure in the state. (2020)
4. Describe the salient features of Polavaram irrigation project and explain its benefits. (2016)

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5. ‘‘An efficient power sector is essential for growth and poverty reduction.’’ In light of the above
statement, discuss the impact of reorganization of the State on its power sector and the steps
initiated by the A.P. State Government to address the issues of the power sector. (2017)
6. Discuss the objectives, complementary components and the importance of node-centric
development of Phase-I of the East Coast Economic Corridor. (2017)
7. State the important features of the Infrastructure Mission of Andhra Pradesh and discuss its
role in Vision 2029. (2017)
8. State and discuss the important features of the Handri-Neeva Sujala Sravanthi project and
explain its role in meeting the water needs of the Rayalaseema Region. (2017)
9. State the importance of service sector in the development of Andhra Pradesh. (2008)
10. Examine the importance and development of transport and communication in the state of
Andhra Pradesh. (2008)
11. Write about the growth of IT industry in Andhra Pradesh. (2011)
12. Explain the significance of SSI in the development of Andhra Pradesh and mention the
incentives extended by the government to this sector. (2008)

1. Give an account of the mineral and forest resources of Andhra Pradesh? (2020)

1. Analyse trends in rural-urban poverty in Andhra Pradesh. What are the factors responsible for
its existence? (2020)
2. ‘‘SERP has been playing an important role in reducing rural poverty in Andhra Pradesh.’’
Discuss. (2017)
3. Highlight the important trends in incidence of poverty in Andhra Pradesh. (2011)

1. Examine major issues concerning Public Distribution System in Andhra Pradesh. (2020)
2. Fair Price Shop Automation and portability within a District- Discuss the possible advantages
of these changes in public distribution system. (2016)
3. Discuss the nature of functioning of Aadhar enabled e-public distribution system (AePDS) in
Andhra Pradesh in terms of purchase, transportation, storage, allotment and delivery of food
grains. (2017)
4. Explain the basic features of Targeted Public Distribution System (TPDS) and its performance
in the state. (2008)
5. Highlight the important features of Public Distribution System in Andhra Pradesh. (2011)
6. Critically examine the procurement price policy of the Government of India and Andhra
Pradesh. (2011)

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1. Explain the reasons for constituting a land committee under the chairmanship of Sri Koneru
Ranga Rao in the year 2004 and bring out its recommendations related to land reforms in
Andhra Pradesh. (2017)
2. Discuss the evolution of tenancy reforms in Andhra Pradesh and also explain the main features
of the Andhra Pradesh (Andhra Area) Tenancy Act, 1956 including the amendments to the Act.
3. Explain the scope of Land Reforms in Andhra Pradesh and assess success in computerisation
of Land Records. (2008)
4. Why are Land Reforms implemented? What are the main laws pertaining to Land Reforms in
Andhra Pradesh? (2008)
5. Do you consider that land reforms in Andhra Pradesh have provided sufficient protection to
tenants? (2011)
6. Explain the need to enact the Andhra Pradesh Land Licensed Cultivators Act, 2011 and discuss
the problems faced in meeting the objective of enacting the Act. (2016)

1. Critically evaluate the nature of occupational structure in Andhra Pradesh. (2017)

1. Examine the present state of microfinance in Andhra Pradesh in the backdrop of its earlier
crisis (2017)
2. Examine the role of SHGs in Andhra Pradesh in meeting the credit requirements of rural
people. (2008)
3. Discuss the composition of institutional and non-institutional credit in rural Andhra Pradesh.
4. Explain the significance of micro-finance institutions in meeting rural credit needs in Andhra
Pradesh. (2011)
5. In Indian peasant is born in debt, lives in debt and dies in debt. In this context, explain the
problems faced by the rural population in getting the loans from institutional and non-
institutional sources in AP and how they get into dept trap and poverty. (2016)


1. Evaluate the programmes/schemes initiated by the Andhra Pradesh Government to achieve
women empowerment. (2017)
2. What are the measures taken by the Government of Andhra Pradesh to empower women?
Elaborate (2011)
3. Write notes on: (2008)
a. Measures taken by the Andhra Pradesh government to empower women.
b. Infant Mortaility and Death rates in Andhra Pradesh in the recent decade

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1. Explain the details of the “Arogya Raksha” scheme started by the Government of Andhra
Pradesh. Also compare the scheme with other health insurance schemes of Andhra Pradesh.
2. Discuss the measures taken by the Government to improve education and health status in
Andhra Pradesh. (2011)
3. Discuss the trends in the literacy rates in Andhra Pradesh. (2016)
4. Explain the salient features and benefits of the PPP model of health services provided under
Dr. NTR Vaidya Seva programme. (2016)
5. Employment opportunities through Jawahar Knowledge Centres- Explain how the Andhra
Pradesh Government to meet its objective through this program. (2016)

1. Discuss the demographic features of Andhra Pradesh and changes therein. (2011)

1. Examine the causes for regional disparities in Andhra Pradesh and measures initiated by the
government to reduce the same. (2008)
2. What are the causes for inter-regional and inter-district disparities in Andhra Pradesh? (2011)


1. List out the monitorable targets of the 11th Five Year Plan of Andhra Pradesh State. Also
explain the pattern of resource allocation in the 10th and 11th Five Year Plans of Andhra
Pradesh. (2017)
2. Smart village- smart ward towards smart Andhra Pradesh. Explain (2016)
3. Explain the important features of the proposed strategy of Andhra Pradesh to achieve
sustainable development goals by 2030. (2017)
4. Explain the e-pragati initiative of Andhra Pradesh and its benefits. (2016)
5. Critically examine the allocation pattern of resources in X and XI five-year plans of Andhra
Pradesh. (2011)
6. Discuss the land tenancy system prevailing in Telangana region on the eve of Independence.
7. Do you consider that public sector is getting adequate financial support from the government
of Andhra Pradesh in XI five-year plan? (2011)
8. What are the total outlays of Andhra Pradesh’s X and XI 5-year plans? What proportion of the
outlay is allocated to agriculture including irrigation. (2008)
9. Explain the need for the Andhra Pradesh Capital Region Development Authority Bill 2014 and
describe its salient features. (2016)
10. Detail the key four pillars, the project components, beneficiaries, and key result indicators of
Andhra Pradesh rural inclusive growth project. (2016)

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1. What is “life expectancy at birth”? Data shows that the global average life expectancy has more
than doubled since 1900, and is now above 70 years. Describe three to five factors which have
contributed to improvement in life expectancy. (2020)
2. Write short notes on the causes, treatment, and methods of prevention of any 3 of the following
diseases: 1. Cholera; 2. Malaria, 3. Encephalitis, 4. Tuberculosis, and 5. Avian flu. (2020)
3. What is Covid-19 and how is it spread? How are immuno-diagnostic methods used in context of
the Covid19 pandemic? (2020)
4. Explain the mechanism of action of vaccines. Give two examples where vaccines have eradicated
diseases in India. What do you know about the Global Vaccine Action Plan 2011-2020 and
Mission Indradhanush? (2020)
5. The 2020 Nobel Prize for Physiology and Medicine was awarded to three scientists for their work
on HCV. What do you know about this virus and the disease it causes? Is there any vaccine
available for this disease? (2020)

1. Is there any difference between gene therapy, transgenic organisms, and gene
enhancement/genome editing? With example, explain the ethical concerns in each of these
approaches? When can genome editing be considered ethical? (2020)
2. In October 2020, the Nobel Prize for Chemistry was awarded to the CRISPR technology. Explain
how CRISPR functions in nature and how it has been adapted for research and clinical
applications. (2020)
3. What is recombinant DNA? Draw a schematic to show the process of creating rDNA and explain
the roles of restriction enzymes and vectors in this process. Give an example of rDNA technology.

1. Write a brief account of the history of ISRO. Name any three ISRO centers and their location.
Add a note about the Mangalyaan or Chandrayaan missions of ISRO (2020)
2. To date, ISRO has launched over 100 satellites. Explain what are GEO, LEO, MEO, and SSO. Use
diagrams to illustrate your answer. Add a note on GSLV and PLSV launches. (2020)
3. Traditional methods of in-person education have been disrupted by the Covid-19 pandemic.
How can India’s Space Program help in restoring and expanding access to education in India?

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1. What is cybercrime? Describe with examples any two of the following and explain how the
government helps victims of cybercrime. (2020)
• Cyber bullying
• Cyber stalking
• Phishing
• Ransomware

1. Telangana has several Central Government Institutions suitable for research funded by the
Department of Science and Technology. These include BITS, CCMB, CDFD, CRIDA, DRDO, ICRISAT,
IICT, NALSAR, NGRAU, and NIN. (2020)
i. How should these institutions contribute towards education of B.A./B.Com./B.Sc.
students in TS?
ii. Write short notes about the mission and contributions of any two of these
Institutions in Science/Technology in India.

1. What is the UIDAI? How has this government body harnessed IT to improve targeted delivery of
government benefits (DBT)? How can the Aadhaar Card help in financial transactions? (2020)
2. What do you know about the NeGP (National e-Governance Action Plan) operating under the
aegis of Digital India? Explain about the role of any three of the following projects in this plan: 1.
Jan-Dhan Yojana, 2. Digital Locker, 3. National Digital Literacy Mission, 4. E-Bhasha, and 5.
BharatNeT (National Optical Fibre Network) (2020)

1. What is Intellectual Property? Explain with examples the differences between copyrights,
patents, and trademarks. What are the rights an inventor has on his invention, and how are
these rights gained and enforced globally? (2020)
2. What is a patent? Give examples of patents. What is the difference between process patents
and product patents? How are GI tags related to patents? (2020)

1. What causes earthquakes? Can we prevent or predict where and when an earthquake will
happen? What should relief agencies do after an earthquake occurs in an inland and a coastal
region? (2020)

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1. What is nuclear energy? At the end of 2019, seven nuclear reactors were under construction
in India, with a combined capacity of 5.4 GW. What are the advantages and disadvantages of
using nuclear energy in India? What is the NPT and how does this impact India which is not a
member of the NPT? (2020)
2. What is “Clean Energy”? List the sources of clean energy and explain how they work. Which
of these sources can be used or are already widely used in India? (2020)
3. What is the status of utilization of Solar energy in India and the World? What are some factors
hindering utilization of this green energy source? (2020)
4. What are biofuels and why are they important to India’s economy? What do you know about
the Indian National Policy on Biofuels? (2020)

1. Classify solid waste in terms of source and types of solid wastes. Explain the steps to manage
this waste. Add a note on advantages and disadvantages of landfills. (2020)
2. What are the most common and hazardous pollutants in outdoor and indoor air? Mention the
health hazards from each of the pollutants. What is AQI (Air Quality Index)? Who monitors
AQI in India? What is the contribution of PM to AQI? (2020)

1. What is Climate Justice? How is this matter covered by news media and influential
publications like Time magazine? Suggest at least 2 measures that are aligned to this goal

1. All member states of the UN adopted 17 goals in the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable
Development. Name any four of these goals and explain how India can reach them (2020)

1. What do you know about the agents, stages, and effects of soil erosion? What are the factors
affecting soil erosion and measures to conserve soil? (2020)

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