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Edit your work ruthlessly

- Editing is a tough skill to learn for beginner writers, because they place
immense value on the time and effort they put into writing in the first place.

- for instance when we are done writing about some certain topic, we should
take some time, effort and discipline to eliminate some extraneous words, we
should know when to delete or rework something.

10. Accept that first drafts are always always crap

- First drafts are almost always crap, and that’s okay. Don’t beat yourself up if
you don’t create a masterpiece on your first attempt – chances are, you
probably won’t, and that’s okay, too.

- in writing about some certain topics, we always make a draft or an outline

about it, and are first attempt to it is that it is not good to be shown to others
and it is okay, what we should do is to spend a lot of time to construct the
material or the draft that will be needed.

11. Find a good editor

- Allowing someone else to read your work can be brutally difficult for some
writers, especially when they’re just starting out, but it’s crucial that you
develop good habits from the outset and learn to accept constructive criticism
about your work.

- in writing, there are some situations when we should accept some criticisms
about what we write because it will help us to improve our writing skills.

12. Eliminate Unnecessary Words

- Another common mistake among beginner writers is writing overly complex

sentences in an attempt to “sound” more authoritative.

- as what is stated in no.9, we should avoid adding some extraneous sentences,

in some cases shorter sentences can have a great impact, avoid adding
irrelevant words in writing your works.
13. Take a Stroll Down Memory Lane

- Every now and then re-read your earlier work and marvel at how much
better you are now than you were then. Pat yourself on the back. You’ve
worked hard, so don’t be shy – congratulate yourself.

- as we saw the works we do, we should read our works to see the
improvements and the progressed we do as it will help us to improve ourselves
when it comes to writing.

14. Don’t Be Afraid to Say What You Think

- Don’t be contrarian for its own sake, and don’t set out to purposefully piss
anyone off, but make sure there’s enough of you in your writing to make it a
worthwhile read for your audience.

- when we write, it’s okay to be cautious and careful but we should not be shy
about sharing our own opinions with regards to the topic we want to write/
work about.

15. Do Your Research

- don’t rely exclusively on sites like Wikipedia, and use current, primary sources
whenever possible.

- in doing research avoid plagiarizing someone’s else works to avoid some

conflicts, research on different sites but do not rely on Wikipedia as it can be
edited by people visiting that site. Some sites, that can be viewed are those
which have .du or .gov in the URL code

16. Remember Done Is Better than Perfect

- You should definitely take the time to write as well as you can, proofread and
edit your work thoroughly, and ensure that your piece flows logically from one
point to the next.
- we should remember that no piece of writing will ever be perfect, we should
know when it’s time to let go after you are done with the proofreading and


At a high level, the definition of grammar is a system of rules that allow us to

structure sentences.

1. Generally, English grammar can be difficult and complex; even the best
scholars take many years before they have a command of the major
points of good grammar.

English grammar can be difficult and complex because it includes

several aspects of the English language, like: Parts of speech (verbs,
adjectives, nouns, adverbs, prepositions, conjunctions, modifiers, etc.);
Clauses (e.g. independent, dependent, compound); Punctuation (like
commas, semicolons, and periods — when applied to usage); and
Mechanics of language (like word order, semantics, and sentence

2. Take the time to learn the minor and major points of good grammar to
avoid presenting papers riddled with errors.

Good grammar is essential for effective communication, but poor

grammar leads to unexpected errors. Its goal is to create a link between
what you're saying and what the reader or listener understands. Even if
English isn't your first language, you can ensure that others understand
what you're trying to say or write by using clear, strong grammar skills.

3. Spend time practicing writing and seek detailed feedback from the
Having feedback will helps us to improve writing with a good
grammar, we will know what part we needs to spends time and give our
efforts to.
 Improve your grammar by writing and practicing any new rules or
words you've learned. So, we should keep a journal, write short stories,
or even just email back and forth with friends or family. Concentrate on
improving any problem areas you might have or mistakes you often

4. Good proofreading skills and

Don’t rely solely on grammar checkers. For one, they can be
wrong. Second, you won’t learn from your mistakes if you don’t correct
the work yourself. If you do employ a grammar check or proofreading
services, take the time to look over what changes were made so that you
can learn what you did wrong.

5. Proper punctuation can significantly improve academic writing.

We should punctuate sentences properly. Punctuation is an

important part of language because it indicates starts, stops, pauses, and
relationships. Capitalize the first letter of every sentence, and the first
letter of all proper nouns (the names of people and places). 

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