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Tests of Between-Subjects Effects

Dependent Variable: Kekuatan Gel

Type III Sum of
Source Squares df Mean Square F Sig.
Corrected Model 2081184.281 a
11 189198.571 24.575 .000
Intercept 6656834.935 1 6656834.935 864.669 .000
Jenis_Tepung 1004384.423 2 502192.211 65.231 .000
Konsentrasi 274345.053 3 91448.351 11.878 .001
Jenis_Tepung * Konsentrasi 802454.806 6 133742.468 17.372 .000
Error 92384.507 12 7698.709
Total 8830403.724 24
Corrected Total 2173568.789 23
a. R Squared = .957 (Adjusted R Squared = .919)

Tests of Between-Subjects Effects

Dependent Variable: Derajat Putih
Type III Sum of
Source Squares df Mean Square F Sig.
Corrected Model 104.935a 11 9.540 4.656 .007
Intercept 194052.755 1 194052.755 94720.140 .000
Jenis_Tepung 6.854 2 3.427 1.673 .229
Konsentrasi 90.050 3 30.017 14.652 .000
Jenis_Tepung * Konsentrasi 8.030 6 1.338 .653 .688
Error 24.584 12 2.049
Total 194182.274 24
Corrected Total 129.519 23
a. R Squared = .810 (Adjusted R Squared = .636)
Tests of Between-Subjects Effects
Dependent Variable: Kadar Air
Type III Sum of
Source Squares df Mean Square F Sig.
Corrected Model 484.616 a
11 44.056 50.789 .000
Intercept 126054.318 1 126054.318 145318.739 .000
Jenis_Tepung 80.874 2 40.437 46.617 .000
Konsentrasi 349.236 3 116.412 134.203 .000
Jenis_Tepung * Konsentrasi 54.506 6 9.084 10.473 .000
Error 10.409 12 .867
Total 126549.344 24
Corrected Total 495.025 23
a. R Squared = .979 (Adjusted R Squared = .960)

Tests of Between-Subjects Effects

Dependent Variable: Protein
Type III Sum of
Source Squares df Mean Square F Sig.
Corrected Model 91.563a 11 8.324 38.107 .000
Intercept 6157.768 1 6157.768 28190.067 .000
Jenis_Tepung 22.568 2 11.284 51.658 .000
Konsentrasi 63.975 3 21.325 97.625 .000
Jenis_Tepung * Konsentrasi 5.020 6 .837 3.830 .023
Error 2.621 12 .218
Total 6251.952 24
Corrected Total 94.184 23
a. R Squared = .972 (Adjusted R Squared = .947)
Tests of Between-Subjects Effects
Dependent Variable: pH
Type III Sum of
Source Squares df Mean Square F Sig.
Corrected Model .688a 11 .063 39.424 .000
Intercept 1135.063 1 1135.063 715000.066 .000
Jenis_Tepung .196 2 .098 61.845 .000
Konsentrasi .428 3 .143 89.857 .000
Jenis_Tepung * Konsentrasi .064 6 .011 6.734 .003
Error .019 12 .002
Total 1135.770 24
Corrected Total .707 23
a. R Squared = .973 (Adjusted R Squared = .948)

Tests of Between-Subjects Effects

Dependent Variable: Expressible Moisture Content (EMC)
Type III Sum of
Source Squares df Mean Square F Sig.
Corrected Model 2933.949a 11 266.723 86.306 .000
Intercept 5674.298 1 5674.298 1836.092 .000
Jenis_Tepung 946.587 2 473.294 153.149 .000
Konsentrasi 1585.031 3 528.344 170.962 .000
Jenis_Tepung * Konsentrasi 402.331 6 67.055 21.698 .000
Error 37.085 12 3.090
Total 8645.331 24
Corrected Total 2971.034 23
a. R Squared = .988 (Adjusted R Squared = .976)

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