Town Equipment

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Armor and Clothing

Cloak, heavy DR 1 vs cut only Only from rear 100 dr 3 lbs

Padded linen coat DR 1 Chest, abdomen, arms 75 dr 9 lbs
Padded wool cap DR 1 Skull (3-4 only) 10 dr 1 lb
Padded linen coif DR 1 Skull (3-4 & 5 rear) and Neck 15 dr 2 lbs
-1 Hearing; Can be layered with any helmet at no DX penalty
Hard leather bracers DR +1 Arms 32 dr 4 lbs
Shoes DR 1 Feet 40 dr 2 lbs
Moccasins (+1 Stealth) DR 1 vs cut only Feet 40 dr 1 lb
Hard leather greaves DR +1 Legs, front only 32 dr 4 lbs
Leather jacket DR 2 (1 vs imp) Chest, arms 125 dr 15 lbs
Leather trews DR 2 (1 vs imp) Abdomen, legs 125 dr 15 lbs
Hard leather cuirass DR 2 Chest (9-10 only) 145 dr 11 lbs
Leather gauntlets DR 2 Hands 30 dr 1.5 lbs
-2 to Fast-Draw and precision work
High boots DR 2 Feet (DR 2), Legs (DR +1) 80 dr 3 lbs
Bezainted hauberk DR 2 (3 vs cut) Chest and Abdomen (9-11), Arms 225 dr 28 lbs
Bezainted skirts DR 2 (3 vs cut) Abdomen (11) 38 dr 5 lbs
Mail byrnie, light DR 3 (1 vs cr) Chest and Abdomen (9-11) 500 dr 12 lbs
Concealable (Holdout-1)
Jack of plates DR 3 (2 vs cr) Chest (9-10 only) 225 dr 14 lbs
Concealable (Holdout-2)
Plate bracers, medium DR +3 Arms 300 dr 6 lbs
Plate greaves, medium DR +3 Legs, front only 300 dr 6 lbs
Scale jack, medium DR 4 (3 vs cr) Chest (9-10 only) 415 dr 18 lbs
Soldier’s helm DR 4 (Face 2) Skull (3-4 only) and partial Face 185 dr 4 lbs
Mail chausses, medium DR 4 (2 vs cr) Legs 900 dr 15 lbs
Scale skirts, medium DR 4 (3 vs cr) Abdomen (11) 140 dr 6 lbs
Mail mittens DR 4 (2 vs cr) Hands 105 dr 2 lbs
-6 to Fast-Draw and precision work
Mail hauberk, heavy DR ​5 (3 vs cr) Chest and Abdomen (9-11), Arms 1800 dr 27 lbs
Mail coif, heavy DR 5 (3 vs cr) Skull (3-4 & 5 rear) and Neck 360 dr 5.5 lbs
Can be layered with any helmet at no DX penalty
Mail chausses, heavy DR 5 (3 vs cr) Legs 1200 dr 18 lbs
Mail and Plate faulds DR 5 (4 vs cr) Abdomen (11) 350 dr 5 lbs
Scale jack, heavy DR 5 Chest (9-10 only) 830 dr 24 lbs
Lobsterback gauntlets DR 5 Hands 230 dr 3 lbs
-3 to Fast-Draw and precision work
Sollerets, heavy DR 5 Feet 160 dr 5 lbs
-3 Stealth
Northman helm DR 6 (Face 1) Skull (3-4 only) and partial Face 250 dr 5 lbs
Breastplate, medium DR 6 Chest (9-10 only), front only 900 dr 9 lbs
Plate cuirass, medium DR 6 (3 from rear) Chest (9-10 only) 1350 dr 13.5 lbs
Bucket helm DR 6 Skull (3-4 & 5 rear), Eyes, and Face 225 dr 11 lbs
-4 Hearing; No Peripheral Vision
Plate cuirass, heavy DR 9 (6 from rear) Chest (9-10 only) 2250 dr 22.5 lbs

Arrows, broadhead (imp), dozen 24 dr
Arrow, platecutter (AD/2 pi), each 6 dr
Arrow, silver, each 40 dr
Axe, long sw+3 cut 75 dr
Axe, small throwing (cheap) sw+1 cut 30 dr
Bolts, broadhead (imp), dozen 24 dr
Bolt, platecutter (AD/2 pi), each 6 dr
Bolt, silver, each 40 dr
Bow, short 50 dr
Bow, long 200 dr
Bow, horse 600 dr
Broadsword, thrusting (cheap) 240 dr
Crossbow, light (eff ST 9, 1d+2 imp, 125 dr, 5 lbs, Min ST 9, ready 4 rounds)
Crossbow, medium (eff ST 13, 2d imp, 250 dr, 10.5 lbs, Min ST 10, includes stirrup & belt hook, ready 17 rounds)
Crossbow, heavy (eff ST 17, 3d-1 imp, 1075 dr, 23.5 lbs, Min ST 13, includes cranequin, ready 80 rounds)
Dagger, silver 400 dr
Falchion (cheap) 160 dr
Flail, two-handed 100 dr
Glaive, dueling 80 dr
Halberd, dueling 120 dr
Hatchet 40 dr
Javelin (cheap) 12 dr
Knife, large 40 dr
Knife, long (cheap) 48 dr
Knife, small 30 dr
Longsword (cheap) 280 dr
Mace 50 dr
Maul 80 dr
Morningstar 80 dr
Shortsword (cheap) 160 dr
Sling bullets, lead, 10 1 dr
Spear 40 dr
Staff 10 dr

Targe or Thyreon (small wooden shield) 40 dr
Schild (medium wooden shield) 75 dr
Skodh or Skouton (large wooden shield) 90 dr

Backpack, canvas 60 dr 3 lbs holds 40 lbs
Backpack, frame 100 dr 10 lbs holds 100 lbs
Barrel 55 dr 11 lbs holds 20 gallons (160 lbs)
Basket 3 dr 1.5 lbs holds 15 lbs
Belt pouch 10 dr neg. holds 3 lbs
Bottle, ceramic 2 dr 0.5 lbs 1 pint
Bottle, leather 2 dr 0.5 lb 1 quart
Bucket 15 dr 4 lbs 1 gallon
Chest, small wood 40 dr 10 lbs holds 100 lbs
Chest, large wood 200 dr 40 lbs holds 400 lbs
Keg 30 dr 6 lbs holds 6 gallons (48 lbs)
Quiver 15 dr 1 lb holds 20 arrows or bolts
Sack, leather 30 dr 3 lbs holds 40 lbs, requires a pole or 2 hands
Strongbox, iron 250 dr 15 lbs holds 40 lbs of coins, gems, etc
Vial, glass 5 dr 0.25 lb ½ pint
Waterskin 10 dr 0.25 lb 1 gallon

Candle, tallow 2 days 1 dr 1 lb smelly
Candle, wax 4 days 5 dr 1 lb
Candle lantern 20 dr 1 lb
Dwarven headlamp 12 hrs/oz 100 dr 2 lbs 5 yard beam, uses lampstone
Dwarven bullseye lantern 6 hrs/oz 100 dr 2 lbs 10 yard beam, uses lampstone
Flint and steel 2 dr 0.2 lb
Lamp oil, pint 2 dr 1 lb
Lampstone, 4 oz 40 dr 0.25 lb makes a bright, long-lasting flame when wet
Oil lantern 1 day/pint 40 dr 2.5 lbs
Oil lantern, hooded 1 day/pint 60 dr 3 lbs has shutters to control direction of light
Oil lamp, ceramic 1 day/pint 20 dr 2 lbs
Rushlight, bundle of 10 15 minutes 3 ob 1 lb can be created with Housekeeping skill
Torch, cheap 1 hour 3 dr 1 lb lights 2 yard radius
Torch, good 1 hour 7 dr 1 lb pitch-covered, stays lit in rain, when running, etc

Provisions and Accommodations

Ale (tavern pint) 4 ob 1 lb
Fodder (1 day oats or barley) 1 dr 1 lb assumes access to pasture as well - 4x if not
Inn, per night 25 dr room & board
Inn, per week 150 dr room & board
Mead (quart bottle) 5 dr 2 lbs
Meal (cheap) 3 dr Ex: porridge with some bits, water
Meal (good) 6 dr Ex: stew and brown bread, ale or wine
Meal (fine) 15 dr Ex: roasted meat, fresh bread, fruit preserves, cheese, wine
Rations, standard (1 week) 40 dr 10 lbs good for 2-4 weeks if kept dry
Rations, iron (1 week) 100 dr 10 lbs good for 6-12 months if kept dry
Stable, per night 3 dr includes fodder
Stable, per week 15 dr includes fodder and groom
Wine (cheap, tavern pint) 3 ob 1 lb
Wine (good, tavern pint) 1 dr 1 lb
Wine (fine, quart bottle) 15 dr 2 lbs
Winter wine (pint bottle) 22 dr 1.5 lbs almost brandy

Belladonna (pain relief, trance inducer) 10 dr 0.25 lb
Chamomile (calming) 5 dr 0.25 lb
Comfrey (healing) 5 dr 0.25 lb
Feverfew (resist infection spirits) 5 dr 0.25 lb
Garlic (tonic, repel vampires) 5 dr 0.25 lb
Meadowsweet (pain relief, resist infection spirits) 5 dr 0.25 lb
Poppy (pain relief, sleep aid, trance inducer) 10 dr 0.25 lb
Rue (expel parasites, healing) 5 dr 0.25 lb
Shepherd’s Purse (stop blood loss) 5 dr 0.25 lb
Silphium (birth control, resist infection spirits) 10 dr 0.25 lb
Skullcap (calms animals) 5 dr 0.25 lb
Valerian (calming, sleep aid) 5 dr 0.25 lb
Wolfsbane (repel wolves and werewolves, trance inducer) 10 dr 0.25 lb
Wormwood (expel parasites, trance inducer) 10 dr 0.25 lb
Yarrow (healing) 5 dr 0.25 lb

Camping and Climbing Gear

Bandages 10 dr 1 lb
Bell 5 dr 0.5 lb
Bedroll 20 dr 4 lbs
Block and tackle 200 dr 10 lbs raises combined Basic Lift x32
Chain, 12’ 60 dr 24 lbs supports 2000 lbs
Cord, 10 yds 1 dr 0.5 lb
Fishing line and hooks 50 dr 0.1 lb
Grappling Hook 20 dr 2 lbs
Group basics for 3-8 campers 50 dr 20 lbs cooking pot, tripod, cheap hatchet, etc
Iron spike/Piton 4 dr 0.75 lb
Ladder, 9’ 90 dr 22.5 lbs
Personal basics 5 dr 1 lb individual utensils, cup, tinderbox, flint & steel, etc
Pole, 6’ 5 dr 3 lbs
Pulley, heavy 100 dr 6 lbs supports 2000 lbs
Rope, light hemp, 60’ 10 dr 3 lbs supports 300 lbs
Rope, heavy hemp, 120’ 100 dr 20 lbs supports 1100 lbs
Rope, silk, 30’ 100 dr 0.5 lb supports 360 lbs
Rope ladder, 30’ 50 dr 22 lbs
Sleeping furs 50 dr 8 lbs winter bedroll
Soap 27 dr 1 lb
Tarpaulin, 6’ square 20 dr 4 lbs
Tent, 2-man 80 dr 12 lbs requires one 6’ pole
Tent, 6-man 220 dr 40 lbs requires two 6’ poles
Whistle 5 dr neg

Tools and Prospecting Gear

Crowbar 20 dr 3 lbs
Padlock, cheap 20 dr 1 lb +5 to Lockpicking
Padlock, good 400 dr 2 lbs
Pickaxe 15 dr 8 lbs
Saw, felling 300 dr 6 lbs 2-person saw for tree work
Shovel, wooden 12 dr 6 lbs
Touchstone 5 dr 0.5 lb test metal purity and gem hardness
Wheelbarrow 60 dr 18 lbs holds 350 lbs

Religious and Writing Supplies

Book, blank 350 dr 6 lbs 250 pages of fine vellum in a durable binding
Chalk 1 dr 0.25 lb
Holy oil 15 dr 1 lb
Holy symbol, wooden 50 dr 1 lb
Holy symbol, iron & enamel 250 dr 1 lb +1 to some rolls
Holy symbol, silver 1000 dr 1 lb +2 to some rolls
Incense (4 ounces) 40 dr 0.25 lb 1 oz is suitable for many ritual uses
Ink, liquid 2 dr 1 lb ½ pint
Ink, powdered 4 dr neg makes ½ pint
Papyrus scroll, blank 20 dr 1 lb about 50 pages equivalent
Parchment scroll, blank 12 dr 1 lb about 20 pages equivalent
Quill pen 1 dr neg
Scroll case 75 dr 1 lb watertight, holds 1 scroll or ~20 loose pages
Wax tablet & stylus 8 dr 0.5 lb

Alchemy and Temple Potions

Acid 50 dr 1 lb 1d-3 corrosive damage/second
Bezoar (neutralizes poison) 400 dr 0.5 lb one use
Bandages of Asklepios 100 dr 1 lb used with First Aid, restores 1d HP
Cure disease 750 dr 0.5 lb
Greek fire 100 dr 1 lb 1d burn/second
Healing potion (1d) 120 dr 0.5 lb
Paut (restores 4 Fatigue) 135 dr 0.5 lb
Pink lotus salve 200 dr 0.5 lb painkiller, ignore all non-crippling injury for 10d minutes
provides High Pain Threshold, Impulsive (12-), Overconfident (12-) while in effect
Red lotus flower 50 dr 0.5 lb euphoric, addictive
Tindercake (16 uses) 30 dr 0.5 lb starts fire in difficult conditions
Yellow lotus tea 150 dr 0.5 lb +1 IQ for 10d minutes, addictive

Alchemical Assay 175 dr 10 lbs equipment for using Alchemy to identify substances only
Alchemy Field Kit 1000 dr 25 lbs basic equipment for Alchemy skill
Armoury Kit 600 dr 20 lbs basic equipment for Armoury skill
Carpentry Kit 250 dr 20 lbs basic equipment for Carpentry skill
First Aid Kit 50 dr 2 lbs +1 to First Aid skill
Fletcher Kit 95 dr 4 lbs assemble arrows or bolts from appropriate materials
Healer Kit 200 dr 10 lbs basic equipment for Esoteric Medicine; +1 to First Aid
Lock “repair” kit 50 dr 0.2 lb basic equipment for Lockpicking
Scribe Kit 50 dr 2 lbs quills, ink bottle, pen knife, papyrus
Smith Kit 330 dr 18 lbs requires a flat stone or stump to use as an anvil
Stoneworker Kit 550 dr 42 lbs hammers, chisels, crowbars, square, level, and auger

Delver’s Sack 110 dr 23.5 lbs
Bedroll (20 dr, 4 lbs); Bottle, leather (2 dr, 0.5 lb); Personal basics (5 dr, 1 lb);
Rations, standard (1 week - 40 dr, 10 lbs); Rope, light 60’ (10 dr, 3 lbs); Sack (30 dr, 3 lbs);
Torch, cheap x2 (6 dr, 2 lbs).

Delver’s Basic Pack 235 dr 40 lbs

Backpack, canvas (60 dr, 3 lbs); Bedroll (20 dr, 4 lbs); Bottle, leather (2 dr, 0.5 lb);
Candle, tallow (1 dr, 1 lb); Lamp oil, 3 pints (6 dr, 3 lbs); Oil lantern (40 dr, 2.5 lbs);
Personal basics (5 dr, 1 lb); Rations, standard (2 weeks - 80 dr, 20 lbs);
Rope, light 60’ (10 dr, 3 lbs); Torch, good x2 (14 dr, 2 lbs).

Delver’s Deluxe Pack 390 dr 61.25 lbs

Backpack, frame (100 dr, 10 lbs); Candle, wax (5 dr, 1 lb); Grappling hook (20 dr, 2 lbs);
Iron Spikes, 4 (16 dr, 3 lbs); Lamp oil, 5 pints (10 dr, 5 lbs); Oil lantern, hooded (60 dr, 3 lbs);
Personal basics (5 dr, 1 lb); Rations, standard (2 weeks - 80 dr, 20 lbs); Rope, light 60’ (10 dr, 3 lbs);
Sleeping furs (50 dr, 8 lbs); Torch, good x2 (14 dr, 2 lbs); Tarpaulin (20 dr, 4 lbs); Waterskin (10 dr, 0.25

Group Pack 430 dr 91 lbs

Crowbar (20 dr, 3 lbs); First Aid Kit (50 dr, 2 lbs); Group Basics (50 dr, 20 lbs);
Pickaxe (15 dr, 8 lbs); Pole, 6’ x2 (10 dr, 6 lbs); Sack x2 (60 dr, 6 lbs);
Shovel, wooden (12 dr, 6 lbs); Tent, 6-man (220 dr, 40 lbs).

Chicken 25 dr
Cow 1200 dr
Donkey 1000 dr carries 135 lbs at Med Enc (Move 3)
Goat 400 dr
Goose 50 dr
Horse, cavalry 4000 dr carries 291 lbs at Med Enc (Move 4)
Horse, draft 2000 dr carries 375 lbs at Med Enc (Move 3)
Horse, riding 1200 dr carries 264 lbs at Med Enc (Move 3)
Mule, small 1000 dr carries 195 lbs at Med Enc (Move 3)
Mule, large 2000 dr carries 291 lbs at Med Enc (Move 3)
Ox 1500 dr
Pig 450 dr
Piglet 100 dr
Pony 1500 dr carries 195 lbs at Med Enc (Move 4)
Sheep 800 dr
Songbird 200 dr includes cage

Tack and Harness

Barding, padded 750 dr 60 lbs DR 2 wool caparison
Bit and Bridle 35 dr 3 lbs
Harness or yoke 75 dr 8 lbs for pulling ploughs or other non-vehicles
Saddle, pack 100 dr 10 lbs
Saddle, riding 150 dr 15 lbs
Saddle, war 250 dr 35 lbs
Saddle bags 100 dr 3 lbs holds 40 lbs

Cart 340 dr usually with an ox, carries 1200 lbs at Move 1
Coracle 1000 dr carries 500 lbs
Raft, small 140 dr carries 400 lbs
Raft, large 240 dr carries 800 lbs
Rowboat 3000 dr carries 2000 lbs
Wagon 680 dr usually with 2 draft horses, carries 2000 lbs at up to Move 4 at a trot

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