Rainnes Research Paper

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Northern Zambales College Inc.

National Road, Inhobol Masinloc Zambales 2211

Telephone: (047) 307-0028



Submitted by:

Alverade, Arjay N.
Anoche, Rikki Vance V.
Alop, Mark Jordan E.
Eballar, Divine E.
Ebueng, Danielle
Edra, Ginadel E.
Rosauro, Jhon Peter A.
Pascual, Kathleen R.
Agbones, Shaira Mae
Mipa, Vince E.2

Ayad, Clarie Belle

In partial fulfilment of
the requirement for the Subject
Purposive Communication

December 2022

We are complex beings living in complexity in which we are not always adaptive with
the adversities that we face. As a result, we are subject to feelings of stress. Anspaugh,
Hamrick and Ronato (2003) shared the view that stress came in several forms and affected
people of all ages and walk in life. This implies that stress is a part of life and has many
causes, and the degree of stress in our lives is greatly dependent on factors such as physical
health, quality of interpersonal relationships, the number of commitments and responsibilities
we shoulder, the degree of other’s dependence on and expectations to us, the amount of
support we receive from others, and the number of changes of traumatic events we go
through. This means that life itself is, stress related depending on the individual’s lifestyle
and the level of cultural development.

College students are not exempted to this kind of scenario. Oftentimes, most students
are having a hard-time in dealing with their academic situations. College is a stressful era for
many learners as they undergo the process of adapting to new educational and social
environment. However, it is believed that certain factors may allow some students to succeed
academically, such as stress coping strategies. Coping mechanisms or skills are determinant
to a person’s response to a specific task and how well they succeed (Pajares, 2002). When an
individual has a sense of control over a stressful situation, they are more likely to become
adjustable in addressing situation (Aspinwall & Taylor, 1992).

Tertiary days can be very stressful and most complex period in each and every
learner’s lives, however, some students cope with it better than others. Many students who
are able to handle this well have effective stress coping skills. When college students are
going through this particular situation they usually use many types of coping mechanisms.
They use it simultaneously, in variation, for the strategies to change over time depending on
the effectiveness of the applied strategy.

Lenz (2010) defines problem-focused coping as “individuals directly confronting and

managing the source of their stress. Individuals prefer to deal directly with the stress by
confrontation, control, or stress-management”. Problem-focused coping is a form of active
form of active coping (Aspinwall and Taylor, 1992).

Lazarus (1998) and his colleagues identified eight kinds of coping mechanisms in
dealing with academics, which include planful problem solving, seeking social support,
confrontive coping, distancing, self-control, escape-avoidance, accepting responsibility, and
positive reappraisal. These eight (8) ways of coping were further categorized as active and
passive coping mechanism.

Confrontive coping (taking action and confronting the problem) seeking social
support (seeking informational and emotional support) planful problem-solving (planning to
solve the problem) and positive reappraisal (creating a positive meaning and focus on
personal growth) constitute the active coping strategies. Meanwhile, distancing (expecting
that the problem solves itself-involves emotional detachment), self-controlling (making
efforts to regulate feelings and actions), accepting responsibility (accepting one’s own role in
the problem) and escape-avoidance (trying to avoid the problem by wishful thinking and
behavioral efforts) comprise the passive coping mechanism.

The relationship between coping mechanism and academic performance has been
documented. Khan (2013) discovered that the relationship between coping skills and General
Weighted Average (GWA) was not strong. This is in the contrary to the result of the study of
(Kadhiravan & Kumar, 2012) which revealed that coping mechanism can help students to
enhance their academic performance.

Aun et.al (2011) opined that coping strategies improve class attendance, participation,
persistence even when faced with setbacks or fallbacks and arm them with stronger more
resilient self who can lead to a much more affirmative learning experience. Likewise,
academic coping skills helped students to perform in their academic through academic coping
mechanism factors i.e., approach, avoidance, and social support (Sullivan, 2010). In addition,
academic coping mechanism was also design to help college students to deal with their lives
those that include physical well-being, emotional, spiritual, and psychological well-being
(Yasin & Dzulkifli, 2009). Normally, emotional coping strategy is usually practiced in the
first year of tertiary while in later years the trend is changing towards cognitive, confrontive
and painful problem solving (Mahajan, 2010).

This study aims to determine the Impacts of different Coping Mechanisms on

Academic Performance of Bachelor of Science in Hospitality Management 1B students at
Northern Zambales College, Inc., Academic Year 2022-2023.

Specifically, it sought answers to the following questions:

1. How may the demographic profile of the student-respondents be described in terms of

1.1 age; and
1.2 gender

2. What is the mean assessment of the student-respondents on coping mechanism

inventory in terms of
2.1 Active Coping Mechanism
2.1.1 Student-respondents’ personal view of confrontive coping mechanism
2.1.2 Student-respondents’ personal view of seeking social support mechanism
2.1.3 Student-respondents’ personal view of planful problem solving coping
2.1.4 Student-respondents’ personal view of positive reappraisal coping
2.2 Passive Coping Mechanism
2.2.1 Student-respondents’ personal view of distancing coping mechanism
2.2.2 Student-respondents’ personal view of self-controlling coping mechanism
2.2.3 Student-respondents’ personal view of escape-avoidance coping mechanism
2.2.4 Student-respondents’ personal view of accepting responsibility coping
3. What is the academic performance of the student-respondents during First Semester
A.Y. 2022- 2023 in terms of
3.1 General Weighted Average (GWA)

4. What is the significant relationship between the different Coping Mechanism and
Academic Performance of the student-respondents?


This study is exclusive for the students under Bachelor of Science in Hospitality
Management, Section B program of the Academic Year 2022-2023 at Northern Zambales
College, Inc., Inhobol, Masinloc, Zambales.
This study aims to know the impact of coping mechanism on academic performance.
The researchers limit their study by using a descriptive-correlational methodology
which comprises a set of questionnaires for 39 student-respondents.


This is a descriptive-correlational study that examined the coping mechanisms and its
relationship to the academic performance among BSHM 1B students.
Students-respondents will be informed about the different coping mechanisms that
they may use in adapting to learning process and academic performance
Parents will be able to learn likewise, the positive and negative impact of various
coping mechanisms on the academic performance of their child/ren.
Teachers will also be familiarized of the coping mechanisms being used by their
students in their adjustment to learning process, and will be able to know the proper
approach for classroom management and learning strategies.

School Administrators to conduct activities and programs that will address the stress
coping skills of the students in dealing with their academic activities.

Researchers to serve as a guide in seeking the positive and negative impact of coping
mechanisms on academic performance of the learners.


The conceptual framework of this research was formed from an outline of the Impact
of Coping Mechanism on the Academic Performance of the BSHM 1B students at Northern
Zambales College, Inc., Academic Year 2022-2023. It follows a procedure that has three
parts: inputs, process, and outputs.
 Profile of the
ACADEMIC RESEARCH  Results of the
METHOD U survey on


 There is no significant relationship between each dimension of Coping Mechanism

and student’s academic performance.

The paradigm illustrates the whole concept with the use of the INPUT – PROCESS –
OUTPUT pattern.

1. Block 1 pertains to the INPUT which contained the variables used in the study. It
contains characterization of the student-respondents in terms of age and gender; the
mean assessment of the student-respondents on coping mechanism inventory in terms
of, Active and Passive Coping Mechanisms; the Academic Performance of the
student-respondents in terms of General Weighted Average (GWA) and the
significant relationship between student’s coping mechanism and their academic

2. Block 2 is the PROCESS which contained the methods to come up with the results of
the study. Under these were the data gathering instruments in order to acquire needed
information from the target respondents: Distribution and retrieval of pre-arranged
questionnaire; use of formulated statistical treatments; presentation and analysis of
data through tabulations.

3. Block 3 is the OUTPUT, which presented the outcome of both the input and the
process. This also pertained to the goal of researchers towards determining the
relationship and impacts of different coping mechanisms on the academic
performance of the student-respondents.

Northern Zambales College Inc.
National Road, Inhobol Masinloc Zambales 2211
Telephone: (047) 307-0028


Part I: Fill in the information needed.
Name: (optional) Age: Gender:
Part II: Likert Scale. Listed below are the following coping mechanism indicators. For each
one, kindly indicate whether you strongly agree, agree, disagree, or strongly disagree by
putting a check mark (/) on it.

A. Active Coping Mechanism

Strongly Agree Disagree Strongly
A. Confrontive Coping Agree Disagree
a. I did something that I didn’t think
would work, but at least I was doing
b. I expressed anger to the person/s who
caused the problem.
c. I took a big chance or did something
very risky to solve the problem.
d. I stood my ground and fought for
what I wanted.
B. Seeking Social Support
a. I talked to someone who could do
something concrete about the
b. I asked advice from a relative or
friend I respected.
c. I accepted sympathy and
understanding from someone.
d. I talked to someone about how I was
C. Planful problem-solving,
a. I just concentrated on what I had to do
next-step by step.
b. I changed something so things would
turn out all right.
c. I knew what I had to be done, so I
doubled my efforts to make things
d. I came up with a couple of different
solutions to the problem.
D. Positive reappraisal
a. I was inspired to do something
creative about the problem.
b. I changed or grew as a person.
c. I rediscovered what is important in
d. I prayed.

B. Passive Coping Strategies

Strongly Agree Disagree Strongly

A. Distancing Agree Disagree
a. I went on as if nothing had happened.
b. I tried to look on the bright side of
c. I tried to forget the whole thing.
d. I made light of the situation; I refused
to get too serious about it.
B. Self-control
a. I tried to set aside my feelings to be
able to focus on my study.
b. I believed I can handle being in a
relationship while studying.
c. I used to divert my emotion to
positivity whenever I attend the
hardest subject for the day.
d. I always kept other from knowing
how bad things were.
C. Accepting Responsibility
a. I engaged myself to student
organizations to enhance my
leadership skills.
b. I used to work while studying.
c. Being on-time is a commitment of
every student, therefore I try to be
d. I used to participate well in class and
lead group tasks.
D. Escape Avoidance
a. I used to avoid group of people.
b. I used to avoid discussions by not
attending the class.
c. I always wish my teacher new that I
have a cold-feet in surprise quizzes.
d. I’d rather face adversity than escape.

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