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Volume 95, No.




Hamish G. Spencer
Department of Zoology, University of Otago
Dunedin 9056 New Zealand

chance, chaos, constraint, construction, contingency, decider, history,
progression, modeling, template, time, turnover

Research in ecology and evolution today often emphasizes an equilibrium view of dynamical systems,
to the point where historical explanations are largely ignored. Such views are especially prominent in the
mathematical modeling of such systems where “solving” a model means finding and characterizing the
stability of its equilibria. I argue that history is far too important in biology to be discounted in this way. I
then outline a number of different “flavors” of history, by which I mean potentially overlapping ways in
which history can play a critical role in biological processes. I illustrate these flavors with examples from
the ecological and evolutionary literature, and demonstrate that adding an explicitly historical perspective
leads to a deeper understanding of the relevant biology.

Introduction Biological history, in the sense of a time-

T HE 19th-century intellectual forebears

of today’s ecologists and evolutionary
biologists were (and are) called natural histo-
dependent explanation, is surprisingly rare
science, especially in the mathematical mod-
els used in theoretical ecology and evolution.
rians. Nowadays, however, few professional For example, historian of science Sharon E.
scientists aspire to be portrayed so: the phrase Kingsland, in her illuminating analysis of the
“natural history” has an almost pejorative development of ecological modeling, argued
tone, suggesting a level of amateurism that that the mathematical ecologists of the 1960s
is 100 years or more behind the times (see eschewed history because they felt it smacked
Futuyma 1998 for an elegant refutation of of particularities and allowed few generali-
this view). Even though the word “history” zations (Kingsland 1985). But being able to
as used in “natural history” has the unusual distill the essence of a system into principles
meaning of a systematic description, not nec- that apply elsewhere—generalizing—is highly
essarily with any time component, this nega- prized in science. This disparaging attitude to-
tive view sometimes extends to any mention ward historical accounts remains widespread:
of history within biology. although we all acknowledge the importance

The Quarterly Review of Biology, December 2020, Vol. 95, No. 4

Copyright © 2020 by The University of Chicago. All rights reserved.


of biological history to our favorite study sys- introductions, we are reduced to a list of
tem, the inclination is often to omit it from particularities.
our models and explanations, writing it off as Of course, this problem with contingency
contingency, unpredictable by any law. In- is not confined to the past: when we look at
stead, we focus on the equilibrial properties some biological systems today, working out
of the system, or sometimes its steady state. where it will be tomorrow is well nigh impos-
In this paper, I argue that history is fun- sible. What, for example, would our model
damentally important to our understanding predict if the ortolan bunting (E. hortulana)
of ecology and evolution, and we would do were introduced? The outcome would de-
well to look “beyond the equilibrium” when pend on a vast array of parameter values as
we gauge the behavior of our study systems. well as the current state of critical variables.
I start by showing that history has a number If we got some of these model features wrong,
of subtly different flavors, many of which the outcome would likely be very different;
do allow generalizations and follow scientific the model cannot be usefully accurate. In-
laws. Nevertheless, these flavors are not al- deed, because nothing general would come
ways distinct, and more than one can play out of such a model, it seems more descrip-
a part in a single biological system. In adum- tive, the very essence of “natural history.”
brating this taxonomy, I note that none of Yet the effect of contingency can be stud-
this richness is apparent when we restrict our ied—quantified even—with mathematical
investigations to equilibria or steady states. models. In optimal-foraging theory, for in-
Consequently, a serious consideration of the stance, much effort has gone into under-
different impacts of the history on our sys- standing how differences in competitive
tem, not just describing its equilibria or steady ability affect the way animals distribute them-
states, contributes to a deeper understanding. selves in patchy environments. A well-known
In short, a more inclusive and yet nuanced example (Parker and Sutherland 1986; Mi-
view of history would benefit much ecologi- linski 1988) involves 12 fish, six of which can
cal and evolutionary thinking. obtain twice as many resources as the others,
and two feeding sites, one twice as productive
as the other. An equilibrium-centered, ahis-
torical view (Houston and McNamara 1988)
History as Contingency assessed the likelihood of the different ways
Perhaps the commonest meaning of his- the fish could distribute themselves over the
tory in a biological context has to do with two sites by calculating the number of various
the occurrence of events conditional on a combinations of good and poor competitors
vast array of properties of the system in ques- that matched the total consumption at each
tion. The dominant opinion seems to be that site to the available food. This analysis sug-
what happened in the past was contingent on gests that the most likely distribution is for
so many actors and their actions that predict- eight fish, four good and four poor competi-
ing what happened would have been impossi- tors, to be at the better site and the remaining
ble. Could a mathematical model, rich with two of each competitive class to be at the
life-history parameters and state variables, poorer site (see Figure 1). If, however, the
have predicted the success of the 1860s in- fish arrive in a random order and make indi-
troduction to New Zealand of the yellowham- vidual decisions about which site offers the
mer (Emberiza citrinella) and the continued better reward, it is more likely that the better
rarity of its congener, the cirl bunting (E. cir- site will have just seven fish in all, five good
lus), in the same places (MacLeod et al. 2005; competitors and two poor ones (Spencer
Pipek et al. 2015)? Maybe we can account for et al. 1995). The distinction is crucial because
this difference with the wisdom of hindsight, the distribution of the number of fish under-
but such an explanation is likely to be specific matches that of the resources (Figure 1), a
to this particular question and will not spawn finding common but often unnoticed in ex-
any useful general principles. When asked to periments (Kennedy and Gray 1993). Thus,
explain the differential success of these two not only do the ahistorical and historical

Figure 1. The Likelihood of the Different Outcomes of the Distribution of Fish in a Patchy Environment
The large fish consume twice as many resources as the small ones; the habitat on the left has twice as many
resources as that on the right. The resources on each side match the consumption on each side in all four sce-
narios shown. The Ideal Free Distribution (IFD) describes the situation when there are twice as many fish on the
left as on the right; undermatching occurs when there are fewer fish at the richer site than expected under the
IFD, overmatching when there are more. An ahistorical approach to estimating the likelihood of the different
distributions looks at the fraction of possible combinations of large and small fish in each scenario. This calcu-
lation implies the IFD-matching solution is by far the most likely, because it affords more possible combinations.
If, instead, we assemble the system over time, introducing individual fish randomly and allowing them to choose
the richer resource contingent on the fish already there, the undermatching 7:5 ratio is the most likely. See
Spencer et al. (1995) for details. See the online edition for a color version of this figure.

approaches give different answers to the ways less, the initial response of the population
in which the fish will likely be distributed, but was due mostly to increases in the frequency
the latter, by incorporating contingency and of the major allele, which was later driven to
chance, explains a counterintuitive empirical extinction by its pleiotropic effects, as the poly-
observation. genic response slowly facilitated adaptation.
A second illustration is given by the vexed Critically, a population lacking such major-
issue of the relative contributions of major gene variation was at risk of extinction upon
genes versus many polygenes of small effect entering this harsh environment, since its
to a population’s response to natural selec- initial polygenic response would likely be in-
tion. Building on the previous theoretical adequate. In summary, successful polygenic
work of Lande (1983), Gomulkiewicz et al. adaptation can be contingent on transient
(2010) modeled a population possessing both major-gene variation.
sorts of genetic variation that invades a harsh
new environment. In a particularly interest-
ing example, they assumed (as is often the History as Chance
case) that the originally uncommon major An even less well-behaved version of his-
allele had significant negative pleiotropic ef- tory as contingency adds stochasticity to the
fects in addition to its positive consequences equation. Anything contingent on random
in the new environment. At equilibrium, they events becomes impossible rather than merely
found that major allele was extinct; the re- difficult to predict. Genetic drift, for instance,
sponse was all down to polygenes. Neverthe- ensures that isolated populations of the same

species will become genetically differentiated in the same order will give the same result.
even in identical environments. If and when The choice made by the model fish is com-
the environment does change, any conse- pletely deterministic, contingent only on which
quent natural selection will have in these pop- fish are already at each site.
ulations different material on which to work.
It is important to distinguish between his-
tory as contingency and history as chance. History as Chaos
Biological modelers often subsume complex Even deterministic systems can behave
aspects of contingency into random elements, quite unexpectedly, a property mathemati-
glossing over the exact reasons—or perhaps cians call chaos (Li and Yorke 1975). Cru-
ignorant of them—for small deviations from cially, chaotic systems need not be at all
the predicted outcome. Countless papers con- complicated: the recursion equation
tain an equation with a final term “+ ε” where xt+1 = ax t ð1 − xt Þ (1)
ε is normally distributed with mean zero and
some small variance. Tellingly, this addition is is chaotic if a = 3:8, for example (May 1975;
invariably known as the “error” and is placed see Figure 2). Note that Equation (1) is one
at the very end of the line, almost as an after- version of the well-known logistic difference
thought. Nevertheless, contingency, being equation for population growth. (Perhaps
deterministic, is conceptually different from the more usual formation of this equation
random chance. is Nt+1 = Nt ð1 + r ð1 − Nt =K ÞÞ. Equation (1)
Admittedly, discriminating contingency can be recovered, however, by defining xt =
from chance is not always straightforward. r =ð1 + r ÞðNt =K Þ and a = 1 + r .)
The competitive-fish example above might In the defining feature of chaotic systems,
seem like chance, because in the historical the state variable of the system (the value of
models the fish are introduced into the sys- xn+1 in our equation) does not approach an
tem in a random order. But any two simula- equilibrium. Instead, the values either cycle
tions of the model in which the fish arrive among a certain number of values (this

Figure 2. Chaotic Behavior in a Deterministic System

The iterations over time for Equation (1) with a = 3:8 and x0 = 0:5. Note that there is no discernible period to
the iterations.

number being the “period” of the cycle, and equilibrial behavior of its systems, the proper-
any number is possible) or, far more likely, ties of the fixed points of the model equations,
iterate around completely different values possible locations of the system when history
(effectively a cycle of infinite period). This be- is finished. Such a perspective is particularly
havior is not unpredictable (since the equa- amenable to mathematical techniques (and,
tion can tell us exactly what value we will get indeed, for that reason was inherent in much
next if we know exactly where we are now), early mathematical biology), but it can close
but it is close. This predictability is important, our eyes to some of the ways we can improve
because it has allowed the development of our understanding of biology.
analytical tools that enable short-term pre- To give a nonecological example, in ex-
diction (e.g., Sugihara and May 1990). Finally, plaining why deleterious mutations (such as
chaotic systems are not merely mathemati- that leading to Tay-Sachs disease) are ever
cal esoterica: for example, measles epidem- found in natural populations, almost all text-
ics exhibit chaotic dynamics (Sugihara and books (e.g., Nielsen and Slatkin 2013) quote
May 1990). the formula for the so-called “mutation-se-
lection balance”pfrequency
of a deleterious
recessive allele, m=s (in which m is the mu-
History as Capriciousness tation rate from the wild-type allele to the
Part of the reason for ignoring ecological mutant and s is the selection coefficient
and evolutionary history may be the sense that against the homozygous recessive). Yet al-
it is too fickle for proper scientific study. Pop- most never do these same textbooks note
ulation geneticist Richard Lewontin (1966) that the rate of approach to this equilibrium
was one of the first to demonstrate the con- value is painfully slow (and so the observed
sequences of history that did not involve frequency in any real population may not
chance or chaos in his computer simulation be an equilibrium and parameter estimates
of temporally varying viability selection at a derived from this frequency, assuming it is,
single locus. Exactly the same selection pres- may be inaccurate). This tardiness should
sures presented in a different order caused not be confused with the additional effect
utterly different allele-frequency dynamics. of genetic drift, which, in finite populations,
Worse, this deterministic system behaved more produces small random changes in the fre-
unexpectedly than a truly stochastic one be- quency of the mutation. In small populations,
cause it did not even follow the usual statistical especially, drift lowers the mean frequency
rules, such as the “Law of Large Numbers.” (Wright 1937), and so the deterministic equi-
This law states that as our sample size increases, librium value given by the standard formula
our knowledge of the system also increases. may never be attained, nor will this value be
As a concrete example, for most statistical dis- the average over time.
tributions, the means of larger samples are So not only is history completely over-
closer to the true mean of the distribution. looked by our textbooks but, perhaps more
Lewontin termed this behavior “capricious.” importantly, the likelihood that the system is
The failure to behave in a statistically reliable not at equilibrium yet (and so the mutation
way—“things do not average out”—is what is significantly rarer or commoner than pre-
distinguishes capriciousness from chance dicted) is ignored. Indeed, the way the mod-
and contingency. els are usually presented never even raises
in our minds the possibility of history: “solv-
ing” the model means finding the equilibria
History as Approach (and possibly characterizing these points as
The apparent lack of generality engen- unstable, locally or globally stable).
dered by these versions of history led mathe- Ironically, all is not lost—we can include
matical ecologists to develop the ahistorical history, say, “history as the approach toward
outlook that prevails today, not only in ecol- an equilibrium”—even if we insist on a math-
ogy, but also in population genetics. Kingsland ematical treatment. The speed at which a pop-
(1985) noted that this view emphasizes the ulation progresses toward the equilibrium

allele frequency is easily calculated (by con- self ), genomic reduction may also be con-
sidering the difference between the leading tingent on which other endosymbionts are
eigenvalue and unity). Nevertheless, this ver- present within the host (Douglas 2016).
sion of history is rather weak: we are simply
waiting for the end of history, when the equi-
librium is reached. History as Construction
Focusing on the process of how biological
systems evolve or are constructed over time in-
History as Constraint volves a realization that the equilibrial prop-
The way in which history can act as a con- erties are an incomplete—and sometimes
straint on evolution and ecology is similar to misleading—summary of the way the system
its contingent role. They differ in that con- behaves. This change of viewpoint can be crit-
tingency (at least as I have used it here) is ical in answering some of the more enduring
about the consequences of the actors who questions in both ecology and evolutionary
happen to be present in the current system, biology that have to do with the persistence
whereas constraint is about what has already of variation: Why do we see so many species
taken place to build the system. By seriously in natural ecosystems (May 1973)? Why do
considering the constraining nature of his- we see so many alleles in natural populations
torical events (rather than dismissing them (Lewontin 1974)?
as ungeneralizable), we can often gain con- The ahistorical approach to these questions
siderable insight. led to a conundrum: the parts of mathemati-
Consider, as an example, the reduction in cal parameter space affording multispecies
genome size of a number of eubacteria living communities (May 1973) or selectively main-
in specialized environments, such as the cy- tained multiallele polymorphisms (Lewontin
toplasm of various invertebrate species. Buch- et al. 1978; see Figure 3a) are miniscule. In
nera in aphids and Wolbachia in a wide variety the latter case, these results were (and are)
of arthropods come to mind (Correa and widely held to mean that natural selection
Ballard 2016; Gil and Latorre 2019). These could not maintain large numbers of alleles
organisms have evolved from ancestors with (e.g., Kimura 1983; Charlesworth 2006; Glo-
much larger genomes and we can learn much ria-Soria et al. 2012; Ejsmond et al. 2014;
about essential gene function by seeing which Radwan et al. 2020). But this inference is a
parts of the genome have been eliminated in logical fallacy. Quite generally, the magni-
the course of their evolution (Wernegreen tude of some fraction of parameter space tells
2017). us almost nothing about the likelihood that
The simplest approach to this question was real parameters actually occur there (Spen-
naively ahistorical: we could elucidate which cer and Chiew 2015).
genes are indispensable by compiling a list Incorporating history into these models,
of those that are present in all such eubac- by letting new species invade a community
teria. Very quickly, however, this catalog of (Taylor 1988) or novel mutations arise in a
critical genes became far too small, approxi- population (Spencer and Marks 1988; Marks
mately 80 (Koonin 2000). Clearly, different and Spencer 1991; see Figure 3b) one at a
lineages have taken different paths toward time, resolved the paradox (and revealed the
a minimal genome, often satisfying the same logical error). These “constructionist” models
functional requirement with nonhomologous (Taylor 2005) showed that the tiny variation-
genes. History really matters here: which preserving parts of parameter space were com-
genes are eliminated is constrained by what monly reachable via a natural process (species
has already gone (Moran 2002). Indeed, two invasion and population dynamics, and mu-
flavors of history are acting in concert in this tation with selection, respectively). In other
example. Because the genetic machinery en- words, stable multispecies communities and
abling different aspects of metabolic func- selectively maintained multiallele polymor-
tion can be shared among different long-term phisms are easily constructed over time. I has-
endosymbionts (and sometimes the host it- ten to point out that there are other legitimate

Figure 3. Ahistorical and Historical Models of the Likelihood of Single-Locus Polymorphisms

a. The proportion of random sets of constant viabilities that afford full polymorphism for different numbers
of alleles (after Lewontin et al. 1978). b. The distribution of the number of alleles after 10,000 generations of
a constructionist simulation of the single-locus constant-viability model of selection (after Marks and Spencer
1991). See the online edition for a color version of this figure.

reasons why selection may not actively main- ing flux, new variation arising continually via
tain genetic polymorphisms, but the small size mutation and all alleles heading for eventual
of the relevant parts of parameter space is not extinction via genetic drift (Kimura 1983).
one of them. Nevertheless, even this theory emphasizes a
But perhaps the most important conse- steady state, at which the level of genetic varia-
quence of including historical construction tion (measured, for example, by heterozygos-
into the mathematical modeling has been ity) reaches an equilibrium value. In ecology,
the ongoing fruitful areas of investigation that the theory of island biogeography (Mac-
would never have been possible without such Arthur and Wilson 1967) takes a similar view:
a perspective. For instance, Maynard et al. an island’s fauna is turning over in perpetuum,
(2018) have shown that a number of patterns but local extinctions are matched by restock-
observed in ecological networks are not se- ing with immigrants to give an equilibrium
lected directly. Rather they are the incidental level of species diversity. Hence, it could be ar-
consequences of the process of community as- gued that neither of these emphases is truly
sembly, so called “spandrels” sensu Gould and historical because the emphasis remains equi-
Lewontin (1979). In an example from popu- librial. Nevertheless, both of these theories do
lation-genetic theory, Trotter and Spencer allow a genuine historical perspective. For ex-
(2008) showed that sufficiently fit mutant ample, once a steady state has been reached,
alleles could always invade a population gov- we can calculate the expected distribution of
erned by a very general model of frequency- heterozygosity under neutrality instead of just
dependent selection. In a sense, then, such the mean of the distribution. Even the steady-
populations never reach equilibrium; histor- state requirement can be relaxed: we can also
ical construction is never-ending. examine the path heterozygosity takes on its
way to the steady state (Nei et al. 1975). Both
of these theories have the virtue of causing us
History as Turnover to ask whether our biological system is (or can
In spite of the exclusively equilibrial view of ever be) at equilibrium, a question that can
many mathematical models in biology, some easily be overlooked.
biological theories have always contained
some explicit history. The highly mathemat-
ical neutral theory of molecular evolution, History as Template
for instance, is overtly nonequilibrial, por- Even the uniqueness of a single historical
traying genetic variation as being in everlast- contingency does not preclude its scientific

analysis or modeling. Such events can be in- most certainly be due to contingency, chance,
vestigated using phylogenetic methods, for and chaos. But I think it important to distin-
example, allowing us to view them as provid- guish between these reasons because they im-
ing evolution with a template on which to ply fundamentally different causes amenable
work. An increasingly common approach in- to different lines of investigation. Contingent
volves deriving, from a set of, say, molecular events need not be chaotic, nor are chaotic
data, a confident estimate of the phyloge- processes governed by chance. In the case of
netic history of the group of interest and then the tape of life, was the course of evolution
mapping a second data set, say, of morphol- dependent on, for example, the interactions
ogy or behavior, onto this tree. Instead of dis- of particular species that may or may not have
missing the origin of a particular feature as been present in the biota of certain regions
irreducibly contingent (or worse, telling an (contingency), the particular mutations that
ad hoc just-so story about it), we can see from occurred in the genomes of ancestral taxa
what it was derived and into what it later (chance), or the particular values of spe-
evolved. For instance, hypotheses concerning cies’ population sizes (potentially chaotic).
the evolution of social displays involved in Of course, almost certainly, all three of these
courtship of the cormorants and their rela- flavors of history were involved.
tives were able to be tested by mapping these Sorting out which flavors were critical at
behaviors onto phylogenetic trees based on particular times, while scientifically challeng-
morphological and genetic data (Kennedy ing, vastly improves our explanations, not only
et al. 1996). In turn, this mapping anticipated of what happened, but also of what did not
that the pied cormorant (Phalacrocorax va- happen. A good example is given by Raup
rius) stretched its neck upward during the and Gould (1974), who showed that what
gape display, a prediction that was subse- appear to be selectively driven directional
quently verified. A similar use of phylogenies evolutionary changes that built on contingent
to illuminate unique historical events such as events may instead be the consequences of
host shifts in parasites involves comparing chance. This paper was, in fact, an explicit at-
the evolutionary trees of hosts and their para- tempt to move that most historical and partic-
sites. For example, Johnson and Clayton (2003) ularist of evolutionary sciences, paleontology,
showed that the wing lice that parasitize pi- toward explanations that were statistically ro-
geons and doves have done so for a much bust and generalizable.
longer time than these birds’ body lice. By Furthermore, de-emphasizing the equi-
necessity, explanations of unique historical librium-focused approach to modeling can
events are particular to a single biological sys- open our eyes to aspects of the problem that
tem (cormorant behaviors; lice and pigeon we may otherwise have never considered. For
coevolution); what is general is, of course, example, the constructionist evolutionary sim-
the method. ulations discussed above raised the previously
unforeseen question of why any loci should
be monomorphic, given how easily polymor-
Why Does All of This Matter? phisms arose (Spencer and Marks 1988). In
Most fundamentally, a proper consider- the case of the loss of genes in the insect en-
ation of the different flavors of history leads dosymbionts, having a historical view raises
to a deeper understanding of that history. questions about whether losses might have
To give a concrete example, three of these occurred in different orders and which genes
flavors—contingency, chance, and chaos— might be lost in the future (Wernegreen 2017).
have been emphasized (and, I believe, con- The application of phylogenetic methods to
flated) by the late Stephen Jay Gould with the study of hosts and their parasites rejuve-
his metaphor of the “tape of life” (Gould nated the field of coevolution, so that now
1989). If this tape were replayed, Gould we ask new questions about, for instance, the
argued, evolution would have followed an rates at which parasites “miss the boat” during
entirely different course. The reason why evo- range-expanding colonization events (e.g.,
lutionary history would be different would al- MacLeod et al. 2010) or which host tree

topologies have more infected species (e.g., curred as the ancestors of modern European
Engelstädter and Fortuna 2019). and Asian humans moved out of Africa, for
Thinking “beyond the equilibrium” also instance, remain in those populations today
gives us a much more informed perspective. (Auton et al. 2015). Torres et al. (2020) have
Indeed, population biologists have known for shown that the effects of purifying selection
almost 100 years that the rate of approach to in nonequilibrium populations (such as those
equilibrium is actually more important than recovering from a bottleneck) cannot be accu-
the point itself (Fisher 1924). Yet our over- rately modeled using classical equilibrium ap-
whelming concern with equilibria (and, proaches. These nonequilibrium populations
undoubtedly, the relative ease with which can exhibit surprising dynamics, especially in
equilibrium value(s) can be calculated) easily the short term.
beguiles us. Consider, for instance, the pop- In closing, I want to be clear that I am not
ulation genetics of rare deleterious alleles saying that searching for biological equilib-
that are fully recessive. A breeding strategy ria is not worthwhile. Clearly, knowing some-
in which carriers of these alleles mated only thing about the stability or otherwise of a
with homozygotes for the dominant wild- dynamical system is of fundamental impor-
type allele would initially lead to a great re- tance. But I think we can do so much more:
duction, if not the complete elimination, of it is crucial that ecologists and evolutionary
the disadvantageous genotype, since all of the biologists incorporate a more historical per-
deleterious alleles would thence be “masked” spective into their thinking. Such a change
in the heterozygous state. Such a scheme is essential when a substantial number of
has been practiced to reduce the incidence biological systems are not at equilibrium
of Tay-Sachs disease in ultra-Orthodox Jews (as island biogeography and neutral evolu-
in New York City (Merz 1987). Campbell tion imply); history as turnover may be all-
(1987) was worried, however, that masking important. Moreover, as the competing fish
would eventually lead to disastrous public- example reveals, this change would benefit
health consequences. He pointed out that our explanations and understanding of the
the recessive alleles would increase in fre- natural world even if an equilibrium world-
quency, reaching an equilibrium at which view were correct. We may be at an equi-
masking was no longer possible and many librium, but how we got there determined
people would die. But Campbell’s concern which one of several possibilities was real-
ignores the issue of how long this eventual- ized. Thinking more seriously about history
ity would take. The increase is glacially slow, naturally entails working out what roles it
driven by mutation. Paul and Spencer (1988) plays in our study system. My list of historical
estimated that the time involved was approxi- flavors is not meant to be exhaustive; rather
mately one million years (more than 40,000 it should be seen a stimulus for further inves-
generations at 25 years per generation), by tigations. And there may well be differences
which time any public-health imperatives would between theoretical studies and empirical re-
likely be unrecognizable. search, or between scientific investigations in
Going “beyond the equilibrium” really evolution and those in ecology, in the degree
matters from an empirical viewpoint as well. of emphasis placed on equilibria. Whatever
There is an increasing recognition that many the case, teasing out the many roles various
features of numerous natural populations are different flavors of history play in nature is
not at equilibrium, and we must incorporate much better than rolling them all into one
this aspect into our thinking. For example, and dismissing it as we do “natural history.”
populations that pass through a bottleneck
lose much of their variation relatively quickly, acknowledgments
but it can take a very long time before the lev- I would like to thank Sam Elworthy, Adrian Paterson,
els of selectively neutral diversity build up Sonia Sultan, and Marlene Zuk for helpful discussions
again to the predicted equilibrium of the and comments. Doug Futuyma and an anonymous re-
neutral theory (Nei et al. 1975; Charlesworth viewer also made useful suggestions for improvements
2009). The effects of the bottleneck that oc- on the paper, for which I am most grateful.


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