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disabildy is a Londitiem umidss judzedo be siqui=
icantly impaind nelatiseto thsAsual tassdard eL a
naliuiolual funchiuiaianeludiung huysical impainasneat
Seaasay_ mpaismutyLaqutue inpaidmeut,ihte lleciua
paismLat , mtudal ilLns Asad vaueus fens clhseuie
lesse wth diiabilityliusth usoald's lasgpad minesty haue
qeneaally lesaer bealtul, keaA edusalional achieemneats,deud=
eceneniz duutis aud higheAatu peily Ahamecfl
without dilabilitus.Thi a ely elue te lachel seuttes
raile ke lo thL Like nlematuän Arnd Louuaita tuint
trckmeley (1Lr), 4nsduis sr Aanspestatien Amdthu mmy
toatarlthuy lain kuiuaydsy Liteshess eataslt
Lan aheal vasidy o- seAAanckadingtheie sekatuing t o
Ahe physita emaiAeiment a thea AeduLtins Aeu lesiilatim
Apaluy Asem Lecietal attitudes diciniuatici

repte wl diabillius aAL at haush hyties Ash ef vietzsLe

Aldse withdiahikties aealmest teua imes ueL i -
l to expesunte ekeauce dhaas nen duabledchldae
ddulis hila dem enm ef ttekeorer disaLillis AL 1:5 tie
mL likely do oeaLcl e etuta thasm hese lit
A disalilit
ddnlis with mendal hislth. tondilent ae al n e

h iuh e exfeimuing viaemce

Tactesa whieh plae peeple with diaakilitisal hiphea sish
Lielemc danclude staA disaimiunlnewrid igusA.
akeut dlisasility as dllAs a lach e seeual susppe-
e theik lurhe taxe e them

a dhu Lihi eall thiae at, th lennunluiu AnAhs

Kighds e4 {easous undh Disahilities Amd ik ieual hde
Cel as adeptd 13 Oecmbe, doo6_do siua phom
te_Patzet amdniun dhe l l rmd LsualLnetues
l i hwsa siaht Aand umdamuntal sedeak ky ak
edseas wtldisabilltiesAmd to Phemeke ispest e the
jalheasant dignt4
lhe Lewunuiw was adeptad at the ulkd Naiieus eadzn
andoss iw New Yea: t. epenaLo Ao sianatnes n 3otk Mansh
ooi Aad Lasms isato fet s 3 Mal, doo8 leums aiiië
atnon by the d, Jtate lady

he Lemunie, LumARutlyhas 185dtatu faxtus Amd uas t

i s t Hunpan kishuts Tseatyto biNatjied a Alsienal integ
tun LÁzansisatien theEusepeas Umien:
Leseniuosn adepts a arnadCakeyeuzauen effese tutt
diabiltis amd AekfimsAhat all "pesiens 1uitliall types
olisalilitins must Lauey all huuaa Aiqits and Lnda
t a l fMLdems:I clasutisAnd qualifiis hèur all cati^etus e

M)htikei f the Leuuentuon n Kizhs alemen w i t Aisabildias

Page 03

Aihdsapply to femo withdisakiltiu asndadedihis a-

aa h daptAtow hae to be made en pemeus w e
ailities do elfetuiely exeneise thei Ai_tatsdad asuas L
huin siglat kane kein elatrd, dmd urhe PAsÁectus
histt aut he Addesced

aitinoy tfuinipts Ok AONntUOP

h A Lht 4undins pipkes that aderln tha
aKespect_ou inkesemt disutyimdisnLdsual asuteneuag dsaak
din the edem to milae uis e a LlheicesAmddnae
pemdem epeMes
b eu disciisainadin.
lL d etus aatucupathoi Asad imelusLen m Áeiuly
_dKesect dibasce sadaLetancL aAaA 1unlh.
diskbiiti aslant. f humamliresitasad humsassd

Eaulity betuneemw a a anad weatua
Kepert t LLolincapaiuiuis ef childsa uitt d
aliekamd Apeet fosth Aisht. e aildsen utsdisas
tdi to Pwe Ahtin identitts

)lik3e he ouentisw on Riyhts s lemeua with Qisabilitis.


envtal OBtigoiion C Tatts

Leentuen umdn shtuile , ha Paevidso 4nnal oelis.
tians daAhs stat. lantis fer Ahu pul aealisatuen dal!
hunam ights Omd melasmesatal audem all_peMes
uitdisabiletuis te inatasnce, Jlate aatuis shall nderts
h : ado adept all appaepaiate lesialatuin administh
ie and ethr maAune t the inplmntahei ef aizhts
EZo tahr al apphopiate sneakuss, ekudsng lraialalzane
to aedilu er Abolish existun Lasus AtuklailessLusles
And paatëces khat Lensliduuka disoiminatuom asasmst pes
ns t h disakutikis
doTahs into ascemt tspastuksin And Aemeiuss
LelicasAsad pÄesaamamè

sJaacomAiateut 1witk das Lenuuanthi Amd to emdius

Hhat puh antheiutus Amd insdidutiens Act An Lenlen:
it wit LLe LenntienJAith Asasd ie 2enese deta
and sultuhal Ausbts
a artu_malentaaer do taas measunes to the Maaxinus
aailasle Aweuts, and uhie AaeLded, 1arithui
he aasmaer aA inteaatueiualco-eferaluew,wth a iu
do acheasims paesively Arnd ule ArAlisaicu f tius
Aisls ithout fAijudie t Ahese ehljatesCeutaued ti
pheseat lenuthtw Lat -AseAmmebliatuly pplicalele ae
Adainz o Amtennational a u

Montents Ok TheAOENliO
Ikelenueulin incerpeatu falloug naties, as it
Lentents do be lersdumd by klhs AtAte Pautis
Katpqp4 Cotmlsus anedo Lombal steuetypes And PAcu=
ius dnd laemet Aiueasisncss h Lajalki lha
eseas il disalitities as the thams e persepheas ia
ssedaal io mapAèu ths didnadien pese thdinsil
sumtsis aseo 4uaAaadie that lessPns wit diaslilt,
a l bai 1it
Lsile 10) nsuk thr espual Aishka dnd aduascase
t ufm And Aisls witb diaaliitas (hhiile 6) Asmd
etit saildsn i t disabilitin (tiele Lhildhe utl
disabililais Bkal haw zual saizht Alall net be scpasatu
i t i i lasenta asaimst Lhil will, exupt urtieahueuu
eitis ditesmmide tat this 2s aiaskilda kut dintenesti
And i e Aa shall ke dLparatd hem te Pasend
aseat tcle 23)

LeuniaisA do Lsnsuha ka the leseus itt disabiliies

hs LLl i t Ao esAnd inlerit paefestyioetiel
inasncil allaiA Amd Ao haue Liabeces fo hah Leaus
a c d i t asmd meitiasesMAcle 11 lkey Ane o lmstuL CaLal

Amd maae ksL h a t fersus l h disabitities Lujey tlAil


do luberdy Amd senity and a net depMiLd t h a

Lihend elassdully Arsitaaily (dike 14).
|Leuntri musi paetect the phuypical anad.meutalintyut,
&Ahesems1td disabilitie, just as 1e eALNAOu
ese dskiile 12) Gussautudmedem n Aetu asd Laen
Lsuel,mhiuma desaadain aeateata pusistadmB
And paelaibit medital e Asieeti, epeiaeut 41tbeut
kha LensLt e the lersen Lentened kicle 15)

leens ith disabilituis A Met te be subjeted o Aka

|asyAllza JtensesLAaLe 1uA Ahiis PAisras jassauly, hen
eMes,Kealt cndNhsliLtatan insoma&hon is do
be Paetuted lih that e hesdktirke i l

LenAenten Lauuuies te nisiis to idemtils a n d eliminat

ehstackesand basAiea Amd ensue that feu wiih
diabiiuis Laascm tess lnuiAenmeut,ApeAtales
Publi aithis amd serii md sid eAealues dsad Les
ssilatnsn duchneleyy
le id diasilikis mAst he able to Lie dundepessd
As to be mcluded in ths Cemutityio theoe
a d ith honn to liu Amd do hauk aeLs de t
oL sidendial dsad conutunuty suflet deMices (htiu 1
Yesea loseilityamd imdepevdesutan to he etenwl
byacilitatuig alferdrklepesenel mokilityainis
Pag Of

mabita akill amd accesdo uehlky

asListie uhmoleis nd liieassistanleeads, di
Letumlus AL toPremete acces te lesmas by Pe
Wangdnesinatuon inteudrd an the 3eaisal puhliesen
ikliemats amd Auchmelezin, hy acilita~lhuis .
Asse Kaalle, sLin lampunze nd sthen ems
LAMMUsmsCaniw abmd bu eaiLenaing he meadia Ar
mteamet Pseaides do ahe n liui ineualuon
Lke in accesibl esmat htide 21)
Disiminatnou hased e maiazp, asnly onnd ferseual
alskuen shall be eliminsded: lesens ihdisakilatir
Ahalla thu ual DDeAtunady to eypesiesace paALsaier
to maA_ amd Ao ha alilto a alkcea de
haecutiue Amd lamilas _plaaanisn Ldmca tue aud meas

aAdianshiladship",auatecship lesad Aadeptiei

childsen ticl 23)
Lenti as o lsmán Lual astiaPaduón da Pahlical
nd publn ll nckadim
the aisht Zo \=eido Atand
so ldrins nd do held ehie dsticle 21
D maSe Lesns 1Anthdisabi tes do
attauu maxnnum
indepehdiace 2sad aki lity, Loundsis 6i do_ PAeide
Lomphnhimsiun hakilitation dmd Achabilitalho dznvice
L t h AALasÅ healLE, Lmflioymest
amd Lducaten
ohtcle 26)_
Page 09

To lnsuL mplment.atnn amd. mannteiu e h Lee

A CoAAndsis a te dssignat a ecal Pet wdiu
goLLAnAkut AmdAat a natueual meakamissan o
el Amd aeiids mplemtatum hilu 3

eAtadep ended expext ilAmceie Pesieelie Aepe~s

h Leaeantuisn tls3 o 31

Cptionat Fotoco
Atienal hetecel to the tonustnduesw nthu Rizht of leseas
hdkDisakiithis uaa adeptud aleng wth tle
mahe Lemme
Ader do paeuide iskts to 'the ladilidunals to

blitisth leuuttee)Tadinidunls ta omnita Ha uiiusns-

o te lennutla
4hele1_asa 1 elthe epuoual Aetecel lys edeu LAatA
h u Leufetesmte s th-
t a t let do thi lAetetel MLe4nises
Lesknttu n th Rishts e Yasens with Dinbultiis
Amd Lnside LemmMLisnicaises ena Ae hebal
eadiidusls 0 AAeups Amdiurouals Suuheet to ts
unidictuin dnrtho claiun tehe ictims el aLelakheis bq tla
Jtato Fal, ef the Paeunsieus ef ibe Lenenzduen: hCeu
tre hall Lensides A lemiaumicalu inaadissiblL Le
atheLemaaunicatuen AmouyneuA,
b)AL oamticatuin as ille tended e net sudhicieutly

whenalL aailakle dmestiu Anedics hae uei bee

Semnuttre Ahall bai nLmmumicabies Aubmitta=
doit Lanldentiall to Le atteutueu dthe dtat1 lat
alutlauwedil aanthsthsALmiui Atat hall dubsmit
ths Lommuttu Wtte Lyplassatuiw L
AmA kafaa=
uns Lhe mattes asmd ih LssnLde
haleumttiL ALui
bsaakalnes oy That dtad:
es_Akialke JoeAsmdalsen issedicatuing 9A AA dystemnalu
nelations bya Atade lasdy e i &d tetho Ale
th Lemittu'shall ianuritu that ddate
ast Ao_le-epesat in the euamuinaie h a sne
e and Ao Ahs Lsad kubmit thAenAadens
Aaad o th Ainlemakei LnLned: The
O ia4Juisy Dord lo Ålet JAA aktly do t h
altis iu ainss dmto acLetint Amu ebAtaAaluea a i aa
a em &ublkatted hy the State laty Cenceued A
ell as emy Ahes inlesnaatue Ailalele Zo it. Aft
eaminins the fisnolinss Lueh Am tasuss4th lesaitl
shall tamsmit"AhuL tidins do th stat"Yaty Lenceued

Hate lauty Lenteincd dhaL hithus dir mertu eceii

th unoliuss, Cemments Amol Accemnesdaliés tAinstte
y the Leuittee, suk

i tkmby centluded hat Lnuseaiw oeztis

leaseus uith"Diabilities MLeLnise Zhat tus eziiimt
basies Lenstitmts aLsaalL Lempentsst
Uudesthe lodtaataosnL, dinahiliks is dn lireluiuz Lenin
that xAulta an dintisacden hetuln pews ut
AnpasJaaesnis Aad attutudismal Asnd lmsuiacumindal
basiesthat himdes thui pull amd elleiue fastcrpate
ia decie aw lpMal bas 1uxi ethem.

deerssibilt, And nclusien e pesseus ithdisabiulis


lislt leaseus i Dlabilikis And a het ky

iekii but alse pa-ALGuiutes Ahe loajeymumt e

disakilthis to liue dsndepesadeutl md lastiafat ully .

all asects e Amd dwelepmesat tsdlls upen tat
to kah appAepMat mLeaas ' msLAAe tkat Peleus its
disabeliti' Le aces de all aet Aecley Au

aLaal basis AnlL. gthess,As lL'as do Adenti and


elininsdi thstasles Arnd 6asaiess to accihilik

e Lenntui Åmpoutaut beLcause i t :

claiis th Aishts ef_peM untk diakilities
Lels out ALf2ustailitis do Afect thex Aihti
Aimoles inclusise And Accisile Adue lepmet
nsuseshatuonal tLintenatieal meideuiy dight

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