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Bachelor of Health Science (Hons) in Nursing
NUR2029 Maternal and Infant Care
2022/2023 Semester 2

Teaching Schedule

Teaching team
Dr. Bonnie Tam (BT)[CC] 31906714
Dr. Candy Wu (CW) 37256219
Ms. Carrie Kan (CK) 61003976
Ms. Jenny Tse (JT) 37256220
Ms. Belle Lau (BL) 37256280
Remarks: course coordinator [CC]

Course objectives
This course aims to develop students’ ability to deliver safe and competent care for maternal and infant
clients. Therapeutic communications and empathy are emphasized.

Course intended learning outcomes

Upon completion of the course, students should be able to:
a. explain the process of reproduction, fetal growth and development, and the changes
that occur during pregnancy and delivery;
b. integrate the required knowledge and skills to perform assessments on the mother,
neonate/fetus, and the family in the antenatal, perinatal and postnatal periods;
c. differentiate and prioritize the care for family, mother and neonate in the antenatal,
perinatal and post-natal periods while addressing their physiological, psychological,
emotional, social, and spiritual needs;
d. employ nurturing health strategies for clients and families of different cultural, ethnic,
religious and socioeconomic backgrounds; and
e. distinguish the nurse’s role in the family throughout the provision of the period of
pregnancy, delivery and postpartum.
Course Outline

Lecturer Lecture (2 hrs) Laboratory (2 hrs) Seminar (1 hr)

Week (real-time hybrid) (face-to-face) (face-to-face)
1 BT Course overview Laboratory 1: Intra-
Preparation for and diagnosis of dermal injection

2 BT Physio-psychological changes Laboratory 2:

and adaptation to pregnancy Antenatal care I.
Antenatal nursing assessment Maternal
assessment -
antenatal history
taking; head-to-toe
3 BT Fetal development & Seminar 1:
assessment Case study on
Needs and care of the antenatal care
expectant Family

4 BT Labour and birth process Seminar 2: Case

study on postnatal

5 BT General care of the woman Laboratory 3:

during labour Antenatal care II.
Fetal assessment:
palpation, fetal
heart sound
6 BT Pregnancy at risk Seminar 3:
Discussion and
consultation for
group care plan

7 BT Care of the newborn Seminar 4:

Infant nutrition: breastfeeding Discussion and
and formula feeding consultation for
care plan

Submission of
formative peer
evaluation form

8 BT Newborn assessment Online

Growth and development in consultation
infancy (1)
9 BT Common health problems and Online
Laboratory 4: Infant
management in infants care I. consultation
Breast & bottle
Submission of
summative peer

10 BT Needs and care for the Laboratory 5: Infant

Submission of care
postpartum family plan
care II.
Baby bathing;
umbilical cord care,
diaper change
11 BT Health promotion and health
maintenance for infants

12 BT Contemporary issues in
and infant care

13 BT Professional development in
midwifery nursing and

14 BT Consolidation

Please refer to Power Campus for the arrangement of laboratory and seminar grouping

Attendance and punctuality

1) Students are expected to attend all scheduled classes for which they have registered.

2) Under normal circumstances, students may not be allowed to sit for the course examination if they are
reported to have attended less than 80 percent of the course’s scheduled classes. They will receive a Grade F
in the course.

3) Students are expected to attend classes on time. Those who are late for more than 20 minutes without a
strong justification will be regarded as absent, and may not be allowed to join the class when it may disturb
respective class progress.

4) Students are required to submit written assignment on time. If students fail to submit written assignment by
the designated deadline, every 10 percent of final marks of the assignment will be deducted for each
calendar day.

5) For group presentation assessment session, all members of the presentation group are expected to attend the
assessment session on time. If a student is absent from the group presentation assessment session, he or she
will receive a Grade F as his/her presentation grading. He/she may be allowed for supplementary work, as
per presentation class assessor’s discretion, if a strong justification is given on his/her absence.
Course assessment
Assessment components Weighting Assessment / due date
1. Laboratory participation 10% All laboratory sessions (1 to 5)
2. Case study 30% Due on 24 March 2023 @12:00 (week 10)
3. Written test 60% TBC

1. Laboratory participation aims to develop skill performance in lab sessions. Students are required
to be actively involved in skill practice and skill return demonstration with a satisfactory level of
performance in each lab session. Appendix I is the rubric for the assessment of lab participation.
Students are required to have 100% attendance, and ZERO marks will be given to that particular

absent laboratory session.

2. Case study - group written assignment

2.1 This assignment aims to assess students’ through teamwork. Students are required to
work in a group of 4 or 5 and submit ONE written assignment in the form of a nursing care
plan. Case scenarios involving both maternal and infant care are used for this written assignment,
which will be uploaded to Blackboard later for student groups’ selection. Students are required to
adopt the Roper-Logan-Tierney Model of Nursing framework to design an optimal nursing
care plan for the selected case. Appendix II is the rubric for the assessment of the group
written assignment.

2.2 Each group of students must upload their assignment to Blackboard and Turnitin by the due date.
Marks will be deducted for late submission of assignments (10% of marks will be deducted each

Zero tolerance of plagiarism is strictly applied to all written assignments in the college.
Students may refer to the Student Handbook 2020/2021 for more information.

Peer evaluation
Each group member is required to complete the peer evaluation form to evaluate the contribution of the
individual member to the group project. Peer evaluation will be carried out in the middle (Week 78) and
near the end (Week 913) of the semester. An individual student who obtains a mean score of 0 to 8 in
the summative evaluation will result in a 30-100% mark deduction of the group assignment as stipulated
by the school policy. Refer to Appendix III for the details of the assessment criteria.

3. Written test
Students’ comprehension of conceptual knowledge underpinning maternity and infant care is assessed through
written tests.
Reading list and references
London, M.L., Wieland Ladewig, P.A.W., Davidson, M.R., Ball, J.W., McGillis Bindler, R.C. &
Cowen, K.J. (2017). Maternal & child nursing care ( 6 edition). Pearson Education, Inc.
Marshall, J., & Raynor, M. (2014). Myles textbook for midwives (16 edition). Churchill

Ladewig, P.W., London, M.L., & Davidson, M.C. (2016). Contemporary maternal-newborn nursing (
9 edition). Pearson.

Murray, S.S. & McKinney, E.S. (2014). Foundations of maternal-newborn and women nursing (
6 edition). Elsevier.

Perry, S. E., Hockenberry, M.J., Lowdermilk, D.L., & Wilson, D. (2013). Maternal child nursing care(
5 edition). Mosby.

Pillitteri, A. (2013). Maternal and child health nursing: Care of the childbearing & childrearing family(
7 edition). Lippincott Williams & Wilkins.

American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology (AJOG)
An International Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology (BJOG)
Journal of Midwifery and Women's Health
Journal of Obstetric, Gynecologic and Neonatal Nursing (JOGNN)
Maternal and Child Health Journal

Useful Websites
American Academy of Paediatrics
Centres for Disease Control and Prevention
Center for Health Protection
Department of Health, Hong Kong
Hospital Authority, Hong Kong
Hong Kong Paediatric Nurses Association
Online Birth Centre
The American Congress of Obstetrician and Gynecologists
World Health Organization
Appendix I: Assessment Rubric for Laboratory Participation


Criteria (Observable descriptors indicating the extent to which a criterion is met.)
Excellent Satisfactory Fail
(67 – 100%) (50 – 66%) (<49%)
Skills Able to perform skills independently Able to perform skills with minimal Unable to perform skills even with
(25%) assistance and/or verbal cues assistance and/or verbal cues
Knowledge Demonstrate sound knowledge of disease Demonstrate reasonable knowledge in Demonstrate poor understanding of disease
(25%) management and nursing care during disease management and nursing care management and nursing care
discussions during discussions
Attitude Actively participate in practice with Participate in practice with appropriate Do not participate in practice, or participate
(25%) appropriate manner and behaviour manner and behaviour in practice in an inappropriate manner
and/or behaviour
Punctuality Being punctual in all laboratory sessions Being punctual in most of the laboratory Being late in most of the laboratory
(25%) sessions sessions

Appendix II: Assessment Rubric for Care Plan - Written Assignment


Criteria (Observable descriptors indicating the extent to which a criterion is met.)
Excellent (A) Good (B) Satisfactory (C) Barely Pass (D) Fail (F)
(90 – 100%) (76 – 89%) (63 – 75%) (50 - 72%) (0 – 49%)
Content Thorough coverage of the Generally good coverage of Fair coverage of topic but Minimal coverage of topic; Incomplete with significant
(50%) topic with balanced topic; needs better balanced awkward or slightly biased; some biased/awkward gaps; mostly
treatment of different treatment of different needs more evidence or perspectives; demonstrate biased/awkward
perspectives; demonstrates a perspectives; demonstrate better organization; superficial understanding of perspectives; demonstrate
adequate understanding of demonstrate basic the issue/problem poor understanding of the
deep understanding of the
issue/problem the issue/problem understanding of the issue/problem
Logic and Strong application and Generally good application Fair application and Little application and No/wrong application and
rationale practices of the nursing and practices of the nursing practices of the nursing practices of the nursing practices of the nursing
(30%) process framework with process framework with process framework with process framework with process framework; very
good fit rationale; very good rationale; fluent; inappropriate rationale at inappropriate or no poor organization;
fluent; high level of medium level of originality times; lack of fluency; low rationale provided; weak originality not observed
originality of work of work level of originality of work organization; minimal level
of originality of work
Presentation Correct and consistent; very Correct but lacking some Some incorrectness and Inconsistent with frequent Incorrect format;
(10%) well proofread consistency; few errors; inconsistency; some errors errors; requires additional inconsistent with numerous
generally well proofread and requires proofreading proofreading errors; no proofreading
Reference Adequate and correct use of Adequate with minor errors Adequate but with regular Inadequate or frequent Inadequate with numerous
(10%) APA format in using the APA format errors in using APA format errors in using APA format errors in using APA format;
or no reference at all
Appendix III Peer Evaluation for Group Work

Course code and title: AY Semester

The mean score for an individual student will be the average of the sum of total scores given by OTHER group members. A student who receives a mean
score of
8 or below may result in a deduction of his/her final mark in the group work as follows:

Mean score Mark deduction

≤ 4 60 - 100% of the total marks in the group work
>4&≤8 30 - 50% of the total marks in the group work

Student name and no.: Group no.: Project topic: _ _

Please rate the performance of other group members according to the score allocation:
5 = excellent | 4 = good | 3 = average | 2 = fair | 1 = weak | 0 = no contribution

Full name of Participation in Contribution of Quality of task Overall Comments

Total score
group member group discussion ideas/planning completed attitude (mandatory for total score < 9)

1. Peer evaluation will be conducted in the middle and at the end of the semester.
2. Only the score at the end of a semester will be considered for mark deduction.
3. The actual percentage of mark deduction will be decided by the course teacher(s).

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