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i Ministry of Education, Youth and Information Primary Exit Profile (PEP 6) February 2019 Ability Test Time: 1 hour 15 minutes Write your name and school below: ‘Name of Student Name of School DO NOT OPEN THIS BOOKLET UNTIL TOLD TO DO SO semen pun nT WENGE MoEvisAUAFem iiosasm0 Ih PLEASE DO NOT WRITE IN THIS D000 @00@0e@e@00eeeeeee0000 1042064 ' DEPT OPE EEE E EE For items 1 to 4, select the word that best completes each statement. ‘Smoke is to fire as cloudisto___. @® wind @ heat © rain ® sn Dog is to puppies as__is to kittens. ® cow @® sheep © tier ‘Whisper is to shout as sleep isto___. @ awake @ bed © a= © tired ‘MOEYUSAU/A Form 1110-341978-6 Hot is to cold as faristo___. (ee ® slow © distance © tong For items 5 and 6, select the word that is a necessary component of the word in bold type. Sandwich © tomato lettuce © meat @ bread balcony kitchen roof, ®©®@OOoO stairway PLEASE 00 NOT WRITE IN THIS AREA Cooc@ecoejee0Ke J MOEYISAUAFem inosine 1042064 TUTEEEE EEE For items 7 to 9, select the word that does not belong to the group. ®@eoeooe G®eeo ®@eeo microwave reftigerator blender television orange pineapple mango carrot passengers stadium spectators customers ‘MOEYUSAU/A Form 1110-341978-6 mn —— St 10. ll. Read the passage carefully then answer items 10 and 11. The first green monkey was brought from Africa to Barbados more than 300 years ago. Now the monkeys are in danger because of men. The monkeys often attack fruit trees and birds, so the farmers shoot them. ‘Also, there is less and less wood land on the island because itis being cleared for building. This ‘means it is more difficult for the green monkeys to find places to live so they move onto farm lands. ‘The mongoose does more damage than monkey. It was brought to the island a hundred years ago to kill rats which were damaging the sugar cane. Now that the rats are under control, the mongooses have started to kill other mammals, reptiles and birds. Adapted Language Tree Workbook ¢ Macrilan Caritas 2007 ___ means the same as "under control”. All dead Fewer Have increased @ © © © What is the writer most concerned about? ® © © ® Saved The rats are in danger. ‘The monkeys are in danger. The farmers are in danger. ‘The mongooses are in danger. ‘MOEYUSAUIA Form 1110-341978-6 1042064 . * a 12. The pictures below show the steps involved in baking a cake. Use them to answer item 12. Which of the following options give a logical sequence to the steps involved in baking a cake? @ 3,1,2,5,4 ® 35,214 © 12,345 © 13,245 MoEvISAUA Fem inioseis6a 13. 14, Identify what comes next in the sequence. seed, plant, blossom, @ apple © branches © nit © eaves Examine the words closely then place them in a logical sequence. belt cow leather skin belt, skin, cow, leather leather, cow, skin, belt cow, skin, leather, belt ® ® © © skin, belt, cow, leather MOEYUSAUIA Form in10aais7e-6 1042064 TUTE EP PPP Pee eee | The pictures below show the steps involved in baking a cake. Use them to answer item 12. 5 Which of the following options give a logical sequence to the steps involved in baking a cake? 3,1,2,5,4 3,5,2,1,4 1,2,3,4,5 ®OeOoO 1,3,2,4,5 MOEYISAUAFom nio3d970 shh ; The words in bold are from an artificial language. Beside each word is its meaning in English. hifonslok ‘means fill cup mersslok means blue cup rospokhifon means land fill Which word could mean fill bottle? © hifonstoch @ pherrospo © phekslok ® rospokslok MOEYUSAUA Form nnoasisec = For items 16 to 18, select the most appropriate word to complete each sentence. 16. 0 18. ‘Yesterday I learnt how to___ flour to make fried dumplings. @_ need @© knead © bake © mast Breakfast is the most important meal of the day because it keeps the brain and boosts blood sugar levels. @® relaxed ® clear © sharp ® rested Normale was given a of bamboo earrings for her birthday. © we © wir © pear © pr PLEASE DO NOT WRITE IN THIS AREA [loco@0Ce@jee@0o MOBYISAUIAFom 110sa97¢0 F 1042064 TEEPE EE EEE EEE EPP PE 19. 20. “true, false, or cannot tell”, in items 19 and 20. Oe neiusion drawn is best described as Passage 1 The history of pizza begins in the distant ast, when various ancient cultures produced basic flatbreads with several toppings. The first pizza was probably made by Italians, Modern pizza developed in Naples, Italy when tomato and toppings were added to the flatbread in the late 18th century. Sous SAU Cape) Passage 2 Bammy is a traditional Jamaican cassava flatbread descended from the simple flatbread eaten by the Tainos, Jamaica’s original inhabitants. Bammies have been consumed long before Columbus came to Jamaica. It is made from cassava flour. It is believed that bammy was first prepared and eaten by native Tainos. The Tainos played an important role in the development of pizza. @ tne @® false © cannot tell Pizza and Bammy have similar beginings. @ tme @® false © cannot telt |MOEYUSAUIA Form 1110-341978-6 10 0 21. 22. Select the number that comes next in the sequence of numbers below. 6, 12, 20, 26, 34, 40,_? 4 ®Oeo ‘The numbers in each diagram below follow the same rule. Use the first three diagrams to help you find the missing number in the fourth diagram. G®eeoe PLEASE 00 NOT WRITEIN THIS AREA DO0O@00C0CO00CCCC8O80000 4 MoEYUSAUA Form 11103419786 yy mm 1042064 a i i i 8 i 3 § A i i g : g é Ly Sauer & 3 3 Ss 6 Out the missing number in the third row. A pattem is shown below. ag Andrew represented the shapes below on a chart, a ae > 0 = a ee ail os oO Which chart correctly represents the information? 2 =) om @ chat ® chan © Chanm © Chativ MoevsaviaFom tiossvna 43 PEEP E PEPE A survey was done and 40 grade six students were asked about their favourite sport. The following information was gathered. + No more than 10 students chose volleyball. + More students chose football as their favourite sport than the number of students, who chose volleyball. + More students chose track & field as their favourite sport than football and volleyball together. ‘wack & field a IL = football 4 ws . a Which chart best represents the information gathered from the survey? © Chant ® Chat © Charm © Chariv MosvisAUAFuminosasmec — bY 1042064 DO NOT WRITE IN THIS AREA PLEASE! Dooo@eccecjee@co 27. David is twice as old as Rachel. Peter is 5 younger than Rachel. Which represents th: to oldest? @® Kim, Peter, David, Rachel ® Rachel, Kim, David, Peter © David, Rachel, Peter, Kim ® Kim, Rachel, David, Peter years older than David and Kim is 3 years order of the children by age, from youngest Morvisauiarom mosis 5 28, A box of 12 light bulbs fell, Some of them are broken, ‘Which of the following numbers The number Double the number multiplied by and then subtract 1 itself and then add 1 ® The number in Column B is greater than the number in Column A, © The number in Column is equal to the number in Column B, © Theanswer cannot be determined by the information given, MOEYUSAUA Rom inosdi97.0 Jy by PLEASE DO NOT WRITE IN THIS AREA S000@0ce@cjees 1@0000 1042064 | —————— 30. ‘The diagram below shows 2 rectangular boxes with a striped ribbon wrapped around each. BoxA Box B The ribbon is wrapped The ribbon is wrapped vertically around the box horizontally around the box Given that both boxes have the same dimensions, which statement is correct? @® The ribbon on Box A is longer than the ribbon on Box B. @® The ribbon on Box B is longer than the ribbon on Box A. © The ribbon on both boxes are equal in length. ® The answer cannot be determined by the information given. ‘MOBYUSAU/A Form 1110-341978-6 / 1? 31. The diagram below shows a parallelogram PQRS. Which of the following represents the greatest length? - @ ro+Ps ® PQ+sr © or+Ps @ gs+sx MoEYUSAWAFomniessc 4G Doccecceceecose: 1042064 2) 34, Kay estimated the number of people in a stadium to be 32,000. Which of the following numbers could not be the actual number of people in the stadium? 32, 050 32, 101 32, 487 ®OOoO 32,976 ‘Dennis is numbering the pages of his book. Page 1 is a right-hand page, page 2 a left- hand page and faces page 3, a right-hand page. Which two pages will face each other? @ Mand i2 @ 22and23 © 27and28 @ 31and32 Kelly wants to find out how many Jamaican one-dollar coins will cover the surface of her book. What information is necessary for her to make this decision? The number of pages in the book ‘The number of coins that fit along the edges of the book The thickness of the book ®eoeooe ‘The total number of coins that she has [MOEYUSAU/A Form 1110-341978-G ? 14 —_ .. ‘Tuck Shop sold 3 different types of snacks over a 3 week period. The table shows the quantity that was sold and the amount of money made. Use the information in the table to answer questions 35 and 36. BAR Week Week Week Snack | Quantity | Amount | Quantity | Amount | Quantity | Amount Sold ) Sold S) Sold S Chips 8 $320 20 $800 2 $880 ah 12 $240 4 $280 30 $300 Chips Z = ° Plantain : ps an - Chips 3 $300 3 $300 3 $300 35. In which week did the Tuck Shop have the highest sales? Week 1 © ‘Week 2 © Week 3 ® The answer cannot be determined by the information given. 36. Which snack had its unit price changed in Week 32 @® Potato Chips @® Banana Chips © Plantain Chips © The answer cannot be determined by the information given. Doooeccece: PLEASE DO NOT WRITE IN THIS AREA MOEYUSAUIA Form 1110-341978-G 1042064 20 PEP EE PEEP EEE E PEPE EEE eee 37. 38. ‘The diagram below shows how Paula spends her earnings in one month. If Paula spent $8,000 on bills for the month, about how much money did she save? © 16,000 © ss000 © 2.000 © si.000 ‘A boat has a crew of 5 people. It can carry a total of only 16 people. How many trips would it need to make to carry 75 passengers to an island? @s5 @®7 ©u @ 15 morvissuaromunosivn 2h ; 39. The graph shows the rainfall, in cm, of three regions over a four month period. Graph Showing Monthly Rainfall Region A = = Region 8 — Region c August Which statement is true? @® More rain fell in June than in July. @® Region B had the least amount of rainfall. © Rainfall in Region C was the same over the four month period. ® Overall, rainfall has been predictable. MOEVISAUAFam nosis BE ‘PLEASE DO NOT WRITEIN THIS AREA 000@00e0ee00eeee8880000 1042064 ———— 40. A bag has a certain number of red, blue and green marbles. Half of the marbles are red. There is the same number of blue marbles as there are green marbles. Which of the following could not be the number of marbles in the bag? © 2 @ 5 On @ 100 [MOEYUSAUIA Form 1110-341978-G i { 23 | ‘DO NOT WRITE OR MAKE ANY MARK IN “THIS BLOCK OR CHANGE ANYTHING INIT = - = Name: @_ENTIFICATION NUMBER Date of Birth: ® School Name: O@ = School Code: OO = Centre: OOO® - a re Pa DOOOO == Parish: OOOOOO Name of Test: @ Absent Read the instructions below before answering the questions in the booklet: 1. Your booklet contains 40 questions and the space for you to shade your answer. Shade ALL. answers n the space provided in your booklet. 2, Read each instruction carefslly, think about the answer and then make your choice. 43, Be sure to completely shade the circle that matches the answer you have chosen. correct: @ incorrect: DROS 4, Ifyou change your answer, erase the first shaded answer ‘completely THEN shade in the new answer. 5, There is only one correct answer for €ach question, Do not shade in more than one answer for each question. 6. Use a No. 2 or HB pencil only. +7, Donat make any stray marks in the booklet. Use the rough work paper provided. Be sure to indicate the answer you have chosen in the space provided in your booklet. 8. At the end of the test insert your rough work paper inside your booklet. DO NOT OPEN THIS BOOKLET UNTIL TOLD TO DO SO BOOKLET # ASSIGNED wosvisauarem tiosino 24 1042064 PLEASE DO NOT WRITE IN THIS. Goooceccece! OCe@eee

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