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This self study strategic

plan is just to facilitate the

curious fellows who want to devote their lives for
study of the cosmos and who are dedicated to solve
any of the unsolved mysteries and paradoxes in
Theoretical Physics. The purpose of this plan is not
to follow in the footsteps of the great minds, but to
seek what they sought. It's not about to gather much
more information, but to dare to gather Strengths in
Theoretical Physics and to align them with the
natural gift from within. It is just to be at the
shoulder of the giants and pass through the river of
available Theoretical Physics, and to see the world
through The eyes of guide. I passed through many
scheme of studies and tried to gather easier and more
beneficial parts. It's not new thing, but I tried my
best to keep it more easier with the twist of
amusement and still if this plan is not of worth for
someone, at least he will find some good notes.
Self Study Strategic Plan For Bachelor's in Physics and
Theoretical Physics Beginners

There is collection of books and notes from different resources. Nearly all stuff
is easily accessible on internet. But still, some books like primary ones must be
bought and keep within. Simply, a true devotee can master Theoretical Physics
in his own cabin. What required is that, a computer with good internet
connection, sufficient amount of papers, pens and at least a printer. And above
of all, it requires burning desire and persistence to cross this ocean with limited

Primary Books

The books in this list can truly ignite and spark the inner fire of genius. And simply, strategic
plan revolves around these all. As if, someone has not obsessive interest and enthusiastic
inspiration, he can't be counted to achieve impossible.

1. The dreams that stuff is made of, edited with an introduction by Stephen

2. The 100, A ranking of the most influential persons in history by Micheal H.


3. How to think like Leonardo Da Vinci, Seven steps to Genius everyday by

Michael J. Gelb
4. Discover your Genius, How to think like history’ s ten most revolutionary
minds by Michael J. Gelb

5. Einstein, his life and universe by Walter Isaacson

6. Never at rest, a biography of Sir Isaac Newton by Richard S. Westfall (must be

studied before classical mechanics)

7. The man who changed everything, a biography of James Clerk Maxwell by

Basil Mahon (must be studied before Electromagnetism)

8. Scientific autobiography and other papers by Max Planck (must be studied

before Quantum Mechanics)

9. My brief history by Stephen Hawking

10. Cosmic anger: Abdus Salam, the first Muslim Nobel scientist by Gordon Fraser

11. Kepler's Witch by James A. Conner

12. The man who knew infinity: the genius of Ramanujan by Robert Kanigel

13. Madame Curie a biography by Eve Curie

14. My inventions by Nikola Tesla (must be studied before Magnetism)

15. To conquer the air by James Tobbin

16. The impossible takes longer: the 1000 wisest things ever said by Nobel Prize
winners, compiled by David Pratt

17. Who will cry when you die by Robin Sharma

18. You can win by shiv Khera

‫برائن ٹریسی‬ ‫ حصول مقاصد کے راز‬.19

‫عالؤالدین دسنوی‬ ‫ آئن سٹائن‬.20

Primary Mathematics

• Alex’s adventures in Numberland by Alex Bello's

• A passion for Mathematics by Clifford A. Pickover

• A mind for numbers by Barbara Okelay P.hd

• Our Mathemetical Universe by Max Tegmark


1. I found this link helpful for Algebra

2. Dave E. Joyce’s Trigonometry course

3. Professor James Binney’ s course on Complex Numbers

4. Complete overview of Primary Mathematics by K. Kabuta and Kentucky

5. Chris Pope’s lecture notes on Primary Mathematics

6. Complex Analysis by George Cain




Classical Mechanics

• Classical Mechanics - 3rd ed. - Goldstein, Poole & Safko

• Classical dynamics: a contemporary approach - Jorge V. José, Eugene J.


• Classical Mechanics - Systems of Particles and Hamiltonian Dynamics - W.


• Mathematical Methods of Classical Mechanics, 2nd ed. - V.I. Arnold

• Mechanics 3rd ed. - L. Landau, E. Lifshitz

• A guide to Physics Problems by Sidney B. Cahn and Boris E. Nadgorny

• A students guide to vectors and Tensors by Daniel Fleisch

• A students guide to waves by Daniels Fleisch and Laura Kinnaman

• Mathemetical methods for Physics and engineering by K.f.Relly, M.P Hobson

and S. J. Bence


1. Notes on Classical Mechanics and Newtonian Dynamics by Richard


2. A short course on Classical Mechanics by J. J. Binney


• Principles of Optics - M.Born, E. Wolf

• Principles Of Nonlinear Optics - Y. R. Shen


1. A. A. Louro’ s lecture notes on Optics

2. R. V. Jones lecture notes on Classical and Quantum Optics

Statistical Mechanics and Thermodynamics

• L. E. Reichl: A Modern Course in Statistical Physics, 2nd ed.

• R. K. Pathria: Statistical Mechanics

• M. Plischke & B. Bergesen: Equilibrium Statistical Physics

• L. D. Landau & E. M. Lifshitz: Statistical Physics, Part 1

• S.-K. Ma, Statistical Mechanics, World Scientific

• Thermodynamics and an Introduction to Thermostatistics 2ed - H. Callen

• Thermodynamics and statistical mechanics - Greiner, Neise, Stoecker

1. Course on Statistical Mechanics by Alfred Huan

2. Prof. Kelly’S lecture notes on Statistical physics

3. Gould and Tobochnik lecture notes

4. An intermediate level course on Statistical Mechanics by R.



• J.D. Jackson, Classical Electrodynamics, 3rd ed., Wiley & Sons.

• Electromagnetic Fields And Waves - lorrain and corson

• Classical Electrodynamics - W. Greiner

• Introduction to Electrodynamics - D. Griffiths

• Quantum Electrodynamics - 3rd ed., - W. Greiner, J. Reinhardt


1. Lessons in Electric circuits by T. R. Khupaldt


• Electromagnetism by Tamer Bécherrawy

• A treatise on electricity and Magnetism by James Clerk Maxwell

• The students guide to Maxwell's equations by Daniel Fleisch


1. Electromagnetism by James Sparks

2. Notes on Classical Electromagnetism by R. Fitzpatrick

3. Jackson's book on Electromagnetism, particularly exercises

Computational Physics

• Computational Physics by Mark Newman


1. Mathematics for students of science by James Kelly

2. Computational Physics by Augnus MacKinnon

3. Prof. Mathews projects on Numerical Alanysis

Quantum Mechanics

• Quantum Mechanics - an Introduction, 4th ed. - W. Greiner

• R. Shankar, Principles of Quantum Mechanics, Plenum

• Quantum Mechanics - Symmetries 2nd ed. - W. Greiner, B. Muller

• Quantum Mechanics - Vol 1&2 - Cohen-TannoudjiJ.J. Sakurai,

• Advanced Quantum Mechanics, Addison-Wesley

• Quantum Mechanics for Scientists and Engineers by David A. B Miller

• Principles of Quantum Mechanics by Paul Dirac

• Principles of Quantum Mechanics by J. J. Shakurai


1. Introduction to Quantum Mechanics and Special Relativity by

Michael Fowler

2. Neil's walet lecture notes on QM

3. Lecture notes on MIT for both undergraduate and postgraduate

are available
4. Quantum Physics by James Branson

Atoms, Particles and Molecules

• Introduction to Elementary Particles - D. Griffiths

• Fundamentals in Nuclear Physics - From Nuclear Structure to Cosmology

- Basdevant, Rich, Spiro

1. Notes on General Quantum Chemistry by Georgia tech

2. Lecture notes on physical chemsitry by Darin J Unless

3. Paolo's Franzini’s notes on Elementary Particles

Physics of the solids

• Solid State Physics - Ashcroft, Neil W, Mermin, David N

• Introduction to Solid State Physics 7th edition- Kittel, Charles


1. An introduction to solid state Physics by Yuri M. Golperin

2. A course in Solid State Physics by Mark jerrell

3. Solid State Physics, notes by Chetan Nayak

Nuclear Physics

• Introductory Nuclear Physics by Kenneth S. Krane


1. Five lectures on Nuclear Theory by D. B. Kaplan

2. A primer in Nuclear Theory by j. Dobakzewski

Plasma Physics

• Fundamentals of plasma physics by J. A. Bittencourt


1. Introduction to Plasma Physics by Fitzpatrick

Now, Step towards Advanced Mathematics


1. John Heinbockel notes

2. Chr. Pope' notes, particularly methods 2

3. Gerard t’ Hooft lie groups in Physics including exercises

4. The special functions and polynomials by Gerard Hooft, just look

on Principles.

Special Relativity

• Classical Mechanics - Point Particles And Relativity - W. Greiner

• Introduction to the theory of relativity and the principles of modern physics -

H. Yilmaz


1. Peter Dunsby lecture course on Tensors and Special Relativity

2. Prof. Frik’ s book on Special Relativity

Advanced Quantum Mechanics

• Quantum by Manjit Kumar

• Reality is not what it seems by Carlo Rovelli


1. Prof Stringari’s course on Ultracold fluids

2. Introduction to the Quantum hall effect by A. H. Macdonald

3. Introduction to Coherent states and Quantum information theory

by K. Fujii

4. Tutorial on Quantum information by Peter Zoller

5. Introduction to Quantum computation by A. Chatterjee

6. Advanced Quantum Mechanics by Freeman J. Dyson

7. K. Schulten’s notes on Advanced QM

8. James Branson, Advanced Quantum Theory

9. Lecture notes on Phenomenology R. Casalbuoni

General Relativity

• J.B. Hartle, Gravity, An Introduction to Einstein’s General Relativity, Addison

Wesley, 2003.

• T.-P. Cheng, Relativity, Gravitation and Cosmology, A Basic Introduction,

Oxford Univ. Press, 2005.

• Iain Nicolson, Gravity Black holes and the universe

• Gravitation by Kip S. Throne, C. W. Misner and Wheeler


1. Introduction to General Relativity by Gerard t’ Hooft. Exercises

are quite important
2. Sean M. Carrol lecture notes on GR

3. Chr. Pope', Geometry and group theory


• An Introduction to cosmology, 3rd Ed – Roos

• Relativity, thermodynamics, and cosmology - Tolman R.C.

• Cosmology for the curious by Delia Perlove and Alex Vilenkin

• A students guide to Mathematics of Astronomy by Daniel Fleish and Julia



All about space, complete history of the universe science magazine

Pbs space Time

Quantum Field Theory

• B. de Wit & J. Smith, Field Theory in Particle Physics, North-Holland

• C. Itzykson & J.-B. Zuber, Quantum Field Theory, McGraw-Hill.


1. Pierre Van Baal’ s notes on Quantum Field Theory

2. The Conceptual basis of QFT by Gerard t’ Hooft

3. Handbook of the Philosophy of Science by Dov Gabby, Paul

Gabbard and John woods

4. Magnetic monopoles and instantones by Los Alamos

Super String Theory

• Barton Zwiebach, A First Course in String Theory, Cambridge Univ.

Press, 2004

• M.B. Green, J.H. Schwarz & E. Witten, Superstring theory, Vols. I &
II, Cambridge Univ. Press

1. Super String Theory introduction including exercise by Gerard t’


2. E. Kiritsis introduction to super String Theory


General Books

• Motion mountain all volumes on Physics

• A complete course on Theoretical Physics by Albrecht Linder and Dieter


• Theoretical Physics full course by Wolfgang Nolting

End of the Course

• Lee smolin’s, the trouble with Physics

• Beyond Einstein, the cosmic quest for the theory of everything by Michio

• Choas, making a new science by James Gleick

• Complexity, emerging science at the order and verge of chaos by M.

Mitchell Waldrop
After crossing this vast occean, one must be ready to work for his impossible.

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