Activity 11

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4 Foundation of Special and Inclusive Education


Read the following:

⮚ Classroom Management
⮚ Classroom climate
⮚ Issues around seclusion and restraint

Test Question 1

1. What is classroom management?

Answer: Classroom management is a structured space for learning

wherein teachers can facilitate with their wide variety of
skills, techniques and strategies.

2. Define the meaning of a classroom climate.

Answer: For me classroom climate means the perfect environment

for learners to learn, they are organized, established personal
growth and learners can easily accomplish tasks and be

3. Numerate the Issues around seclusion and restraint

a. learners may suffer severe psychological trauma

b. learners may experience post traumatic stress disorder
c. they might experience nightmares
d. they might have trust issues to the teachers or authority
e. it may lead to anxiety or depression

Test Question 2

1. How do you manage the classroom in special education?

Answer: I will establish a positive classroom environment by
setting rules and let my students know about my expectations from
them. Communicate with them with a tone voice, let them practice
their routine, provide them engagement strategies that keep them
focused and have active supervision from time to time.

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