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The name of coronavirus Sir covid-19 has become a terror to every person in the world.

It has
gripped the entire mankind in its pointed arrows. The developed and underdeveloped countries
have equally fallen prey to it. It has disturbed the economic and social life of every country. Its
attack is very Rapid and severe. It attacks of a person through his mouth nose and breath as
soon as it attacks of person it makes him suffer from short of breath and in certain cases
patient’s nose blows. He is under severe attack of flu. His temperature rises and the body of the
patient pains with high fever.
The patient suffers from lack of oxygen. His throat is suffocated his lungs and respiratory tract
are severely affected. In some serious cases, the patient is put on ventilator for better supply of
Oxygen and for better moments of respiration. Alas! Our hospitals do not have as many
ventilators as there are patients. The patient is left to die as there is no medicine discovered so
far to treat the patient satisfactorily. However there are certain methods which help a person
save himself from the attack of this dangerous virus.
Firstly, people should be advised to avoid intermingling they should not attend public meetings
and gatherings because corona virus spreads from one person to another by means of breath.
Secondly, they should put a mask on their face while they are moving outside. Hands should be
covered with gloves. If there is irritation in nose it should be cleaned with the tissue paper. The
used tissue paper should be thrown away in a dustbin and buried in a heap of earth.
Thirdly, if a person is suspected of suffering from coronavirus he should be put in self isolation
as long as he is not recovered. The members of family should remain away from such a person.
By following these precautionary measures, we can help ourselves away from the dangerous
attack of this virus.
Corona virus has paralyzed the socio economic life of every country. Pakistan is no exception to
it. The economy of every country has undergone a shock. Pakistan is fortunate in this respect
that its economic condition has not undergone as much crisis as we find in developed countries
like America, Britain, France, Germany etc.
With the spread of corona virus, the Government of Pakistan declared a complete lock down in
the country. All business centers were closed. Mills and factories were locked up functions in
the marriage halls were stopped. There was a complete halt in the social and economic life of
the country. As a result of lock down, many negative and disturbing changes took place.
With the closure of educational institutions the teaching and other staff of private colleges and
schools went and employed. These institutions suffered heavy financial loss as they did not
receive fees and funds from the student. Mills and factories were closed. Production of articles
stopped. Business suffered a lot. Workers and labourers working in the factories and mills went
unemployed. The management declared a lot of their workers as surplus. Air flights were
stopped. Transport facilities like Railway buses and Wagons were not allowed to transport
people. Intermingling of people of every time was put to an end. The result was that people
became very poor and were going to starvation. Our government was alive to that after
sometime. It controlled it to some extent. Government allowed people to start their activities at
a limited level. This was called smart lock down. With smart lock down, social and economic life
of the country revived to some extent.
Corona virus has largely affected the social life of people. People were advised to remain in the
four walls of their home parties and dinners were not allowed to take place in hotels and
restaurants. Gathering of families and social activities were stopped. People were advised to
say their prayers at home. The religious scholars issued Fatwas in favour of saying prayers at
home. However those who came to mosques were advised to stand in rows keeping a distance
of 6 feet from one another. Restaurants and hotels were at first banned to function but later on
people were allowed to take food in takeaway manner. They were not allowed to sit in the
restaurant and eat their food. People were advised not to gather at a place.
Thank god Pakistan did not suffer as much as many other countries in the world suffered. It was
due to the mercy and kindness of Allah and also due to the precautionary measures which
people adopted to combat. However, second, third and now the fourth wave of its attack have
been attacking people. Let us pray to God for the safety of our life and economic condition.
Only Almighty can save us from this contagion.

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