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The comments:
The deceleration in the upward trend of the quit rate after 2010 (Figure 3) is
consistent with diminishing marginal returns to tobacco control policies.

What we cannot determine from this study are two critical counterfactuals –
namely, (i) what would have been the impact on quit rates if the order of these
measures had been reversed or (ii) if the time intervals between them had increased

The deceleration in the upward trend of the quit rate after 2010 (Figure 3) is
consistent with diminishing marginal returns to tobacco control policies.

Ban on smoking in enclosed public space reduced the number of people smoking

Smoking pregnant women:

1. increasing pregnant women who quit smoking from 2007 – 2012
2. yet the rate of increase in the rate of pregnant women who quit smoking is
3. shows that the marginal effect of additional tobacco control is diminishing in
4. might say that the no of susceptible is constant, no matter how to change order or
longer between program, the effect might be the same
4. What happen if the order of tobacco control campaign is reversed? It depends on
5. if the no of susceptible is constant, it is the same

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