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General Format of a Research CHAPTER I


A. Rationale/ Introduction THEORETICAL FRAMEWORK
THE PROBLEM AND ITS BACKGROUND The rationale should include the background of the study, the
A. Rationale/ Introduction thesis statement with supporting details establishing a clear construct of The theoretical framework should include various factors that
B. Statement of the Problem the study, and statement of the circumstances which suggested the influence to development of the research problem. The conceptual
C. Significance of the Study research. It includes a justification of the study or the very reason why framework should provide the basis for defining the parameters and also
D. Scope and Delimitation of the Study the researchers would like to conduct the study. the relationship of variables. The basic principles and the theory behind
the theoretical framework can be involved through a paradigm on a
B. Statement of the Problem direct discussion of the theories or principles involved as basis for the
A. Review of Related Literature and Studies
B. Conceptual Framework
The problem can be stated either in question or in statement form, study. The Theoretical perspective can be reflected in a system’s
C. Hypothesis/Assumptions provided it is deduced to specific problem or sub-problems within the approach considering the input, process, and the output. The purposes
D. Definition of Terms coverage of the topic. of the theoretical framework are as follows:

Methodology The statement of the problem should contain the precise 1. Useful in organizing the needed data.
A. Research Design objectives of the study and also the factors or variables to be identified. 2. Provides insights in evaluating a theory
B. Sources of Data/Population of Study This implies that the investigator cannot effectively conduct his study 3. Useful device for interpreting, criticizing, and verifying
C. Data Gathering Instruments / Materials and Instruments unless he has specific objectives to attain. A problem can be tested established scientific laws.
D. Data Gathering Procedure
through empirical method and it is possible to gather the data to answer 4. Provides a system for achieving solutions to problems not met
E. Data Processing Techniques
the question posed by the study. before.
PRESENTATION, ANALYSIS AND INTERPRETATION OF DATA C. Significance of the Study A. Review of Related Literature and Studies
This section should show why the problem is important. It should
CHAPTER III include a statement on relevance to felt needs and the potential A.1 Review of Related Literature
SUMMARY, CONCLUSIONS, AND RECOMMENDATIONS contribution of the research to new knowledge. This section explains the theoretical / rationale of the problem. It
also provides a general picture of the research topic.
A. Summary D. Scope and Delimitation of the Study
B. Conclusions
The title or problem should be delimited specifically to a feasible A.2 Related Studies
C. Recommendations area of knowledge that can be used as a research study for a specific This section tells what researchers have or has not been done on
period of time. the problem. It clarifies the interrelationship of the studies reviewed. It
summarizes the review and provides a transition from the past studies to
The scope and delimitation should also include the specific areas the present one.
of concern in the study, the variables identified, the place of the study,
the specific method and procedure used, the statistical tool used and the B. Conceptual Framework
guide for interpreting and analyzing the data. This portion will indicate a The researcher formulates a conceptual scheme for the research
reasonable area of the study which is large enough to be significant but problem which is a tentative theoretical explanation of the problem he is
narrow enough to permit careful treatment. going to investigate. It is the basis for formulating the research
hypothesis or hypotheses. The conceptual framework should be
reduced to a paradigm, model showing the variables and their
relationship. This is reflected by the input-process-output.
The report should include appropriate information in the total In reporting data, choose one medium that will present them
population, the sample and the sources of evidences. The following effectively. It will be very helpful to summarize the results and analyze
C. Hypothesis / Assumptions questions should be answered by the investigator: [1] Who were the through table and/or figures/graphs,
It indicates the relationship between two or more variables and subjects? [2] How many were they? [3] How were they selected? And The textual description, analysis and interpretation should
expressed in conjectural statements and is tested experimentally or [4] How was the problem on missing data handled? focus on the patterns and deviations in the contents of the tables rather
empirically. The hypothesis should be precise and clear, moral value than restatement of their contents all over again.
free, not answerable by yes or no and measurable. The hypotheses are B. Data Gathering Instrument/ Materials and Instruments
changed to null full when they are tested. Only null hypothesis can be This refers to the adaption, construction and administration on the The interpretation of data should again include the following:
subjected to statistical testing. instruments to be used in the study. Instruments include tests, [1] the antecedents of what has been found., [2] the consequences or
questionnaires, interview guides or schedules and the like. Apparatus, implications drawn from the findings, [3] the practical applications or the
D. Definition of terms devices and laboratory equipment used should be described. In the uses of the findings, [4] the conditions that limit the generalization of the
Key variables and other related terms should be defined according case of complex equipment, the inclusion of drawing or photograph is findings, [5] suggestions for instruments and procedures, and [6] the
to the precise meanings they are intended to convey. Clear definition recommended. differences/similarities between the findings and conclusions of the
should be stated for all variables, especially if these are to be measured study.
by means of specific instruments or a combination of devices. C. Data Gathering Procedure CHAPTER III
The procedure followed in conducting the study should be SUMMARY, CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS
For clearer presentation it should include conceptual and explained in complete detail. Techniques, devices and procedures
operational or working definitions. followed should be described. A. Summary. The summary gives a brief restatement of the
problem, the procedures and findings.
Theory and Research. In case of experiments, this section should include the instruction
Theory is used to guide and direct the research. It is designed to given to the participants, formation of groups, the experimental B. Conclusions. Conclusions should be drawn only from the
bring facts or laws into systematic connection. It consists of a set of manipulations, and the control features in the design. This section tells population and circumstances for which the evidences have
units such as facts, concepts, variables, and the relationships that exist the reader what you did and how you did it. been collected. Include also practical implications that can be
among the units. Research is used to evaluate and lost theories. For drawn from the findings and conclusions of the study.
this reason, the researcher should start on a theoretical perspective of D. Data Processing Techniques
the study before proceeding to the other components of the study. This section describes briefly how the data collected are to be C. Recommendations. Recommendations should cover the
processed. If statistical techniques are used, this fact should be following: [1] What the findings suggest in terms of policy
mentioned. If one has used technique that is, strictly speaking, not development, [2] What the results mean in terms of existing
RESEARCH DESIGN appropriate to the data, this fact should be noted and explanations knowledge, [3] What further researchers are suggested by the
should be made. study.
This refers to the plan of the study or outline of the research
proposal which is basic before the start of the study. Before a teacher CHAPTER II ABSTRACT OF THE STUDY
teaches a subject matter, he should make a lesson plan while the PRESENTATIONS, ANALYSIS AND INTERPRETATION OF DATA
researcher prepares a research design. This includes the statement of the problem,
This portion summarizes the collected data and the statistical hypotheses/assumptions, findings, interpretations, conclusions and
This includes the following: [1] Sources of Data, [2] Materials / treatment applied to them. The results should be presented in a straight recommendations. It is brief summary of the study. The purpose of the
Instruments, [3] Data Gathering Procedure, and [4] Data Processing forward and unbiased way. The presentation should be geared to the abstract is to provide easily the results of the study considering the
Technique. research questions and the research hypotheses. The analysis of the economy in time and case in understanding the research.
data should be objective and logical. Present all research results
A. Sources of Data including those that run counter to the hypotheses.

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