Personal Account Opening Form

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Premier Bank & service first ‘The Manager Customer ID Number ‘The Premier Bank Limited Group Code Branch Dear Sir, WWe hereby request you to open an aecount in the books of your bank in the name mentioned as under and agree to comply with ‘and abide by the bank's rules inforce for the conduct of the account and any amendment there to: |. Tite of Account: 2. Type of Account— please Tick?) []Sevings []Curem [sto O]kixed Dec reco) nrepotters 3. Currency — please Tick (2) Cites = potas, eer Gar Dotiers: 4. Operating Instruction please Tick?) individual F]yoint [Any one Dotter: Co Either or Survior 5. Other Accounts ofthe Customer (If any): Name ofthe Banks) Branch(es) ‘Type of Account ~ please Tick () a) Deposit AIC Loan AIC » Deposit AIC Loan AIC o Deposit AIC Loan AIC 6. Introducing Information: ‘Name ‘Account Number Branch Name 7. Initial Deposit Currency: In words Mode: []Cash [tastrument No, & date. tes (ps spent) 8. Information of FDR [Amount aaa (ifany) Period: [Rate of terest: Dateofmaturiy: Renewal, ifany []Renew Principel with Interest} Renew only Principal Amount and paynren ch renew only Principal and deposit Interest in AIC No. not Apoticabie 9 Information of Scheme Deposit ‘Name of Scheme aration [Single Deposiestaliment [No.of installment Geary) Amount on maturity [ Monthly Retwra 10, Nominee's Details: Photograph of Nomine (Atested by account holder) WWe do hereby nominate the following person(s) to recive the entire amount deposited in the above account inthe event of my/our death, I/We do hereby reserve the right to cancel or change the jd nominee at any ime. We do hereby also declare that the bank will not be held responsible for any transaction done as per instuction given by me/us. [Nominees Name Date of BinhvAge Father's Name Mothers Name Spouse Name Maing Adress Occupation Relationship with AC Holder [National ID Card No. [NBs Ifany NRB is nominated and become beneficiary ofthe Account the Foreign Exchange Regulation Act wil be applicable while renting the mone. 11 In case of Account Holder( is/are minor: ‘Asa duly appointed guardian of the account holder, I hereby declare thatthe account holder is a minor. is/Her necessary information is/are attached herewith, The account will be operated by me until the account holder becomes an adult or [furnish further declaration, ‘Account Title (Minor) [Name of Guardian Relationship with Minor (For Minor and Guardian - Two Personal Information Forms are to be filled up and Guardian mus sign both the forms) 12, Sources of Fund 13, Declaration and Signature: UWe hereby acknowledge that He have read the aforesaid terms & conditions and agreed to abide by the mentioned terms & ‘conditions. We solemnly declare that the information mentioned above is correct. I/We shall also submit any type of addition! information/documents as and when required. Signature Applicant's Name ‘Comments (ifany) “Account Opening OMcer “Approved by With name, designation eal dats) (With name, designation eal & dats) 1L.Tile of Account 2. Involvement with A/C as— please Tck (2) []Ist Applicant [] 224 Applicat [] 3rd Applicant (| pirector [—]Partner [Minor [Cuardian attorney Holder [] signatories] others: 3. Father's Name 4. Mother's Name 5, Spouse Name 6.Nationality 17. Date of Birth 8, Gender - please Tick () 9, Oceupation with Designation 10, National 1D Card No. 11, Passport No. (if any) 12, Tax ID No. (TIN, ifany) 13. Driving License No. (any) 14, Present Address (Residence) 15, Permanent Address 16, Business Address 17. Contact details Telephone : Res Em 18, Credit Card Information Issuing Organization and Credit Card Number a 19. Residence Statas—peas Tick (2) Resident ‘Non-Resident (NB: For more information, i required the same may be collected in accordance with ‘Guidelines Foreing Exchange Transactions’) Transaction Profile 1. Title of Account 2. Type of Account 3. Account or Reference No, aS = ery Cash Depo (achive of Onin Tasca) Transfn/deposit by Instruments Foreign Remittance Receivable Export Revenue Receivable thers pci. Total Deposit (approx.) Een See a Cash withdrawal inclusive of Online ‘Transactions and ATM) ‘Transfeipayment by Instruments Foreign Remittance withdrawal AOTeury Settlement of Import expenses others specify), ‘otal withdrawal approx.) 4, Sources of Fund 11We the undersigned hereby acknowledge that tae transactions limit is my/our organizations usual transactions. UWe do hereby acknowledge that iPnecessary, we will change/update the rensaction profile Signature Signature Name Name Designation Date Premier Bank service first ee KYC Profile Form ae eae, 1. Title of Account 2. Type of Account 5, Account oF Reference No, 4, Name of AIC Opening Oicer 5. Type of Business and sobver of Fund 6, Describe how the sources of Funds have been ‘verified and comments onthe levels types of “amounts of transactions ar commensurate with Ihe nature of business, 7 Jnfrmation about Benificil Owner of Account (incase of Compu, evening ‘Sarl dcr sve se anole) 8, Pasport Number Photocopy obtained? 9, Voter ID Card Number Photocopy obtsined? 10, National 1D Number Photocopy obtsined? 11,71 Photocopy obtained? VAT Registration Number Photocopy obtained? 13, Diving License Number Photocopy obtained? Incase of nonresident & Foreigner a) Reasoas for opening the Account by Type of Visa Work Valid upto What docs the customer do? GategorgiNature of business Rink Level JewelleryiGems Trade igh ‘Money Exchange/Courier Service Agent Tigh Real Fstate Agent igh ‘Constretion Project Promoter igh ‘Ofore Corporation inh ‘AnvAntigue Dealers igh Restsurand BatNight Clube] & Motel owner igh TImporvExpor Agent High Cash Intensive Business (monthly Th25.00 he) High ‘Shae/Stosk Dealer Tigh ‘Manpower Exper Business Tigh ‘Operations in Multiple Locations Tigh Tin Producer Distributor High ‘Arms Dealer High ‘Mobile Phone Operator High Tnvestor (more than Ti 100 erorlamnum High Travel Agent High ‘Category Nature of business Rik Level ‘Transport Operator Medium ‘Auto Dealer (Reconditioned Cars Median ‘Nos Banking financial Institution (NBFD) ‘Medium Freigh’Shipping/Cargo Agent Meum Tnsurance Brokerage Agent ‘Medium ‘Religion Insure Organization ‘Medium Entertainment Organizaton/Amuemnent Park ‘Median ‘Motor Pars Business ‘Medium ‘Tobasco & Cigarette Busines ‘Medium ‘Auto Primary (New Ca ‘Shop Owner (Retail) Tisiness = Agent ‘Shall Trader (Turnover Tess than TES0.00 Tae per anna Self Fployed Profesional Corporate Customer Consucton Material BGS Computer Maile Phone Dealer Sofware Business ‘Manufactures (other an ATT Retired Tom Service Service Student TroarewiTe Farmer ‘Others ‘Dak wi sore Te nk cording to ature) For table 16 to 21 inclusive clas limit will be followed. Example: 50 lac will be within 0 ~ SO class 16, Net worth of the Customer Amount (Taka) Risk Level Risk Rating T= 50 lee Tow 0 SDlasto Devore Medium 1 ‘Above 2 Crore High 3 17. How was the A/C opened Amount (Taka) ? Risk Level Relationship ManagerBranch Low Direct Sales Agent Medium Trtemet High Walk-iniUnslicted High 18, Expected monthly Transactions Transactions in Current Account | Transactions in Savings Account igure ia ae) Figure in a) 110 1s 0 10-50 = Above s0 Above 20 Risk Level Risk Rating 19, Expected value of number of monthly Transactions [No.of Transactions in Current] No.of Transactions ia Savings “Account “Account Risk Level Risk Rating 0-100 0 Tow 100-250 20-80 Medium ‘Above so 20, Expected value of monthly Cash Transactions ‘Transactions in Current Account | Transactions in Savings Account (amount in Lac) (amount i Lac) Ta 12 10-25 2 ‘Above 25 Above? 21, Expected number of monthly Cash Transactions ‘No.of Transactions in Current | No.of Transactions in Savings Account “Account 015 0-5 15-30 3210 Above 30 ‘Above 10 22. Overall Risk Astessment "Total Risk Rating Risk Assessment ‘Above/Equal 14 High Below TF Tow (© Cunomer may be mseted sigh nik aeordingowbjoive sao when he Hak eroding below 1 alan hat ete reasns must be pei) 23, Address(es) of Account Holders) verified or not? Yes No 24, yes, How the address(es) is vertie| 25, Political Exposed Person(s) PEs) : (According to A.MLL. Circular = 14) 8) Approval obtained from Senior Management Yes ') Sources of Wealth ©) Customers) interviewed personally Yes Prepared by, Verified by (Account Opening Oct Relationship Manager) (tad of Branch Operation Manage) Signature with date ‘Name Name Seat 26, When the account related information is reviewed and updated final Compliance Officer Premier Bank service first INT e Poe oO een 1) Account Opening requirements: Account Opening Farm. to be le nd signed by each account holde, Latest passport size phlopagh (2 copies) far each account holder ates by th taducencopy of pasepot voter identity cad nrodtion of account holders be sgn by sntodocer ih sccount number | (one) copy af nominees paoograp(teted by th acon older) and grate of he nominee. Minor acct adsitoaly regu = py ofthe bth cect and photograph Foteigncizens sp Bangladesh adisomallyreqane-Polocoy of asport wih valid visu and Work eA 2) Flip for opening the aecount: An eal individual having sound mind can open 2 Savings Bark Account singly ot jin. Guardian can open Iioraccoast. But a minor of 1 years f age can open SB AVC ins mate provided be ean understand end and writ independent. Any cl, Soc {nd solr engatzain alo eligible to epes Si AUC providing ByecLawsResluon/Arcls of Assoriaonaccepabl othe Bank A literate person fan open 8 AVC as per applicable Laws ofthe Bank by left band thumb impression and physical attendance. An alt divin! having sound mind ean open a Carent STD Account snp jon o inthe mame of am oranzation Cle, Avocaton, Organization ot Iniation ean open Caen Account [oviding Bylaws aod Arles of Asocanion acceptable othe Bak 4) Ina deposit and minimum balance: The inal minimum deposit of Tk,000% is teguied to ope the Savings Bask Deposit Account and ‘Tk 5,00 ered to open the Caren Depot Account, an shal Rave fo msinan minimum taanse of TSO m ese of SBA and Te 200 9 ase of CD A/C Th25,000 i equ a he nal amount fr opening the Shot Term Dept Aout and hall ave to maintain Ue rina Blancs ‘ETC 2S004 nthe STD A. 44) Deposits withdrawals: A depostor can withdraw ftom his Savings Bank Deposit account twice ina week, 25% of his blanc or Tk 25,000 Srhichever i lover any depositor wans to withaw more than 28% ofthe Palace oor han Th 25.000, 7 ys notice is ego fo be served 0 ‘he Bank formation, otras the cstrae wil ot be ene toners for that month i aby depositor repeated withraws ore than 25% of the lance ot mote tan TE25,000- more han tice in a wee, Sere charges aplable for Cure Acoust Wil De applica fo tht SB account A ‘epost an dpost and thaw fom the Cumest Account se many time t eed sod Chega, Dre, Pay Orders eet be cose a he tine of ‘post The Ban acs only asthe coletng age and assumes no teponsbity forthe elation of ay Res deposed wit the Bank for collection. ‘Tiss, poseeds of choqacs or other istruonts deposed re not ave fr withdrawal tl cllced by te Bank Balance in Shor Term Deptt (SID) wil bar Latta as spoliable fom tne tone. For wtdraval of ey about! Hom the STD Accoust 7 (evenV90@h) days note, a pe ‘piog Wll be equed Otherwise izes forte oath willbe freed 5) Identication ofthe account: Each accor will be given one account uber This number ist be peopely quoted fr each deposit nd fr any favzespondence ote Ba The Bask wil a be feapoile for a loss o tage wccuay as eu of wrong bouton af acount umbee 6 lame and safety of cheguers Cheques wil aly be aed to cistomer when ll documestation considered necetry bythe Rank has ben bined It Ste sesonaty of the sccout bolero enue cheque the possession ae kept tally. The ease mat all ibe exer dae ctw 1 preven agus, payment dts an other order or trment obey altered or forged shee which may fata a,c event the Bank so ‘spool forty loss allered bythe atom ora lke enon. Ay lov or muse he ees ther ements rast he mca reported {othe Bank ani conieed in wry witout any deny. Chequchook nd ster scart wile all f egned by auboied oi 7 Sling of cheque: Choque lei tobe signed by the account Boldasccout operator at por spesitnn sgnsture recorded with te Bank ad ay heaton and cut stool be contied y fall siatare No cheque wil be ooce ithe sues post aed, tse o mae, Bank eserves the "gto mpose fine fo bounce of cheque for insulin und inte secur §) Orders top payment oF amend instruction: A catomer may pss stp payment order for chee in wring. The ank wil ot mske the yen iit ha esoaubeoppotniy tact on sh ere 9) Bank's right: Bank reserves he right wo enue the custome for oute of fd a per Anti-Money Laundering Act-2002 and ask for nonce a per ‘Bonk Companies Ast-1991, Bank reserves the ight o clos ay accoust if fousd usatsacar o may deine to ss es chequeook wibou signing ny eso Bunk esses the ht realize res om wy accu a pe eg ors of he Bk Boks cz ele ens Gy acme x eo goverment instrton The Bu estes he igh to debit any acount any hve ba nv de Wid ah em subseqoealy una on clon, we have gone though the tems and condkons mented above nd undertaker in meyer to aid yo tr and conditions ling tte ‘ona also ce tobe Dou such ems conan tay be anded or suet om ine ote Sipe oe Appia ‘Siguare ofthe Applicat ‘Sigmane of ie Appt

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