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A Thermal power plant of 210 MW capacity has the maximum load of 160 MW its annual load factors 0.6. The
coal consumption is 1 kg / kwh of energy generated and the cost of coal is ₹450 per tonne. Calculate:
(i) The annual revenue earned if energy is sold at Re 1/ kwh and
(ii) The capacity factor of the plant

Q2. What is Energy audit and elaborate the different phases in detailed energy audit methodology.
Q3. What is an ecosystem? Discuss forest ecosystem. Explain how conservation of forest can be done.
Q4. Explain with neat diagram, (i) Carbon Cycle (ii) Oxygen cycle (iii) Nitrogen cycle
Q5. Explain the flow of energy through the various components of the ecosystem

Q6. Explain the following:

(i) Structure and functioning of grassland ecosystem
(ii) Structure and functioning of aquatic ecosystem
Q7. Explain with neat diagram (i) Food Chain (ii) food web (iii) Ecological pyramid
Q8. Identify the need for public awareness on environment management. Discuss the effort of important institutions
and people in environment management
Q9. Explain the principles of energy management.

Q10. Write a short note on ecological succession with a suitable example

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