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First Information Report

(Under Section 154 Cr.P.C)

1. District: P.S: Sonipat Year:2022

Sonipat City

IPC Sections 323, 34, 406, 498-A, 506

1) Time : 18.30HRS

2) Dated 05.05.2022,

3) Accused :

1. Sachin, Husband

2. Shakuntla Devi, Mother-in-law

3. Jaswant Khandelwal, Delhi police, maternal uncle father-in-law

(Mama Sasur)

4. Pradeep Khandelwal, maternal uncle father-in-law (Mama


5. Suman, wife of maternal uncle father-in-law (Mami Sans)

6. Vikas, Husband’s younger brother(Devar)


1. Sh. Anil Vij, Home Minister Haryana Government, Registered Office:

House No. 2153/62/A, Sainik Colony, Ambala Cantt. 133001, e-mail:
2. Sh. P.K. Agrawal, IPS, Haryana Police Headquarters, Sector 6,

Panchkula, Haryana 134109, e-mail:

3. Mamta Singh, IPS, Rohtak, 124001, e-mail:

4. Himanshu Garg, Superintendent of Police, Sonipat, e-mail: .

Subject: My husband, Sh. Sachin son of Dr. Dyanand Sharma, and my

mother-in-law, Smt. Shakuntla Devi, resident of House no.141/27 A, Jawahar

Nagar, Sonipat, mobile no. 9416723106, Vikas, S/o Lt. Jay Prakash, resident

of Kakroi road Sonipat, Mobile No. 9034753834, my maternal uncle father-in-

law (mama sasur) Sh. Jaswant Khandelwal, maternal uncle father-in-law Sh.

Pardeep Khandelwal, maternal aunt mother-in-law (Mami Sans) Suman,

resident of village Harweli, New Delhi-39, Mobile number 9818840129, by

all persons above mentioned for cruelty to me and Vikas, Jaswant

Khandelwal, Pradeep Khandelwal and Suman under a conspiracy by

instigating my husband and my mother-in-law and spoiling the relationship

between me and my husband and my mother-in-law and getting me out of the

house and to register the FIR against all for the offence of conspiring to kill

me and depriving my daughter and my son of their right to education and

maintenance and complaint about registering and arranging for the security of

my life and property from all of the above.

Sir, informing all of you, that my marriage was on 27.2.2009 with Shri Sachin

S/o Dr. Dayanand Sharma, resident of house number 141/27 A, Jawahar

Nagar Sonipat, with mobile number 9416723106, according to Hindu

customs. You are especially informed that my and Sachin's marriage was at

the displeasure of my maternal uncle father-in-law Mr. Jaswant Khandelwal,

maternal uncle father-in-law Pradeep Khandelwal, maternal aunt mother-in-

law Suman resident village Harewali, New Delhi-39, mobile number

9818840129. As a result the above mentioned accused went to great lengths

devising and scheming to break apart and invalidate the marriage since the

marriage was against their will, thereby inciting my mother-in-law Smt.

Shakuntla Devi and my husband Sachin to act against me. Subsequently,

instigating distress within the tumultuous relationship between me, my

husband and my mother-in-law, is causing an overwhelming mental and

physical anguish. The above mentioned both my maternal uncle father-in-law

and would purposefully ring up my mother in law to spew vices against me,

instigating her to physically assault me for no particular reason.

It is also that above mentioned both of my maternal uncle father-in-laws

(mama sasur) would deliberately provoke my husband by mentioning that my

mother-in-law’s salary exceeds mine considerably and hence it’s not required

to earn via employment. Consequently my husband eventually ceased working

altogether. As a result I and my daughter were devoid of nutrition and

maintenance due to lower living conditions because of financial constraints. I

was forced to run a tailoring shop and approximately running my garment

stitching business past 13 years till date. The mental and physical agony

inflicted upon me by the accused has resulted in the type-2 disease. Till

present the disease has aggravated and every instance of illness is not taken
care of by my husband or my mother in law in an attempt to subject me to

further punishment, I have to resort to my parents in such situations. My

parents, upon distressed condition have urged me to work from home in the

cosmetic and readymade garment departmental store. At the time through my

business endeavors I have attempted to save up 30 thousand rupees and further

1 lakh 20 thousand my parents have contributed to raise funds in order to set

up my business. I was the sole breadwinner in my family since my father is

unemployed thereby till May 2020, thereafter I was severely unwell which

worsened and almost ceased the only source of income I had, that is from my

store. I was forced to neglect my treatment for a considerable period of time

due to shortage of financial aid. In March 2021 my husband Sachin

established a medical store in the village of Levan, Haryana and is involved in

the medical store since then. Yet my husband refused to treat my medical

condition. I demanded my husband to treat my Type-2 but he refused blatantly

instead I requested for financial assistance if I could borrow some money for

treatment instead as a result of the about mentioned accused no 3 to 5 my in-

laws cousins and his wife’s incitements my husband hurled racially abusive

slurs and defamed me in front of the family, traumatizing me and aggravating

emotional and mental distress. My daughter narrated the above incident to its

entirety to my parents and on 20.05.2021 my parents retrieved me from my

husband and in-laws residence in Sonipat to their home at Swatantra Nagar,

Narela. My parents initiated and aided my treatment for up to 5 months.

After my treatment had commenced my mother urged my father to ring up

Sachin and inform him of successful completion of my treatment and that I am

well again. My mother urged Sachin to take back me from my residence, to

which my husband Sachin outrightly refused and instead demanded that my

brothers drop me off to Sonipat alternatively also some important discussing is

to be held with my parents and the in laws regarding me. When my two

brothers and mother were planning to travel to drop me off to Sonipat at my

husband residence, I told them of the conditional torture I was put through at

my in laws residence in Sonipat which my family was oblivious to. Thereafter

in October 2021 while on the way to my in-laws place in Sonipat, my husband

rings my family to confirm their arrival to Sonipat and immediately stated that

they were not allowed at my husband’s residence in Sonipat. Thereafter I

resorted to call my father in law’s cousin, Sh. Om Prakash on the mobile and

narrated the entire incident who urged us to not worry and advised us to head

over to his house instead but by the time my family arrived, my husband and

both my maternal uncle father-in-law (mama sasur) and maternal uncle father-

in-law’s wife (mami sans) were already present at my father-in-law’s place.

There both my maternal uncle father-in-law (mama sasur) complained to my

two brothers that our sister Shakuntla would behave in a similar manner with

you may do as you please. At the incitation I begged and pleaded with my

both my maternal uncle father-in-law (mama sasur) to agree upon any instance

of wrong behavior in the past and urged them to listen to my plea and for

forgiveness. At this plea of mine, maternal uncle father-in-law’s wife (mami

sans) assaulted me with a slap across my face whilst having every member of

the family present and witnessing the same. The both maternal uncle father-in-

law’s wife (mami sans) attempted to assault me a second time but I pushed her

backwards as means of self-defense, subsequently she verbally assaulted me

and threatened that “I will grab you from the middle and chew you alive and I

will refrain you from entering the mother-in- law, Shakuntla’s residence. I’ll

see how you’re planning to survive here”. At this instant I pleaded with my

maternal uncle father-in-law’s wife (mami sans) that I’m no temporary person

I’m Sachin’s lawfully and voluntarily wedded wife and in case you’re

unwilling to let me subsist in my matrimonial home I will have to resort to a

legal recourse. Upon hearing my words my maternal uncle father-in-law’s

wife(mami sans) again became furious and exclaimed in a vicious tone that I

may do as I please. She added that I may resort to any extreme measure

against my mother-in-law Shakuntla and my husband Sachin but any attempt

to file a complaint is futile and in vain since my maternal uncle father-in-law

(mama sasur) Jaswant Khandelwal is commissioned in the Delhi Police and

clearly stated that not let any complaint to be filed against the above

mentioned persons. After the said altercation my family was forced to take me

back to Narela and since then I’ve been residing with my family in Narela and

two children, and my family has been bearing the expenditure to raise both my

children. As a result of distress, my father was taken ill due to high blood

pressure, and suffered brain haemorrhage, heart attack and crippling disease

which has resulted in severe complications thereby I refused to burden my

aging parents any further and moved out of Narela residence on 14.04.2022

along with my two minor children , I went to reside at my in-laws. Within half

an hour of my arrival at the in-laws residence, both my maternal uncle father-

in-law (mama sasur) and maternal uncle father-in-law’s wife (mami sans)

arrived shortly after the news of my arrival whilst in the presence of Vikas

who had been there before hand. Amongst the present very elderly and

respectable members of the family, both my maternal uncle father-in-law

(mama sasur) and maternal uncle father-in-law’s wife (mami sans), hurled

obscene abuses and made graphic remarks over my character referencing my

two brothers defaming me thereby threating to evict me from my matrimonial

residence suggested my two brothers to take me back to my parents Narela

residence, threatening of charging us with false and frivolous litigation by

abuse of power and position of the accused no 3 and 4 to render me

unemployed. I alongside my family once again had to go back to my parents’

Narela residence. On 03.05.2022 I was forced to return at my in laws

residence in Sonipat for my children’s examinations but my husband and

mother in law threw me out of the house immediately in presence of my two

children, I attempted to negotiate with them to allow me to stay since my

children, Yashi and Maurya had their exams, but they did not heed my word.

At 12.06 am I was forced to dial 112 helpline number and attended by the

police who thereafter arrived at the place of incidence.

My husband refuted the police officials actions and instead dialed up my

maternal uncle father-in-law(mama sasur) and speak to him. The police

refused to answer my maternal uncle father-in-law(mama sasur)’s phone and

urged all of us to resolve the matter mutually amongst us otherwise a report

shall be registered by the police. After that my husband was advised on phone

by my maternal uncle father-in-law(mama sasur) that at this point a mutually

agreed stance would be beneficial. After that my husband told the police that

“I will keep my wife” and the police dispersed from the place of incidence.

The very moment, the police had dispersed from the scene, my husband

attempted to vehemently physically assault me and my daughter called

the neighbors to bring to my rescue which made my husband stop hitting

me. I was again thereby forced to dial helpline no. 100 at about 2.44am. On

the call with police I explained my ordeal in complete detail and again in

person, when the police arrived at the place of incident, the police attempted

to control the situation and made expansive efforts to make my husband and

mother-in-law understand the situation and gravity of their actions against me.

But my husband did not listen to the police. The police took me to the Gohana

road, Sonipat Police Station the in the police van, and registered a complaint

also compelled my in-laws and their family to accompany me to the police

station, and shortly my husband, my mother-in-law and father-in-law arrived

at the Gohanna road, Sonipat Police Station. After a lengthy conversation at

the police station amongst my husband in laws and the police my husband

asked me to come home along with him and promised to re-locate me in

another house and told I should withdraw the complaint. I agreed to my

husband and withdrew the complaint bearing in mind both my children’s

future and my parent’s honour. Following I returned with my husband and in

laws to my matrimonial home in Sonipat. My husband's younger brother

Vikas , both my maternal uncle father-in-law (mama sasur) and maternal uncle

father-in-law’s wife (mami sans) were already present at matrimonial home

prior to my arrival and started discussing with my husband and in-laws Sachin

and Shakuntla that at that moment at the Police Station a mutually agreed

decision was of greater benefit. The both my maternal uncle father-in-law

(mama sasur) and maternal uncle father-in-law’s wife (mami sans) also

advised my husband to get me a rented accommodation. They also suggested

keeping all of my belongings in a separate accommodation and the rest what is

to be done with me is yet to be decided. In this manner my husband and the

accused were planning to shift my residence into another house and may

also attempt any untoward fatal occurrence against me at the separate

home. I was able to hear and decipher the entire conversation which was

being held about me behind my back, from the adjacent room. As a result I

was compelled to file the present complaint, I humbly request the following

matter may be looked into and it is my kind request that an appropriate action

may be undertaken against the Accused persons namely my husband Sh.

Sachin son of Dayanand Sharma, my mother in law, Sh. Shakuntla Devi,

resident of 141/27 A, Jawahar Nagar, Sonipat, mobile no. 9416723106, Vikas,

son of Lt. Jay Prakash, resident of Kakroad Road, Sonipat, mobile no.

9034753834, my my maternal uncle father-in-law(mama sasur) Sh. Jaswant

Khandelwal, second maternal uncle father-in-law(mama sasur) Sh. Pradeep

Khandelwal, maternal uncle father-in-law’s wife(mami sans) Suman

Khandelwal, resident of village Harevali, New Delhi-39, mobile no.

9818840129, for cruelty, mental agony, harassment and physical assault, and

conspiracy to cause grievous hurt and instigating my husband and mother-in-

law against me. It was my attempt at a fruitful residence in my matrimonial

home along with my son and daughter which was disputed by the accused by

constant death threats and physical beatings. By this complaint I attempt to

file an FIR to secure myself from the atrocities of the above named accused

and request security from the same. Thanking in anticipation.


Lalita Rai. Wife of Sh. Sachin, Son of Dayanand Sharma, Resident of 141/27

A, Jawahar Nagar, Sardaron Wali Gali, District Sonipat, Mobile no.


This complaint is duly registered with Rajesh Kumar Bharti Police, All India

Anti Corruption and Crime Prevention Society; I humbly request an

appropriate action be undertaken in the present matter. I also got to know that

your NGO provides free legal aid to women; I am a victim of backward class.

It is humbly requested that any action that you may undertake in the above

matter it would be acceptable to me.

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