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India’s Contribution And Calendar Reform:

Decimalised HOUR and Arc-angle

​ Brij Bhushan Vij
​ 335, Vikas Kunj, Vikaspuri,
​ New Delhi – 110018 (INDIA)
​ E-mail:
In 1922 the League of Nations appointed a special Committee of Inquiry into Calendar
Reform, which studied over 140 reform proposals. Over the next 16 years the possibility of a
calendar reform continued to be explored by the League. However, the reform effort was eventually
dropped because the time was NOT RIPE for change, to be brought about.
In 1955, the adoption of the World Calendar was on the agenda of the United Nations'
General Assembly. United Nations Secretariat had exhaustively studied Calendar Reform in a
report by the Secretary-General in a document E/465, dated 14 July 1947.
India raised, on 28 October 1953, the Calendar Question, for its reform at United Nations
but various delegations expressed against due to the undesirable effect it would have on religious
life, in particular the observance of Sabbath. Even though decision of Catholic countries was
dependent on The Vatican, its position on the question remained unresolved. Whatever made the
Government of India to initiate the plan for reforming the Gregorian calendar of "World Calendar
Association, Inc.", (then at 630 Fifth Avenue, New York 20) was of great importance to the all
nations, keeping the purpose of accepting a NEW format that is fixed, uniform and invariable
calendar, regulated astronomically according to the movement of the Earth. The plan was to adopt
from 1 January 1956.
Eventually, discussion on calendars was adjourned sine die (without fixing a day for future
action or meeting) by the UN's Economic and Social Council during its 905th meeting on 20 April
1956. Since then, there has not been any serious initiative to reform the Gregorian calendar for
World use. It is now widely recognized that calendar in use is unsatisfactory for the economic,
social, educational, scientific and other activities of man. Modern progress demands the change.
Revision has been the subject of study and research on the part of experts, institutions and
international organizations for many years.
Our present Calendar is to all intents and purposes, the same as that introduced by Julius
Caesar in 45 BC that, due to its irregularity and the time difference caused by erroneous length of
the year, was corrected and readjusted in 1582 by Pope Gregory XIII. A further correction to adjust
2 ½ days; and the need to stop Julian Day clock by 38 days, has now become necessary. The
consensus of opinion is that a new time system has become necessary, adhering to the customary
twelve months, 7-day Week and 24-hour clock; but that it should be uniform and an invariable
calendar: perpetual, more regular, socio-scientific and advantageous from every point of view than
the present Gregorian calendar.

Leap Weeks: Reform

Such a scheme is visualized in 834-yr/148 Leap Weeks scheme by this author. For details
refer: I visualize such a scheme and I claim a possible
solution for:
‘A World Calendar using 834-year/148 Leap Weeks cycle’ evolving a Leap Week Rule (on
divide by six(6) basis; and to make it luniSolar by introducing ratio 966/965 for a
Tithi/Phase and T-Unit as its moderator; to give Mean Year = [7*(52+148/834)
=365.242206235012 days and Mean Lunation =304612 days/10315 Lunation or
29.5309743093 days. Supports the uniform Descending Order Dating in line with ISO
8601:2000 in the form YYYY WW DD rather than DD MM YYYY, in the futuristic age of
computers, and division of 24-HOUR day and to further ‘decimalise the HOUR in relation
to arc-angle ONE degree’ maintaining the existing 15 Hour-Angle and 90 quadrant.
This avoids consequent and considerable confusion or uncertainty in economic dealings
during preparation and analysis of statistics and accounts. The comparability of salaries, interest,
insurance, pensions, leases and rent of one period of the year with another is greatly vitiated due to
the unequal length of months. This is made simple by ‘removing a day from the month of July’
making it of 30 (instead of 31) days and ‘adding this day’ to the month February making it for all
years of 29 (instead of 28) days. This make the ‘normal year’ of 52-weeks or 364 days by removing
the 365th day i.e. December 31; leaving 1.242189669781 days every year to make up for the Leap
Weeks. Other than ‘all years divisible by six (6)’: the NORMAL year is thus, equal in 4 quarters of
91-days (13 weeks) and 2 half-years of 182-days (26 weeks). In addition to 139 Leap Weeks i.e.
during years divisible by six (6) to be called Leap Week of the Year XXXX, there shall be 9
‘additional leap weeks’ at intervals of 87, (90,96), (90,96), (90,96), (90,96) years (i.e. during years
2091, 2181, 2277, 2367, 2463, 2553, 2649, 2739 and 2835) in the 2004 thro 2838 years cycle. This
gives the value for Mean Year as: 365.2422066235 days.
The format of Calendar is scientific, uniform, stable and perpetual and unvarying every year,
with the exception that Leap Week of the Year XXXX is outside of the years’ format.
The calendar remains identical, offers harmony and order to all strata of human bondage among
society -- government, finance, industry, labour, retail trade, administration of justice, homelife,
transportation and education. All statistics compiled on the basis of a quarter, half-year or years are
strictly comparable with one another. LEAP WEEK in this World Calendar is proposed to be an
international week, to be called Leap Week of the Year XXXX, dedicated simultaneously in every
country of the world to universal harmony and unity of mankind used to knit all races, creeds,
peoples and nations into a closer bond of fellowship, creating world-wide citizenship towards
building One World. The potentiality of this World Leap Week can be used to strengthen and
promote international peace among all nations, become of great value.
Tees (30) Din July, September: ​ April, June, November, and December;
Baqi Sab ke Ek-Aur Tees (31): ​ Sirf February ke Ek-kum Tees (29);
Chhaya (6) Saal bad Leap ka Saal Aveye: Us mein Poora EK SAPTAH aur Badhaveye.
This study is a reassembly of changes that fulfills the changing needs of man to keep track of events
in history, for his own use through generations. Records appear to have been updated effective Era
of Creation (c.4713 BC), wherefrom Julian Dating appears to have started. Although western
civilization recognizes that Hindu thought lacks evidence in support to establishing positive dates, if
and when, events about Ramayana and Mahabharata occurred. It is astronomically relevant that
Mahabharata Epic relates to and can be dated at 3102 BC February 17/18 (midnight) - the start of
Kali Yuga, linked to Lord Krishna.
A study of most calendars, since recorded history, as they came to this Vij’s study material,
complexity of determining the position of planets in our solar system because of irregular motions
of inter-relation between the Sun, Earth & Moon, and hence astrological predictions have remained
a subject of interest to experts and laymen alike. This material is therefore confined to ‘
Smithsonian Institutions’ inscription’: for the increase of knowledge from man to man - especially
where the Metric System failed to involve Time count of the Day/Hour and to link it with arc-angle
and hence to define Nautical Kilometre, to replace Nautical Mile.
The Decimale calendar initiated by France died a natural death, with the defeat of Emperor
Napoleon in the wake of Church authority. Although the ‘cgs’ measurement of units as against the
then used ‘fps’ system took to be recognized as the Metric System of Units, yet the cause of
decimale time got abandoned due to politico-religious dogma and failure of Prieur of Cote d’Or
while favoring the adoption of the Metric System, by the decree of 1795 April 7 in France; forcing
the world scientific family to gradually see through its merits. NO LINKS could be traced (or
deliberately left out) to bridge the ‘gap’ for a reform of the calendar with ideals of Metric Norms for
Time Standard, in order to link time units with the arc-angle that could lead to define The Nautical

Clock Face and Arc-Angle

​The day is a collection of moments to account for 24 hours, a
date is the name given to a "day", and the calendar is a way of
systematically assigning "dates to days". The passage of time is a concrete and
measurable phenomenon, experienced in proportion to the net degradation of energy of the local star
system; god is a non-measurable and approvable invented concept, where man’s reason takes him onto a
dead end, that is central to religions and other dogmatic demagoguism that want you to go kill and die
for their own selfish gains. To the man on street, it could be conceived as the ‘process of growth, aging
and decay’ of plant and animal life!
Decimalisation of the YEAR (Bessilian Year), the French Republic tried ‘decimale time’, and
counts of time in decimalised sub-units of SI-atomic seconds have been tried in the past.
I have attempted to bridge this scientific gap left deliberately or otherwise for Metrication and/or
Decimalisation of Time of the Day, via my contributions The Metric Second and Metric Calendar Year
since 1970-71. But, no attempt whatsoever were made to decimalise the duration of the HOUR and co-
relate metric measure for time, with axial rotation of the Earth via the arc-angle − defining the length
unit, METRE New (m’) for SI metric system. The face of such a clockwork is shown at: http://the-
​The METRE was divided into parts of 'ten', and those further into 'ten' times smaller or larger.
The 'metric system' is often confused with the decimal notation:
"Metric, pertaining to or of the metre; -system, decimal measuring system with the metre, & litre
and the gram determined by it, as the units of length, capacity and weight; the prefixing to the
metre etc., of the Greek derived 'deca-, hecto-, kilo-' denoting multiplication by 10, 100, 1000 as
in kilometre of 1000 metres; that of Latin derived 'deci-, centi-, milli-, denoting division by 10,
100, 1000 as in decilitre, one-tenth of a litre".
It is, therefore, to be understood that any quantity that is decimally divided or multiplied is ONLY
decimal and it can be classified into the Metric domain – if and only if this is also linked to the length
unit METRE, to belong to SI Metric System of Units. Why is it that the ‘Nautical Mile’ could not be
shelved and stays put, to defy a more logical Nautical Kilometre? It is here, that I urge the consideration
of dividing the ‘HOUR’ into 100 parts (along with present 60), and to merge the arc-angle as: ‘1/100TH of
one degree’ to become the Nautical Kilometre, keeping intact the clock face with 24-hourly zones (each
of 15o per hour) on Earth surface, along with the 7-day ‘Sabbath’ cycle, and 364 day or 52-week year,
for calendar consideration (refer Shelving Nautical Mile in Favor of Nautical Kilometre; Proceedings
of 3rd International Conference MMGT 2001; pp 164 thro 169; National Physical Laboratory, New
Delhi; 8 – 10 February 2001).
Since‘1/100TH of one degree’ is to be the Nautical Kilometre; length distance METRE can be seen
as 1/100000th of the degree (or 1/10^5th of arc-angle ONE degree). ‘Metre New (m') is the
distance traversed by light, in vacuum, during the time interval, 1/97059575.22TH of the
decimal second’.
As the Earth ‘spins’ in its axis, ‘local time’ at any point East or West of ‘Date line or Zero longitude’ can
be determined as six and two-third (6 2/3) decimal minute (as against 4 solar minute) per degree
longitudinal transit across the Sun to account 2400 decimal minutes (against present 1440 minutes). The
face of clock shall, however, also show 25 minutes (during transition) where present clocks show 15-
minute marks i.e. for a time span of 5 minutes (or as at ONE o’clock position) the equivalent time would
be eight and one-third (8 1/3) decimal minutes.

METRE Linked to Indus Civilisation

​In my comprehensive contributions entitled Linear Standard in the Indus Civilisation:
FRONTIERS OF THE INDUS CIVILISATION (Sir Mortimer Wheeler Commemoration Volume -1984);
Indian Archaeological Society; Archaeological Survey of India, New Delhi; Doc # 16; pp 153-156 and
Relevance of the Metre in Indus Civilisation when Linked with Times Unit and Calendar Reform with
Leap Weeks; Proceedings of 2nd International Conference on Metrology, Quality and Global Trade
(MQGT-’99); pp.257 – 264; National Physical Laboratory, New Delhi; 1999 February 24-26 I attempted
to show that ideas of Pi and right triangle were in the knowledge of Indus people and that the length unit
– Metre – had its links between other ancient units, wherein I reported Indus Metre to be of two-metre
distance. There is, however, a linkage of higher order scale, say of 9-digits that fits well, among other
cited multiples: 18-digit, 36-digit, or 30-digit (i.e. 3 & one-third of the 9-digit standard). 30 times
Palma and 6 times the Indus Foot form a close link of 'mussel-shell' with the Indus Metre. Nippur Cubit
is then 25% (or one-fourth) of the Indus standard of length measure. Newham's interpretation of Lunar
Measure (geometrical designs at Stonehenge) to be 17½ Megalithic Yard, also speak a distance of 7
Indus Metres (IM).
IM = 2½ MY = 4 Nipur Cubit; & MY = 5 remen = 2.721 ± 0.001 ft.

The Calendar Question

Attempts of The World Calendar Association, New York (USA) for adopting the International
Fixed Calendar by Moses Burines Cotsworth but the proposal met with rough weather at United Nations
Economic and Social Council (June-August 1954) for any decision, to get deferred on calendar
question; in the hope, and to work for a World Calendar, for replacing the Gregorian calendar with
The discussions that followed at United Nations led to sine die adjournment of the Calendar
Question (1956 April 26); till a better and promising proposal came before the World body which could
remove the discrepancies in Gregorian calendar, and not cause the ‘sabbath’ cycle to rotate when year/
month/week cycles change. International Fixed calendar proposed the year to be divided into ‘four equal
quarters’ of 13-weeks or 91 days with 31, 30, 30 days and un-named 365th day and 366th day at the end of
months June and December. ​
Government of India’s Calendar Reforms Committee (November 1952) headed by Prof.
Megh Nath Saha was to: examine all existing calendars which are being followed in the country at
present, and after a scientific study of the subject, submit proposals for an accurate and uniform
calendar for the whole of India. The committee submitted report on 14 September 1954 favouring
tropical (or sayana/includes ayanamsa) duration as of Gregorian calendar, 365.242198 78125 days
(AD 1900 January 00) to start from month of Caitra 01 on the vernal equinox (March 21/22) 1957.
Although Government of India supported the arrangement of World Calendar, while agreeing
for National Saka Calendar for the whole of India, the proposal met with rough weather at the United
Nations Economic and Social Council (June-August 1954) for any decision, to get deferred on calendar
reform; in the hope, and to work for a World Calendar, replacing the Gregorian calendar with
simplicity and an improvement upon; the Gregorian calendar but shall not suffer the disadvantages
that it presently has in consideration of any break in Sabbath cycle.
I have attempted to bridge this scientific gap left deliberately or otherwise for Metrication and/or
Decimalisation of Time of the Day since 1970-71. Decimalisation of the YEAR (Bessilian Year), the
French Republic tried ‘decimale time’, and counts of time in decimalised sub-units of SI-atomic seconds
have been tried in the past. But, no attempt whatsoever were made to decimalise the duration of the
HOUR and co-relate metric measure for time, with axial rotation of the Earth via the arc-angle −
defining the length unit, METRE of the SI metric system

PRECESSION of Equinoxes: Since the center of Sun does not always cross the equator at the same
equinoctial point, each year the Sun crosses the equator about 50-seconds (Y2000=0.013966486°) of arc-
angle, west of the point where it crossed the year before – or 1° in 71.59997153 years. If Sun and Moon
were the only influences on earth’s precession: the vernal equinox would move 50”. 27935 + 0.000229 T
per year, where T is number of years after AD 2000 of arc. But, other planets also exert a pull that cause
an eastward movement of 0.1”/year – called planetary precession. This means that it will take25775y 361d
11h.97585916 for the precession of equinoxes to take one full circle, at current rate of precession

VIJ’s Gregorian Reform:

​In modification of the present Gregorian ‘centurian’ Rule, omission of a day is suggested at 128-
years (instead of the present 100 years) for Leap Day omission on February 29. The suggestion to
introduce World Saturday & Leap Sunday (1971) could be changed on Introduction of Vij’s Gregorian
Reformed Calendar effective after the Solar Eclipse on 2005 April 09, as placed at: to Leap Thursday and World Thursday in
continuation i.e. on 2005 April 10 at Chronological Julian Date 2,453,471.5000 CJD. This shall be dated:
2005 April 10 and considered FIRST day of Vij’s reformed Calendar to be marked: W00-00 (Sunday).
For luniSolar alignments 128/896-year plan, worked for Metric Calendar (1971-1990), is used. To view
this work and earlier images, go to:
​(and other images at Gallery3)
* ​World Thursday is placed between December 30 & January 01 of Gregorian calendar during
ALL Years outside of Calendar format;
** ​LEAP Thursday is placed between June 30 & July 01 during LEAP YEARS, using 128-year
cycle with ‘Divide by four (4) Rule’.
*** ​Both Leap Thursday and World Thursday are OUTSIDE of the Calendar format (in two half
years of 182 days each).
**** ​Weeks/Day count STARTS from the day after Solar Eclipse on 2005 April 09 (Saturday).
To calculate elapsed days from start of VGRCalendar (on any date); count days elapsed between January
01 and DATE “minus 101” (say, x) and DIVIDE by 7 to know weeks elapsed from start of VGRC and
remainder days to know day of the week: 00/07 (Sunday), 01 (Monday), 02 (Tuesday), 03 (Wednesday),
04 (Thursday), 05 (Friday) and 06 (Saturday).
THUS, World Metric Day 2005 October 10 shall be: (182+30+31+30+10 =283 – 101 =182/7
=W26-00 (Sunday), as can be seen. Number of days between 2005 June 21 to 2006 March 22 =10+LT
(during leap years)+182+WT(all years)+31+29+22 =274/275 days (say, y: during ‘Normal Years BUT
274/276 during Leap Years’). This is: 274+WT =275/7 =W39-02 (Tuesday), as can be observed.

Profile & Uploads (of Brij Bhushan Vij) can be viewed at: bbv_Harr.Caldr.jpg ​ ​ ​>>> ​ Events - ..> ​
​(and other images at Gallery3)
​Two schemes are exhibited the 834-yr/148 LWks and continuation of the existing Gregorian
calendar by modifying the centenarian year rule, to omit Leap Day, during years divisible by 100
(unless also divisible by 400) to 128-years, when the leap-day remain unaccounted. The 364-day YEAR,
keeping World days outside of calendar format, may start on a suitable Winter Solstice or on the day
after Solar Eclipse of 2005 April 09.
Mean Lunation and ‘short tithi’: The 834-yr cycle (304612 days/10315 Lunation), gives Mean
Lunation =29.5309743093 days. This is achieved, using 2L/59th =1.00103688475 day (for each
tithi/Phase) & close enough to suggested ratio 966/965=1.00103626943 day (good for SOFTWARE
development); OR also using 19/6932.5th year (1 Tithi =1.0010243928923 day). Mean Lunation, over
longer period, for (19*834 =15846-years) cycle can be improved to: 578762774/19598755= 29.53058
8754 day”. All three values ‘for use of Tithi’ are important, and conducive to use in achieving the final
aim, 2L/59th day:
​1 TITHI = 2L/59th = 1.001036884745763 day;
​1 TITHI = 19/6932.5 year =1.0010243928923 day; and
1​ TITHI = 966/965 =1.001036269430052 day.
Using 19-year Metonic cycle, ONLY three tithi need be omitted during years 284th, 549th & 834th (or
as felt necessary by astronomy experts). One tithi need be removed after 4464 years for alignment when
using ‘ratio 966/965’.
​Using *19/6932.5-yr tithi' causes a differential of 0.000012491853463 d, between the this and
‘2L/59th tithi’ to cause ONE tithi over 80134.176714229361 tithi (in 219 years 228 days 5.4254 hours).
This is FOUR times in 874 years (say every 834-year cycle). Now, 834-years =304611.986184597354
days (in 10315.13443461010362 Lunations) =304300.26315789338846 tithi (of 19/6932.5 yr each)
​ =304296.465820997969101741 (tithi of 2L/59th lunation)
​ =304296.65286556562301926 (tithi of ratio 966/965)
My choice for ‘ratio 966/965’ is obvious over ‘6932-1/2 tithi in 19-yr cycle’ that I used during my earlier
calculations. Tithi (ratio 966/965) to Tithi (2L/59th) difference over 834-yr cycle is
0.187044567653917519 d; this accumulates to ONE tithi over 4463.450926035 years. ALTERNATELY,
this correction can be achieved, using Tithi/138 – intervals =0.007253890467 d and short accounting ‘26
tithi differentials of T/138’ once every 32 years (as TITHI SHORT). This may pose difficulty for
‘software development’ using ratio tithi.
​This may not be a serious issue for EXPERT programmers to align 834-year cycles, and produce
desired results. I, therefore, remain in favour of *ratio 966/965 tithi OVER tithi value 19/6932.5-yr* to
achieve the target value of 2L/59th 'tithi' value.
Better Results are obtained by EXTENDING to the combination of 834-yr/148 LWks & 896-yr/159
LWks -
Target & Mean Values: One Year = 365.242189669781 days & Lunation =29.5305881 days
128-years Cycle =46751.000277731968 days = 1583.138138645195758902 lunation
​ (6444957.3203873236857728 ‘T/138 or X-Units’)
834-yr Cycle =304611.986184597354 days =10315.13443461 Lunation
Mean Year =365.242206235012 days; and Mean Lunation =304612/10315 =29.53097431 days
896-yr cycle (7*128-yrs)=327257.001944123776 days =11081.96697052 Lunation
Mean Year =365.2421875 days; and Mean Lunation =327257/11082 =29.53049991 days
LONG CYCLE of 373632-years =(128x7x417) =(128x2919) =(896x417) YEARS
​=136466169.810699614592 days =4621180.22670532642023475313043292 Lunation
​=18812824702.9173838567756799939939 (say, 18812824703) T-Units
Mean Year =136466170/373632 =365.2421901764303 days; and
Mean Lunation =136466170/4621180 =29.530589589671902 days (29d 12h 73md.415015213)
​or =29d 12h 44m 2s.940547668
In Brief (Tithi/Phase, HOUR & X-Units):
1 T-Unit (T/138) =X-Unit =1741 sd;
1 Decimal minute = 0.06 X; 1 Hour =5.744 X; 6 Hours = 34.4643 X; 12 Hours =68.9285 X;
24 Hours = 137.8571 X; One Week (7-days) = 964.9994 X; 52 Weeks (364-days) =50179.9692 X;
53Weeks (371-days)= 51144.9686 X; ONE Year = 365.242189669781 days =635862.44126 X
128-years =46751.000277731968 day =6444957.3203873236857728 X;
417-years =21018227 X; 834-years =42036454 X and 373632-years =18812824703 T-Units
It may not be difficult for *Astronomy experts* to see through the utility of 'T-units' that link Moon's
motion with the motion of Earth and Sun for 'Ephemeris Astronomy and Calendar construction'.

1. Although ‘Decimalization of time – by the Year, Second or the Day’ has not found favor as a complete
solution to Time & Calendar reform; this attempt to ‘Decimalize the Hours during 24-Hour Day’
has the potential to fulfill the dream of French Academy of Sciences in: ‘establishing a measuring
system which could be acceptable to the whole world’;
2. In Le Systeme Internationale d’Unites, there has been No Definition for the Nautical Kilometre to
replace the Nautical Mile, which is now provided as: ‘1/100TH of One degree’ of arc-angle on Earth
3. The Hour-Angle is linked to axial rotation of the Earth by retaining the circle or solid sphere of 360
or the ‘quadrant’ of 90 ; and each degree is sub-divided into 1 x100’x100” unlike the present 1 x
60’x 60”. The distance conversion factor = 1.11194886884 for the ‘new’ metre (m’) or its reciprocal
become handy tools, to re-work new values for all Derived SI-Units and fundamental constants. In
time, each degree longitudinal spin of Earth across the SUN correspond to six & two-third (6 2/3)
minute, as against the present four (4) minutes, to determine local time at any place East or West of
the ‘Date line or Zero longitude’;
4. 4. Horology instruments or Mechanical Clocks need only additional ‘graduations’ to read decimal part
of the hour by marking 25, 50, 75 & 100 against the present 15, 30, 45 & 60 divisions to the dial
face, at practically no cost during the transition phase, during which period ‘Clock movements’ that
beat to the new time standard can be phased in;
5. Decimalization of the degree poses no problems to student and/or research community who work with
the mathematical tables and trigonometric functions, since readily available among school/college
text books;
6. Target resolution in aviation and space flights get enhanced by the ratio:
1 x100’x100”: 1 x 60’x 60” :: 278 : 100 (i.e. bettered to 278%);
7. Instant retrieval between any two instants, past or future, can easily be computed to follow
International Organization for Standardization standard ISO 8601:2000 on All Numeric Descending
Order form for writing ‘calendar dates’ and Time of the Day as:
Era –Year –Week Number – Day Number T Hour –Decimal Minutes –Decimal Seconds (Week Day)
8. Blank Days or the discontinuity in the ‘Sabbath Cycle’ – the stumbling block for any ‘Calendar
Reform’ is overcome to remove ambiguity about Leap Day adjustment, by counting five years with
52-weeks and all years divisible by six to have an added 53rd week as ‘Leap Week of the Year’,
according to Leap Week Rule, making the calendar to almost ‘zero defect’;
9. Decimalization of time of the Day/Hour harmonizes time-n-distance interchange for application
in astronomical computations to Sun – Moon – Earth in determination of Eclipses or other inter-
calary needs; and
10. Implication of changed interval for ‘time and length units’ need not cause any scare among
scientists/ research scholars or other economic evaluators in the fields of Physics, Mathematics,
Astronomy, Space and Navigation etc., especially when ready to directly apply ‘conversion factors
or their reciprocals’ need only review/examination.

*Updated: 20041009H0054(decimal) AM(IST)

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