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H.W: Essay about the genius of Charles

Teacher: Mister Jose Cruz.

Student: Nohelia Gradiz.

Date: 28/10/2021
Part 1 - Life, Darwin & Everything
Life, Darwin & Everything is a synopsis of Darwin's
accomplishments, starting with English religious and
philosophical views of nature . This episode is constructed
around Dawkins's several hours of interaction with a small group
of teenagers British school children whose religious family
backgrounds have made them refractory to understanding the
reality of evolution. This episode provides a basic primer in
biological evolution and an invitation to children to think for
themselves. Not surprisingly, Dawkins conveys the message that
belief in the supernatural is neither necessary nor relevant to
understanding and appreciating the beauty and complexity of
the natural world.

Part 2 - The Fifth Ape

Charles Darwin's theory of evolution by natural selection blew a
hole in this conmfortable explanation of life and faced us with a
blidingly obvios yet distributios truth that:

"Human don't have dominion over animals, we are animals"

This episode discusses the evolution of human nature, focusing
on the question of altruism: how and why natural selection
produced individuals who suspend self-interest and behave
kindly towards one another. I share Dawkins's view that in
humans the propensity for reciprocal acts of altruism probably
evolved in small groups of people, building on an older and
biologically broader predisposition to take care of close kin.
Dawkins's discussion of reciprocal altruism is the meat of this
episode, but it takes a bizarre detour into human sexual
selection and female choice.
We are vehicles from the gene inside us. Genes are copied
from one generation to the next on and on.
A gene thet didn't look after its own interests would not
survive. And that is the meaning of the selfish gene.

Part 3 - God Strikes Back

Charles Darwin turned our world upside down. His theory of
evoulution by natural selection is one of the most orfund ans
far-reaching in human history.

The Genius of Charles Darwin shows wonderfully the science

that Darwin set in motion, yet further reflection also suggests
more distant vistas. Belief systems are frequently formed in
childhood and resist later alteration. We pride ourselves on
having rational brains despite our ready capacity to deny valid
information that does not comport with cherished beliefs. There
are doubtless evolutionary reasons for this imperfection,
despite its contribution to misplaced romantic attachments,
economic disasters, and military defeats. Belief in the
supernatural is widespread and present in all cultures (itself a
fascinating evolutionary outcome), but the manifestations are
very diverse and cultural in origin. All the major religions share
some common rules for behavior that function to stabilize
relations within the group. This cultural convergence is the work
of brains with shared, evolved features for social living. There is
much to understand in evolutionary terms about our
extraordinary cognitive capacities as well as our inevitable
tragic frailties.
Well, i think this topic is the most important in the world and it is
the least talked about. I'm cristhian but i really enjoy saw these
videos and open my mind to new theories of life and is weird
think that the theory of Darwin says that we are ape and also is
interesing that theory and make me think that probably can be
true . I say that puting aside my beliefs because that two world's
don't have to be mixed. I'm not saying that God didn't exist and
also i'm not saying that the theory of evolution is a total fake, i
am a person of open mind so i'm not that type of cristhian that
say "No, i'm not an ape i'm God creation" no... but i know that i'm
God creation because of my beliefs but actually that theory of
evolution exist for something so i can't overlook. Well, i'm not
going to extend to much because i really interest about this
controversy (i say controversy because some people is agree
and some didn't) the point is that in my opinion we have to
respect the decision of everyone about the creation of life and
what i do in this topics is that i have an opinion of the two
choices, i believe that God exist and i'm his creation and also i
know that the factor that we can be an ape that evolved exist

By the way, i'm not sure that i be clear with that opinion but is
the way i think and i want to believe that is correct my position
so.. yes that it's.

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