The Terrestrial Ecosystem

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The terrestrial ecosystem is made up of biotic and abiotic beings

The abiotic are the sun, the rain and the air
Biotics are all beings that have life
The terrestrial ecosystem is divided into:
Deserts with 30% terrestrial ecosystem
Zabanas with 20% terrestrial ecosystem
Jungles with 23% terrestrial ecosystem
Temperate forests or tundra with 17% terrestrial ecosystem
Cultivation areas with 10% terrestrial ecosystem

What kinds of animals are there in the terrestrial ecosystem?

Land animals need oxygen to live; They mostly have lungs and feed on other smaller
animals or plants.
Mainly the animals of terrestrial ecosystems differ from each other by the internal
composition of their body
They would be vertebrates or invertebrates.
Vertebrate animals: They are those that have a vertebral column or with some type of
cartilaginous or bone structure. The perfect example would be mammals (lion, horse ... etc.)
Invertebrate animals: They are those that do not have any type of internal structure. The
perfect example would be worms, for example.

They are also usually classified according to their food diet, that is, according to the type of
nutrients they eat to live; carnivores, herbivores and omnivores
Carnivores; It is that fauna or animals that eat meat from where they extract their nutrients
and energy to live. (For example wolves, lions etc ...)

Herbivores; They are those that feed only on vegetation and plants so you have a much
simpler stomach. (For example goats, elephants, horses ..)

Omnivores: They are terrestrial animals that have a mixed diet, which consume both
vegetables and meat, so they have a more developed digestive system than herbivores and
therefore can better adapt to different types of ecosystems. (for example bears, hedgehogs,
ostriches, pigs ...)

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