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Submitted by : 1- Usama Ajmal ( AG-MA-31 )

2-Ahsan Zia ( AG-MA-24 )
Submitted To : Dr. Aneela Hameed
Subject : Fruits & Vegetables

Processing of Almond Syrup :

Prep time : 8 hrs
Cook time : 8 mins
Cool time : 30 mins
Total time : 8 hrs 38 mins
Servings : 16 servings
Yield : 2 cups

Ingredients :
• 2 cups (10 ounces) raw almonds
• 2 cups filtered water
• 2 cups sugar
• ¼ teaspoon orange flower water
• 1 ounce vodka, optional

Method :-
1-Breakup Almonds :
Break up almonds by using a food processor to pulse them or
by wrapping the almonds in a towel and crushing the almonds
with a rolling pin. They do not need to be pulverized, just
broken apart.
2-Steep Almonds in Water
Add almonds to a medium bowl and pour in the water.
Refrigerate for 8 hours, or overnight, covered loosely with a
clean dishtowel.
3-Strain and Discard Almonds
Strain the almond liquid into a medium-sized saucepan using a
nut milk bag or a fine weave cheesecloth, through a fine mesh
strainer. Re-strain the liquid if any almond bits appear in the
4-Boil Almond Liquid
Turn on the stove over medium high heat and whisk in the
sugar until dissolved into the almond liquid. Bring the mixture
to just under a boil with some medium bubbles but nothing to
energetic in the pot, approximately 5 to 8 minutes.
5-Cool Liquid and Add in Orange Flower Water &
Remove from heat and let the liquid cool to room temperature.
Once cooled, add in the orange flower water and vodka if using.
6- Store Almond Syrup
Store orgeat in an airtight container in the refrigerator. Orgeat
can last up to one month refrigerated without the vodka or up
to three months if you have added in the vodka.

Thank You

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