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17 膳食 Dinner, Food, Meal.

17 膳食 Dinner, Food, Meal
a big/good/great/heavy/large eater 食量大的人
a bridal dinner 喜筵
a buffet dinner 自助餐
a dinner of eight courses 八道菜的晚餐
a four-course meal 四道菜的一顿饭
a full/generous/hearty/substantial meal 丰盛的一餐
a grand dinner 盛大宴会
a lavish meal 过于丰盛的一餐
a light/poor/small/spare eater 食量小的人
a many-course dinner 有许多道菜的正餐
a meager meal 一顿不丰盛的饭
a meat meal 荤餐
a midnight snack 夜点心
a non-meat eater 不吃肉的人
a noon meal 午餐
a quick eater 吃饭快的人
a scratch dinner 临时准备的便饭
a simple/spare meal 简单的饭菜
a state dinner 国宴
a sumptuous dinner 豪华的宴会
a well-cooked and well-served dinner 菜肴精美、服务周
a well-cooked meal 烧得很好的饭菜
a working dinner 工作餐
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an alumni dinner 校友聚餐会
an evening meal 晚餐
abstain religiously from flesh and fish 虔诚地戒食荤腥
agreeable food 可口的食物
animal food 肉食,荤菜
appetizing food 开胃的食物
assorted sandwich 什锦三明治
at a complimentary dinner 在招待宴会上
avoid animal food 不吃肉食
be known for its Chinese food 以中餐闻名
be through with dinner 吃完饭
body repair food 滋补食物
boiled buckwheat 荞麦糊
bolt/gulp down one's food 囫囵吞食
bring up/throw up one's food 呕出食物
brioche [brɪ'ɒʃ] 黄油鸡蛋圆面包
buckwheat ['bʌkwiːt] 荞麦
bun [bʌn] 小甜圆面包
buy a snack at a roadside stand 在路边摊子上买点心
canned food 罐头食品
cereal ['sɪ rɪ l] 谷物类
cheese sandwich 奶酪三明治
chicken sandwich 鸡肉三明治
Chinese food 中餐
chips [tʃɪps] 炸土豆条
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club sandwich 多层鸡肉三明治
coarse food 粗食
cold meat and bread 面包夹冷肉
cook a nice hot dinner 做一顿热腾腾的美餐
cook/prepare one's own food/meal 自己做饭
corn flake 玉米片
corn flour 玉米粉
corn-on-the-cob 玉米棒
crisp/potato crisp/chips 炸土豆条
crispy rice 锅巴
daily meals 每日的餐饭
deep-fried twisted dough sticks 油条
delicious/tasty food 美味的食品
dessert [dɪ'zɜːt] 甜点心
digestible food 易消化的食品
dine on/upon chichen 吃鸡
dine out at one's relation's 在亲戚家吃饭
dine out for a change 在外面吃饭换换胃口
dine out/forth 外出吃饭
donut/doughnut ['d ʊnʌt] 炸面圈
dough [d ʊ] 生面团
dumpling ['dʌmplɪŋ]饺子,汤圆
eat a hurried meal 匆匆吃一顿饭
eat a meal 吃一顿饭
eat a snack between meals 在两餐之间吃小吃
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eat between meals 吃零食
eat from a bowl 用碗吃饭
eat to fullness 吃饱
eat to one's heart's content 吃得心满意足
eat well (食物)味道很好
eat with relish 吃得津津有味
eight-treasure (rice) pudding 八宝饭
fast food 快餐
fat-producing food 含增加脂肪的食物
feed on rice 以大米为主食
flour ['flaʊ ] 面粉
French fry 炸土豆条
fried food 油煎食品
fried noodles 炒面条
fried rice 炒饭
fried roll 炸春卷
frozen food 冷冻食品
get a fair meal for two dollars 花2美元吃上一顿不错的饭
get a good dinner at the restaurant 在餐馆里吃到美餐
give sb. a farewell dinner 为某人设宴饯行
gluten ['ɡluːtn] 面筋
glutinous rice ['ɡluːt n s] 糯米
grain food 主食
grudge sb. the food 不给别人饭吃
gruel [ɡrʊ l] 稀粥
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half-boiled rice 夹生饭
ham sandwich 火腿三明治
hamburger/burger 汉堡包
have a big dinner 大吃一顿
have dinner at six o'clook 6点钟吃饭
healthy food 保健食品
heat-producing/calorific food 产生热量的食物
heavy food 油腻而难以消化的食物
hero sandwich 英雄三明治
high calorie-content food 高热量食品
high fat-content food 高脂肪食品
high protein-content food 高蛋白食品
hominy ['hɒmɪnɪ] 玉米粥
hunger-deferring food 耐饥的食物
inexpensive meal 廉价的饭菜
instant noodle 方便面
invalid food 病人吃的食物,病号饭
knead dough 揉面
leavened/raised dough 发起来的面团
leftover food 吃剩的食物
light diet 易消化食物
light food 清淡的食物
lighter eater 饭量小的人
liquid diet/food 流质食物
live on poor food 靠劣质食品过活
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macaroni [ˌ mæk 'r ʊnɪ] 通心面
maize [meɪz] /Indian corn 玉米
make a meal of noodles 吃一顿面条
make a speech at a dinner 在招待某人的宴会上发表讲话
make/prepare dinner/a meal 做饭
meat loaf ['miːtl ʊf] 蒸肉饼
millet ['mɪlɪt] 小米
miscellaneous cereals 五谷杂粮
natural food 天然食品
non-staple/subsidiary food 副食品
noodle ['nuːdl] 面条
noodles with soup 汤面
nourishing digestable food 营养丰富且容易消化的食物
nourishing food 营养丰富的食物
nutritious food 滋补食品
oat [ ʊt] 燕麦(通常用复数),麦片粥
oatmeal [' ʊtmiːl] 麦片
oatmeal porridge 麦片粥
oatmeal port porridge 麦片粥
pastry ['peɪstrɪ] 酥皮点心
pie [paɪ] 馅饼
plain food/dinner 便饭
popcorn ['popkɔːn] 爆玉米花
porridge ['pɒrɪdʒ] 稀饭,粥
prawn cracker 虾片
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preserve food from decay 防止食物腐烂
preserved foods 制成罐头/腌制的食物
provide light meals 供应便餐
pudding ['pʊdɪŋ] 布丁
ration food to the workers 给工人定量供应食物
recipe/cookbook ['resɪpɪ] (美)食谱
refreshment [rɪ'freʃm nt] 点心
rice [raɪs] 大米,大米饭
rice flour 大米粉
rice glue ball 元宵
rice porridge 大米粥
rich food 含脂肪蛋白多的食物
rotten food 腐烂的食物
sandwich ['sænwɪtʃ] 三明治
sausage sandwich 腊肠三明治
school meals 学校膳食
serve a meal 上饭,开饭
serve fish and other sea foods 供应鱼和其他海鲜
serve up dinner 上菜
sit down to dinner 入席
snatch a (hasty) meal 匆匆吃一顿饭
soya bean milk 豆浆
spaghetti [sp 'ɡetɪ] 意大利空心面
spring roll 春卷
staple/principal food 主食
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stay away from fat food 不吃脂肪含量高的食物
steamed bread 馒头
steamed dumpling 包子
steamed meat pie 肉包子
swallow one's meal at a gulp 狼吞虎咽地吃饭
sweet [swiːt] 甜食
sweet foods 甜食
take a hasty snack of bread 匆匆吃了点面包
take one's food with appetite and relish 津津有味地用餐
take three meals a day 一日三餐
takeout ['teɪkaʊt] 外带食品
treat sb. to a good dinner 请某人吃一顿美餐
vegetable foods 素食
wheat [wiːt] 小麦
wholesome foods 卫生的食品

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