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NAME:_________________________________ TOPIC: CELL DIVISION

2. Answer the
following questions
Guide questions:

Q1. How do you call

the series of events
that the cells go
through as they grow
and divide?

Q2. What is the main

event in the
interphase stage of
the cell?

Q3. How do you call

the phase when a cell
undergoes division?

Q4. What are the

events that happen
during G1 of
interphase, S phase,
G2 phase?

Pencil and Coloring materials
1. Draw the stages of mitosis based on the description of events
in each stage of mitosis indicated below
Directions: Match column A with column B to describe the events during

A. Prophase
- First phase of mitosis
- The chromosome become shorter and thicker to repeated coiling
- The nuclear membrane starts to disappear which disintegrates the
well-defined nucleus
- The spindle fibers starts to form
- Centriole (if present) move towards opposite poles
B. Metaphase
- Second phase of mitosis
- Chromosomes line up in center or equatorial plate of the cells
- The centromeres of each chromosomes attaches to the spindle fibers
C. Anaphase
- Spindle fibers attached to the centriole pull the sister chromatids par
apart at their centromere
- Separated chromosomes travel along towards the two poles (ends) of
the cell.
D. Telophase
- Nuclear membrane forms at each end of the cell around the
- Nucleus reforms
- Spindle fibers begin to disappear
- cleavage furrow forms(animal cells), cell plate form (plants cells)

B.Guide questions:

Q1. Which stage of mitosis shows the packing of chromosomes?

Q2. What is the shortest stage of mitosis?

Q3 How many daughter cells are produced after mitosis?

Q4. Which stage shows the division of the nucleus? Explain your answer

Q5. What do you think is the importance of mitosis( which occur in body cells)?

Q6. Why do you think mitosis happens in body cells?

Q7. Why do you think cells need to undergo interphase prior to cell division?

Q8. What are the types of cell division

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